14 research outputs found

    Using ensembles of artificial neural networks to improve PM10 forecasts

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    High concentrations of atmospheric pollutants provoke negative effects that range from respiratory problems in humans to altered growth in crops due to the reduction of solar radiation. In this context, the study of suspended particulate matter (PM) in the atmosphere is especially relevant. Several works in the literature are dedicated to evaluate PM impacts and to develop models to forecast PM concentrations. Among these models, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are often employed mainly due to the facts that they are capable of learning from a set of training data samples and that they are known to be universal function approximators. However, most ANN training algorithms are susceptible to initial conditions, so the resulting models of distinct training phases may present different accuracies for the same problem. It is known from the machine learning literature that the ensemble approach, which basically combines a set of slightly different high-accuracy predictors, tends to lead to more accurate forecasts. Therefore, in this paper an ensemble of ANNs is proposed to forecast the daily concentrations of PM10 (phi <= 10 mu m) in the city of Piracicaba, Brazil. The ensemble was trained with daily samples collected from 07.2009 to 06.2013 and evaluated with one-day-ahead forecasts from 07.2013 to 06.2014. Experiments with distinct ANN configurations were made and an average reduction of 8.85 % was obtained in the Mean Squared Error. The ensembles were compared to individual ANNs that led to the best accuracy in the training dataset. It was also verified that, when compared to distinct single ANNs, the ensemble-based approach facilitated the generation of high accuracy models, as it increased the robustness of the development process. It is important to highlight that the proposed approach can be directly applied to other scenarios related to the prediction of PM concentrations, such as different atmospheric pollutants and meteorological data.High concentrations of atmospheric pollutants provoke negative effects that range from respiratory problems in humans to altered growth in crops due to the reduction of solar radiation. In this context, the study of suspended particulate matter (PM) in th4321612166sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Clustering approach applied on an artificial neural network model to predict PM10 in mega cities of México

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    A cluster-based artificial neural network model called CLASO (Classification-Assemblage-Association) has been proposed to predict the maximum of the 24-h moving average of PM10 concentration on the next day in the three largest metropolitan areas of Mexico. The model is a self-organised, real-time learning neural network, which builds its topology via a process of pattern classification by using an historical database. This process is based on a supervised clustering technique, assigning a class to each centroid of the hidden layer, employing the Euclidean distance as a hierarchical criterion. A set of ARIMA models was compared with CLASO model in the forecast performance of the 24-h average PM10 concentration on the next day. In general, CLASO model produced more accurate predictions of the maximum of the 24-h moving average of PM10 concentration than the ARIMA models, although the latter showed a minor tendency to underpredict the results. The CLASO model solely requires to be built a historical database of the air quality parameter, an initial radius of classification and the learning factor. CLASO has demonstrated acceptable predictions of 24-h average PM10 concentration by using exclusively regressive PM10 concentrations. The forecasting capabilities of the model were found to be satisfactory compared to the classical models, demonstrating its potential application to the other major pollutants used in the Mexican air quality index

    Spatial-temporal prediction of air quality based on recurrent neural networks

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    To predict air quality (PM2.5 concentrations, et al), many parametric regression models have been developed, while deep learning algorithms are used less often. And few of them takes the air pollution emission or spatial information into consideration or predict them in hour scale. In this paper, we proposed a spatial-temporal GRU-based prediction framework incorporating ground pollution monitoring (GPM), factory emissions (FE), surface meteorology monitoring (SMM) variables to predict hourly PM2.5 concentrations. The dataset for empirical experiments was built based on air quality monitoring in Shenyang, China. Experimental results indicate that our method enables more accurate predictions than all baseline models and by applying the convolutional processing to the GPM and FE variables notable improvement can be achieved in prediction accuracy

    Computational Intelligence-based PM2.5 Air Pollution Forecasting

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    Computational intelligence based forecasting approaches proved to be more efficient in real time air pollution forecasting systems than the deterministic ones that are currently applied. Our research main goal is to identify the computational intelligence model that is more proper to real time PM2.5 air pollutant forecasting in urban areas. Starting from the study presented in [27]a, in this paper we first perform a comparative study between the most accurate computational intelligence models that were used for particulate matter (fraction PM2.5) air pollution forecasting: artificial neural networks (ANNs) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Based on the obtained experimental results, we make a comprehensive analysis of best ANN architecture identification. The experiments were realized on datasets from the AirBase databases with PM2.5 concentration hourly measurements. The statistical parameters that were computed are mean absolute error, root mean square error, index of agreement and correlation coefficient

    Short- and long-term forecasting of ambient air pollution levels using wavelet-based non-linear autoregressive artificial neural networks with exogenous inputs

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    Roadside air pollution is a major issue due to its adverse effects on human health and the environment. This highlights the need for parsimonious and robust forecasting tools that help vulnerable members of the public reduce their exposure to harmful air pollutants. Recent results in air pollution forecasting applications include the use of hybrid models based on non-linear autoregressive artificial neural networks (ANN) with exogenous multi-variable inputs (NARX) and wavelet decomposition techniques. However, attempts employing both methods into one hybrid modelling system have not been widely made. Hence, this work further investigates the utilisation of wavelet-based NARX-ANN models in the shortand long-term prediction of hourly NO2 concentration levels. The models were trained using emissions and meteorological data collected from a busy roadside site in Central London, United Kingdom from January to December 2015. A discrete wavelet transformation technique was then implemented to address the highly variable characteristic of the collected NO2 concentration data. Overall results exhibit the superiority of the wavelet-based NARX-ANN models improving the accuracy of the benchmark NARX-ANN model results by up to 6% in terms of explained variance. The proposed models also provide fairly accurate long-term forecasts, explaining 68–76% of the variance of actual NO2 data. In conclusion, the findings of this study demonstrate the high potential of wavelet-based NARX-ANN models as alternative tools in short- and long-term forecasting of air pollutants in urban environments

    A review of artificial neural network models for ambient air pollution prediction

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    Research activity in the field of air pollution forecasting using artificial neural networks (ANNs) has increased dramatically in recent years. However, the development of ANN models entails levels of uncertainty given the black-box nature of ANNs. In this paper, a protocol by Maier et al. (2010) for ANN model development is presented and applied to assess journal papers dealing with air pollution forecasting using ANN models. The majority of the reviewed works are aimed at the long-term forecasting of outdoor PM10, PM2.5, and oxides of nitrogen, and ozone. The vast majority of the identified works utilised meteorological and source emissions predictors almost exclusively. Furthermore, ad-hoc approaches are found to be predominantly used for determining optimal model predictors, appropriate data subsets and the optimal model structure. Multilayer perceptron and ensemble-type models are predominantly implemented. Overall, the findings highlight the need for developing systematic protocols for developing powerful ANN models

    Comparison of machine learning approaches with a general linear model to predict personal exposure to benzene

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    Machine learning techniques (MLTs) offer great power in analyzing complex data sets and have not previously been applied to non-occupational pollutant exposure. MLT models that can predict personal exposure to benzene have been developed and compared with a standard model using a linear regression approach (GLM). The models were tested against independent data sets obtained from three personal exposure measurement campaigns. A correlation-based feature subset (CFS) selection algorithm identified a reduced attribute set, with common attributes grouped under the use of paints in homes, upholstery materials, space heating, and environmental tobacco smoke as the attributes suitable to predict the personal exposure to benzene. Personal exposure was categorized as low, medium, and high, and for big data sets, both the GLM and MLTs show high variability in performance to correctly classify greater than 90 percentile concentrations, but the MLT models have a higher score when accounting for divergence of incorrectly classified cases. Overall, the MLTs perform at least as well as the GLM and avoid the need to input microenvironment concentrations

    Source Apportionment and Forecasting of Aerosol in a Steel City - Case Study of Rourkela

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    Urban air pollution is one of the biggest problems ascending due to rapid urbanization and industrialization. The improvement of air quality in an urban area in general, constitutes of three phases, monitoring, modeling and control measures. The present research work addresses the requirements of the urban air quality management programme (UAQMP) in Rourkela steel city. A typical UAQMP contains three aspects: monitoring of air pollution, modeling of air pollution and taking control measures. The present study aims to conduct the modeling of particulate air pollution for a steel city. Modeling of particulate matter (PM) pollution is nothing but the application of different mathematical models in source apportionment and forecasting of PM. PM (PM10 and TSP) was collected twice a week for two years (2011-2012) during working hours in Rourkela. The seasonal variations study of PM showed that the aerosol concentration was high during summer and low during monsoon. A detailed chemical characterization of both PM10 and TSP was carried out to find out the concentrations of different metal ions, anions and carbon content. The Spearman rank correlation analysis between different chemical species of PM depicted the presence of both crustal and anthropogenic origins in particulate matter. The enrichment factor analysis highlighted the presence of anthropogenic sources. Three major receptor models were used for the source apportionment of PM, namely chemical mass balance model (CMB), principal component analysis (PCA) and positive matrix factorization (PMF). In selecting source profiles for CMB, an effort has been put to select the profiles which represent the local conditions. Two of the profiles, namely soil dust and road dust, were developed in the present study for better accuracy. All three receptor models have shown that industrial (40-45%) and combustion sources (30-35%) were major contributors to particulate pollution in Rourkela. Artificial neural networks (ANN) were used for the prediction of particulate pollution using meteorological parameters as inputs. The emphasis is to compare the performances of MLP and RBF algorithms in forecasting and provide a rigorous inter-comparison as a first step toward operational PM forecasting models. The training, testing and validation errors of MLP networks are significantly lower than that of RBF networks. The results indicate that both MLP and RBF have shown good prediction capabilities while MLP networks were better than that of RBF networks. There is no profound bias that can be seen in the models which may also suggest that there are very few or zero external factors that may influence the dispersion and distribution of particulate matter in the study area

    Comparative Performance of Different Statistical Models for Predicting Ground-Level Ozone (O3) and Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Concentrations in Montréal, Canada

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    Ground-level ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are two air pollutants known to reduce visibility, to have damaging effects on building materials and adverse impacts on human health. O3 is the result of a series of complex chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of solar radiation. PM is a class of airborne contaminants composed of sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, crustal components and trace amounts of microorganisms. PM2.5 is the respirable subgroup of PM having an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm. Development of effective forecasting models for ground-level O3 and PM2.5 is important to warn the public about potentially harmful or unhealthy concentration levels. The objectives of this study is to investigate the applicability of Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Principle Component Regression (PCR), Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), feed-forward Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and hybrid Principal Component – Artificial Neural Networks (PC-ANN) models to predict concentrations of O3 and PM2.5 in Montréal (Canada). Air quality and meteorological data is obtained from the Réseau de surveillance de la qualité de l’air (RSQA) for the Airport Station (45°28′N, 73°44′W) and the Maisonneuve Station (45°30′N, 73°34′W) for the period January 2004 to December 2007. Air pollution data include concentration values for nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and 142 different volatile organic compounds. Meteorological data include solar irradiation (SR), temperature (Temp), pressure (Press), dew point (DP), precipitation (Precip), wind speed (WS) and wind direction (WD). Analysis of the available volatile organic compound data expressed on a propylene-equivalent concentration indicated that m/p-xylene, toluene, propylene and (1,2,4)-trimethylbenzene were species with the most significant ozone forming potential in the study area. Different models and architectures have been investigated through five case studies. Predictive performances of each model have been measured by means of performance metrics and forecast success rates. Overall, MARS models allowing second order interaction of independent basis functions yielded lower error, higher correlation and higher forecast success rates. This study indicates that models based on statistical methods can be cost-effective tools to forecast ground-level O3 and PM2.5 in Montréal and to provide support for decision makers in protecting human health