82,755 research outputs found

    New minimal weight representations for left-to-right window methods

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    Abstract. For an integer w ≥ 2, a radix 2 representation is called a width-w nonadjacent form (w-NAF, for short) if each nonzero digit is an odd integer with absolute value less than 2 w−1, and of any w consecutive digits, at most one is nonzero. In elliptic curve cryptography, the w-NAF window method is used to efficiently compute nP where n is an integer and P is an elliptic curve point. We introduce a new family of radix 2 representations which use the same digits as the w-NAF but have the advantage that they result in a window method which uses less memory. This memory savings results from the fact that these new representations can be deduced using a very simple left-to-right algorithm. Further, we show that like the w-NAF, these new representations have a minimal number of nonzero digits. 1 Window Methods An operation fundamental to elliptic curve cryptography is scalar multiplication; that is, computing nP for an integer, n, and an elliptic curve point, P. A number of different algorithms have been proposed to perform this operation efficiently (see Ch. 3 of [4] for a recent survey). A variety of these algorithms, known as window methods, use the approach described in Algorithm 1.1. For example, suppose D = {0, 1, 3, 5, 7}. Using this digit set, Algorithm 1.1 first computes and stores P, 3P, 5P and 7P. After a D-radix 2 representation of n is computed its digits are read from left to right by the “for ” loop and nP is computed using doubling and addition operations (and no subtractions). One way to compute a D-radix 2 representation of n is to slide a 3-digit window from right to left across the {0, 1}-radix 2 representation of n (see Section 4). Using negative digits takes advantage of the fact that subtracting an elliptic curve point can be done just as efficiently as adding it. Suppose now that D

    The Most Irrational Rational Theories

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    We propose a two-parameter family of modular invariant partition functions of two-dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs) holographically dual to pure three-dimensional gravity in anti de Sitter space. Our two parameters control the central charge, and the representation of SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{Z}). At large central charge, the partition function has a gap to the first nontrivial primary state of c24\frac{c}{24}. As the SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{Z}) representation dimension gets large, the partition function exhibits some of the qualitative features of an irrational CFT. This, for instance, is captured in the behavior of the spectral form factor. As part of these analyses, we find similar behavior in the minimal model spectral form factor as cc approaches 11.Comment: 25 pages plus appendices, 11 figure

    Memory-Based Shallow Parsing

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    We present memory-based learning approaches to shallow parsing and apply these to five tasks: base noun phrase identification, arbitrary base phrase recognition, clause detection, noun phrase parsing and full parsing. We use feature selection techniques and system combination methods for improving the performance of the memory-based learner. Our approach is evaluated on standard data sets and the results are compared with that of other systems. This reveals that our approach works well for base phrase identification while its application towards recognizing embedded structures leaves some room for improvement

    Sparse Coding on Stereo Video for Object Detection

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    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) require millions of labeled training examples for image classification and object detection tasks, which restrict these models to domains where such datasets are available. In this paper, we explore the use of unsupervised sparse coding applied to stereo-video data to help alleviate the need for large amounts of labeled data. We show that replacing a typical supervised convolutional layer with an unsupervised sparse-coding layer within a DCNN allows for better performance on a car detection task when only a limited number of labeled training examples is available. Furthermore, the network that incorporates sparse coding allows for more consistent performance over varying initializations and ordering of training examples when compared to a fully supervised DCNN. Finally, we compare activations between the unsupervised sparse-coding layer and the supervised convolutional layer, and show that the sparse representation exhibits an encoding that is depth selective, whereas encodings from the convolutional layer do not exhibit such selectivity. These result indicates promise for using unsupervised sparse-coding approaches in real-world computer vision tasks in domains with limited labeled training data

    Optimality of the Width-ww Non-adjacent Form: General Characterisation and the Case of Imaginary Quadratic Bases

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    Efficient scalar multiplication in Abelian groups (which is an important operation in public key cryptography) can be performed using digital expansions. Apart from rational integer bases (double-and-add algorithm), imaginary quadratic integer bases are of interest for elliptic curve cryptography, because the Frobenius endomorphism fulfils a quadratic equation. One strategy for improving the efficiency is to increase the digit set (at the prize of additional precomputations). A common choice is the width\nbd-ww non-adjacent form (\wNAF): each block of ww consecutive digits contains at most one non-zero digit. Heuristically, this ensures a low weight, i.e.\ number of non-zero digits, which translates in few costly curve operations. This paper investigates the following question: Is the \wNAF{}-expansion optimal, where optimality means minimising the weight over all possible expansions with the same digit set? The main characterisation of optimality of \wNAF{}s can be formulated in the following more general setting: We consider an Abelian group together with an endomorphism (e.g., multiplication by a base element in a ring) and a finite digit set. We show that each group element has an optimal \wNAF{}-expansion if and only if this is the case for each sum of two expansions of weight 1. This leads both to an algorithmic criterion and to generic answers for various cases. Imaginary quadratic integers of trace at least 3 (in absolute value) have optimal \wNAF{}s for w4w\ge 4. The same holds for the special case of base (±3±3)/2(\pm 3\pm\sqrt{-3})/2 and w2w\ge 2, which corresponds to Koblitz curves in characteristic three. In the case of τ=±1±i\tau=\pm1\pm i, optimality depends on the parity of ww. Computational results for small trace are given

    Double Trace Interfaces

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    We introduce and study renormalization group interfaces between two holographic conformal theories which are related by deformation by a scalar double trace operator. At leading order in the 1/N expansion, we derive expressions for the two point correlation functions of the scalar, as well as the spectrum of operators living on the interface. We also compute the interface contribution to the sphere partition function, which in two dimensions gives the boundary g factor. Checks of our proposal include reproducing the g factor and some defect overlap coefficients of Gaiotto's RG interfaces at large N, and the two-point correlation function whenever conformal perturbation theory is valid.Comment: 59 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum theta functions and Gabor frames for modulation spaces

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    Representations of the celebrated Heisenberg commutation relations in quantum mechanics and their exponentiated versions form the starting point for a number of basic constructions, both in mathematics and mathematical physics (geometric quantization, quantum tori, classical and quantum theta functions) and signal analysis (Gabor analysis). In this paper we try to bridge the two communities, represented by the two co--authors: that of noncommutative geometry and that of signal analysis. After providing a brief comparative dictionary of the two languages, we will show e.g. that the Janssen representation of Gabor frames with generalized Gaussians as Gabor atoms yields in a natural way quantum theta functions, and that the Rieffel scalar product and associativity relations underlie both the functional equations for quantum thetas and the Fundamental Identity of Gabor analysis.Comment: 38 pages, typos corrected, MSC class change