7 research outputs found

    Nested Regular Path Queries in Description Logics

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    Two-way regular path queries (2RPQs) have received increased attention recently due to their ability to relate pairs of objects by flexibly navigating graph-structured data. They are present in property paths in SPARQL 1.1, the new standard RDF query language, and in the XML query language XPath. In line with XPath, we consider the extension of 2RPQs with nesting, which allows one to require that objects along a path satisfy complex conditions, in turn expressed through (nested) 2RPQs. We study the computational complexity of answering nested 2RPQs and conjunctions thereof (CN2RPQs) in the presence of domain knowledge expressed in description logics (DLs). We establish tight complexity bounds in data and combined complexity for a variety of DLs, ranging from lightweight DLs (DL-Lite, EL) up to highly expressive ones. Interestingly, we are able to show that adding nesting to (C)2RPQs does not affect worst-case data complexity of query answering for any of the considered DLs. However, in the case of lightweight DLs, adding nesting to 2RPQs leads to a surprising jump in combined complexity, from P-complete to Exp-complete.Comment: added Figure

    Regular Queries on Graph Databases

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    Graph databases are currently one of the most popular paradigms for storing data. One of the key conceptual differences between graph and relational databases is the focus on navigational queries that ask whether some nodes are connected by paths satisfying certain restrictions. This focus has driven the definition of several different query languages and the subsequent study of their fundamental properties. We define the graph query language of Regular Queries, which is a natural extension of unions of conjunctive 2-way regular path queries (UC2RPQs) and unions of conjunctive nested 2-way regular path queries (UCN2RPQs). Regular queries allow expressing complex regular patterns between nodes. We formalize regular queries as nonrecursive Datalog programs with transitive closure rules. This language has been previously considered, but its algorithmic properties are not well understood. Our main contribution is to show elementary tight bounds for the containment problem for regular queries. Specifically, we show that this problem is 2EXPSPACE-complete. For all extensions of regular queries known to date, the containment problem turns out to be non-elementary. Together with the fact that evaluating regular queries is not harder than evaluating UCN2RPQs, our results show that regular queries achieve a good balance between expressiveness and complexity, and constitute a well-behaved class that deserves further investigation

    Answering regular path queries mediated by unrestricted SQ ontologies

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    A prime application of description logics is ontology-mediated query answering, with the query language often reaching far beyond instance queries. Here, we investigate this task for positive existential two-way regular path queries and ontologies formulated in the expressive description logic , where denotes the extension of the basic description logic with transitive roles () and qualified number restrictions () which can be unrestrictedly applied to both non-transitive and transitive roles (). Notably, the latter is usually forbidden in expressive description logics. As the main contribution, we show decidability of ontology-mediated query answering in that setting and establish tight complexity bounds, namely 2ExpTime-completeness in combined complexity and coNP-completeness in data complexity. Since the lower bounds are inherited from the fragment , we concentrate on providing upper bounds. As main technical tools we establish a tree-like countermodel property and a characterization of when a query is not satisfied in a tree-like interpretation. Together, these results allow us to use an automata-based approach to query answering