3,740 research outputs found

    The Prototype of Software System of Neural Network Control of Telemetry Data

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    This paper describes a prototype of software system of neural network control of telemetry data for malfunction diagnosis of spacecraft subsystems. The prototype is used for testing of intelligent technologies for processing information about a spacecraft subsystems state, prediction and detection of irregularities of the spacecraft subsystem modes. The Information obtained from on-board data sources on space communication channel is used for processing

    Simulation of Water Distribution Systems

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    In this paper a software package offering a means of simulating complex water distribution systems is described. It has been developed in the course of our investigations into the applicability of neural networks and fuzzy systems for the implementation of decision support systems in operational control of industrial processes with case-studies taken from the water industry. Examples of how the simulation package have been used in a design and testing of the algorithms for state estimation, confidence limit analysis and fault detection are presented. Arguments for using a suitable graphical visualization techniques in solving problems like meter placement or leakage diagnosis are also given and supported by a set of examples

    BCAUS Project description and consideration of separation of data and control

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    The commonly stated truths that data may be segregated from program control in generic expert system shells and that such tools support straightforward knowledge representation were examined. The ideal of separation of data from program control in expert systems is difficult to realize for a variety of reasons. One approach to achieving this goal is to integrate hybrid collections of specialized shells and tools instead of producing custom systems built with a single all purpose expert system tool. Aspects of these issues are examined in the context of a specific diagnostic expert system application, the Backup Control Mode Analysis and Utility System (BCAUS), being developed for the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) spacecraft. The project and the knowledge gained in working on the project are described

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    Evaluation of a proposed expert system development methodology: Two case studies

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    Two expert system development projects were studied to evaluate a proposed Expert Systems Development Methodology (ESDM). The ESDM was developed to provide guidance to managers and technical personnel and serve as a standard in the development of expert systems. It was agreed that the proposed ESDM must be evaluated before it could be adopted; therefore a study was planned for its evaluation. This detailed study is now underway. Before the study began, however, two ongoing projects were selected for a retrospective evaluation. They were the Ranging Equipment Diagnostic Expert System (REDEX) and the Backup Control Mode Analysis and Utility System (BCAUS). Both projects were approximately 1 year into development. Interviews of project personnel were conducted, and the resulting data was used to prepare the retrospective evaluation. Decision models of the two projects were constructed and used to evaluate the completeness and accuracy of key provisions of ESDM. A major conclusion reached from these case studies is that suitability and risk analysis should be required for all AI projects, large and small. Further, the objectives of each stage of development during a project should be selected to reduce the next largest area of risk or uncertainty on the project

    Advanced satellite workstation: An integrated workstation environment for operational support of satellite system planning and analysis

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    A prototype integrated environment, the Advanced Satellite Workstation (ASW), is described that has been developed and delivered for evaluation and operator feedback in an operational satellite control center. The current ASW hardware consists of a Sun Workstation and Macintosh II Workstation connected via an ethernet Network Hardware and Software, Laser Disk System, Optical Storage System, and Telemetry Data File Interface. The central mission of ASW is to provide an intelligent decision support and training environment for operator/analysts of complex systems such as satellites. There have been many workstation implementations recently which incorporate graphical telemetry displays and expert systems. ASW is a considerably broader look at intelligent, integrated environments for decision support, based upon the premise that the central features of such an environment are intelligent data access and integrated toolsets. A variety of tools have been constructed in support of this prototype environment including: an automated pass planner for scheduling vehicle support activities, architectural modeler for hierarchical simulation and analysis of satellite vehicle subsystems, multimedia-based information systems that provide an intuitive and easily accessible interface to Orbit Operations Handbook and other relevant support documentation, and a data analysis architecture that integrates user modifiable telemetry display systems, expert systems for background data analysis, and interfaces to the multimedia system via inter-process communication

    Advanced telemetry systems for payloads. Technology needs, objectives and issues

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    The current trends in advanced payload telemetry are the new developments in advanced modulation/coding, the applications of intelligent techniques, data distribution processing, and advanced signal processing methodologies. Concerted efforts will be required to design ultra-reliable man-rated software to cope with these applications. The intelligence embedded and distributed throughout various segments of the telemetry system will need to be overridden by an operator in case of life-threatening situations, making it a real-time integration issue. Suitable MIL standards on physical interfaces and protocols will be adopted to suit the payload telemetry system. New technologies and techniques will be developed for fast retrieval of mass data. Currently, these technology issues are being addressed to provide more efficient, reliable, and reconfigurable systems. There is a need, however, to change the operation culture. The current role of NASA as a leader in developing all the new innovative hardware should be altered to save both time and money. We should use all the available hardware/software developed by the industry and use the existing standards rather than inventing our own

    Программная нейросетевая система контроля космической телеметрии

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    В статье описывается программная нейросетевая система контроля телеметрической информации для диагностики подсистем космических аппаратов. Предназначена для отработки интеллектуальных технологий обработки информации, поступающей по космическому каналу связи от бортовых источников данных о состоянии подсистем космических аппаратов, предсказания и обнаружения нарушений штатных режимов функционирования бортовых подсистем.У статті описується програмна нейромережна система контролю телеметричної інформації для діагностики підсистем космічних апаратів. Призначена для відпрацювання інтелектуальних технологій обробки інформації, що надходить по космічному каналу зв’язку від бортових джерел даних про стан підсистем космічних апаратів, передбачення і виявлення порушень штатних режимів функціонування бортових підсистем.This paper describes a software system of neural network control of telemetry data for malfunction diagnosis of spacecraft subsystems. This system is used for testing of intelligent technologies for processing information about a spacecraft subsystems state, prediction and detection of irregularities of the spacecraft subsystem modes. The Information obtained from on-board data sources on space communication channel is used for processing

    Anomaly Detection in Cloud Components

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    Cloud platforms, under the hood, consist of a complex inter-connected stack of hardware and software components. Each of these components can fail which may lead to an outage. Our goal is to improve the quality of Cloud services through early detection of such failures by analyzing resource utilization metrics. We tested Gated-Recurrent-Unit-based autoencoder with a likelihood function to detect anomalies in various multi-dimensional time series and achieved high performance.Comment: Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020). Fix dataset descriptio