20 research outputs found

    Optimizing the k-NN metric weights using differential evolution

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    Traditional k-NN classifier poses many limitations including that it does not take into account each class distribution, importance of each feature, contribution of each neighbor, and the number ofinstances for each class. A Differential evolution (DE) optimization technique is utilized to enhance the performance of k-NN through optimizing the metric weights of features, neighbors and classes. Several datasets are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed DE based metrics and to compare it to some k-NN variants from the literature. Practical experiments indicate that in most cases, incorporating DE in k-NN classification can provide more accurate performance. ©2010 IEEE

    A Review on Advanced Decision Trees for Efficient & Effective k-NN Classification

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    K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) strategy is a notable classification strategy in data mining and estimations in light of its direct execution and colossal arrangement execution. In any case, it is outlandish for ordinary KNN strategies to select settled k esteem to all tests. Past courses of action assign different k esteems to different test tests by the cross endorsement strategy however are typically tedious. This work proposes new KNN strategies, first is a KTree strategy to learn unique k esteems for different test or new cases, by including a training arrange in the KNN classification. This work additionally proposes a change rendition of KTree technique called K*Tree to speed its test organize by putting additional data of the training tests in the leaf node of KTree, for example, the training tests situated in the leaf node, their KNNs, and the closest neighbor of these KNNs. K*Tree, which empowers to lead KNN arrangement utilizing a subset of the training tests in the leaf node instead of all training tests utilized in the recently KNN techniques. This really reduces the cost of test organize

    Hyperspectral data classification improved by minimum spanning forests

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Remote sensing technology has applications in various knowledge domains, such as agriculture, meteorology, land use, environmental monitoring, military surveillance, and mineral exploration. The increasing advances in image acquisition techniques have allowed the generation of large volumes of data at high spectral resolution with several spectral bands representing images collected simultaneously. We propose and evaluate a supervised classification method composed of three stages. Initially, hyperspectral values and entropy information are employed by support vector machines to produce an initial classification. Then, the K-nearest neighbor technique searches for pixels with high probability of being correctly classified. Finally, minimum spanning forests are applied to these pixels to reclassify the image taking spatial restrictions into consideration. Experiments on several hyperspectral images are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. (C) 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Remote sensing technology has applications in various knowledge domains, such as agriculture, meteorology, land use, environmental monitoring, military surveillance, and mineral exploration. The increasing advances in image acquisition techniques have all102117FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)2011/22749-8307113/2012-

    Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm with Histogram Based Initialization for Remotely Sensed Imagery

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    The paper presents histogram-based initialzation of Fuzzy C Means (FCM) clustering algorithm for remote sensing image analysis. The drawback of well known FCM clustering is sensitive to the choice of initial cluster centers. In order to overcome this drawback, the proposed algorithm, first, determines the optimal initial cluster centers by maximizing the histogram-based weight function. By using these initial cluster centers, the given image is segmented using fuzzy clustering. The major contribution of the proposed method is the automatic initialization of the cluster centers and hence, the clustering performance is enhanced. Also, it is empirically free of experimentally set parameters. Experiments are performed on remote sensing images and cluster validity indices Davies-Bouldin, Partition index, Xie-Beni, Partition Coefficient and Partition Entropy are computed and compared with prominent methods such as FCM, K-Means, and automatic histogram based FCM. The experimental outcomes show that the proposed method is competent for remote sensing image segmentation

    Predictability, Stability, and Computability of Locally Learnt SVMs

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    We will have a look at the principles predictability, stability, and computability in the field of support vector machines. Support vector machines (SVMs), well-known in machine learning, play a successful role in classification and regression in many areas of science. In the past three decades, much research has been conducted on the statistical and computational properties of support vector machines and related kernel methods. On the one hand, consistency (predictability) and robustness (stability) of the method are of interest. On the other hand, from an applied point of view, there is interest in a method that can deal with many observations and many features (computability). Since SVMs require a lot of computing power and storage capacity, various possibilities for processing large data sets have been proposed. One of them is called regionalization. It divides the space of declaring variables into possibly overlapping domains in a data driven way and defines the function to predict the output by the formation of locally learnt support vector machines. Another advantage of regionalization should be mentioned. If the generating distribution in different regions of the input space has different characteristics, learning only one “global” SVM may lead to an imprecise estimate. Locally trained predictors can overcome this problem. It is possible to show that a locally learnt predictor is consistent and robust under assumptions that can be checked by the user of this method

    Comparison of Machine Learning Methods Applied to SAR Images for Forest Classification in Mediterranean Areas

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    In this paper, multifrequency synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images from ALOS/PALSAR, ENVISAT/ASAR and Cosmo‐SkyMed sensors were studied for forest classification in a test area in Central Italy (San Rossore), where detailed in‐situ measurements were available. A preliminary discrimination of the main land cover classes and forest types was carried out by exploiting the synergy among L‐, C‐ and X‐bands and different polarizations. SAR data were preliminarily inspected to assess the capabilities of discriminating forest from non‐forest and separating broadleaf from coniferous forests. The temporal average backscattering coefficient (°) was computed for each sensor‐polarization pair and labeled on a pixel basis according to the reference map. Several classification methods based on the machine learning framework were applied and validated considering different features, in order to highlight the contribution of bands and polarizations, as well as to assess the classifiers’ performance. The experimental results indicate that the different surface types are best identified by using all bands, followed by joint L‐ and X‐ bands. In the former case, the best overall average accuracy (83.1%) is achieved by random forest classification. Finally, the classification maps on class edges are discussed to highlight the misclassification errors

    Operators for transforming kernels into quasi-local kernels that improve SVM accuracy

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    Motivated by the crucial role that locality plays in various learning approaches, we present, in the framework of kernel machines for classification, a novel family of operators on kernels able to integrate local information into any kernel obtaining quasi-local kernels. The quasi-local kernels maintain the possibly global properties of the input kernel and they increase the kernel value as the points get closer in the feature space of the input kernel, mixing the effect of the input kernel with a kernel which is local in the feature space of the input one. If applied on a local kernel the operators introduce an additional level of locality equivalent to use a local kernel with non-stationary kernel width. The operators accept two parameters that regulate the width of the exponential influence of points in the locality-dependent component and the balancing between the feature-space local component and the input kernel. We address the choice of these parameters with a data-dependent strategy. Experiments carried out with SVM applying the operators on traditional kernel functions on a total of 43 datasets with di®erent characteristics and application domains, achieve very good results supported by statistical significance

    Change detection of land use and land cover in an urban region with SPOT-5 images and partial Lanczos extreme learning machine

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    Satellite remote sensing technology and the science associated with evaluation of land use and land cover (LULC) in an urban region makes use of the wide range images and algorithms. Improved land management capacity is critically dependent on real-time or near real-time monitoring of land-use/land cover change (LUCC) to the extent to which solutions to a whole host of urban/rural interface development issues may be well managed promptly. Yet previous processing with LULC methods is often time-consuming, laborious, and tedious making the outputs unavailable within the required time window. This paper presents a new image classification approach based on a novel neural computing technique that is applied to identify the LULC patterns in a fast growing urban region with the aid of 2.5-meter resolution SPOT-5 image products. The classifier was constructed based on the partial Lanczos extreme learning machine (PL-ELM), which is a novel machine learning algorithm with fast learning speed and outstanding generalization performance. Since some different classes of LULC may be linked with similar spectral characteristics, texture features and vegetation indexes were extracted and included during the classification process to enhance the discernability. A validation procedure based on ground truth data and comparisons with some classic classifiers prove the credibility of the proposed PL-ELM classification approach in terms of the classification accuracy as well as the processing speed. A case study in Dalian Development Area (DDA) with the aid of the SPOT-5 satellite images collected in the year of 2003 and 2007 and PL-ELM fully supports the monitoring needs and aids in the rapid change detection with respect to both urban expansion and coastal land reclamations