709 research outputs found


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    The demand for high mobile data transmission has been dramatically enlarged since there is a significant increase at the number of mobile communication devices that capable of providing high data rates. It is clearly observed that even the next generation cellular networks are not able to respond to this demand to provide the required level of mobile data transmission capacity. Although, WLAN responses to this demand by providing upwards of 600 Mbps data rates it is not convenient in terms of cellular like mobility and requires user intervention anytime of reconnection to a hotspot. Therefore, the need for a new technology took place and IEEE has introduced a new amendment to IEEE 802.11 standards family which is called as IEEE 802.11u. Based on IEEE 802.11u amendment, WFA developed WFA Hotspot 2.0 Specification and started to certify the Wi-Fi devices under Passpoint certification program. This new technology developed to provide Wi-Fi capable devices simply identify, select and associate to a Hotspot without any user intervention in a highly secure manner. As Hotspot 2.0 Specification is quite new in the market it has been a challenging work to reach some academic papers; however, IEEE 802.11u standard, Internet sources, white papers published by different companies/organizations and discussions with telecommunication experts have made this master thesis to achieve its goals. This thesis work provides a great resource for the network operators to have a great understanding of the Hotspot 2.0 Specification in terms of theory, network element requirements and deployment by providing a good understanding of the system functionality. In this paper, a comprehensive theoretical background that addresses to WLAN technology, Passpoint elements, and IEEE 802.11u based network discovery, selection and authentication is provided. Besides, Hotspot 2.0 network deployment scenarios with network core element requirements are designed and Passpoint functionality tests are performed under different scenarios by describing a comprehensive setup for the testing.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format


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    For almost 15 years, since it has been released, Wi-Fi has been one of the dominant technologies in telecommunication world. However, because of its weaknesses related to security, interference and weak quality of service it has not been accepted as a viable business. Furthermore, it also operates in unlicensed spectrum bands which magnify these issues. On the other hand, technological innovations through new improvements in the world of Wi-Fi have made it one of the most popular indoor communication solutions for enterprises as well as in outdoor common meeting points. Therefore, it has become imperative to study this subject due to its popularity and several issues associated with this technology to create a viable business model for Anvia Oyj. In an attempt to contribute towards this field, present thesis provides a comprehensive theoretical framework that addresses WLAN technology from different aspects including Wi-Fi roaming as well as the description of business model segments. In order to strengthen enterprise WLAN business models, a comprehensive data was collected through different resources. First, an internal interview in Anvia Oyj based on its current enterprise WLAN business model was conducted. Secondly, two surveys were conducted in different enterprise WLAN customer segments; 32 interviews with small office home office (SOHO) enterprises and 10 interviews with SMEs/LEs and municipalities. Thirdly, a global enterprise WLAN market analysis was conducted through Internet resources. Based on these, analyzes, recommendations and business model enhancements are suggested in this thesis. The findings of this research will help Anvia Oyj to achieve better performance in enterprise WLAN business segment.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Secure and Reliable Wireless Communication through End-to-End-based Solution

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    In the past few decades, network architectures and protocols are often designed to achieve a high throughput and a low latency. Security was rarely considered during the initial design phases. As a result, many network systems are insecure by design. Once they are widely deployed, the inherent vulnerabilities may be difficult to eliminate due to the prohibitive update cost. In this dissertation, we examine such types of vulnerabilities in various networks and design end-to-end-based solutions that allow end systems to address such loopholes. The end-to-end argument was originally proposed to let end hosts implement application-specific functions rather than letting intermediate network nodes (i.e., routers) perform unneeded functions. In this dissertation, we apply the end-to-end principle to address three problems in wireless networks that are caused by design flaw with following reasons: either because integrating solutions into a large number of already deployed intermediate nodes is not a viable option or because end hosts are in a better position to cope with the problems. First, we study the problem of jamming in a multihop wireless network. Jamming attacks are possible because wireless networks communicate over a shared medium. It is easy to launch a jamming attack but is difficult to defend against it. To ensure the end-to-end packet delivery, we propose a jamming-resilient multipath routing algorithm that maximizes end-to-end availability based on the availability history between sources and destinations. Second, we investigate caller ID spoofing attacks in telephone networks in which an attacker can send a fake caller ID to a callee rather than her real one to impersonate as someone else. Such attacks are possible because there is no caller ID authentication mechanism in operator interconnection protocols. Modifying current protocols to verify caller ID between operators may be infeasible due to the scale of deployed systems. So, we propose two schemes to detect caller ID spoofing attacks based on end-to-end verification. Finally, we examine evil twin access point attacks in wireless hotspots. In such attacks, an adversary sets up a phishing access point that has the same Service Set IDentification (SSID) as the legitimate ones in the hotspot. Such attacks are easy to launch because of how 802.11 standards are designed. Existing solutions take away convenience from the user while providing security. Our aim is to detect evil twin access point attacks in wireless hotspots without modifying how access point works in hotspots and without additional infrastructure support. We propose an end-to-end-based mechanism that can effectively detect evil twin access point attacks in wireless hotspots


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    Framework to facilitate smooth handovers between mobile IPv6 networks

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    Fourth generation (4G) mobile communication networks are characterised by heterogeneous access networks and IP based transport technologies. Different access technologies give users choices to select services such as levels of Quality of Service (QoS) support, business models and service providers. Flexibility of heterogeneous access is compounded by the overhead of scanning to discover accessible services, which added to the handoff latency. This thesis has developed mechanisms for service discovery and service selection, along with a novel proposal for mobility management architectures that reduced handoff latency. The service discovery framework included a service advertisement data repository and a single frequency band access mechanism, which enabled users to explore services offered by various operators with a reduced scanning overhead. The novel hierarchical layout of the repository enabled it to categorise information into various layers and facilitate location based information retrieval. The information made available by the repository included cost, bandwidth, Packet Loss (PL), latency, jitter, Bit Error Rate (BER), location and service connectivity information. The single frequency band access mechanism further enabled users to explore service advertisements in the absence of their main service providers. The single frequency access mechanism broadcasted service advertisements information piggybacked onto a router advertisement packet on a reserved frequency band for advertisements. Results indicated that scanning 13 channels on 802.11 b interface takes 189ms whereas executing a query with maximum permissible search parameters on the service advertisement data repository takes 67ms. A service selection algorithm was developed to make handoff decisions utilising the service advertisements acquired from the service discovery framework; based on a user's preference. The selection algorithm reduced the calculation overhead by eliminating unsuitable networks; based on interface compatibility, service provider location, unacceptable QoS (Quality of service) and unacceptable cost; from the selection process. The selection algorithm utilised cost, bandwidth, PL, latency, jitter, BER and terminal power for computing the most suitable network. Results indicated that the elimination based approach has improved the performance of the algorithm by 35% over non- elimination oriented selection procedures, even after utilising more selection parameters. The service discovery framework and the service selection algorithm are flexible enough to be employed in most mobility management architectures. The thesis recommends Seamless Mobile Internet Protocol (SMIP) as a mobility management scheme based on the simulation results. The SMIP protocol, a combination of Hierarchical Mobile Internet Protocol (HMIP) and Fast Mobile Internet Protocol (FMIP), suffered hand off latency increases when undergoing a global handoff due to HMIP. The proposed modification to the HMIP included the introduction of a coverage area overlap, to reduce the global handoff latency. The introduction of a Home Address (HA) in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) binding table enabled seamless handoffs from WLANs by having a redirection mechanism for the user's packets after handoff. The thesis delivered a new mobility management architecture with mechanisms for service discovery and service selection. The proposed framework enabled user oriented, application centric and terminal based approach for selecting IPv6 networks

    Engineering Multimedia-Aware Personalized Ubiquitous Services

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    Ubiquitous computing focusing on users and tasks instead of devices and singular applications is an attractive vision for the future. Especially the idea of nomadic, mobile users poses new challenges on hardware and software. Mobile devices provide vastly different presentation capabilities and need to integrate into heterogeneous environments. Network bandwidth is far from being constant and services may be available only when online. This paper presents MUNDO, an infrastructure for ubiquitous computing that addresses these challenges. The infrastructure is intended to be non-monolithic with its parts supporting mobile computing using multi-modal user interfaces, mobile data delivery, and ad-hoc communication and networking