90 research outputs found

    Identification of Fertile Translations in Medical Comparable Corpora: a Morpho-Compositional Approach

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    This paper defines a method for lexicon in the biomedical domain from comparable corpora. The method is based on compositional translation and exploits morpheme-level translation equivalences. It can generate translations for a large variety of morphologically constructed words and can also generate 'fertile' translations. We show that fertile translations increase the overall quality of the extracted lexicon for English to French translation

    The morphological productivity of selected combining forms in English

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    TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on mitata kuuden neoklassisissa yhdyssanoissa kÀytettÀvÀn yhdysosan (hyper-, quasi-, pseudo-, -logy, -graphy- ja -nomy) morfologista produktiivisuutta. Produktiivisuudella tarkoitetaan Àidinkielisten puhujien kykyÀ luoda uusia lekseemejÀ kielen resursseja, kuten erilaisia sananmuodostimia hyödyntÀen. Produktiivisuus on korkeaa, jos uusien lekseemien luominen esimerkiksi tiettyÀ prefiksiÀ kÀyttÀmÀllÀ on helppoa ja se voi kiinnittyÀ moniin eri sanavartaloihin. TÀllöin myös prefiksin sisÀltÀvien lekseemien mÀÀrÀ kielessÀ on yleensÀ korkea. Tutkimuksen laajempi tavoite on selkiyttÀÀ neoklassisten yhdysosien asemaa osana englannin sanastontutkimusta, sillÀ ne ovat toistaiseksi jÀÀneet melko vÀhÀlle huomiolle aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa. Tutkimuksen aineistona on elektronisen The British National Corpus -tekstikorpuksen kirjoitetun kielen osa, joka on laajuudeltaan noin 90 miljoonaa sanaa. Tutkielmassa hyödynnetÀÀn erityisesti Baayenin ja Lieberin (1991) menetelmÀÀ, jolla tietyn sananmuodostimen produktiivisuudelle on mahdollista laskea numeerinen arvo. MenetelmÀ voidaan ilmaista muodossa P = p1 / N, jossa p1 on niiden tyyppien (engl. types) mÀÀrÀ, joissa tietty prefiksi tai yhdysosa esiintyy ja jotka esiintyvÀt korpuksessa vain kerran, ja N kaikkien niiden eri merkkijonojen (tokens) yhteenlaskettu mÀÀrÀ, joissa prefiksi tai yhdysosa esiintyy. LisÀksi produktiivisuuden arvioinnissa on kÀytetty mittareina tilastollisia menetelmiÀ, kuten frekvenssispektrejÀ ja sanaston kasvua kuvaavia kÀyriÀ. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ kaikki kuusi yhdysosaa ovat melko produktiivisia kaikkien mittareiden osalta. Yhdyssanan alkuosana toimivat yhdysosat (hyper-, quasi- ja pseudo-) saivat kuitenkin hieman korkeampia produktiivisuusarvoja kuin jÀlkiosat (-logy-, graphy- ja -nomy). SyynÀ saattaa olla se, ettÀ alkuosat muistuttavat merkitykseltÀÀn usein leksikaalisia sanoja, kun taas jÀlkiosat ilmaisevat usein kieliopillisia suhteita

    Analyse morphologique non supervisée en domaine biomédical. Application à la recherche d'information

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    International audienceDans le domaine biomĂ©dical, utiliser des termes spĂ©cialisĂ©s est essentiel pour accĂ©der Ă  l'information. Cependant, dans beaucoup de langues, ces termes sont des constructions morphologiques complexes qui compliquent cet accĂšs Ă  l'information. Dans cet article, nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  l'identiïŹcation des composants morphologiques de ces termes et Ă  leur utilisation pour une tĂąche de recherche d'information (RI). Nous proposons diffĂ©rentes approches reposant sur un alignement automatique avec une langue pivot particuliĂšre, le japonais, et sur un apprentissage par analogie permettant de produire des analyses morphologiques ïŹnes des termes d'une langue donnĂ©e. Ces analyses morphologiques sont ensuite utilisĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer l'indexation de documents biomĂ©dicaux. Les expĂ©riences rapportĂ©es montrent la validitĂ© de cette approche avec des gains en MAP de plus de 10 % par rapport Ă  un systĂšme de RI standard

    Corpus-Based Research on Chinese Language and Linguistics

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    This volume collects papers presenting corpus-based research on Chinese language and linguistics, from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective. The contributions cover different fields of linguistics, including syntax and pragmatics, semantics, morphology and the lexicon, sociolinguistics, and corpus building. There is now considerable emphasis on the reliability of linguistic data: the studies presented here are all grounded in the tenet that corpora, intended as collections of naturally occurring texts produced by a variety of speakers/writers, provide a more robust, statistically significant foundation for linguistic analysis. The volume explores not only the potential of using corpora as tools allowing access to authentic language material, but also the challenges involved in corpus interrogation, analysis, and building

    Capitalism, Coronavirus and War

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    Capitalism, Coronavirus and War investigates the decay of neoliberal financialised capitalism as revealed in the crisis the novel coronavirus triggered but did not cause, a crisis that has been deepened by the conflict over Ukraine and its repercussions across the globe. Leading domestically to economic and political breakdown, the pandemic accelerated the decline of the US-led capitalist world’s imperial power, intensifying the tendency to lash out with aggression and militarism, as seen in the US-led West’s New Cold War against China and the proxy war against Russia over Ukraine. The geopolitical economy of the decay and crisis of this form of capitalism suggests that the struggle with socialism that has long shaped the fate of capitalism has reached a tipping point. The author argues that mainstream and even many progressive forces take capitalism’s longevity for granted, misunderstand its historical dynamics and deny its formative bond with imperialism. Only a theoretically and historically accurate account of capitalism’s dynamics and historical trajectory, which this book provides, can explain its current failures and predicament. It also reveals why, though the pandemic—by revealing capitalism’s obscene inequality and shocking debility—prompted the most serious critiques of capitalism to emerge in decades, hopes of ‘building back better’ were so quickly dashed. This book sheds searching light on the dominant narratives that have normalised the neoliberal financialised capitalism and the dollar creditocracy dominating the world economy, with even critics unable to link capitalism’s neoliberal turn to its financialisations, historical decay, productive debility and international decline. It contends that only by appreciating the seriousness of the crisis and rectifying our understanding of capitalism can progressive forces thwart a future of chaos and/or authoritarianism and begin the long task of building socialism. This book will be of great interest to students, scholars and researchers of international relations, international political economy, comparative politics and global political sociology

    Capitalism, Coronavirus and War

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    Capitalism, Coronavirus and War investigates the decay of neoliberal financialised capitalism as revealed in the crisis the novel coronavirus triggered but did not cause, a crisis that has been deepened by the conflict over Ukraine and its repercussions across the globe. Leading domestically to economic and political breakdown, the pandemic accelerated the decline of the US-led capitalist world’s imperial power, intensifying the tendency to lash out with aggression and militarism, as seen in the US-led West’s New Cold War against China and the proxy war against Russia over Ukraine. The geopolitical economy of the decay and crisis of this form of capitalism suggests that the struggle with socialism that has long shaped the fate of capitalism has reached a tipping point. The author argues that mainstream and even many progressive forces take capitalism’s longevity for granted, misunderstand its historical dynamics and deny its formative bond with imperialism. Only a theoretically and historically accurate account of capitalism’s dynamics and historical trajectory, which this book provides, can explain its current failures and predicament. It also reveals why, though the pandemic—by revealing capitalism’s obscene inequality and shocking debility—prompted the most serious critiques of capitalism to emerge in decades, hopes of ‘building back better’ were so quickly dashed. This book sheds searching light on the dominant narratives that have normalised the neoliberal financialised capitalism and the dollar creditocracy dominating the world economy, with even critics unable to link capitalism’s neoliberal turn to its financialisations, historical decay, productive debility and international decline. It contends that only by appreciating the seriousness of the crisis and rectifying our understanding of capitalism can progressive forces thwart a future of chaos and/or authoritarianism and begin the long task of building socialism. This book will be of great interest to students, scholars and researchers of international relations, international political economy, comparative politics and global political sociology

    Constitutions of Value

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    Gathering an interdisciplinary range of cutting-edge scholars, this book addresses legal constitutions of value. Global value production and transnational value practices that rely on exploitation and extraction have left us with toxic commons and a damaged planet. Against this situation, the book examines law’s fundamental role in institutions of value production and valuation. Utilising pathbreaking theoretical approaches, it problematizes mainstream efforts to redeem institutions of value production by recoupling them with progressive values. Aiming beyond radical critique, the book opens up the possibility of imagining and enacting new and different value practices. This wide-ranging and accessible book will appeal to international lawyers, socio-legal scholars, those working at the intersections of law and economy and others, in politics, economics, environmental studies and elsewhere, who are concerned with rethinking our current ideas of what has value, what does not, and whether and how value may be revalued

    Constitutions of Value

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    Gathering an interdisciplinary range of cutting-edge scholars, this book addresses legal constitutions of value. Global value production and transnational value practices that rely on exploitation and extraction have left us with toxic commons and a damaged planet. Against this situation, the book examines law’s fundamental role in institutions of value production and valuation. Utilising pathbreaking theoretical approaches, it problematizes mainstream efforts to redeem institutions of value production by recoupling them with progressive values. Aiming beyond radical critique, the book opens up the possibility of imagining and enacting new and different value practices. This wide-ranging and accessible book will appeal to international lawyers, socio-legal scholars, those working at the intersections of law and economy and others, in politics, economics, environmental studies and elsewhere, who are concerned with rethinking our current ideas of what has value, what does not, and whether and how value may be revalued

    Constructing the social in the fiscal: A discourse analysis of Irish budget speeches (1970-2015)

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    Budget speeches are important discursive institutional practices in which fiscal and monetary policy are presented to parliaments on an annual basis. The issue of ideology and the contingent nature of discourse is rarely considered with budgets delivered in specific policy contexts presented as pragmatic truth statements unhindered by the distorting lens of ideology. Employing contributions from post-structural discourse theory, dialogism, critical realism and corpus linguistics this thesis addresses three research questions: what discourses are employed in Irish budget speeches from 1970 to 2015? How are these discourses structured? How are social imaginaries and subject positions constructed through these discourses? Methods consist of a preliminary close reading informed by post-structural discourse theory of a sub-corpus of Irish budget speeches from 1970 to 2015; this initial stage provides periodisation and insights into the structural composition of discourse within Irish budget speeches during this period. The second method involves the application of keyword and concordance analyses to examine the changing composition of keywords and their semantic meanings over time, using the periodisation derived from the initial close reading. It is found that Irish budget speeches are structured around four discourses, a left-liberal discourse from 1970-1977, a period of extended dislocation from 1978-1982, a soft-neoliberal discourse from 1983-2008 and a neoliberal austerity discourse from 2009-2015. The thesis presents a novel periodisation of the structure of Irish budgetary discourse, models those discourses while illustrating methodological innovations and theoretical developments to the field of post-structural discourse theory and discursive institutionalism respectively

    Architecture and Development

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    Ayala Levin charts the settler colonial imagination and practices that undergirded Israeli architectural development aid in Africa
