324 research outputs found

    Localization and Equipartition of Energy in the beta-FPU Chain : Chaotic Breathers

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    The evolution towards equipartition in the β\beta-FPU chain is studied considering as initial condition the highest frequency mode. Above an analytically derived energy threshold, this zone-boundary mode is shown to be modulationally unstable and to give rise to a striking localization process. The spontaneously created excitations have strong similarity with moving exact breathers solutions. But they have a finite lifetime and their dynamics is chaotic. These chaotic breathers are able to collect very efficiently the energy in the chain. Therefore their size grows in time and they can transport a very large quantity of energy. These features can be explained analyzing the dynamics of perturbed exact breathers of the FPU chain. In particular, a close connection between the Lyapunov spectrum of the chaotic breathers and the Floquet spectrum of the exact ones has been found. The emergence of chaotic breathers is convincingly explained by the absorption of high frequency phonons whereas a breather's metastability is for the first time identified. The lifetime of the chaotic breather is related to the time necessary for the system to reach equipartition. The equipartition time turns out to be dependent on the system energy density ϵ\epsilon only. Moreover, such time diverges as ϵ2\epsilon^{-2} in the limit ϵ0\epsilon \to 0 and vanishes as ϵ1/4\epsilon^{-1/4} for ϵ\epsilon \to \infty.Comment: 20 pages, Revtex - Submitted to Physica

    Phase-dependent interaction in a 4-level atomic configuration

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    We study a four-level atomic scheme interacting with four lasers in a closed-loop configuration with a \diamondsuit (diamond) geometry. We investigate the influence of the laser phases on the steady state. We show that, depending on the phases and the decay characteristic, the system can exhibit a variety of behaviors, including population inversion and complete depletion of an atomic state. We explain the phenomena in terms of multi-photon interference. We compare our results with the phase-dependent phenomena in the double-Λ\Lambda scheme, as studied in [Korsunsky and Kosachiov, Phys. Rev A {\bf 60}, 4996 (1999)]. This investigation may be useful for developing non-linear optical devices, and for the spectroscopy and laser-cooling of alkali-earth atoms.Comment: 4 figure

    Functional advantages offered by many-body coherences in biochemical systems

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    Quantum coherence phenomena driven by electronic-vibrational (vibronic) interactions, are being reported in many pulse (e.g. laser) driven chemical and biophysical systems. But what systems-level advantage(s) do such many-body coherences offer to future technologies? We address this question for pulsed systems of general size N, akin to the LHCII aggregates found in green plants. We show that external pulses generate vibronic states containing particular multipartite entanglements, and that such collective vibronic states increase the excitonic transfer efficiency. The strength of these many-body coherences and their robustness to decoherence, increase with aggregate size N and do not require strong electronic-vibrational coupling. The implications for energy and information transport are discussed.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1706.0776

    Microscopic origins of the ferromagnetic exchange coupling in oxoverdazyl-based Cu(II) complex

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    The exchange channels governing the experimentally reported coupling constant Jexpt=6 cm−1 value in the verdazyl-ligand based Cu II complex Cu hfac 2 imvdz are inspected using wave function-based difference dedicated configuration interaction calculations. The interaction between the two spin 1/2 holders is summed up in a unique coupling constant J. Nevertheless, by gradually increasing the level of calculation, different mechanisms of interaction are turned on step by step. In the present system, the calculated exchange interaction then appears alternatively ferromagnetic/ antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic. Our analysis demonstrates the tremendously importance of some specific exchange mechanisms. It is actually shown that both parts of the imvdz ligand simultaneously influence the ferromagnetic behavior which ultimately reaches Jcalc=6.3 cm−1, in very good agreement with the experimental value. In accordance with the alternation of J, it is shown that the nature of the magnetic behavior results from competing channels. First, an antiferromagnetic contribution can be essentially attributed to single excitations involving the network localized on the verdazyl part. In contrast, the ligand-to-metal charge transfer LMCT involving the imidazole moiety affords a ferromagnetic contribution. The distinct nature / of the mechanisms is responsible for the net ferromagnetic behavior. The intuitively innocent part of the verdazyl-based ligands is deeply reconsidered and opens new routes into the rational design of magnetic object

    SU(4) Skyrmions and Activation Energy Anomaly in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems

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    The bilayer QH system has four energy levels in the lowest Landau level, corresponding to the layer and spin degrees of freedom. We investigate the system in the regime where all four levels are nearly degenerate and equally active. The underlying group structure is SU(4). At ν=1\nu =1 the QH state is a charge-transferable state between the two layers and the SU(4) isospin coherence develops spontaneously. Quasiparticles are isospin textures to be identified with SU(4) skyrmions. The skyrmion energy consists of the Coulomb energy, the Zeeman energy and the pseudo-Zeeman energy. The Coulomb energy consists of the self-energy, the capacitance energy and the exchange energy. At the balanced point only pseudospins are excited unless the tunneling gap is too large. Then, the SU(4) skyrmion evolves continuously from the pseudospin-skyrmion limit into the spin-skyrmion limit as the system is transformed from the balanced point to the monolayer point by controlling the bias voltage. Our theoretical result explains quite well the experimental data due to Murphy et al. and Sawada et al. on the activation energy anomaly induced by applying parallel magnetic field.Comment: 22 pagets, 6 figures, the final version to be published in PR

    Pressure-induced unconventional superconductivity in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet CeIn3: An 115In-NQR study under pressure

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    We report on the pressure-induced unconventional superconductivity in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet CeIn3 by means of nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) studies conducted under a high pressure. The temperature and pressure dependences of the NQR spectra have revealed a first-order quantum-phase transition (QPT) from an AFM to PM at a critical pressure Pc=2.46 GPa. Despite the lack of an AFM quantum critical point in the P-T phase diagram, we highlight the fact that the unconventional SC occurs in both phases of the AFM and PM. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 in the AFM phase have provided evidence for the uniformly coexisting AFM+SC phase. In the HF-PM phase where AFM fluctuations are not developed, 1/T1 decreases without the coherence peak just below Tc, followed by a power-law like T dependence that indicates an unconventional SC with a line-node gap. Remarkably, Tc has a peak around Pc in the HF-PM phase as well as in the AFM phase. In other words, an SC dome exists with a maximum value of Tc = 230 mK around Pc, indicating that the origin of the pressure-induced HF SC in CeIn3 is not relevant to AFM spin fluctuations but to the emergence of the first-order QPT in CeIn3. When the AFM critical temperature is suppressed at the termination point of the first-order QPT, Pc = 2.46 GPa, the diverging AFM spin-density fluctuations emerge at the critical point from the AFM to PM. The results with CeIn3 leading to a new type of quantum criticality deserve further theoretical investigations

    Landau-Zener quantum tunneling in disordered nanomagnets

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    We study Landau-Zener macroscopic quantum transitions in ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles containing on the order of 100 atoms. The model that we consider is described by an effective giant-spin Hamiltonian, with a coupling to a random transverse magnetic field mimicking the effect of quasiparticle excitations and structural disorder on the gap structure of the spin collective modes. We find different types of time evolutions depending on the interplay between the disorder in the transverse field and the initial conditions of the system. In the absence of disorder, if the system starts from a low-energy state, there is one main coherent quantum tunneling event where the initial-state amplitude is completely depleted in favor of a few discrete states, with nearby spin quantum numbers; when starting from the highest excited state, we observe complete inversion of the magnetization through a peculiar ``backward cascade evolution''. In the random case, the disorder-averaged transition probability for a low-energy initial state becomes a smooth distribution, which is nevertheless still sharply peaked around one of the transitions present in the disorder-free case. On the other hand, the coherent backward cascade phenomenon turns into a damped cascade with frustrated magnetic inversion.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Monte Carlo Study of the Spin Transport in Magnetic Materials

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    The resistivity in magnetic materials has been theoretically shown to depend on the spin-spin correlation function which in turn depends on the magnetic-field, the density of conduction electron, the magnetic ordering stability, etc. However, these theories involved a lot of approximations, so their validity remained to be confirmed. The purpose of this work is to show by extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulation the resistivity of the spin current from low-TT ordered phase to high-TT paramagnetic phase in a ferromagnetic film. We take into account the interaction between the itinerant spins and the localized lattice spins as well as the interaction between itinerant spins themselves. We show that the resistivity undergoes an anomalous behavior at the magnetic phase transition in agreement with previous theories in spite of their numerous approximations. The origin of the resistivity peak near the phase transition in ferromagnets is interpreted here as stemming from the existence of magnetic domains in the critical region. This interpretation is shown to be in consistence with previous theoretical pictures. Resistivity in a simple cubic antiferromagnet is also shown. The absence of a peak in this case is explained

    Slippery Wave Functions V2.01

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    Superfluids and superconductors are ordinary matter that show a very surprising behavior at low temperatures. As their temperature is reduced, materials of both kinds can abruptly fall into a state in which they will support a persistent, essentially immortal, flow of particles. Unlike anything in classical physics, these flows engender neither friction nor resistance. A major accomplishment of Twentieth Century physics was the development of an understanding of this very surprising behavior via the construction of partially microscopic and partially macroscopic quantum theories of superfluid helium and superconducting metals. Such theories come in two parts: a theory of the motion of particle-like excitations, called quasiparticles, and of the persistent flows itself via a huge coherent excitation, called a condensate. Two people, above all others, were responsible for the construction of the quasiparticle side of the theories of these very special low-temperature behaviors: Lev Landau and John Bardeen. Curiously enough they both partially ignored and partially downplayed the importance of the condensate. In both cases, this neglect of the actual superfluid or superconducting flow interfered with their ability to understand the implications of the theory they had created. They then had difficulty assessing the important advances that occurred immediately after their own great work. Some speculations are offered about the source of this unevenness in the judgments of these two leading scientists.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure