68,629 research outputs found

    Generalized pairwise z-complementary codes

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    An approach to generate generalized pairwise Z-complementary (GPZ) codes, which works in pairs in order to offer a zero correlation zone (ZCZ) in the vicinity of zero phase shift and fit extremely well in power efficient quadrature carrier modems, is introduced in this letter. Each GPZ code has MK sequences, each of length 4NK, whereMis the number of Z-complementary mates, K is a factor to perform Walsh–Hadamard expansions, and N is the sequence length of the Z-complementary code. The proposed GPZ codes include the generalized pairwise complementary (GPC)codes as special cases

    An overview of data acquisition, signal coding and data analysis techniques for MST radars

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    An overview is given of the data acquisition, signal processing, and data analysis techniques that are currently in use with high power MST/ST (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere/stratosphere troposphere) radars. This review supplements the works of Rastogi (1983) and Farley (1984) presented at previous MAP workshops. A general description is given of data acquisition and signal processing operations and they are characterized on the basis of their disparate time scales. Then signal coding, a brief description of frequently used codes, and their limitations are discussed, and finally, several aspects of statistical data processing such as signal statistics, power spectrum and autocovariance analysis, outlier removal techniques are discussed

    New binary and ternary LCD codes

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    LCD codes are linear codes with important cryptographic applications. Recently, a method has been presented to transform any linear code into an LCD code with the same parameters when it is supported on a finite field with cardinality larger than 3. Hence, the study of LCD codes is mainly open for binary and ternary fields. Subfield-subcodes of JJ-affine variety codes are a generalization of BCH codes which have been successfully used for constructing good quantum codes. We describe binary and ternary LCD codes constructed as subfield-subcodes of JJ-affine variety codes and provide some new and good LCD codes coming from this construction
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