1,987 research outputs found

    Prediction of lethal and synthetically lethal knock-outs in regulatory networks

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    The complex interactions involved in regulation of a cell's function are captured by its interaction graph. More often than not, detailed knowledge about enhancing or suppressive regulatory influences and cooperative effects is lacking and merely the presence or absence of directed interactions is known. Here we investigate to which extent such reduced information allows to forecast the effect of a knock-out or a combination of knock-outs. Specifically we ask in how far the lethality of eliminating nodes may be predicted by their network centrality, such as degree and betweenness, without knowing the function of the system. The function is taken as the ability to reproduce a fixed point under a discrete Boolean dynamics. We investigate two types of stochastically generated networks: fully random networks and structures grown with a mechanism of node duplication and subsequent divergence of interactions. On all networks we find that the out-degree is a good predictor of the lethality of a single node knock-out. For knock-outs of node pairs, the fraction of successors shared between the two knocked-out nodes (out-overlap) is a good predictor of synthetic lethality. Out-degree and out-overlap are locally defined and computationally simple centrality measures that provide a predictive power close to the optimal predictor.Comment: published version, 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables; supplement at http://www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/publications/supplements/11-01

    A tractable genotype-phenotype map for the self-assembly of protein quaternary structure

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    The mapping between biological genotypes and phenotypes is central to the study of biological evolution. Here we introduce a rich, intuitive, and biologically realistic genotype-phenotype (GP) map, that serves as a model of self-assembling biological structures, such as protein complexes, and remains computationally and analytically tractable. Our GP map arises naturally from the self-assembly of polyomino structures on a 2D lattice and exhibits a number of properties: redundancy\textit{redundancy} (genotypes vastly outnumber phenotypes), phenotype bias\textit{phenotype bias} (genotypic redundancy varies greatly between phenotypes), genotype component disconnectivity\textit{genotype component disconnectivity} (phenotypes consist of disconnected mutational networks) and shape space covering\textit{shape space covering} (most phenotypes can be reached in a small number of mutations). We also show that the mutational robustness of phenotypes scales very roughly logarithmically with phenotype redundancy and is positively correlated with phenotypic evolvability. Although our GP map describes the assembly of disconnected objects, it shares many properties with other popular GP maps for connected units, such as models for RNA secondary structure or the HP lattice model for protein tertiary structure. The remarkable fact that these important properties similarly emerge from such different models suggests the possibility that universal features underlie a much wider class of biologically realistic GP maps.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Neutral space analysis for a Boolean network model of the fission yeast cell cycle network

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    BackgroundInteractions between genes and their products give rise to complex circuits known as gene regulatory networks (GRN) that enable cells to process information and respond to external stimuli. Several important processes for life, depend of an accurate and context-specific regulation of gene expression, such as the cell cycle, which can be analyzed through its GRN, where deregulation can lead to cancer in animals or a directed regulation could be applied for biotechnological processes using yeast. An approach to study the robustness of GRN is through the neutral space. In this paper, we explore the neutral space of a Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast) cell cycle network through an evolution strategy to generate a neutral graph, composed of Boolean regulatory networks that share the same state sequences of the fission yeast cell cycle.ResultsThrough simulations it was found that in the generated neutral graph, the functional networks that are not in the wildtype connected component have in general a Hamming distance more than 3 with the wildtype, and more than 10 between the other disconnected functional networks. Significant differences were found between the functional networks in the connected component of the wildtype network and the rest of the network, not only at a topological level, but also at the state space level, where significant differences in the distribution of the basin of attraction for the G1 fixed point was found for deterministic updating schemes.ConclusionsIn general, functional networks in the wildtype network connected component, can mutate up to no more than 3 times, then they reach a point of no return where the networks leave the connected component of the wildtype. The proposed method to construct a neutral graph is general and can be used to explore the neutral space of other biologically interesting networks, and also formulate new biological hypotheses studying the functional networks in the wildtype network connected component

    Neutrality and Robustness in Evo-Devo: Emergence of Lateral Inhibition

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    Embryonic development is defined by the hierarchical dynamical process that translates genetic information (genotype) into a spatial gene expression pattern (phenotype) providing the positional information for the correct unfolding of the organism. The nature and evolutionary implications of genotype–phenotype mapping still remain key topics in evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo). We have explored here issues of neutrality, robustness, and diversity in evo-devo by means of a simple model of gene regulatory networks. The small size of the system allowed an exhaustive analysis of the entire fitness landscape and the extent of its neutrality. This analysis shows that evolution leads to a class of robust genetic networks with an expression pattern characteristic of lateral inhibition. This class is a repertoire of distinct implementations of this key developmental process, the diversity of which provides valuable clues about its underlying causal principles

    Evolution of form and function in a model of differentiated multicellular organisms with gene regulatory networks

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    The emergence of novelties, as a generator of diversity, in the form and function of the organisms have long puzzled biologists. The study of the developmental process and the anatomical properties of an organism provides scarce information into the means by which its morphology evolved. Some have argued that the very nature of novelty is believed to be linked to the evolution of gene regulation, rather than to the emergence of new structural genes. In order to gain further insight into the evolution of novelty and diversity, we describe a simple computational model of gene regulation that controls the development of locomotive multicellular organisms through a fixed set of simple structural genes. Organisms, modeled as two-dimensional spring networks, are simulated in a virtual environment to evaluate their steering skills for path-following. Proposed as a behavior-finding problem, this fitness function guides an evolutionary algorithm that produces structures whose function is well-adapted to the environment (i.e., good path-followers). We show that, despite the fixed simple set of structural genes, the evolution of gene regulation yields a rich variety of body plans, including symmetries, body segments, and modularity, resulting in a diversity of original behaviors to follow a simple path. These results suggest that the sole variation in the regulation of gene expression is a sufficient condition for the emergence of novelty and diversity.This work has been partially funded by the Sixth European Union Framework Program for Research and Technological Development, contract #028892

    Behavior finding: Morphogenetic Designs Shaped by Function

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    Evolution has shaped an incredible diversity of multicellular living organisms, whose complex forms are self-made through a robust developmental process. This fundamental combination of biological evolution and development has served as an inspiration for novel engineering design methodologies, with the goal to overcome the scalability problems suffered by classical top-down approaches. Top-down methodologies are based on the manual decomposition of the design into modular, independent subunits. In contrast, recent computational morphogenetic techniques have shown that they were able to automatically generate truly complex innovative designs. Algorithms based on evolutionary computation and artificial development have been proposed to automatically design both the structures, within certain constraints, and the controllers that optimize their function. However, the driving force of biological evolution does not resemble an enumeration of design requirements, but much rather relies on the interaction of organisms within the environment. Similarly, controllers do not evolve nor develop separately, but are woven into the organism’s morphology. In this chapter, we discuss evolutionary morphogenetic algorithms inspired by these important aspects of biological evolution. The proposed methodologies could contribute to the automation of processes that design “organic” structures, whose morphologies and controllers are intended to solve a functional problem. The performance of the algorithms is tested on a class of optimization problems that we call behavior-finding. These challenges are not explicitly based on morphology or controller constraints, but only on the solving abilities and efficacy of the design. Our results show that morphogenetic algorithms are well suited to behavior-finding

    A Sequence-to-Function Map for Ribozyme-catalyzed Metabolisms

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    We introduce a novel genotype-phenotype mapping based on the relation between RNA sequence and its secondary structure for the use in evolutionary studies. Various extensive studies concerning RNA folding in the context of neutral theory yielded insights about properties of the structure space and the mapping itself. We intend to get a better understanding of some of these properties and especially of the evolution of RNA-molecules as well as their effect on the evolution of the entire molecular system. We investigate the constitution of the neutral network and compare our mapping with other artificial approaches using cellular automatons, random boolean networks and others also based on RNA folding. We yield the highest extent, connectivity and evolvability of the underlying neutral network. Further, we successfully apply the mapping in an existing model for the evolution of a ribozyme-catalyzed metabolism

    Rhythms and Evolution: Effects of Timing on Survival

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    The evolution of metabolism regulation is an intertwined process, where different strategies are constantly being developed towards a cognitive ability to perceive and respond to an environment. Organisms depend on an orchestration of a complex set of chemical reactions: maintaining homeostasis with a changing environment, while simultaneously sending material and energetic resources to where they are needed. The success of an organism requires efficient metabolic regulation, highlighting the connection between evolution, population dynamics and the underlying biochemistry. In this work, I represent organisms as coupled information-processing networks, that is, gene-regulatory networks receiving signals from the environment and acting on chemical reactions, eventually affecting material flows. I discuss the mechanisms through which metabolism control is improved during evolution and how the nonlinearities of competition influence this solution-searching process. The propagation of the populations through the resulting landscapes generally point to the role of the rhythm of cell division as an essential phenotypic feature driving evolution. Subsequently, as it naturally follows, different representations of organisms as oscillators are constructed to indicate more precisely how the interplay between competition, maturation timing and cell-division synchronisation affects the expected evolutionary outcomes, not always leading to the \"survival of the fastest\"

    A Publish-Subscribe Model of Genetic Networks

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    We present a simple model of genetic regulatory networks in which regulatory connections among genes are mediated by a limited number of signaling molecules. Each gene in our model produces (publishes) a single gene product, which regulates the expression of other genes by binding to regulatory regions that correspond (subscribe) to that product. We explore the consequences of this publish-subscribe model of regulation for the properties of single networks and for the evolution of populations of networks. Degree distributions of randomly constructed networks, particularly multimodal in-degree distributions, which depend on the length of the regulatory sequences and the number of possible gene products, differed from simpler Boolean NK models. In simulated evolution of populations of networks, single mutations in regulatory or coding regions resulted in multiple changes in regulatory connections among genes, or alternatively in neutral change that had no effect on phenotype. This resulted in remarkable evolvability in both number and length of attractors, leading to evolved networks far beyond the expectation of these measures based on random distributions. Surprisingly, this rapid evolution was not accompanied by changes in degree distribution; degree distribution in the evolved networks was not substantially different from that of randomly generated networks. The publish-subscribe model also allows exogenous gene products to create an environment, which may be noisy or stable, in which dynamic behavior occurs. In simulations, networks were able to evolve moderate levels of both mutational and environmental robustness