83 research outputs found

    Cross-layer Assisted TCP Algorithms for Vertical Handoff

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    The ever expanding growth of the wireless access to the Internet in recent years has led to the proliferation of wireless and mobile devices to connect to the Internet. This has created the possibility of mobile devices equipped with multiple radio interfaces to connect to the Internet using any of several wireless access network technologies such as GPRS, WLAN and WiMAX in order to get the connectivity best suited for the application. These access networks are highly heterogeneous and they vary widely in their characteristics such as bandwidth, propagation delay and geographical coverage. The mechanism by which a mobile device switches between these access networks during an ongoing connection is referred to as vertical handoff and it often results in an abrupt and significant change in the access link characteristics. The most common Internet applications such as Web browsing and e-mail make use of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as their transport protocol and the behaviour of TCP depends on the end-to-end path characteristics such as bandwidth and round-trip time (RTT). As the wireless access link is most likely the bottleneck of a TCP end-to-end path, the abrupt changes in the link characteristics due to a vertical handoff may affect TCP behaviour adversely degrading the performance of the application. The focus of this thesis is to study the effect of a vertical handoff on TCP behaviour and to propose algorithms that improve the handoff behaviour of TCP using cross-layer information about the changes in the access link characteristics. We begin this study by identifying the various problems of TCP due to a vertical handoff based on extensive simulation experiments. We use this study as a basis to develop cross-layer assisted TCP algorithms in handoff scenarios involving GPRS and WLAN access networks. We then extend the scope of the study by developing cross-layer assisted TCP algorithms in a broader context applicable to a wide range of bandwidth and delay changes during a handoff. And finally, the algorithms developed here are shown to be easily extendable to the multiple-TCP flow scenario. We evaluate the proposed algorithms by comparison with standard TCP (TCP SACK) and show that the proposed algorithms are effective in improving TCP behavior in vertical handoff involving a wide range of bandwidth and delay of the access networks. Our algorithms are easy to implement in real systems and they involve modifications to the TCP sender algorithm only. The proposed algorithms are conservative in nature and they do not adversely affect the performance of TCP in the absence of cross-layer information.KÀytÀmme enenevissÀ mÀÀrin kannettavia pÀÀtelaitteita (esim. matkapuhelin, kannettava tietokone) erilaisiin sovelluksiin kuten sÀhköpostin lukemiseen, verkon selaamiseen, musiikin lataamiseen ja kuuntelemiseen, pelien pelaamiseen ja laskujen maksamiseen riippumatta olinpaikastamme tai liikkuvuudestamme. Pystymme yhdistÀmÀÀn laitteemme Internetiin milloin tahansa missÀ tahansa. Langattomat verkot, jotka mahdollistavat laitteen kytkemisen Internetiin radion kautta kÀyttÀvÀt moninaisia teknologioita ja eroavat laajalti ominaisuuksiltaan. Esimerkiksi langaton lÀhiverkko (WLAN), jota voidaan kÀyttÀÀ rakennuksen sisÀllÀ, on matkapuhelinverkkoa (esim. GPRS) nopeampi verkko, kun taas GPRS-kenttÀ voi ulottua kokonaisen kaupungin tai maan alueelle ja laajemmallekin. Kannettava pÀÀtelaite, jossa on monia radioliittymiÀ, voi siirtyÀ kÀyttÀmÀÀn mitÀ tahansa monista saatavilla olevistaverkoista riippuen olinpaikasta tai kÀytettÀvÀn sovelluksen tarpeista. Verkonvaihto viittaa tÀhÀn verkosta toiseen siirtymiseen, ja se tunnetaan vertikaalisena verkonvaihtona, kun siirtymisen kohteena olevien verkkojen teknologia eroaa toisistaan. TCP on tietoliikenneohjelmisto, jota sekÀ tiedon lÀhettÀjÀ ettÀ vastaanottaja kÀyttÀvÀt kuljettamaan sovelluksen tiedon luotettavasti. TCP sÀÀtelee tiedon lÀhetysnopeutta riippuen Internetin resurssien saatavuudesta. TCP:n kÀyttÀytyminen riippuu pÀÀstÀ-pÀÀhÀn polun ominaisuuksista ja erityisesti pullonkaulayhteydestÀ, siitÀ yhteydestÀ, jolla on minimikapasiteetti polulla. Langaton yhteys, joka yhdistÀÀ kannettavan laitteen Internetiin on usein pullonkaulayhteys, ja Àkillinen muutos sen ominaisuuksissa vertikaalisen siirtymÀn aikana vaikuttaa merkittÀvÀsti TCP:n suorituskykyyn ja siten koko sovelluksen laatuun. TÀmÀ työssÀ on keskitytty tutkimaan TCP:n toimintaa vertikaalisessa verkonvaihdon yhteydessÀ ja suunnittelemaan algoritmeja, jotka parantavat sen suorituskykyÀ vertikaalisen verkonvaihdon yhteydessÀ. Suunnitellut algoritmit kÀyttÀvÀt hyvÀksi tietoa vertikaaliseen verkonvaihtoon liittyvien langattomien yhteyksien ominaisuuksista. EnsimmÀinen tapaustutkimuskohde liittyy WLAN-GPRS -ympÀristöön, jossa TCP saa minimimÀÀrÀn tietoa verkonvaihtoon liittyen. Tulokset nÀyttÀvÀt, ettÀ TCP:n suorituskykyÀ voidaan parantaa huomattavasti. Tutkimusta on laajennettu kattamaan verkonvaihto yleisemmÀssÀ tapauksessa kÀyttÀen karkeita arvioita ko. verkkojen ominaisuuksista. Kehitettyjen algoritmien toiminnallisuus on evaluoitu simulaatiokokeilla kattaen laajan joukon ominaisuuksiltaan erilaisia verkkoja. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ TCP-suorituskykyÀ voidaan parantaa vertikaalisen verkonvaihdon yhteydessÀ huomattavasti tÀtÀ lÀhestymistapaa kÀyttÀen. Kehitetyt algoritmit voivat olla hyödyksi etsiessÀmme ratkaisuja kannettavien laitteiden todellisen kÀytön tarpeisiin

    Mobile-IP ad-hoc network MPLS-based with QoS support.

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    The support for Quality of Service (QoS) is the main focus of this thesis. Major issues and challenges for Mobile-IP Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) to support QoS in a multi-layer manner are considered discussed and investigated through simulation setups. Different parameters contributing to the subjective measures of QoS have been considered and consequently, appropriate testbeds were formed to measure these parameters and compare them to other schemes to check for superiority. These parameters are: Maximum Round-Trip Delay (MRTD), Minimum Bandwidth Guaranteed (MBG), Bit Error Rate (BER), Packet Loss Ratio (PER), End-To-End Delay (ETED), and Packet Drop Ratio (PDR) to name a few. For network simulations, NS-II (Network Simulator Version II) and OPNET simulation software systems were used.Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .A355. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1444. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Multi Radio Resource Management over WiMAX-WiFi Heterogeneous Networks: Performance Investigation

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    Mobile communication systems beyond the third generation will see the interconnection of heterogeneous radio access networks (WiMax, wireless local area networks, etc.) in order to always provide the best quality of service (QoS) to users with multimode terminals. This scenario poses a number of critical issues, which have to be faced in order to get the best from the integrated access network. In this paper, we investigate the issue of parallel transmission over multiple radio access technologies (RATs), focusing the attention on the QoS perceived by \ufb01nal users. Both the alternative and the parallel use of two RATs is considered. In particular, a scenario with a point of access providing both WiMAX and WiFi coverage will be investigated, and the performance level experienced by \u201cdual-mode users\u201d is assessed

    Adaptive Vertical Handoff for Integrated UMTS and WLAN Networks

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    Next-generation wireless networks have been envisioned to be an integration of heterogeneous wireless access networks such as UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication Networks) and the IEEE 802.11 based WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks). It is an important and challenging issue to support seamless vertical handoff management in such an integrated architecture that provides the mobile users uninterrupted service continuity anywhere, any time. In such a networking environment, the signaling delay of the vertical handoff is not fixed due to the traffic load in the backbone Internet, wireless channel quality and the distance between a mobile node and its home network. However, the currently handoff solutions implicitly considers the signaling delay as a constant value. In this thesis, we study a typical link layer assisted handoff, identifying its deficiency due to the considerably large handoff delay. We propose an adaptive vertical handoff management scheme for integrated UMTS and WLAN networks. The proposed scheme incorporates the idea of pre-handoff with adaptive handoff threshold. We estimate the handoff signaling delay in advance, therefore, providing the delay information required for making an adaptive handoff decision. Instead of setting a fixed threshold, an adaptive handoff threshold value is determined for every single MN based on the estimated handoff signaling delay. The RSS and the RSS's rate of change are used to determine the estimated handoff time instant. Extensive simulation has been conducted to verify the performance of the proposed handoff scheme

    Design and implementation of a functional WATM test bed to study the performance of handoff schemes

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    Includes bibliographical references.The focus of this research is on the design and implementation of a WATM functional architecture in order to facilitate a seamless handoff. The project includes an experimental implementation of the WATM network. This required the building of a prototype WATM network with existing ATM switches and implementing handover protocol schemes at both the access and network sides

    Quality-Oriented Mobility Management for Multimedia Content Delivery to Mobile Users

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    The heterogeneous wireless networking environment determined by the latest developments in wireless access technologies promises a high level of communication resources for mobile computational devices. Although the communication resources provided, especially referring to bandwidth, enable multimedia streaming to mobile users, maintaining a high user perceived quality is still a challenging task. The main factors which affect quality in multimedia streaming over wireless networks are mainly the error-prone nature of the wireless channels and the user mobility. These factors determine a high level of dynamics of wireless communication resources, namely variations in throughput and packet loss as well as network availability and delays in delivering the data packets. Under these conditions maintaining a high level of quality, as perceived by the user, requires a quality oriented mobility management scheme. Consequently we propose the Smooth Adaptive Soft-Handover Algorithm, a novel quality oriented handover management scheme which unlike other similar solutions, smoothly transfer the data traffic from one network to another using multiple simultaneous connections. To estimate the capacity of each connection the novel Quality of Multimedia Streaming (QMS) metric is proposed. The QMS metric aims at offering maximum flexibility and efficiency allowing the applications to fine tune the behavior of the handover algorithm. The current simulation-based performance evaluation clearly shows the better performance of the proposed Smooth Adaptive Soft-Handover Algorithm as compared with other handover solutions. The evaluation was performed in various scenarios including multiple mobile hosts performing handover simultaneously, wireless networks with variable overlapping areas, and various network congestion levels


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    A finales de los años noventa, y al comienzo del nuevo milenio, las redes inalåmbricas han evolucionado bastante, pasando de ser sólo una tecnología prometedora para convertirse en un requisito para las actividades cotidianas en las sociedades desarrolladas. La infraestructura de transporte también ha evolucionado, ofreciendo comunicación a bordo para mejorar la seguridad vial y el acceso a contenidos de información y entretenimiento. Los requisitos de los usuarios finales se han hecho dependientes de la tecnología, lo que significa que sus necesidades de conectividad han aumentado debido a los diversos requisitos de las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en sus dispositivos móviles, tales como tabletas, teléfonos inteligentes, ordenadores portåtiles o incluso ordenadores de abordo (On-Board Units (OBUs)) dentro de los vehículos. Para cumplir con dichos requisitos de conectividad, y teniendo en cuenta las diferentes redes inalåmbricas disponibles, es necesario adoptar técnicas de Vertical Handover (VHO) para cambiar de red de forma transparente y sin necesidad de intervención del usuario. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar algoritmos de decisión (Vertical Handover Decision Algorithms (VHDAs)) eficientes y escalables, optimizados para el contexto de las redes vehiculares. En ese sentido se ha propuesto, desarrollado y probado diferentes algoritmos de decisión basados en la infraestructura disponible en las actuales, y probablemente en las futuras, redes inalåmbricas y redes vehiculares. Para ello se han combinado diferentes técnicas, métodos computacionales y modelos matemåticos, con el fin de garantizar una conectividad apropiada, y realizando el handover hacia las redes mås adecuadas de manera a cumplir tanto con los requisitos de los usuarios como los requisitos de las aplicaciones. Con el fin de evaluar el contexto, se han utilizado diferentes herramientas para obtener información variada, como la disponibilidad de la red, el estado de la red, la geolocalizaciónMårquez Barja, JM. (2012). SCALABLE AND EFFICIENT VERTICAL HANDOVER DECISION ALGORITHMS IN VEHICULAR NETWORK CONTEXTS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat PolitÚcnica de ValÚncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17869Palanci

    An Innovative RAN Architecture for Emerging Heterogeneous Networks: The Road to the 5G Era

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    The global demand for mobile-broadband data services has experienced phenomenal growth over the last few years, driven by the rapid proliferation of smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. This growth is expected to continue unabated as mobile data traffic is predicted to grow anywhere from 20 to 50 times over the next 5 years. Exacerbating the problem is that such unprecedented surge in smartphones usage, which is characterized by frequent short on/off connections and mobility, generates heavy signaling traffic load in the network signaling storms . This consumes a disproportion amount of network resources, compromising network throughput and efficiency, and in extreme cases can cause the Third-Generation (3G) or 4G (long-term evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A)) cellular networks to crash. As the conventional approaches of improving the spectral efficiency and/or allocation additional spectrum are fast approaching their theoretical limits, there is a growing consensus that current 3G and 4G (LTE/LTE-A) cellular radio access technologies (RATs) won\u27t be able to meet the anticipated growth in mobile traffic demand. To address these challenges, the wireless industry and standardization bodies have initiated a roadmap for transition from 4G to 5G cellular technology with a key objective to increase capacity by 1000Ã? by 2020 . Even though the technology hasn\u27t been invented yet, the hype around 5G networks has begun to bubble. The emerging consensus is that 5G is not a single technology, but rather a synergistic collection of interworking technical innovations and solutions that collectively address the challenge of traffic growth. The core emerging ingredients that are widely considered the key enabling technologies to realize the envisioned 5G era, listed in the order of importance, are: 1) Heterogeneous networks (HetNets); 2) flexible backhauling; 3) efficient traffic offload techniques; and 4) Self Organizing Networks (SONs). The anticipated solutions delivered by efficient interworking/ integration of these enabling technologies are not simply about throwing more resources and /or spectrum at the challenge. The envisioned solution, however, requires radically different cellular RAN and mobile core architectures that efficiently and cost-effectively deploy and manage radio resources as well as offload mobile traffic from the overloaded core network. The main objective of this thesis is to address the key techno-economics challenges facing the transition from current Fourth-Generation (4G) cellular technology to the 5G era in the context of proposing a novel high-risk revolutionary direction to the design and implementation of the envisioned 5G cellular networks. The ultimate goal is to explore the potential and viability of cost-effectively implementing the 1000x capacity challenge while continuing to provide adequate mobile broadband experience to users. Specifically, this work proposes and devises a novel PON-based HetNet mobile backhaul RAN architecture that: 1) holistically addresses the key techno-economics hurdles facing the implementation of the envisioned 5G cellular technology, specifically, the backhauling and signaling challenges; and 2) enables, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the support of efficient ground-breaking mobile data and signaling offload techniques, which significantly enhance the performance of both the HetNet-based RAN and LTE-A\u27s core network (Evolved Packet Core (EPC) per 3GPP standard), ensure that core network equipment is used more productively, and moderate the evolving 5G\u27s signaling growth and optimize its impact. To address the backhauling challenge, we propose a cost-effective fiber-based small cell backhaul infrastructure, which leverages existing fibered and powered facilities associated with a PON-based fiber-to-the-Node/Home (FTTN/FTTH)) residential access network. Due to the sharing of existing valuable fiber assets, the proposed PON-based backhaul architecture, in which the small cells are collocated with existing FTTN remote terminals (optical network units (ONUs)), is much more economical than conventional point-to-point (PTP) fiber backhaul designs. A fully distributed ring-based EPON architecture is utilized here as the fiber-based HetNet backhaul. The techno-economics merits of utilizing the proposed PON-based FTTx access HetNet RAN architecture versus that of traditional 4G LTE-A\u27s RAN will be thoroughly examined and quantified. Specifically, we quantify the techno-economics merits of the proposed PON-based HetNet backhaul by comparing its performance versus that of a conventional fiber-based PTP backhaul architecture as a benchmark. It is shown that the purposely selected ring-based PON architecture along with the supporting distributed control plane enable the proposed PON-based FTTx RAN architecture to support several key salient networking features that collectively significantly enhance the overall performance of both the HetNet-based RAN and 4G LTE-A\u27s core (EPC) compared to that of the typical fiber-based PTP backhaul architecture in terms of handoff capability, signaling overhead, overall network throughput and latency, and QoS support. It will also been shown that the proposed HetNet-based RAN architecture is not only capable of providing the typical macro-cell offloading gain (RAN gain) but also can provide ground-breaking EPC offloading gain. The simulation results indicate that the overall capacity of the proposed HetNet scales with the number of deployed small cells, thanks to LTE-A\u27s advanced interference management techniques. For example, if there are 10 deployed outdoor small cells for every macrocell in the network, then the overall capacity will be approximately 10-11x capacity gain over a macro-only network. To reach the 1000x capacity goal, numerous small cells including 3G, 4G, and WiFi (femtos, picos, metros, relays, remote radio heads, distributed antenna systems) need to be deployed indoors and outdoors, at all possible venues (residences and enterprises)

    Context transfer support for mobility management in all-IP networks.

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    This thesis is a description of the research undertaken in the course of the PhD and evolves around a context transfer protocol which aims to complement and support mobility management in next generation mobile networks. Based on the literature review, it was identified that there is more to mobility management than handover management and the successful change of routing paths. Supportive mechanisms like fast handover, candidate access router discovery and context transfer can significantly contribute towards achieving seamless handover which is especially important in the case of real time services. The work focused on context transfer motivated by the fact that it could offer great benefits to session re-establishment during the handover operation of a mobile user and preliminary testbed observations illustrated the need for achieving this. Context transfer aims to minimize the impact of certain transport, routing, security-related services on the handover performance. When a mobile node (MN) moves to a new subnet it needs to continue such services that have already been established at the previous subnet. Examples of such services include AAA profile, IPsec state, header compression, QoS policy etc. Re-establishing these services at the new subnet will require a considerable amount of time for the protocol exchanges and as a result time- sensitive real-time traffic will suffer during this time. By transferring state to the new domain candidate services will be quickly re-established. This would also contribute to the seamless operation of application streams and could reduce susceptibility to errors. Furthermore, re-initiation to and from the mobile node will be avoided hence wireless bandwidth efficiency will be conserved. In this research an extension to mobility protocols was proposed for supporting state forwarding capabilities. The idea of forwarding states was also explored for remotely reconfiguring middleboxes to avoid any interruption of a mobile users' sessions or services. Finally a context transfer module was proposed to facilitate the integration of such a mechanism in next generation architectures. The proposals were evaluated analytically, via simulations or via testbed implementation depending on the scenario investigated. The results demonstrated that the proposed solutions can minimize the impact of security services like authentication, authorization and firewalls on a mobile user's multimedia sessions and thus improving the overall handover performance
