35 research outputs found

    Network and device forensic analysis of Android social-messaging applications

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    In this research we forensically acquire and analyze the device-stored data and network traffic of 20 popular instant messaging applications for Android. We were able to reconstruct some or the entire message content from 16 of the 20 applications tested, which reflects poorly on the security and privacy measures employed by these applications but may be construed positively for evidence collection purposes by digital forensic practitioners. This work shows which features of these instant messaging applications leave evidentiary traces allowing for suspect data to be reconstructed or partially reconstructed, and whether network forensics or device forensics permits the reconstruction of that activity. We show that in most cases we were able to reconstruct or intercept data such as: passwords, screenshots taken by applications, pictures, videos, audio sent, messages sent, sketches, profile pictures and more

    Potential Threats of Information Disclosure in Social Media: a Systematic Literature Review

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    Along with the growth of social media, a variety of potential threats to users is also increasing. These kinds of threats often occur because the users accidentally or unknowingly disclose their information or identity on social media. Threats resulted from the disclosure of information are needed to be known so that the users can understand the risks that arise and take precautions. This research was aimed to summarize the potential threats arising from the information disclosure in social media. The research method used was a systematic literature review to explore and summarize the literatures that discuss the specific topic. The research results show that the potential threats are mostly social threats and identity theft

    Professor Frank Breitinger\u27s Full Bibliography

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    Screenshots Enriched with Metadata to Enable Bookmarking and Semantic Retrieval

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    Users capture screenshots of their devices while running particular applications for various purposes such as bookmarking a specific interaction or state of the application. However, currently, finding the correct screenshot at a later time is challenging since screenshots are not amenable to searching. Further, the non-interactive nature of screenshots makes them inadequate for accessing underlying content such as embedded links or multimedia resources. This disclosure describes techniques to automatically enhance screenshots by capturing relevant contextual metadata that can enable semantic indexing of screenshots. The indexing facilitates search and retrieval and can support resuming the underlying application in the same state as at the time of screenshot capture. Semantic indexing can be performed using natural language understanding, image processing, optical character recognition, etc. The semantic index is usable to retrieve screenshots that match a user query and to automatically invoke the relevant application and resume it from the state captured in the screenshot

    Whatsapp Forensics Pada Android Smartphone : a Survey

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    Salah satu applikasi jejaring sosial yang sangat populer saat ini adalah WhatsApp. Hampir seluruh pengguna smartphone menggunakan applikasi ini sebagai media komunikasi. Berbagai macam perkembangan atau fitur baru telah banyak ditambahkan pengembang sebagai fasilitas yang dapat memanjakan para pengguna. Peranan sistem keamanan tentunya sangat penting untuk menunjang keamanan privasi para pengguna agar kerahasiaan tetap terjaga. Beberapa peneliti telah banyak melakukan experimen mobile forensics untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi dari para pengguna WhatsApp. Pada paper ini membahas survey berbagai metoda dari berbagai para peneliti WhatsApp forensics. Dalam sebuah proses mobile metoda yang digunakan dalam proses forensics antara lain menggunakan internet protocol dan live memory. Untuk proses mobile forensics khususnya pada applikasi WhatsApp dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda tersebut untuk memperoleh data informasi yang dibutuhkan

    Live forensics of tools on android devices for email forensics

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    Email is one communication technology that can be used to exchange information, data, and etc. The development of email technology not only can be opened using a computer but can be opened using an smartphone. The most widely used smartphone in Indonesian society is Android. Within a row, the development technology of higher cybercrime such as email fraud catching cybercrime offenders need evidence to be submitted to a court, for obtain evidence can use tools like Wireshark and Networkminer to analyzing network traffic on live networks. Opportunity, we will do a comparison of the forensic tools it to acquire digital evidence. The subject of this research focused on Android-based email service to get as much digital evidence as possible on both tools. This process uses National Institute of Standards and Technology method. The results of this research that networkminer managed to get the receiving port, while in Wireshark not found

    POTC model for Safe and Secure Cyber Communication as well as Transactions

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    We are currently living in an age, where the use of the Internet has become second nature to millions of people. Not only business but all types of organization is depend on the Internet. More and more home users are practice the huge benefit of the Internet. However, this dependency and use of the Internet bring new and dangerous risks. This is due to increasing attempts from unauthorised third parties to compromise private information for their own benefit – the whole wide area of cyber crime. Cyber crime is also increase in cases of unawareness about online fraud and risks. Therefore it is essential that all users understand the risks of using Internet, the importance of securing their personal information and the consequences if it is not used properly. Hackers target home users due to this vulnerability. Due to improper development of website security and loopholes hackers can easily take benefit. This paper specify current frauds and proposes a POTC model, which provide guideline to home users as well as developer. POTC model proposes a way to improve information security awareness among home users and developer by presenting some information security steps


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