236 research outputs found

    Secure and privacy-aware proxy mobile IPv6 protocol for vehicle-to-grid networks

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    Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) networks have emerged as a new communication paradigm between Electric Vehicles (EVs) and the Smart Grid (SG). In order to ensure seamless communications between mobile EVs and the electric vehicle supply equipment, the support of ubiquitous and transparent mobile IP communications is essential in V2G networks. However, enabling mobile IP communications raises real concerns about the possibility of tracking the locations of connected EVs through their mobile IP addresses. In this paper, we employ certificate-less public key cryptography in synergy with the restrictive partially blind signature technique to construct a secure and privacy-aware proxy mobile IPv6 (SP-PMIPv6) protocol for V2G networks. SP-PMIPv6 achieves low authentication latency while protecting the identity and location privacy of the mobile EV. We evaluate the SP-PMIPv6 protocol in terms of its authentication overhead and the information-theoretic uncertainty derived by the mutual information metric to show the high level of achieved anonymity


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    With the convergence of the wireless networks and the Internet and the booming demand for multimedia applications, the next-generation (beyond the third generation, or B3G) wireless systems are expected to be all IP-based and provide real-time and non-real-time mobile services anywhere and anytime. Powerful and efficient mobility support is thus the key enabler to fulfil such an attractive vision by supporting various mobility scenarios. This thesis contributes to this interesting while challenging topic. After a literature review on mobility support architectures and protocols, the thesis starts presenting our contributions with a generic multi-layer mobility support framework, which provides a general approach to meet the challenges of handling comprehensive mobility issues. The cross-layer design methodology is introduced to coordinate the protocol layers for optimised system design. Particularly, a flexible and efficient cross-layer signalling scheme is proposed for interlayer interactions. The proposed generic framework is then narrowed down with several fundamental building blocks identified to be focused on as follows. As widely adopted, we assume that the IP-based access networks are organised into administrative domains, which are inter-connected through a global IP-based wired core network. For a mobile user who roams from one domain to another, macro (inter-domain) mobility management should be in place for global location tracking and effective handoff support for both real-time and non-real-lime applications. Mobile IP (MIP) and the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) are being adopted as the two dominant standard-based macro-mobility architectures, each of which has mobility entities and messages in its own right. The work explores the joint optimisations and interactions of MIP and SIP when utilising the complementary power of both protocols. Two distinctive integrated MIP-SIP architectures are designed and evaluated, compared with their hybrid alternatives and other approaches. The overall analytical and simulation results shown significant performance improvements in terms of cost-efficiency, among other metrics. Subsequently, for the micro (intra-domain) mobility scenario where a mobile user moves across IP subnets within a domain, a micro mobility management architecture is needed to support fast handoffs and constrain signalling messaging loads incurred by intra-domain movements within the domain. The Hierarchical MIPv6 (HMIPv6) and the Fast Handovers for MIPv6 (FMIPv6) protocols are selected to fulfil the design requirements. The work proposes enhancements to these protocols and combines them in an optimised way. resulting in notably improved performances in contrast to a number of alternative approaches

    New Mobility Trends in Data Networks

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá návrhem nového algoritmu řízení handoveru v rámci protokolu Mobile IPv6, který umožní nasazení tohoto protokolu v leteckých datových sítích. Existující algoritmy řízení handoveru sice dosahují dostatečné výkonnosti v konvenčních pozemních bezdrátových sítích disponujích velkou šířkou pásma a nízkou latencí, jako jsou WiFi nebo UMTS, ale jak ukazuje tato práce, nasazení těchto algoritmů prostředí leteckých datových sítí nepřináší očekávané výhody. Analýza ukazuje, že v úzkopásmových leteckých sítích trpí tyto algoritmy řízení handoveru velkou latencí a způsobují značnou režii. Nový algoritmus řízení handoveru v MIPv6 navržený v této práci je založený na jednoduché myšlence: ''Já jsem letadlo, já vím, kam letím!'' To znamená, že pohyb letadla není náhodný, ale vysoce předvídatelný. Díky tomu je možno předvídat handovery mezi přístupovými sítěmi podél očekávané trajektorie letadla a vykonat nezbytné operace pro přípravu handoverů již na zemi, kde je letadlo připojeno k širokopásmové síti letiště. Tato dizertační práce dále uvádí porovnání existujících algoritmů řízení handoveru s nově navrženým pomocí analytické metody ohodnocení handoveru. Díky tomu je možno kvantifikovat výhody, které nový algoritmus přináší a taktéž popsat slabiny algoritmů existujících.The doctoral thesis is focused on a design of novel Mobile IPv6 handover strategy suitable for deployment in aeronautical data networks. The current handover strategies provide sufficient performance in the conventional ground networks such as WiFi or UMTS that dispose high bandwidth and low latency. However, as this thesis shows, deploying these handover strategies in aeronautical data link environment does not bring desired benefits - the handover latency is high and the related overhead gets high as well. The novel MIPv6 handover strategy presented in this thesis is based on a simple thought: ''I am an aircraft, I know where I'm flying!'' This means that the movement of the aircraft is not random, it is highly predictable. Thanks to that, inter-network handovers may be anticipated and necessary IP handover related actions can be taken in advance, while the aircraft is connected via a broadband ground link at the origination airport. The thesis also presents a comparison of the existing handover strategies with the proposed new one conducted using an analytical approach. This allows to quantify the benefits of the novel handover strategy and the drawbacks of the current ones.

    Modeling and Performance Evaluation of MANET Handover

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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is an unstructured collection of wireless nodes that move arbitrarily and use multi-hop protocols to communicate between each other. There is not a predefined infrastructure in a MANET as there is in other types of wireless networks. Now days, MANET networks integrate with other networks, like the Internet, permitting ad hoc nodes to communicate with hosts placed in any part of the world. But the integration of MANETs with fixed infrastructures must be carefully studied to evaluate how it performs. In such integrated scenario, commonly known as Hybrid Ad Hoc Network, a MANET can be seen as an extension to the existing infrastructure, whose mobile nodes seamlessly communicate with hosts on the fixed network by forwarding packets throughout the gateways found on the edge that join both types of network. Connecting MANETs to the Internet does not come without difficulties. Ad hoc routing protocols work different than the regular routing protocols used on the Internet, and their interoperability becomes an important issue. But when MANETs integrate with the Internet, a more demanding challenge emerges if node mobility is considered. A moving node may lose registration with its current gateway, and may then need to register to a different gateway (a handover) to continue communicating. During a handover, any ongoing communication will be interrupted affecting network performance. In order to improve this performance, an IP mobility management protocol must be used. The main objective of this research is to develop a model that may be used to evaluate the performance of MANET handovers under different scenarios. Different issues about MANET integration with the Internet are considered: the IP mobility protocol implemented, the external route computation procedure, the type of ad hoc routing protocol used, and the gateway discovery approach used. For this evaluation, a mobile node in a MANET holding a communication with a correspondent node in the Internet roams to a different sub-network, having to change its registration to a different gateway. The different scenarios considered to evaluate the handover performance include the use of different types of MANET protocols, the use of different gateway discovery approaches, and the use of different versions of the Mobile IP protocol. During the research a review was made of the functioning conditions for the proposed scenario. Then, a handover model was proposed, which was used to develop some metrics that were later used to evaluate the MANET handover performance. This metrics are the broken communication time, the probability of handover failure, and the average communication interruption time. In all the results found, we could confirm that the proactive discovery approach has a better handover performance than the reactive discovery approach, which permit us to conclude that regardless the MANET routing protocol, and the Mobile IP version, the proactive agent discovery approach should be used in highly mobile scenarios, preferable, with the reactive routing protocol

    Proactive TCP mechanism to improve Handover performance in Mobile Satellite and Terrestrial Networks

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    Emerging standardization of Geo Mobile Radio (GMR-1) for satellite system is having strong resemblance to terrestrial GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) at the upper protocol layers and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of them. This space segment technology as well as terrestrial technology, is characterized by periodic variations in communication properties and coverage causing the termination of ongoing call as connections of Mobile Nodes (MN) alter stochastically. Although provisions are made to provide efficient communication infrastructure this hybrid space and terrestrial networks must ensure the end-to-end network performance so that MN can move seamlessly among these networks. However from connectivity point of view current TCP performance has not been engineered for mobility events in multi-radio MN. Traditionally, TCP has applied a set of congestion control algorithms (slow-start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit, fast recovery) to probe the currently available bandwidth on the connection path. These algorithms need several round-trip times to find the correct transmission rate (i.e. congestion window), and adapt to sudden changes connectivity due to handover. While there are protocols to maintain the connection continuity on mobility events, such as Mobile IP (MIP) and Host Identity Protocol (HIP), TCP performance engineering has had less attention. TCP is implemented as a separate component in an operating system, and is therefore often unaware of the mobility events or the nature of multi-radios' communication. This paper aims to improve TCP communication performance in Mobile satellite and terrestrial networks.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Modeling and Analysis of an Energy-Efficient Mobility Management Scheme in IP-Based Wireless Networks†

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    An energy-efficient mobility management scheme in IP-based wireless networks is proposed to reduce the battery power consumption of mobile hosts (MHs). The proposed scheme manages seven MH states, including transmitting, receiving, attention/cell-connected, attention/paging area(PA)-connected, idle, off/attached, and detached states, to efficiently manage battery power, radio resources, and network load. We derive the stationary probabilities and steady state probabilities of the seven MH states for the proposed scheme in IP-based wireless networks in compact form. The effects of various input parameters on MH steady state probabilities and power consumption are investigated in the proposed scheme compared to the conventional scheme. Network costs such as cell updates, PA updates, binding-lifetime-based registrations, and paging messages are analyzed in the proposed and conventional schemes. The optimal values of PA size and registration interval are derived to minimize the network cost of the proposed scheme. The combined network and power costs are investigated for the proposed and conventional schemes. The results provide guidelines to select the proper system parameters in IP-based wireless networks

    Distributed All-IP Mobility Management Architecture Supported by the NDN Overlay

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    Two of the most promising candidate solutions for realizing the next-generation all-IP mobile networks are Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6), which is the host-based and global mobility supporting protocol, and Proxy MIPv6 (PMIPv6), which is the network-based and localized mobility supporting protocol. However, the unprecedented growth of mobile Internet traffic has resulted in the development of distributed mobility management (DMM) architecture by the Internet engineering task force DMM working group. The extension of the basic MIPv6 and PMIPv6 to support their distributed and scalable deployment in the future is one of the major goals of the DMM working group. We propose an all-IP-based mobility management architecture that leverages the concept of Named Data Networking (NDN), which is a distributed content management and addressing architecture. In the proposed solution, mobility support services are distributed among multiple anchor points at the edge of the network, thereby enabling a flat architecture that exploits name-based routing in NDN. Our approach overcomes some of the major limitations of centralized IP mobility management solutions, by extending existing routing protocol and mobility management architecture, to distribute the mobility management function of anchor points in the IP network and optimize the transmission path of mobile traffic

    Developing route optimization-based PMIPv6 testbed for reliable packet transmission.

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    Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) allows a mobile node to communicate directly to its peers while changing the currently used IP address. This mode of operation is called route optimization (RO). In the RO process, the peer node learns a binding between the home address and its current temporary care-of-address. Many schemes have been proposed to support RO in PMIPv6. However, these schemes do not consider the out-of-sequence problem, which may happen between the existing path and the newly established RO path. In this paper, we propose a scheme to solve the out-of-sequence problem with low cost. In our scheme, we use the additional packet sequence number and the time information when the problem occurs. We then run experiments on a reliable packet transmission (RPT) laboratory testbed to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, and compare it with the well-known RO-supported PMIPv6 and the out-of-sequence time period scheme. The experimental results show that for most of the cases, our proposed scheme guarantees RPT by preventing the out-of-sequence problem.N/