226 research outputs found

    New Associate Editors

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    New associate editors for special topic submissions include Aaron B. Shiels, Shane R. Siers, and Marco Restani

    New Associate Editors

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    New associate editors are Dwayne Elmore and David Dahlgren. Dwayne Elmore is a professor, wildlife extension specialist, and Bollenbach Chair in wildlife biology in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Oklahoma State University. Specific areas of interest include wildlife habitat relationships, Galliform ecology and management, and thermal ecology. Current research projects are focused on how management and human activity affect various species of grouse and quail. He works with stakeholder groups including private landowners, NGOs, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of the Interior, and multiple state wildlife agencies to provide technical assistance on land management issues. David Dahlgren completed his master’s and doctoral degrees as well as a post-doctoral fellowship while researching sage-grouse reproductive habitat and ecology at Utah State University (USU). Following his formal education, in 2010 he began working for the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism as their upland game specialist, a statewide coordinator position covering pheasants, quail, and prairie-chicken management and research. His time in Kansas reemphasized for him the importance of local communities, private producers and landowners, and inter-agency coordination for wildlife conservation and management. In 2013, he returned to USU and began a position as an extension associate working in the Community-based Conservation Program. In 2016, he began an assistant professorship within the Department of Wildland Resources at USU as an extension specialist with an emphasis on wildlife and rangeland habitat. He has a beautiful wife (Lacey), and 3 wonderful girls (Maylee–10; Adalou–8; and Phoebe–6). He is owned by 4 birddogs, one of which is a young German Wirehaired Pointer, his first non-German shorthair pup. He also loves fly-fishing and any time when he can get a fishing pole with a hooked fish at the other end into one of his daughters’ hands

    New Associate Editors

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    Human-Wildlife Interactions journal announces its new associate editors

    Editorial announcement: new associate editors and editorial board members

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    This is an announcement of new associate editors and editorial board members to join the Editorial Board of Leadership

    Health Promotion Practice and the Road Ahead: Addressing Enduring Gaps and Encouraging Greater Practice-to-Research Translation

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    A decade ago, Lancaster and Roe described four critical gaps (i.e., communications, accessibility, credibility, and expectations) between research and practice in health education and health promotion that formed the framework for this department. Despite considerable attention and some progress, these gaps persist and are barriers to interaction and translation between health promotion and health education research and practice. Looking to the next several years as the new Associate Editors for this department, we renew the department’s commitment toward addressing these enduring gaps around which we frame new questions and invite continued dialogue

    Reflections on restructuring of IEJME

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    As an international journal, one of the goals of International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME) is to stimulate discussions in our field through publishing significant and innovative research studies. To pursue this goal better, IEJME has gone through a restructuring process recently. The journal is now stronger with its two new associate editors, an editorial assistant, and a renewed international editorial board. We now have a shorter and improved review process. There are certain measures and challenges we needed to take into consideration in revising and improving the structure of the journal. The purpose in this article is to share the changes made to the journal and their impact in its progress

    Clinical Science-linking basic science to disease mechanisms

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    For more than 50 years, Clinical Science has been at the interface linking basic science to disease mechanisms. Here, Rhian Touyz, the Editor-in-Chief, describes the journal, its aims and scope, and recent developments


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