661 research outputs found

    Sympatric speciation in the genomic era

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    Ecological equivalence: a realistic assumption for niche theory as a testable alternative to neutral theory

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    Hubbell's 2001 neutral theory unifies biodiversity and biogeography by modelling steady-state distributions of species richness and abundances across spatio-temporal scales. Accurate predictions have issued from its core premise that all species have identical vital rates. Yet no ecologist believes that species are identical in reality. Here I explain this paradox in terms of the ecological equivalence that species must achieve at their coexistence equilibrium, defined by zero net fitness for all regardless of intrinsic differences between them. I show that the distinction of realised from intrinsic vital rates is crucial to evaluating community resilience. An analysis of competitive interactions reveals how zero-sum patterns of abundance emerge for species with contrasting life-history traits as for identical species. I develop a stochastic model to simulate community assembly from a random drift of invasions sustaining the dynamics of recruitment following deaths and extinctions. Species are allocated identical intrinsic vital rates for neutral dynamics, or random intrinsic vital rates and competitive abilities for niche dynamics either on a continuous scale or between dominant-fugitive extremes. Resulting communities have steady-state distributions of the same type for more or less extremely differentiated species as for identical species. All produce negatively skewed log-normal distributions of species abundance, zero-sum relationships of total abundance to area, and Arrhenius relationships of species to area. Intrinsically identical species nevertheless support fewer total individuals, because their densities impact as strongly on each other as on themselves. Truly neutral communities have measurably lower abundance/area and higher species/abundance ratios. Neutral scenarios can be parameterized as null hypotheses for testing competitive release, which is a sure signal of niche dynamics. Ignoring the true strength of interactions between and within species risks a substantial misrepresentation of community resilience to habitat los

    Climate warming has compounded plant responses to habitat conversion in northern Europe

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    Serious concerns exist about potentially reinforcing negative effects of climate change and land conversion on biodiversity. Here, we investigate the tandem and interacting roles of climate warming and land-use change as predictors of shifts in the regional distributions of 1701 plant species in Sweden over 60 years. We show that species associated with warmer climates have increased, while grassland specialists have declined. Our results also support the hypothesis that climate warming and vegetation densification through grazing abandonment have synergistic effects on species distribution change. Local extinctions were related to high levels of warming but were reduced by grassland retention. In contrast, colonisations occurred more often in areas experiencing high levels of both climate and land-use change. Strong temperature increases were experienced by species across their ranges, indicating time lags in expected warming-related local extinctions. Our results highlight that the conservation of threatened species relies on both reduced greenhouse gas emissions and the retention and restoration of valuable habitat

    Changes in plant diversity in a water‑limited and isolated high‑mountain range (Sierra Nevada, Spain)

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    Open Access funding provided by University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU). This study was funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (project MEDIALPS-Disentangling anthropogenic drivers of climate change impacts on alpine plant species: Alps vs. Mediterranean mountains).Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https ://doi.org/10.1007/s0003 5-021-00246 -x.We thank Manfred Bardy-Durchhalter for managing the database, Imran Nadeem for discussing climate data preparation, and National Park and Andalusian Environmental Agency staff for their assistance in the field in 2015 and 2019, and answering our questions.Climate change impacts are of a particular concern in small mountain ranges, where cold-adapted plant species have their optimum zone in the upper bioclimatic belts. This is commonly the case in Mediterranean mountains, which often harbour high numbers of endemic species, enhancing the risk of biodiversity losses. This study deals with shifts in vascular plant diversity in the upper zones of the Sierra Nevada, Spain, in relation with climatic parameters during the past two decades. We used vegetation data from permanent plots of three surveys of two GLORIA study regions, spanning a period of 18 years (2001–2019); ERA5 temperature and precipitation data; and snow cover durations, derived from on-site soil temperature data. Relationships between diversity patterns and climate factors were analysed using GLMMs. Species richness showed a decline between 2001 and 2008, and increased thereafter. Species cover increased slightly but significantly, although not for endemic species. While endemics underwent cover losses proportional to non-endemics, more widespread shrub species increased. Precipitation tended to increase during the last decade, after a downward trend since 1960. Precipitation was positively related to species richness, colonisation events, and cover, and negatively to disappearance events. Longer snow cover duration and rising temperatures were also related to increasing species numbers, but not to cover changes. The rapid biotic responses of Mediterranean alpine plants indicate a tight synchronisation with climate fluctuations, especially with water availability. Thus, it rather confirms concerns about biodiversity losses, if projections of increasing temperature in combination with decreasing precipitation hold true.University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) - Austrian Academy of Science

    Phylogenetic and phenotypic divergence of an insular radiation of birds

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    Evolutionary divergence of lineages is one of the key mechanisms underpinning large scale patterns in biogeography and biodiversity. Island systems have been highly influential in shaping theories of evolutionary diversification and here I use the insular Zosteropidae of the south west Pacific to investigate the roles of ecology and biogeography in promoting evolutionary divergence. Initially I build a phylogenetic tree of the study group and use it to reveal the pattern of colonisation and diversification. My results suggest a complex history of dispersal with the observed pattern most likely a result of repeated bouts of colonisation and extinction. I then use the new phylogeny to quantify the diversification rates of the Zosteropidae. I find a very high rate of lineage divergence and suggest the most likely explanation relates to extensive niche availability in the south west Pacific. I also find evidence for an overall slowdown in diversification combined with repeated bursts of accelerated speciation, consistent with a model of taxon cycles. I do not find evidence for sympatric speciation, however. Finally I combine morphological and phylogenetic data to investigate the mode of evolution, evidence for character displacement and influence of biogeography on trait evolution. I find little support for the traditional theory of character displacement in sympatric species. I do, however, find some support for biogeographic theories. Taken together my results do not support traditional theories on the ecological and biogeographical basis of divergence, even in those cases where Zosterops have been used as exemplars. This appears to be because those theories assume rather simple patterns of colonisation and a static ecological system. Instead, my results suggest that evolutionary diversification is dominated by recurrent waves of colonisation and extinction, which, viewed at any particular moment, tend to obscure any underlying ecological rules

    Exploring the niche concept in a simple metaorganism

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    Organisms and their resident microbial communities - the microbiome - form a complex and mostly stable ecosystem. It is known that the composition of the microbiome and bacterial species abundances can have a major impact on host health and Darwinian fitness, but the processes that lead to these microbial patterns have not yet been identified. We here apply the niche concept and trait-based approaches as a first step in understanding the patterns underlying microbial community assembly and structure in the simple metaorganism Hydra. We find that the carrying capacities in single associations do not reflect microbiota densities as part of the community, indicating a discrepancy between the fundamental and realized niche. Whereas in most cases, the realized niche is smaller than the fundamental one, as predicted by theory, the opposite is observed for Hydra’s two main bacterial colonizers. Both, Curvibacter sp. and Duganella sp. benefit from association with the other members of the microbiome and reach higher fractions as compared to when they are the only colonizer. This cannot be linked to any particular trait that is relevant for interacting with the host or by the utilization of specific nutrients but is most likely determined by metabolic interactions between the individual microbiome members

    Bird speciation in the Gulf of Guinea

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    Evolutionary consequences of island colonisation in the silvereye: a genomic approach

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    Deterministic evolutionary outcomes are widespread across the Tree of Life. For example, many insular organisms show repeated evolution of some traits, many of which are captured under the so‐called ’island syndrome’. A classic example is the repeated evolution of body size, but there are also less-explored consequences of island colonisation: a reduction in dispersal propensity, which is of particular interest because it can catalyse diversification. A great example of this concerns ’great speciators’, bird species present on multiple islands that, at the same time, show many subspecies. Within the taxon cycle framework, great speciators are species that, after an initial range expansion stage, have differentiated into subspecies. However, this pattern is not entirely intuitive, since great speciators are hypothesised to have high dispersal propensity in the colonisation stage but low in the differentiation stage. This evolutionary puzzle is known as the ”paradox of the great speciators”. Strong selection against dispersal ability after island colonisation is often invoked to resolve this apparent paradox, but the mechanisms underlying it are not well understood. In Chapter 2, I explored the great speciator continuum and the drivers of incipient speciation on islands and found that spatial effects are particularly important in determining the occurrence of great speciators. The silvereye (Zosterops lateralis), of the white‐eye bird family Zosteropidae, is a prolific natural coloniser of Southwest Pacific islands and has rapidly given rise to over 17 subspecies most of which are island-dwelling, making it a useful model to understand the evolutionary consequences of island colonisation. In Chapter 3, I used genome-wide data to build phylogenetic trees and networks to understand the evolutionary history of the silvereye. I found that continental subspecies are highly connected and can overcome major biogeographic barriers, while island populations are generally more differentiated. Island populations follow the island syndrome expectations: reduced dispersal propensity and increased body size. In Chapter 4, I took a candidate gene approach to explore whether the ”paradox of the great speciators” can be understood from a genetic perspective in this species. I found that some behavioural genes, like CREB1, are associated with a reduction in dispersal, and that, in a partial migrant population, migrants carry longer CLOCK alleles than sedentary individuals. Chapter 5 explored the mechanisms underlying the repeated evolution towards a larger body size in island silvereyes and found that standing genetic variation is the most common route towards gigantism but that de novo mutations can also play a role. As a whole, this body of work advances our understanding of the mechanisms leading to repeated evolution after island colonisation and the impact on diversification

    Cave Communities: From the Surface Border to the Deep Darkness

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    The discipline of subterranean biology has provided us incredible information on the diversity, ecology and evolution of species living in different typologies of subterranean habitats. However, a general lack of information on the relationships between cave species still exists, leaving uncertainty regarding the dynamics that hold together cave communities and the roles of specific organisms (from the least to the most adapted species) for the community, as well as the entire ecosystem. This Special Issue aims to stimulate and gather studies which are focusing on cave communities belonging to all different typologies of subterranean habitats, with the overarching goal to corroborate the key role of the subterranean biology in ecological and evolutionary studies
