27 research outputs found

    EgoFace: Egocentric Face Performance Capture and Videorealistic Reenactment

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    Face performance capture and reenactment techniques use multiple cameras and sensors, positioned at a distance from the face or mounted on heavy wearable devices. This limits their applications in mobile and outdoor environments. We present EgoFace, a radically new lightweight setup for face performance capture and front-view videorealistic reenactment using a single egocentric RGB camera. Our lightweight setup allows operations in uncontrolled environments, and lends itself to telepresence applications such as video-conferencing from dynamic environments. The input image is projected into a low dimensional latent space of the facial expression parameters. Through careful adversarial training of the parameter-space synthetic rendering, a videorealistic animation is produced. Our problem is challenging as the human visual system is sensitive to the smallest face irregularities that could occur in the final results. This sensitivity is even stronger for video results. Our solution is trained in a pre-processing stage, through a supervised manner without manual annotations. EgoFace captures a wide variety of facial expressions, including mouth movements and asymmetrical expressions. It works under varying illuminations, background, movements, handles people from different ethnicities and can operate in real time

    A physically-based muscle and skin model for facial animation

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    Facial animation is a popular area of research which has been around for over thirty years, but even with this long time scale, automatically creating realistic facial expressions is still an unsolved goal. This work furthers the state of the art in computer facial animation by introducing a new muscle and skin model and a method of easily transferring a full muscle and bone animation setup from one head mesh to another with very little user input. The developed muscle model allows muscles of any shape to be accurately simulated, preserving volume during contraction and interacting with surrounding muscles and skin in a lifelike manner. The muscles can drive a rigid body model of a jaw, giving realistic physically-based movement to all areas of the face. The skin model has multiple layers, mimicking the natural structure of skin and it connects onto the muscle model and is deformed realistically by the movements of the muscles and underlying bones. The skin smoothly transfers underlying movements into skin surface movements and propagates forces smoothly across the face. Once a head model has been set up with muscles and bones, moving this muscle and bone set to another head is a simple matter using the developed techniques. The developed software employs principles from forensic reconstruction, using specific landmarks on the head to map the bone and muscles to the new head model and once the muscles and skull have been quickly transferred, they provide animation capabilities on the new mesh within minutes

    {3D} Morphable Face Models -- Past, Present and Future

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    In this paper, we provide a detailed survey of 3D Morphable Face Models over the 20 years since they were first proposed. The challenges in building and applying these models, namely capture, modeling, image formation, and image analysis, are still active research topics, and we review the state-of-the-art in each of these areas. We also look ahead, identifying unsolved challenges, proposing directions for future research and highlighting the broad range of current and future applications

    Visual prosody in speech-driven facial animation: elicitation, prediction, and perceptual evaluation

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    Facial animations capable of articulating accurate movements in synchrony with a speech track have become a subject of much research during the past decade. Most of these efforts have focused on articulation of lip and tongue movements, since these are the primary sources of information in speech reading. However, a wealth of paralinguistic information is implicitly conveyed through visual prosody (e.g., head and eyebrow movements). In contrast with lip/tongue movements, however, for which the articulation rules are fairly well known (i.e., viseme-phoneme mappings, coarticulation), little is known about the generation of visual prosody. The objective of this thesis is to explore the perceptual contributions of visual prosody in speech-driven facial avatars. Our main hypothesis is that visual prosody driven by acoustics of the speech signal, as opposed to random or no visual prosody, results in more realistic, coherent and convincing facial animations. To test this hypothesis, we have developed an audio-visual system capable of capturing synchronized speech and facial motion from a speaker using infrared illumination and retro-reflective markers. In order to elicit natural visual prosody, a story-telling experiment was designed in which the actors were shown a short cartoon video, and subsequently asked to narrate the episode. From this audio-visual data, four different facial animations were generated, articulating no visual prosody, Perlin-noise, speech-driven movements, and ground truth movements. Speech-driven movements were driven by acoustic features of the speech signal (e.g., fundamental frequency and energy) using rule-based heuristics and autoregressive models. A pair-wise perceptual evaluation shows that subjects can clearly discriminate among the four visual prosody animations. It also shows that speech-driven movements and Perlin-noise, in that order, approach the performance of veridical motion. The results are quite promising and suggest that speech-driven motion could outperform Perlin-noise if more powerful motion prediction models are used. In addition, our results also show that exaggeration can bias the viewer to perceive a computer generated character to be more realistic motion-wise

    High-quality face capture, animation and editing from monocular video

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    Digitization of virtual faces in movies requires complex capture setups and extensive manual work to produce superb animations and video-realistic editing. This thesis pushes the boundaries of the digitization pipeline by proposing automatic algorithms for high-quality 3D face capture and animation, as well as photo-realistic face editing. These algorithms reconstruct and modify faces in 2D videos recorded in uncontrolled scenarios and illumination. In particular, advances in three main areas offer solutions for the lack of depth and overall uncertainty in video recordings. First, contributions in capture include model-based reconstruction of detailed, dynamic 3D geometry that exploits optical and shading cues, multilayer parametric reconstruction of accurate 3D models in unconstrained setups based on inverse rendering, and regression-based 3D lip shape enhancement from high-quality data. Second, advances in animation are video-based face reenactment based on robust appearance metrics and temporal clustering, performance-driven retargeting of detailed facial models in sync with audio, and the automatic creation of personalized controllable 3D rigs. Finally, advances in plausible photo-realistic editing are dense face albedo capture and mouth interior synthesis using image warping and 3D teeth proxies. High-quality results attained on challenging application scenarios confirm the contributions and show great potential for the automatic creation of photo-realistic 3D faces.Die Digitalisierung von Gesichtern zum Einsatz in der Filmindustrie erfordert komplizierte Aufnahmevorrichtungen und die manuelle Nachbearbeitung von Rekonstruktionen, um perfekte Animationen und realistische Videobearbeitung zu erzielen. Diese Dissertation erweitert vorhandene Digitalisierungsverfahren durch die Erforschung von automatischen Verfahren zur qualitativ hochwertigen 3D Rekonstruktion, Animation und Modifikation von Gesichtern. Diese Algorithmen erlauben es, Gesichter in 2D Videos, die unter allgemeinen Bedingungen und unbekannten Beleuchtungsverhältnissen aufgenommen wurden, zu rekonstruieren und zu modifizieren. Vor allem Fortschritte in den folgenden drei Hauptbereichen tragen zur Kompensation von fehlender Tiefeninformation und der allgemeinen Mehrdeutigkeit von 2D Videoaufnahmen bei. Erstens, Beiträge zur modellbasierten Rekonstruktion von detaillierter und dynamischer 3D Geometrie durch optische Merkmale und die Shading-Eigenschaften des Gesichts, mehrschichtige parametrische Rekonstruktion von exakten 3D Modellen mittels inversen Renderings in allgemeinen Szenen und regressionsbasierter 3D Lippenformverfeinerung mittels qualitativ hochwertigen Daten. Zweitens, Fortschritte im Bereich der Computeranimation durch videobasierte Gesichtsausdrucksübertragung und temporaler Clusterbildung, Übertragung von detaillierten Gesichtsmodellen, deren Mundbewegung mit Ton synchronisiert ist, und die automatische Erstellung von personalisierten "3D Face Rigs". Schließlich werden Fortschritte im Bereich der realistischen Videobearbeitung vorgestellt, welche auf der dichten Rekonstruktion von Hautreflektionseigenschaften und der Mundinnenraumsynthese mittels bildbasierten und geometriebasierten Verfahren aufbauen. Qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse in anspruchsvollen Anwendungen untermauern die Wichtigkeit der geleisteten Beiträgen und zeigen das große Potential der automatischen Erstellung von realistischen digitalen 3D Gesichtern auf


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    Facial expression and animation are important aspects of the 3D environment featuring human characters. These animations are frequently used in many kinds of applications and there have been many efforts to increase the realism. Three aspects are still stimulating active research: the detailed subtle facial expressions, the process of rigging a face, and the transfer of an expression from one person to another. This dissertation focuses on the above three aspects. A system for freely designing and creating detailed, dynamic, and animated facial expressions is developed. The presented pattern functions produce detailed and animated facial expressions. The system produces realistic results with fast performance, and allows users to directly manipulate it and see immediate results. Two unique methods for generating real-time, vivid, and animated tears have been developed and implemented. One method is for generating a teardrop that continually changes its shape as the tear drips down the face. The other is for generating a shedding tear, which is a kind of tear that seamlessly connects with the skin as it flows along the surface of the face, but remains an individual object. The methods both broaden CG and increase the realism of facial expressions. A new method to automatically set the bones on facial/head models to speed up the rigging process of a human face is also developed. To accomplish this, vertices that describe the face/head as well as relationships between each part of the face/head are grouped. The average distance between pairs of vertices is used to place the head bones. To set the bones in the face with multi-density, the mean value of the vertices in a group is measured. The time saved with this method is significant. A novel method to produce realistic expressions and animations by transferring an existing expression to a new facial model is developed. The approach is to transform the source model into the target model, which then has the same topology as the source model. The displacement vectors are calculated. Each vertex in the source model is mapped to the target model. The spatial relationships of each mapped vertex are constrained

    Realistic and expressive talking head : implementation and evaluation

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    Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a natural development from virtual reality (VR), which was developed several decades earlier. AR complements VR in many ways. Due to the advantages of the user being able to see both the real and virtual objects simultaneously, AR is far more intuitive, but it's not completely detached from human factors and other restrictions. AR doesn't consume as much time and effort in the applications because it's not required to construct the entire virtual scene and the environment. In this book, several new and emerging application areas of AR are presented and divided into three sections. The first section contains applications in outdoor and mobile AR, such as construction, restoration, security and surveillance. The second section deals with AR in medical, biological, and human bodies. The third and final section contains a number of new and useful applications in daily living and learning