7,938 research outputs found

    Form and function in gene regulatory networks: the structure of network motifs determines fundamental properties of their dynamical state space.

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    Network motifs have been studied extensively over the past decade, and certain motifs, such as the feed-forward loop, play an important role in regulatory networks. Recent studies have used Boolean network motifs to explore the link between form and function in gene regulatory networks and have found that the structure of a motif does not strongly determine its function, if this is defined in terms of the gene expression patterns the motif can produce. Here, we offer a different, higher-level definition of the 'function' of a motif, in terms of two fundamental properties of its dynamical state space as a Boolean network. One is the basin entropy, which is a complexity measure of the dynamics of Boolean networks. The other is the diversity of cyclic attractor lengths that a given motif can produce. Using these two measures, we examine all 104 topologically distinct three-node motifs and show that the structural properties of a motif, such as the presence of feedback loops and feed-forward loops, predict fundamental characteristics of its dynamical state space, which in turn determine aspects of its functional versatility. We also show that these higher-level properties have a direct bearing on real regulatory networks, as both basin entropy and cycle length diversity show a close correspondence with the prevalence, in neural and genetic regulatory networks, of the 13 connected motifs without self-interactions that have been studied extensively in the literature.The Royal SocietyThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from The Royal Society Publishing via http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2016.017

    Noise control and utility: From regulatory network to spatial patterning

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    Stochasticity (or noise) at cellular and molecular levels has been observed extensively as a universal feature for living systems. However, how living systems deal with noise while performing desirable biological functions remains a major mystery. Regulatory network configurations, such as their topology and timescale, are shown to be critical in attenuating noise, and noise is also found to facilitate cell fate decision. Here we review major recent findings on noise attenuation through regulatory control, the benefit of noise via noise-induced cellular plasticity during developmental patterning, and summarize key principles underlying noise control

    Buffered Qualitative Stability explains the robustness and evolvability of transcriptional networks

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    The gene regulatory network (GRN) is the central decision‐making module of the cell. We have developed a theory called Buffered Qualitative Stability (BQS) based on the hypothesis that GRNs are organised so that they remain robust in the face of unpredictable environmental and evolutionary changes. BQS makes strong and diverse predictions about the network features that allow stable responses under arbitrary perturbations, including the random addition of new connections. We show that the GRNs of E. coli, M. tuberculosis, P. aeruginosa, yeast, mouse, and human all verify the predictions of BQS. BQS explains many of the small- and large‐scale properties of GRNs, provides conditions for evolvable robustness, and highlights general features of transcriptional response. BQS is severely compromised in a human cancer cell line, suggesting that loss of BQS might underlie the phenotypic plasticity of cancer cells, and highlighting a possible sequence of GRN alterations concomitant with cancer initiation. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02863.00

    Mathematical modelling plant signalling networks

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    During the last two decades, molecular genetic studies and the completion of the sequencing of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome have increased knowledge of hormonal regulation in plants. These signal transduction pathways act in concert through gene regulatory and signalling networks whose main components have begun to be elucidated. Our understanding of the resulting cellular processes is hindered by the complex, and sometimes counter-intuitive, dynamics of the networks, which may be interconnected through feedback controls and cross-regulation. Mathematical modelling provides a valuable tool to investigate such dynamics and to perform in silico experiments that may not be easily carried out in a laboratory. In this article, we firstly review general methods for modelling gene and signalling networks and their application in plants. We then describe specific models of hormonal perception and cross-talk in plants. This sub-cellular analysis paves the way for more comprehensive mathematical studies of hormonal transport and signalling in a multi-scale setting

    Computational methods in cancer gene networking

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    In the past few years, many high-throughput techniques have been developed and applied to biological studies. These techniques such as “next generation” genome sequencing, chip-on-chip, microarray and so on can be used to measure gene expression and gene regulatory elements in a genome-wide scale. Moreover, as these technologies become more affordable and accessible, they have become a driving force in modern biology. As a result, huge amount biological data have been produced, with the expectation of increasing number of such datasets to be generated in the future. High-throughput data are more comprehensive and unbiased, but ‘real signals’ or biological insights, molecular mechanisms and biological principles are buried in the flood of data. In current biological studies, the bottleneck is no longer a lack of data, but the lack of ingenuity and computational means to extract biological insights and principles by integrating knowledge and high-throughput data. 

Here I am reviewing the concepts and principles of network biology and the computational methods which can be applied to cancer research. Furthermore, I am providing a practical guide for computational analysis of cancer gene networks

    Feedbacks from the metabolic network to the genetic network reveal regulatory modules in E. coli and B. subtilis

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    The genetic regulatory network (GRN) plays a key role in controlling the response of the cell to changes in the environment. Although the structure of GRNs has been the subject of many studies, their large scale structure in the light of feedbacks from the metabolic network (MN) has received relatively little attention. Here we study the causal structure of the GRNs, namely the chain of influence of one component on the other, taking into account feedback from the MN. First we consider the GRNs of E. coli and B. subtilis without feedback from MN and illustrate their causal structure. Next we augment the GRNs with feedback from their respective MNs by including (a) links from genes coding for enzymes to metabolites produced or consumed in reactions catalyzed by those enzymes and (b) links from metabolites to genes coding for transcription factors whose transcriptional activity the metabolites alter by binding to them. We find that the inclusion of feedback from MN into GRN significantly affects its causal structure, in particular the number of levels and relative positions of nodes in the hierarchy, and the number and size of the strongly connected components (SCCs). We then study the functional significance of the SCCs. For this we identify condition specific feedbacks from the MN into the GRN by retaining only those enzymes that are essential for growth in specific environmental conditions simulated via the technique of flux balance analysis (FBA). We find that the SCCs of the GRN augmented by these feedbacks can be ascribed specific functional roles in the organism. Our algorithmic approach thus reveals relatively autonomous subsystems with specific functionality, or regulatory modules in the organism. This automated approach could be useful in identifying biologically relevant modules in other organisms for which network data is available, but whose biology is less well studied.Comment: 15 figure

    Crosstalk and the Dynamical Modularity of Feed-Forward Loops in Transcriptional Regulatory Networks

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    Network motifs, such as the feed-forward loop (FFL), introduce a range of complex behaviors to transcriptional regulatory networks, yet such properties are typically determined from their isolated study. We characterize the effects of crosstalk on FFL dynamics by modeling the cross regulation between two different FFLs and evaluate the extent to which these patterns occur in vivo. Analytical modeling suggests that crosstalk should overwhelmingly affect individual protein-expression dynamics. Counter to this expectation we find that entire FFLs are more likely than expected to resist the effects of crosstalk (approximate to 20% for one crosstalk interaction) and remain dynamically modular. The likelihood that cross-linked FFLs are dynamically correlated increases monotonically with additional crosstalk, but is independent of the specific regulation type or connectivity of the interactions. Just one additional regulatory interaction is sufficient to drive the FFL dynamics to a statistically different state. Despite the potential for modularity between sparsely connected network motifs, Escherichia coli (E. coli) appears to favor crosstalk wherein at least one of the cross-linked FFLs remains modular. A gene ontology analysis reveals that stress response processes are significantly overrepresented in the cross-linked motifs found within E. coli. Although the daunting complexity of biological networks affects the dynamical properties of individual network motifs, some resist and remain modular, seemingly insulated from extrinsic perturbations-an intriguing possibility for nature to consistently and reliably provide certain network functionalities wherever the need arise