26,172 research outputs found

    Using Acoustic Holography for Vibration Analysis

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    Disertační práce se zabývá bezkontaktní analýzou vibrací pomocí metod akustické holografie v blízkém poli. Akustická holografie v blízkém poli je experimentální metoda, která rekonstruuje akustické pole v těsné blízkosti povrchu vibrujícího předmětu na základě měření akustického tlaku nebo akustické rychlosti v určité vzdálenosti od zkoumaného předmětu. Konkrétní realizace této metody závisí na použitém výpočetním algoritmu. Vlastní práce je zaměřena zejména na rozbor algoritmů, které využívají k rekonstrukci zvukového pole v blízkosti vibrujícího objektu transformaci do domény vlnových čísel (prostorová transformace), kde probíhá vlastní výpočet. V úvodu práce je vysvětlena základní teorie metody akustické holografie v blízkém poli s popisem základních vlastností a dále rozborem konkrétních nejčastěji používaných algoritmům pro lokalizaci a charakterizaci zdroje zvuku a pro následnou vibrační analýzu. Stěžejní část práce se věnuje pokročilým metodám zpracování, které se snaží určitým způsobem optimalizovat přesnost predice zvukového pole v blízkosti vibrujícího předmětu v reálných podmínkách. Jde zejména o problematiku použitého měřicího systému s akustickými snímači, které nejsou ideální, a dále o možnost měření v prostorách s difúzním charakterem zvukového pole. Pro tento případ byla na základě literárního průzkumu optimalizována a ověřena metoda využívající dvouvrstvé mikrofonní pole, které umožňuje oddělení zvukových polí přicházejících z různých stran a tedy úspěšné měření v uzavřených prostorách např. kabin automobilů a letadel. Součástí práce byla také optimalizace, rozšíření a následné ověření algoritmů publikovaných v posledních letech pro měření v reálných podmínkách za použití běžně dostupných akustických snímačů.The main aim of the thesis is application of near-field acoustic holography for non-contact vibration analysis. Near-field acoustic holography is an experimental technique for reconstruction of sound field close to the surface of the vibrating object based on measurement of sound pressure or acoustic particle velocity in certain distance from the examined object. Practical realization of this method depends on used calculation procedure. The thesis is focused on analysis of acoustic holography algorithms with transformation into wavenumber domain (spatial transformation) where the reconstruction of the sound field near vibrating object is calculated. The introductory part of the thesis describes the theory of near-field acoustic holography with general characteristics and with analysis of most common algorithms used for localization and characterization of sound source and consequent vibration analysis. Principal part of the thesis deals with advanced processing methods where these methods try to optimize the accuracy of prediction of sound field near vibrating object in real environment. In this study, real measurement conditions represent the measurement system with non-ideal acoustic sensors and also areas with reverberant sound field. Based on literature study, there has been optimized and verified the new method which uses double layer microphone array to separate incoming and outgoing sound field, thus allows successful measurement in confined space e.g. cabins of cars and airplanes. Part of the thesis has been also focused on optimization, extension and successive experimental validation of selected classical algorithms published in last decade for possible measurement in real conditions and with common acoustic sensors.

    Evaluation of a scale-model experiment to investigate long-range acoustic propagation

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    Tests were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using a scale-model experiment situated in an anechoic facility to investigate long-range sound propagation over ground terrain. For a nominal scale factor of 100:1, attenuations along a linear array of six microphones colinear with a continuous-wave type of sound source were measured over a wavelength range from 10 to 160 for a nominal test frequency of 10 kHz. Most tests were made for a hard model surface (plywood), but limited tests were also made for a soft model surface (plywood with felt). For grazing-incidence propagation over the hard surface, measured and predicted attenuation trends were consistent for microphone locations out to between 40 and 80 wavelengths. Beyond 80 wavelengths, significant variability was observed that was caused by disturbances in the propagation medium. Also, there was evidence of extraneous propagation-path contributions to data irregularities at more remote microphones. Sensitivity studies for the hard-surface and microphone indicated a 2.5 dB change in the relative excess attenuation for a systematic error in source and microphone elevations on the order of 1 mm. For the soft-surface model, no comparable sensitivity was found

    SoundCompass: a distributed MEMS microphone array-based sensor for sound source localization

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    Sound source localization is a well-researched subject with applications ranging from localizing sniper fire in urban battlefields to cataloging wildlife in rural areas. One critical application is the localization of noise pollution sources in urban environments, due to an increasing body of evidence linking noise pollution to adverse effects on human health. Current noise mapping techniques often fail to accurately identify noise pollution sources, because they rely on the interpolation of a limited number of scattered sound sensors. Aiming to produce accurate noise pollution maps, we developed the SoundCompass, a low-cost sound sensor capable of measuring local noise levels and sound field directionality. Our first prototype is composed of a sensor array of 52 Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microphones, an inertial measuring unit and a low-power field-programmable gate array (FPGA). This article presents the SoundCompass's hardware and firmware design together with a data fusion technique that exploits the sensing capabilities of the SoundCompass in a wireless sensor network to localize noise pollution sources. Live tests produced a sound source localization accuracy of a few centimeters in a 25-m2 anechoic chamber, while simulation results accurately located up to five broadband sound sources in a 10,000-m2 open field

    Evaluation of a wave-vector-frequency-domain method for nonlinear wave propagation

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    A wave-vector-frequency-domain method is presented to describe one-directional forward or backward acoustic wave propagation in a nonlinear homogeneous medium. Starting from a frequency-domain representation of the second-order nonlinear acoustic wave equation, an implicit solution for the nonlinear term is proposed by employing the Green’s function. Its approximation, which is more suitable for numerical implementation, is used. An error study is carried out to test the efficiency of the model by comparing the results with the Fubini solution. It is shown that the error grows as the propagation distance and step-size increase. However, for the specific case tested, even at a step size as large as one wavelength, sufficient accuracy for plane-wave propagation is observed. A two-dimensional steered transducer problem is explored to verify the nonlinear acoustic field directional independence of the model. A three-dimensional single-element transducer problem is solved to verify the forward model by comparing it with an existing nonlinear wave propagation code. Finally, backward-projection behavior is examined. The sound field over a plane in an absorptive medium is backward projected to the source and compared with the initial field, where good agreement is observed

    Orbital Angular Momentum Waves: Generation, Detection and Emerging Applications

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    Orbital angular momentum (OAM) has aroused a widespread interest in many fields, especially in telecommunications due to its potential for unleashing new capacity in the severely congested spectrum of commercial communication systems. Beams carrying OAM have a helical phase front and a field strength with a singularity along the axial center, which can be used for information transmission, imaging and particle manipulation. The number of orthogonal OAM modes in a single beam is theoretically infinite and each mode is an element of a complete orthogonal basis that can be employed for multiplexing different signals, thus greatly improving the spectrum efficiency. In this paper, we comprehensively summarize and compare the methods for generation and detection of optical OAM, radio OAM and acoustic OAM. Then, we represent the applications and technical challenges of OAM in communications, including free-space optical communications, optical fiber communications, radio communications and acoustic communications. To complete our survey, we also discuss the state of art of particle manipulation and target imaging with OAM beams

    Structured Sparsity Models for Multiparty Speech Recovery from Reverberant Recordings

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    We tackle the multi-party speech recovery problem through modeling the acoustic of the reverberant chambers. Our approach exploits structured sparsity models to perform room modeling and speech recovery. We propose a scheme for characterizing the room acoustic from the unknown competing speech sources relying on localization of the early images of the speakers by sparse approximation of the spatial spectra of the virtual sources in a free-space model. The images are then clustered exploiting the low-rank structure of the spectro-temporal components belonging to each source. This enables us to identify the early support of the room impulse response function and its unique map to the room geometry. To further tackle the ambiguity of the reflection ratios, we propose a novel formulation of the reverberation model and estimate the absorption coefficients through a convex optimization exploiting joint sparsity model formulated upon spatio-spectral sparsity of concurrent speech representation. The acoustic parameters are then incorporated for separating individual speech signals through either structured sparse recovery or inverse filtering the acoustic channels. The experiments conducted on real data recordings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for multi-party speech recovery and recognition.Comment: 31 page

    Radiation from structured-ring resonators

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    We investigate the scalar-wave resonances of systems composed of identical Neumann-type inclusions arranged periodically around a circular ring. Drawing on natural similarities with the undamped Rayleigh-Bloch waves supported by infinite linear arrays, we deduce asymptotically the exponentially small radiative damping in the limit where the ring radius is large relative to the periodicity. In our asymptotic approach, locally linear Rayleigh-Bloch waves that attenuate exponentially away from the ring are matched to a ring-scale WKB-type wave field. The latter provides a descriptive physical picture of how the mode energy is transferred via tunnelling to a circular evanescent-to-propagating transition region a finite distance away from the ring, from where radiative grazing rays emanate to the far field. Excluding the zeroth-order standing-wave modes, the position of the transition circle bifurcates with respect to clockwise and anti-clockwise contributions, resulting in striking spiral wavefronts

    Sound propagation in and radiation from acoustically lined flow ducts: A comparison of experiment and theory

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    The results of an experimental and theoretical study of many of the fundamental details of sound propagation in hard wall and soft wall annular flow ducts are reported. The theory of sound propagation along such ducts and the theory for determining the complex radiation impedance of higher order modes of an annulus are outlined, and methods for generating acoustic duct modes are developed. The results of a detailed measurement program on propagation in rigid wall annular ducts with and without airflow through the duct are presented. Techniques are described for measuring cut-on frequencies, modal phase speed, and radial and annular mode shapes. The effects of flow velocity on cut-on frequencies and phase speed are measured. Comparisons are made with theoretical predictions for all of the effects studies. The two microphone method of impedance is used to measure the effects of flow on acoustic liners. A numerical study of sound propagation in annular ducts with one or both walls acoustically lined is presented

    On the evaluation of quasi-periodic Green functions and wave-scattering at and around Rayleigh-Wood anomalies

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    This article presents full-spectrum, well-conditioned, Green-function methodologies for evaluation of scattering by general periodic structures, which remains applicable on a set of challenging singular configurations, usually called Rayleigh-Wood (RW) anomalies (at which the quasi-periodic Green function ceases to exist), where most existing quasi-periodic solvers break down. After reviewing a variety of existing fast-converging numerical procedures commonly used to compute the classical quasi-periodic Green-function, the present work explores the difficulties they present around RW-anomalies and introduces the concept of hybrid “spatial/spectral” representations. Such expressions allow both the modification of existing methods to obtain convergence at RW-anomalies as well as the application of a slight generalization of the Woodbury-Sherman-Morrison formulae together with a limiting procedure to bypass the singularities. (Although, for definiteness, the overall approach is applied to the scalar (acoustic) wave-scattering problem in the frequency domain, the approach can be extended in a straightforward manner to the harmonic Maxwell's and elasticity equations.) Ultimately, this thorough study of RW-anomalies yields fast and highly-accurate solvers, which are demonstrated with a variety of simulations of wave-scattering phenomena by arrays of particles, crossed impenetrable and penetrable diffraction gratings and other related structures. In particular, the methods developed in this article can be used to “upgrade” classical approaches, resulting in algorithms that are applicable throughout the spectrum, and it provides new methods for cases where previous approaches are either costly or fail altogether. In particular, it is suggested that the proposed shifted Green function approach may provide the only viable alternative for treatment of three-dimensional high-frequency configurations with either one or two directions of periodicity. A variety of computational examples are presented which demonstrate the flexibility of the overall approach