8 research outputs found

    Aboutness (what-the-document-is-about): the first step of subject indexing and its use in everyday life

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    Cilj. Rad obrađuje problematiku očemnosti kao središnjeg pojma u području sadržajne organizacije znanja i informacija i kao prvog koraka u postupku označivanja predmeta ili teme dokumenta. Očemnost (o čemu, engl. about -ness) se odnosi na određivanje onoga o čemu dokument govori, što dokument pokriva, odnosno što mu je predmet ili tema. Cilj je rada ponuditi definiciju, tipologiju i razumijevanje koncepta očemnosti, kao i opis postojećih postupaka i metoda njegova određivanja. Pristup i metodologija. U ovom je radu korištena metoda detaljnog pregleda i analize literature iz područja predmetnog označivanja. Dodatno, kod preglednih radova na temu očemnosti korištena je i metoda praćenja citiranih radova (engl. footnote chasing), kao i radova koji su citirali promatrani pregledni rad (engl. citation searching). Rezultati. Kao rezultat pregleda literature utvrđeno je nekoliko praktičnih metoda za određivanje očemnosti koje su dali autori Joudrey, Wilson, Langridge i Taylor te nekoliko različitih pristupa i problema koji se mogu pojaviti tijekom tog postupka. Originalnost/vrijednost. Krajnji je cilj dobivene spoznaje i rezultate oprimjeriti kroz njihovu praktičnu primjenu u svakodnevnom životu. Upravo oprimjerenost teorijskih spoznaja o očemnosti doprinosi njezinu boljem razumijevanju i određivanju i kod informacijskih stručnjaka, stručnjaka za optimizaciju tražilica, novinara i urednika mrežnih stranica, i kod krajnjih korisnika koji pretražuju internet i dodjeljuju svoje oznake (tagove), u čemu se ogleda i originalnost ovoga rada.Purpose. The paper discusses the topic of aboutness as a central concept in the field of subject matter organization of knowledge and information and as the first step in the subject indexing process. Aboutness refers to determining what the document is about, what the document covers, or what its subject or topic is. The primary goal of the paper is to offer a definition, typology and understanding of the concept of aboutness, as well as a description of the existing procedures and methods of its determination, based on a detailed review of recent literature. Approach/methodology. The paper uses the method of detailed literature review and analysis in the field of subject indexing, as well as the methods of footnote chasing and citation searching in case of the review papers on the topic of aboutness. Findings. The review results showed there are several practical methods for determining the aboutness by Joudrey, Wilson, Langridge and Taylor, and several problems that may arise during this procedure. Originality/value. The ultimate aim is to exemplify the acquired knowledge and the results through their practical application in everyday life. It is precisely the exemplification of theoretical knowledge on aboutness that shows the originality of the present paper and at the same time contributes to its better understanding and determining both by information science and search engine optimization experts, journalists and website editors, as well as by the end users who search the Internet and assign their tags

    In-house indexing of periodical literature : a study of university libraries in Kenya

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    The present study investigated identification, access and usage of periodicals in university libraries in Kenya, with a view of recommending a tool for assisting users to identify information. Using questionnaires completed by 316 university library users and 27 librarians, backed with participant observations, document analysis as well as interviews, it was found that usage of periodicals was low as most users browse through periodicals to identify information, a method that is not effective. In-house indexing was investigated and found to be an effective tool in facilitating access to relevant information. The study recommends establishment of in-house indexing programs and databases in university libraries; formulation of consistent indexing policies to achieve quality indexing; and that indexing should be focused on both content and user requirements by specifying points- of- view, and study methodologies to enhance retrieval of relevant information.Information ScienceM. A. (Information Science

    Analyse cognitive de la cohérence interindexeurs lors de l'indexation de documents

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    La classification à facettes pour la gestion des connaissances métier (méthodologie d'élaboration de FolkClassifications à facettes.)

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    Tout d abord, nous abordons les problématiques liées à l organisation et à la gestion des connaissances ainsi que les principes présidant à l élaboration des classifications à facettes. Nous proposons ensuite une synthèse des méthodes existantes d élaboration de classifications à facettes. Nous poursuivons en réalisant une analyse de l impact des types de Systèmes d Information sur l activité de gestion de l information. Ce faisant, nous produisons une analyse de l activité inspirée de la Théorie de l Activité, et influencée par les travaux de la psychologie du travail et de l ergonomie cognitive. Le prototype Hypertagging développé dans le cadre du projet Miipa-Doc fondé sur le tagging des utilisateurs et structuré par les principes de la classification à facettes est présenté. Notre expérimentation sur l élaboration de classifications à facettes pour la gestion des documents de travail est détaillée. Enfin, nous exposons notre méthodologie d élaboration de FolkClassifications à facettes pour la gestion des connaissances métier. Elle vise à appuyer une démarche de gestion des connaissances sur la gestion personnelle de l informationWe address Knowledge Organization and Knowldege Management general issues and we present the basic principles for the development of faceted classifications. Then we introduce a synthesis of existing methods to develop this kind of classification. Next we propose an analysis of effects of Information Systems on information management activities. By doing this, we produce an analysis of the concept of activity inspired by Activity Theory, occupational psychology and french ergonomics. A presentation of Hypertagging prototype developed in the frame of Miipa-Doc research project, based on users tagging and structured by faceted classification principles, is provided. Our experiment about generating faceted classification for document management activities is detailed. Finally, we expose our method for the development of faceted classification for Knowledge Management purposes in the context of specific trades. This Knowledge Management approach is incorporated in Knowledge Organization activities.PARIS-CNAM (751032301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Metodología de validación del análisis documental y de los lenguajes documentales en el discurso periodístico

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    Con el objetivo de explicitar y dotar de mayor alcance al análisis documental y a los lenguajes documentales en el dominio periodístico, se ha delimitado una metodología de validación, mediante la aplicación de los procedimientos del análisis de contenido. En el análisis documental se han fijado algunos indicadores y mecanismos de validez que miden la idoneidad de los modelos de análisis semánticos como mecanismos de lectura documental y reconocimiento objetivo textual. A su vez, se ha probado la capacidad de distintos modelos estructurales como fórmulas de validación de los lenguajes documentales, a través de criterios procedentes también de los campos léxicos en su vertiente documental

    Classification management and use in a networked environment : the case of the Universal Decimal Classification

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    In the Internet information space, advanced information retrieval (IR) methods and automatic text processing are used in conjunction with traditional knowledge organization systems (KOS). New information technology provides a platform for better KOS publishing, exploitation and sharing both for human and machine use. Networked KOS services are now being planned and developed as powerful tools for resource discovery. They will enable automatic contextualisation, interpretation and query matching to different indexing languages. The Semantic Web promises to be an environment in which the quality of semantic relationships in bibliographic classification systems can be fully exploited. Their use in the networked environment is, however, limited by the fact that they are not prepared or made available for advanced machine processing. The UDC was chosen for this research because of its widespread use and its long-term presence in online information retrieval systems. It was also the first system to be used for the automatic classification of Internet resources, and the first to be made available as a classification tool on the Web. The objective of this research is to establish the advantages of using UDC for information retrieval in a networked environment, to highlight the problems of automation and classification exchange, and to offer possible solutions. The first research question was is there enough evidence of the use of classification on the Internet to justify further development with this particular environment in mind? The second question is what are the automation requirements for the full exploitation of UDC and its exchange? The third question is which areas are in need of improvement and what specific recommendations can be made for implementing the UDC in a networked environment? A summary of changes required in the management and development of the UDC to facilitate its full adaptation for future use is drawn from this analysis.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Els sistemes d’informació de qualitat en ciències aquàtiques: la interoperabilitat semàntica

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    [cat] La missió principal d’aquesta tesi és desenvolupar les bases per a la creació d’un model de sistema d’informació de qualitat per a les ciències aquàtiques per mitjà de l’estudi dels sistemes d’informació de qualitat i dels sistemes d’informació de tipus distribuït. Per tal d’aconseguir-ho, els objectius d’aquesta recerca són estudiar i avaluar els sistemes d’informació distribuïts de qualitat i els seus estàndards per tal d’aplicar-lo a l’àmbit de les ciències aquàtiques. Concretament, l’estudi es centra en els factors claus dels sistemes distribuïts, l’intercanvi de la informació i la recuperació de la informació a través dels sistemes d’organització del coneixement, com a mecanismes per assegurar la interoperabilitat semàntica d’un sistema d’informació distribuït i de qualitat. Per tal de crear les bases d’un futur sistema d’informació de qualitat en l’àmbit de les ciències aquàtiques es persegueixen tres objectius específics que es van desenvolupant al llarg de la tesi a través dels diversos capítols que la formen: En els primers capítols (capítol 1 i 2) es cerca un primer objectiu específic com és assentar les bases per al desenvolupament d’un model futur de sistema d’informació de qualitat (SIQ) de tipus distribuït i en un entorn científic. Aquests capítols es basen en estudis bibliogràfics i estudis de casos (comparativa de sistemes d’informació de tipus semàntic i no semàntic) per tal d’analitzar els antecedents, les característiques, evolució i tendències dels sistemes d’informació de qualitat. En els capítols 3, 4, 5 i 6 s’estudia i es caracteritza els principals elements que fan possible el desenvolupament dels sistemes d’informació distribuïts i de qualitat en ciències aquàtiques: l’arquitectura de la informació basada en la indexació i navegació creuades (model tipus passarel·les temàtiques), els formats i estàndards de descripció bibliogràfica i objectes digitals aplicats en l’àmbit de les ciències aquàtiques i altres ciències afins, l’estudi de la interoperabilitat semàntica com a element clau per assegurar l’intercanvi d’informació i la compatibilitat entre diferents sistemes d’informació que puguin estar integrats en un sistema d’informació distribuït i de qualitat, i finalment, l’estudi de context de la “informació de qualitat” (capítol 6) com a característica principal dels sistemes d’informació de qualitat que és on s’estableix el protocol per a l’anàlisi i avaluació de sistemes d’informació distribuïts de qualitat que formarà part de la base principal del desenvolupament d’un SIQ en ciències aquàtiques. En els darrers capítols, 7 i 8, es desenvolupa un estudi experimental que demostra l’eficàcia dels mètodes d’interoperabilitat semàntica en sistemes d’informació de qualitat en ciències aquàtiques. Finalment en el capítol 9 es resumeixen les conclusions generals obtingudes dels diferents estudis realitzats i els resultats d’aquesta tesi així com el possible treball futur.[eng] The main purpose of this thesis is to develop the basis for creating a model of information quality system in water science domain through the study of information quality systems and distributed information systems. To achieve this goal, we are proposed specific research objectives to study and analyze distributed and quality information systems and their standards to apply them in the field of aquatic sciences. Specifically, this study focuses on the key factors of distributed systems, information sharing and information retrieval through knowledge organization systems (KOS) as mechanisms to ensure the semantic interoperability and information quality in a distributed system