8,847 research outputs found

    Necessary Conditions for Multiobjective Optimal Control Problems with Free End-Time

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    Strategies for multiobjective genetic algorithm development: Application to optimal batch plant design in process systems engineering

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    This work deals with multiobjective optimization problems using Genetic Algorithms (GA). A MultiObjective GA (MOGA) is proposed to solve multiobjective problems combining both continuous and discrete variables. This kind of problem is commonly found in chemical engineering since process design and operability involve structural and decisional choices as well as the determination of operating conditions. In this paper, a design of a basic MOGA which copes successfully with a range of typical chemical engineering optimization problems is considered and the key points of its architecture described in detail. Several performance tests are presented, based on the influence of bit ranging encoding in a chromosome. Four mathematical functions were used as a test bench. The MOGA was able to find the optimal solution for each objective function, as well as an important number of Pareto optimal solutions. Then, the results of two multiobjective case studies in batch plant design and retrofit were presented, showing the flexibility and adaptability of the MOGA to deal with various engineering problems

    Multiobjective optimization of electromagnetic structures based on self-organizing migration

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    Práce se zabývá popisem nového stochastického vícekriteriálního optimalizačního algoritmu MOSOMA (Multiobjective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm). Je zde ukázáno, že algoritmus je schopen řešit nejrůznější typy optimalizačních úloh (s jakýmkoli počtem kritérií, s i bez omezujících podmínek, se spojitým i diskrétním stavovým prostorem). Výsledky algoritmu jsou srovnány s dalšími běžně používanými metodami pro vícekriteriální optimalizaci na velké sadě testovacích úloh. Uvedli jsme novou techniku pro výpočet metriky rozprostření (spread) založené na hledání minimální kostry grafu (Minimum Spanning Tree) pro problémy mající více než dvě kritéria. Doporučené hodnoty pro parametry řídící běh algoritmu byly určeny na základě výsledků jejich citlivostní analýzy. Algoritmus MOSOMA je dále úspěšně použit pro řešení různých návrhových úloh z oblasti elektromagnetismu (návrh Yagi-Uda antény a dielektrických filtrů, adaptivní řízení vyzařovaného svazku v časové oblasti…).This thesis describes a novel stochastic multi-objective optimization algorithm called MOSOMA (Multi-Objective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm). It is shown that MOSOMA is able to solve various types of multi-objective optimization problems (with any number of objectives, unconstrained or constrained problems, with continuous or discrete decision space). The efficiency of MOSOMA is compared with other commonly used optimization techniques on a large suite of test problems. The new procedure based on finding of minimum spanning tree for computing the spread metric for problems with more than two objectives is proposed. Recommended values of parameters controlling the run of MOSOMA are derived according to their sensitivity analysis. The ability of MOSOMA to solve real-life problems from electromagnetics is shown in a few examples (Yagi-Uda and dielectric filters design, adaptive beam forming in time domain…).

    Applications of fuzzy theories to multi-objective system optimization

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    Most of the computer aided design techniques developed so far deal with the optimization of a single objective function over the feasible design space. However, there often exist several engineering design problems which require a simultaneous consideration of several objective functions. This work presents several techniques of multiobjective optimization. In addition, a new formulation, based on fuzzy theories, is also introduced for the solution of multiobjective system optimization problems. The fuzzy formulation is useful in dealing with systems which are described imprecisely using fuzzy terms such as, 'sufficiently large', 'very strong', or 'satisfactory'. The proposed theory translates the imprecise linguistic statements and multiple objectives into equivalent crisp mathematical statements using fuzzy logic. The effectiveness of all the methodologies and theories presented is illustrated by formulating and solving two different engineering design problems. The first one involves the flight trajectory optimization and the main rotor design of helicopters. The second one is concerned with the integrated kinematic-dynamic synthesis of planar mechanisms. The use and effectiveness of nonlinear membership functions in fuzzy formulation is also demonstrated. The numerical results indicate that the fuzzy formulation could yield results which are qualitatively different from those provided by the crisp formulation. It is felt that the fuzzy formulation will handle real life design problems on a more rational basis