52 research outputs found

    Innovative Techniques for Testing and Diagnosing SoCs

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    We rely upon the continued functioning of many electronic devices for our everyday welfare, usually embedding integrated circuits that are becoming even cheaper and smaller with improved features. Nowadays, microelectronics can integrate a working computer with CPU, memories, and even GPUs on a single die, namely System-On-Chip (SoC). SoCs are also employed on automotive safety-critical applications, but need to be tested thoroughly to comply with reliability standards, in particular the ISO26262 functional safety for road vehicles. The goal of this PhD. thesis is to improve SoC reliability by proposing innovative techniques for testing and diagnosing its internal modules: CPUs, memories, peripherals, and GPUs. The proposed approaches in the sequence appearing in this thesis are described as follows: 1. Embedded Memory Diagnosis: Memories are dense and complex circuits which are susceptible to design and manufacturing errors. Hence, it is important to understand the fault occurrence in the memory array. In practice, the logical and physical array representation differs due to an optimized design which adds enhancements to the device, namely scrambling. This part proposes an accurate memory diagnosis by showing the efforts of a software tool able to analyze test results, unscramble the memory array, map failing syndromes to cell locations, elaborate cumulative analysis, and elaborate a final fault model hypothesis. Several SRAM memory failing syndromes were analyzed as case studies gathered on an industrial automotive 32-bit SoC developed by STMicroelectronics. The tool displayed defects virtually, and results were confirmed by real photos taken from a microscope. 2. Functional Test Pattern Generation: The key for a successful test is the pattern applied to the device. They can be structural or functional; the former usually benefits from embedded test modules targeting manufacturing errors and is only effective before shipping the component to the client. The latter, on the other hand, can be applied during mission minimally impacting on performance but is penalized due to high generation time. However, functional test patterns may benefit for having different goals in functional mission mode. Part III of this PhD thesis proposes three different functional test pattern generation methods for CPU cores embedded in SoCs, targeting different test purposes, described as follows: a. Functional Stress Patterns: Are suitable for optimizing functional stress during I Operational-life Tests and Burn-in Screening for an optimal device reliability characterization b. Functional Power Hungry Patterns: Are suitable for determining functional peak power for strictly limiting the power of structural patterns during manufacturing tests, thus reducing premature device over-kill while delivering high test coverage c. Software-Based Self-Test Patterns: Combines the potentiality of structural patterns with functional ones, allowing its execution periodically during mission. In addition, an external hardware communicating with a devised SBST was proposed. It helps increasing in 3% the fault coverage by testing critical Hardly Functionally Testable Faults not covered by conventional SBST patterns. An automatic functional test pattern generation exploiting an evolutionary algorithm maximizing metrics related to stress, power, and fault coverage was employed in the above-mentioned approaches to quickly generate the desired patterns. The approaches were evaluated on two industrial cases developed by STMicroelectronics; 8051-based and a 32-bit Power Architecture SoCs. Results show that generation time was reduced upto 75% in comparison to older methodologies while increasing significantly the desired metrics. 3. Fault Injection in GPGPU: Fault injection mechanisms in semiconductor devices are suitable for generating structural patterns, testing and activating mitigation techniques, and validating robust hardware and software applications. GPGPUs are known for fast parallel computation used in high performance computing and advanced driver assistance where reliability is the key point. Moreover, GPGPU manufacturers do not provide design description code due to content secrecy. Therefore, commercial fault injectors using the GPGPU model is unfeasible, making radiation tests the only resource available, but are costly. In the last part of this thesis, we propose a software implemented fault injector able to inject bit-flip in memory elements of a real GPGPU. It exploits a software debugger tool and combines the C-CUDA grammar to wisely determine fault spots and apply bit-flip operations in program variables. The goal is to validate robust parallel algorithms by studying fault propagation or activating redundancy mechanisms they possibly embed. The effectiveness of the tool was evaluated on two robust applications: redundant parallel matrix multiplication and floating point Fast Fourier Transform

    Fault-tolerant fpga for mission-critical applications.

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    One of the devices that play a great role in electronic circuits design, specifically safety-critical design applications, is Field programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). This is because of its high performance, re-configurability and low development cost. FPGAs are used in many applications such as data processing, networks, automotive, space and industrial applications. Negative impacts on the reliability of such applications result from moving to smaller feature sizes in the latest FPGA architectures. This increases the need for fault-tolerant techniques to improve reliability and extend system lifetime of FPGA-based applications. In this thesis, two fault-tolerant techniques for FPGA-based applications are proposed with a built-in fault detection region. A low cost fault detection scheme is proposed for detecting faults using the fault detection region used in both schemes. The fault detection scheme primarily detects open faults in the programmable interconnect resources in the FPGAs. In addition, Stuck-At faults and Single Event Upsets (SEUs) fault can be detected. For fault recovery, each scheme has its own fault recovery approach. The first approach uses a spare module and a 2-to-1 multiplexer to recover from any fault detected. On the other hand, the second approach recovers from any fault detected using the property of Partial Reconfiguration (PR) in the FPGAs. It relies on identifying a Partially Reconfigurable block (P_b) in the FPGA that is used in the recovery process after the first faulty module is identified in the system. This technique uses only one location to recover from faults in any of the FPGA’s modules and the FPGA interconnects. Simulation results show that both techniques can detect and recover from open faults. In addition, Stuck-At faults and Single Event Upsets (SEUs) fault can also be detected. Finally, both techniques require low area overhead

    Ultra Reliable Computing Systems

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    For high security and safety applications as well as general purpose applications, it is necessary to have ultra reliable computing systems. This dissertation describes our system of self-testable and self-repairable digital devices, especially, EPLDs (Electrically Programmable Logic Devices). In addition to significantly improving the reliability of digital systems, our self-healing and re-configurable system design with added repair capability can also provide higher yields, lower testing costs, and faster time-to-market for the semiconductor industry. The digital system in our approach is composed of blocks, which realize combinational and sequential circuits using GALs (Generic Array Logic Devices). We describe three techniques for fault-locating and fault-repairing in these devices. The methodology we used for evaluation of these methods and a comparison with devices that have no self-repair capability was simulation of the self-repair algorithms. Our simulations show that the lifetime for a GAL-based EPLD that uses our multiple self-repairing methods is longer than the lifetime of a GAL-based EPLD that uses a single self-repair method or no self-repair method. Specifically, our work demonstrates that the lifetime of a GAL can be increased by adding extra columns in the AND array of a GAL and extra output ORs in a GAL. It also gives information on how many extra columns and extra ORs a GAL needs and which self-repairing method should be used to guarantee a given lifetime. Thus, we can estimate an ideal point, where the maximum reliability can be reached with the minimum cost

    A Hardware Security Solution against Scan-Based Attacks

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    Scan based Design for Test (DfT) schemes have been widely used to achieve high fault coverage for integrated circuits. The scan technique provides full access to the internal nodes of the device-under-test to control them or observe their response to input test vectors. While such comprehensive access is highly desirable for testing, it is not acceptable for secure chips as it is subject to exploitation by various attacks. In this work, new methods are presented to protect the security of critical information against scan-based attacks. In the proposed methods, access to the circuit containing secret information via the scan chain has been severely limited in order to reduce the risk of a security breach. To ensure the testability of the circuit, a built-in self-test which utilizes an LFSR as the test pattern generator (TPG) is proposed. The proposed schemes can be used as a countermeasure against side channel attacks with a low area overhead as compared to the existing solutions in literature

    Design and Verification of a Dual Port RAM Using UVM Methodology

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    Data-intensive applications such as Deep Learning, Big Data, and Computer Vision have resulted in more demand for on-chip memory storage. Hence, state of the art Systems on Chips (SOCs) have a memory that occupies somewhere between 50% to 90 % of the die space. Extensive Research is being done in the field of memory technology to improve the efficiency of memory packaging. This effort has not always been successful because densely packed memory structures can experience defects during the fabrication process. Thus, it is critical to test the embedded memory modules once they are taped out. Along with testing, functional verification of a module makes sure that the design works the way it has been intended to perform. This paper proposes a built-in self-test (BIST) to validate a Dual Port Static RAM module and a complete layered test bench to verify the module’s operation functionally. The BIST has been designed using a finite state machine and has been targeted against most of the general SRAM faults in a given linear time constraint of O(23n). The layered test bench has been designed using Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), a standardized class library which has increased the re-usability and automation to the existing design verification language, SystemVerilog

    Characterization of Interconnection Delays in FPGAS Due to Single Event Upsets and Mitigation

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    RÉSUMÉ L’utilisation incessante de composants Ă©lectroniques Ă  gĂ©omĂ©trie toujours plus faible a engendrĂ© de nouveaux dĂ©fis au fil des ans. Par exemple, des semi-conducteurs Ă  mĂ©moire et Ă  microprocesseur plus avancĂ©s sont utilisĂ©s dans les systĂšmes avioniques qui prĂ©sentent une susceptibilitĂ© importante aux phĂ©nomĂšnes de rayonnement cosmique. L'une des principales implications des rayons cosmiques, observĂ©e principalement dans les satellites en orbite, est l'effet d'Ă©vĂ©nements singuliers (SEE). Le rayonnement atmosphĂ©rique suscite plusieurs prĂ©occupations concernant la sĂ©curitĂ© et la fiabilitĂ© de l'Ă©quipement avionique, en particulier pour les systĂšmes qui impliquent des rĂ©seaux de portes programmables (FPGA). Les FPGA Ă  base de cellules de mĂ©moire statique (SRAM) prĂ©sentent une solution attrayante pour mettre en oeuvre des systĂšmes complexes dans le domaine de l’avionique. Les expĂ©riences de rayonnement rĂ©alisĂ©es sur les FPGA ont dĂ©voilĂ© la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© de ces dispositifs contre un type particulier de SEE, Ă  savoir, les Ă©vĂ©nements singuliers de changement d’état (SEU). Un SEU est considĂ©rĂ©e comme le changement de l'Ă©tat d'un Ă©lĂ©ment bistable (c'est-Ă -dire, un bit-flip) dĂ» Ă  l'effet d'un ion, d'un proton ou d’un neutron Ă©nergĂ©tique. Cet effet est non destructif et peut ĂȘtre corrigĂ© en rĂ©Ă©crivant la partie de la SRAM affectĂ©e. Les changements de dĂ©lai (DC) potentiels dus aux SEU affectant la mĂ©moire de configuration de routage ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment confirmĂ©s. Un des objectifs de cette thĂšse consiste Ă  caractĂ©riser plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment les DC dans les FPGA causĂ©s par les SEU. Les DC observĂ©s expĂ©rimentalement sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et la modĂ©lisation au niveau circuit de ces DC est proposĂ©e. Les circuits impliquĂ©s dans la propagation du dĂ©lai sont validĂ©s en effectuant une modĂ©lisation prĂ©cise des blocs internes Ă  l'intĂ©rieur du FPGA et en exĂ©cutant des simulations. Les rĂ©sultats montrent l’origine des DC qui sont en accord avec les mesures expĂ©rimentales de dĂ©lais. Les modĂšles proposĂ©s au niveau circuit sont, aux meilleures de notre connaissance, le premier travail qui confirme et explique les dĂ©lais combinatoires dans les FPGA. La conception d'un circuit moniteur de dĂ©lai pour la dĂ©tection des DC a Ă©tĂ© faite dans la deuxiĂšme partie de cette thĂšse. Ce moniteur permet de dĂ©tecter un changement de dĂ©lai sur les sections critiques du circuit et de prĂ©venir les pannes de synchronisation engendrĂ©es par les SEU sans utiliser la redondance modulaire triple (TMR).----------ABSTRACT The unrelenting demand for electronic components with ever diminishing feature size have emerged new challenges over the years. Among them, more advanced memory and microprocessor semiconductors are being used in avionic systems that exhibit a substantial susceptibility to cosmic radiation phenomena. One of the main implications of cosmic rays, which was primarily observed in orbiting satellites, is single-event effect (SEE). Atmospheric radiation causes several concerns regarding the safety and reliability of avionics equipment, particularly for systems that involve field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). SRAM-based FPGAs, as an attractive solution to implement systems in aeronautic sector, are very susceptible to SEEs in particular Single Event Upset (SEU). An SEU is considered as the change of the state of a bistable element (i.e., bit-flip) due to the effect of an energetic ion or proton. This effect is non-destructive and may be fixed by rewriting the affected part. Sensitivity evaluation of SRAM-based FPGAs to a physical impact such as potential delay changes (DC) has not been addressed thus far in the literature. DCs induced by SEU can affect the functionality of the logic circuits by disturbing the race condition on critical paths. The objective of this thesis is toward the characterization of DCs in SRAM-based FPGAs due to transient ionizing radiation. The DCs observed experimentally are presented and the circuit-level modeling of those DCs is proposed. Circuits involved in delay propagation are reverse-engineered by performing precise modeling of internal blocks inside the FPGA and executing simulations. The results show the root cause of DCs that are in good agreement with experimental delay measurements. The proposed circuit level models are, to the best of our knowledge, the first work on modeling of combinational delays in FPGAs.In addition, the design of a delay monitor circuit for DC detection is investigated in the second part of this thesis. This monitor allowed to show experimentally cumulative DCs on interconnects in FPGA. To this end, by avoiding the use of triple modular redundancy (TMR), a mitigation technique for DCs is proposed and the system downtime is minimized. A method is also proposed to decrease the clock frequency after DC detection without interrupting the process

    Constraint-driven RF test stimulus generation and built-in test

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    With the explosive growth in wireless applications, the last decade witnessed an ever-increasing test challenge for radio frequency (RF) circuits. While the design community has pushed the envelope far into the future, by expanding CMOS process to be used with high-frequency wireless devices, test methodology has not advanced at the same pace. Consequently, testing such devices has become a major bottleneck in high-volume production, further driven by the growing need for tighter quality control. RF devices undergo testing during the prototype phase and during high-volume manufacturing (HVM). The benchtop test equipment used throughout prototyping is very precise yet specialized for a subset of functionalities. HVM calls for a different kind of test paradigm that emphasizes throughput and sufficiency, during which the projected performance parameters are measured one by one for each device by automated test equipment (ATE) and compared against defined limits called specifications. The set of tests required for each product differs greatly in terms of the equipment required and the time taken to test individual devices. Together with signal integrity, precision, and repeatability concerns, the initial cost of RF ATE is prohibitively high. As more functionality and protocols are integrated into a single RF device, the required number of specifications to be tested also increases, adding to the overall cost of testing, both in terms of the initial and recurring operating costs. In addition to the cost problem, RF testing proposes another challenge when these components are integrated into package-level system solutions. In systems-on-packages (SOP), the test problems resulting from signal integrity, input/output bandwidth (IO), and limited controllability and observability have initiated a paradigm shift in high-speed analog testing, favoring alternative approaches such as built-in tests (BIT) where the test functionality is brought into the package. This scheme can make use of a low-cost external tester connected through a low-bandwidth link in order to perform demanding response evaluations, as well as make use of the analog-to-digital converters and the digital signal processors available in the package to facilitate testing. Although research on analog built-in test has demonstrated hardware solutions for single specifications, the paradigm shift calls for a rather general approach in which a single methodology can be applied across different devices, and multiple specifications can be verified through a single test hardware unit, minimizing the area overhead. Specification-based alternate test methodology provides a suitable and flexible platform for handling the challenges addressed above. In this thesis, a framework that integrates ATE and system constraints into test stimulus generation and test response extraction is presented for the efficient production testing of high-performance RF devices using specification-based alternate tests. The main components of the presented framework are as follows: Constraint-driven RF alternate test stimulus generation: An automated test stimulus generation algorithm for RF devices that are evaluated by a specification-based alternate test solution is developed. The high-level models of the test signal path define constraints in the search space of the optimized test stimulus. These models are generated in enough detail such that they inherently define limitations of the low-cost ATE and the I/O restrictions of the device under test (DUT), yet they are simple enough that the non-linear optimization problem can be solved empirically in a reasonable amount of time. Feature extractors for BIT: A methodology for the built-in testing of RF devices integrated into SOPs is developed using additional hardware components. These hardware components correlate the high-bandwidth test response to low bandwidth signatures while extracting the test-critical features of the DUT. Supervised learning is used to map these extracted features, which otherwise are too complicated to decipher by plain mathematical analysis, into the specifications under test. Defect-based alternate testing of RF circuits: A methodology for the efficient testing of RF devices with low-cost defect-based alternate tests is developed. The signature of the DUT is probabilistically compared with a class of defect-free device signatures to explore possible corners under acceptable levels of process parameter variations. Such a defect filter applies discrimination rules generated by a supervised classifier and eliminates the need for a library of possible catastrophic defects.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Chatterjee, Abhijit; Committee Member: Durgin, Greg; Committee Member: Keezer, David; Committee Member: Milor, Linda; Committee Member: Sitaraman, Sures
