3,089 research outputs found

    Computing as the 4th “R”: a general education approach to computing education

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    Computing and computation are increasingly pervading our lives, careers, and societies - a change driving interest in computing education at the secondary level. But what should define a "general education" computing course at this level? That is, what would you want every person to know, assuming they never take another computing course? We identify possible outcomes for such a course through the experience of designing and implementing a general education university course utilizing best-practice pedagogies. Though we nominally taught programming, the design of the course led students to report gaining core, transferable skills and the confidence to employ them in their future. We discuss how various aspects of the course likely contributed to these gains. Finally, we encourage the community to embrace the challenge of teaching general education computing in contrast to and in conjunction with existing curricula designed primarily to interest students in the field

    Tinkering, Play-Based Learning and Children’s Funds of Knowledge in the Post-Digital : Responding to the Problem of Technology Integration in ECEC

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    This thesis addresses the well documented and ongoing problem of integrating digital technologies in Early Childhood Education and Care [ECEC] pedagogy, a problem which has been complicated in recent times by young children’s immersion in the digital as mode of social practice, a phenomenon increasingly referred to as the ‘post-digital’. Current understandings of the post-digital are sometimes described as messy, where it is claimed that borders between the digital and non-digital have now become so blurred that it is difficult to distinguish between where children’s digital and non-digital activities begin and end (Apperley et al., 2016; Jandrić et al., 2019; Pettersen, Arnseth, et al., 2022). The aim of this research was to examine the capacity of tinkering with unplugged technologies as a form of play-based learning to support children’s lived experiences in the post-digital in response to the problem of digital technology integration. This aim recognises that play-based learning is a significant pedagogy in ECEC and that tinkering affords opportunities for such play. The term unplugged technologies in this thesis refers to formerly working digital artefacts which no longer function such as decommissioned computer keyboards, computer mice, computer cases, as well as video gaming controllers. Unplugged technologies offer opportunities for children to engage with technologies that educators may view as more appropriate for learning because they can be hands-on rather than relying only on working digital technologies for learning. This thesis employed Actor-Network Theory [ANT] (Latour, 2005) as a model of social constructivism to work within an ontology that considers the material, non-material and humans equal in terms of capacity to exert agency. This theoretical perspective enabled the constitutive actants of the problem of digital integration to be examined through a methodology of participatory co-design where three educators collaborated with myself-as-researcher to design and implement stages of play-based learning in the form of tinkering with unplugged technologies. The findings suggest that educators identified a number of Learning Outcomes as per Australian national and state curricula arising from children’s tinkering with unplugged technologies. Through data analysis informed by ANT (Latour, 2005), children’s Learning Outcomes were traced to a range of actants which jointly co-constituted manifestations of children’s lived experiences in the post-digital. Manifestations were represented by children creating their own versions of technologies in the form of ‘iPad’, ‘computer’ and ‘gamer’. Manifestations of children’s lived experiences in the post-digital were examined in terms of their composite actants to illustrate how a variety of actants operate within a network of activity to shape a response to the problem of integration of digital learning opportunities into ECEC. Two actants were found to be more influential than others in the three manifestations of children’s lived experiences in the post-digital, these being play-based learning and children’s own funds of knowledge. Understanding the various actants in tinkering networks with unplugged technologies can alert educators to entry points for technology integration in ECEC, thereby providing a more helpful and stable starting point for educators than descriptions of children’s post-digital play as entangled and messy

    A Framework for Teaching Computational Thinking in Primary Schools: A Namibian Case Study

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    Several professional development programs have been designed to train in-service teachers on a computational thinking (CT) curriculum, but few researchers have examined how these affect primary school teachers\u27 self-efficacy and knowledge of CT in emerging economies. This study\u27s objective was to create a framework for the professional development of primary school in-service teachers for the teaching of CT (referred to as professional development for primary computational thinking - PD4PCT) to be integrated into teachers\u27 professional development programs. An initial framework was refined after implementing it at a Namibian school with a group of 14 teachers from five different disciplines (social studies, English, natural science, mathematics, and Afrikaans). Literature reviews, pre- and post-intervention questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and self-reporting diaries were used to collect data. The framework was evaluated by experts via an online questionnaire. The findings show that teachers who participated in the professional development program improved their perceived CT knowledge, beliefs, and confidence to teach CT

    How to design activities for learning computational thinking in the context of early primary school in an after-school code club

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    Abstract. Computational Thinking (CT) and its related concepts have gained a lot of traction within the field of education. Many countries, including Finland and the United Kingdom, are in the process of integrating CT into their national curriculums to equip pupils with much needed 21st century digital skills, including coding (programming). As a result, several programs and activities are being developed to introduce pupils to CT. The need to develop appropriate teaching and learning materials, as well as train teachers to teach, and integrate computational thinking into their lessons is apparent. This thesis seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge on computational thinking by designing and testing instructional materials for early primary school. Computational thinking as a concept, how to integrate its concepts into coding, as well as how pupils understood the concept were explored. This study was conducted in an after-school coding club at an elementary school in the northern part of Finland. The duration for the coding club was 8 weeks. Each lesson lasted for 45 minutes. Participants were selected from among 1st and 2nd grade pupils. In selecting participants for this study, priority was given to pupils with no prior coding experience. 13 out of the selected 17 had no prior experience. The remaining 4 participants were randomly selected from the rest of the applicants who had coding experience. Worksheets and stickers were designed and tested for teaching and learning computational thinking. Lesson plans designed for the coding club included activities for teaching computational thinking using unplugged activities and Scratchjr. The unplugged activities were integrated into coding lessons to enhance the understanding of pupils during the coding lessons. This approach helped to connect theoretical computational thinking to real life practices and its application in the context of coding. Data collected included the unplugged activity worksheets of the participants, their Scratchjr projects, and self-efficacy beliefs regarding their ability to code and think computationally. These work products were evaluated qualitatively for evidence of understanding. The analysis of the self-efficacy beliefs of participants revealed that participants were confident of their computational thinking and coding abilities. The main outcome of this research is the instructional material (stickers, templates, and Scratchjr activities) which was designed for teaching and learning purposes. This unique experiment and pedagogical designs are explained to show how unplugged activities can be used to introduce pupils to computational thinking concepts

    Development of Computational Thinking in Brazilian Schools with Social and Economic Vulnerability: How to Teach Computer Science Without Machines

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    Computational Thinking (CT) has been placing the focus of educational innovation as a set of troubleshooting skills. Unfortunately, there is not a consensus if the teaching methodology and the available materials attend the expectations of the lecturers. To prove the impact that CT training has in primary school, we attempted to evaluate primary school students with a Quasi-Experimental approach and taking Unplugged CT classes in Brazilian Schools with Social and Economic Vulnerabilities. The research happened in two schools to prove if the activities are effective for students who live in areas where there are no electronic devices, Internet or even electrical power can be also benefited. The results show statistically significant improvement. Our study finds shows that we are able to reinforce the claim that CS unplugged is an effective approach and it is an alternative for students who live in unprivileged areas

    Non-Deterministic Computational Thinking: Challenges and Opportunities

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    An educational paradigm that has improved problem-solving capacity is computational thinking, which uses characteristics such as decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, and algorithmic thinking. However, most of the resources developed under this paradigm are deterministic. However, the current world is not linear. Non-deterministic dynamics play a vital role in today\u27s world. Decisions about the same fact can cause different events, and students must be prepared to live with such uncertainties. This article discusses challenges and possibilities in the development of non-deterministic computational thinking resources. This work shows a large field of research yet to be worked on, with new possibilities and a great potential to connect new resources with the students\u27 daily lives

    JolasMATIKA: An Experience for Teaching and Learning Computing Topics From University to Primary Education

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    Contribution: A learning-by-teaching methodology through games can be used to promote informatics (computer science) in primary and secondary education. Applying the proposed activities can change students' perception of informatics from seeing it as merely using computers to seeing its relationship with mathematics. The experience can also help students acquire competences in teaching. Background: Although students, specifically in primary and secondary education, are increasingly competent in terms of technology use, it has been found that in many cases informatics, as a science, has been relegated to a secondary status; it is usually considered only as a tool or additional resource, and not as an object of study. Intended Outcomes: To refine the application of the learning-to-teach-to-learn (L2T2L) methodology, a learning-by-teaching methodology that has students learn and then, in turn, teach that learning to younger students, in cascade from university to secondary to primary students. To analyze its effects on students' attitudes toward informatics. Application Design: The model incorporates a learning-by-teaching approach in a multistage sequence across different kinds of learners and teachers, using fun, game-like materials. Findings: The use of the action research methodology allowed adjustment of the educational methodology, providing more reliable data and enough experience to suggest how to extend the project to a broader audience. Although the results obtained were less significant than expected, the experience did give students a more realistic view of informatics.This work was supported in part by the Faculty of Informatics of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), in part by the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia (Etorkizuna Eraikiz 2019 Program), in part by UPV/EHU under Grant HBT-Adituak2018-19/6, in part by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government and the European Regional Development Fund under Project TIN2017-85409-P, and in part by the Basque Government under ADIAN Grant IT980-16. (All authors contributed equally to this work.

    Offline situational game for teaching IT systems

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    Characterising algorithmic thinking: A university study of unplugged activities

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    Algorithmic thinking is a type of thinking that occurs in the context of computational thinking. Given its importance in the current educational context, it seems pertinent to deepen into its conceptual and operational understanding for teaching. The exploration of research shows us that there are almost no studies at university level where algorithmic thinking is connected to mathematical thinking, and more importantly, to characterise it and be able to analyse and evaluate it better. The aim of this research is to characterise algorithmic thinking in a university context of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics by unplugged tasks, offering a model of analysis through categories that establish connections between mathematical and algorithmic working spaces in three dimensions, semiotic, instrumental and discursive. The results confirm the interaction between these dimensions and their predictive value for better programming performance. The study also adds novel considerations related to the role and interaction of mathematical and computational thinking categories involved in algorithmic thinking.Instituto de MatemĂĄtica Interdisciplinar (IMI)Fac. de Ciencias MatemĂĄticasTRUEUniĂłn EuropeaMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłnpu

    Coding as literacy in preschool: a case study

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    Coding is increasingly recognized as a new literacy that should be encouraged at a young age. This understanding has recontextualized computer science as a compulsory school subject and has informed several developmentally appropriate approaches to computation, including for preschool children. This study focuses on the introduction of three approaches to computation in preschool (3–6 years), specifically computational thinking, programming, and robotics, from a cross-curricular perspective. This paper presents preliminary findings from one of the case studies currently being developed as part of project KML II—Laboratory of Technologies and Learning of Programming and Robotics for Preschool and Elementary School. The purpose of the KML II project is to characterize how approaches to computation can be integrated into preschool and elementary education, across different knowledge domains. The conclusions point to “expression and communication” as an initial framework for computational approaches in preschool, but also to multidisciplinary and more creative methodological activities that offer greater scope for the development of digital and computational competences, as well as for personal and social development.This research was funded under the project KML II—Laboratory of technologies and learning of programming and robotics for preschool and elementary school, which is co-funded by FEDER through the COMPETE 2020- Operational Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and national funds through FCT- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project reference number PTDC/CED-EDG/28710/2017
