18,694 research outputs found

    Earth Observations and Integrative Models in Support of Food and Water Security

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    Global food production depends upon many factors that Earth observing satellites routinely measure about water, energy, weather, and ecosystems. Increasingly sophisticated, publicly-available satellite data products can improve efficiencies in resource management and provide earlier indication of environmental disruption. Satellite remote sensing provides a consistent, long-term record that can be used effectively to detect large-scale features over time, such as a developing drought. Accuracy and capabilities have increased along with the range of Earth observations and derived products that can support food security decisions with actionable information. This paper highlights major capabilities facilitated by satellite observations and physical models that have been developed and validated using remotely-sensed observations. Although we primarily focus on variables relevant to agriculture, we also include a brief description of the growing use of Earth observations in support of aquaculture and fisheries

    Soil Moisture Workshop

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    The Soil Moisture Workshop was held at the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland on January 17-19, 1978. The objectives of the Workshop were to evaluate the state of the art of remote sensing of soil moisture; examine the needs of potential users; and make recommendations concerning the future of soil moisture research and development. To accomplish these objectives, small working groups were organized in advance of the Workshop to prepare position papers. These papers served as the basis for this report

    Influence of irrigation schemes used in regional climate models on evapotranspiration estimation: Results and comparative studies from California's Central Valley agricultural regions

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    The agricultural sector is the largest consumer of water in California. The impacts of irrigation on local and/or regional weather and climate have been studied and reported in recent literature. However, because of the lack of observations and realistic irrigation schemes employed in the numerical models, most previous studies fall in the category of sensitivity tests, focusing on temperature variations. The results being reported in this paper are obtained by incorporating into the MM5/Noah land surface model an irrigation method practiced in California's farming sector. The proposed irrigation scheme is based on the principle that irrigation occurs when available soil-water content is less than the maximum allowable water depletion (SWm), which depends on both soil type and crop type. The study's focus was to evaluate the impact of a more realistic irrigation scheme on surface fluxes, especially evapotranspiration (ET). It is demonstrated that more accurate amounts and patterns of ET in the Central Valley are realized, as compared to ET estimates (in terms of amounts and spatial distribution) obtained from remotely sensed observation as well as in situ ground data. It is demonstrated that significant discrepancies of ET estimates between different irrigation schemes used in regional hydroclimate modeling exist, which may result in erroneous conclusions about the impact of irrigation on regional water balance, especially over and near agricultural areas. © 2012 by the American Geophysical Union

    Investigation related to multispectral imaging systems

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    A summary of technical progress made during a five year research program directed toward the development of operational information systems based on multispectral sensing and the use of these systems in earth-resource survey applications is presented. Efforts were undertaken during this program to: (1) improve the basic understanding of the many facets of multispectral remote sensing, (2) develop methods for improving the accuracy of information generated by remote sensing systems, (3) improve the efficiency of data processing and information extraction techniques to enhance the cost-effectiveness of remote sensing systems, (4) investigate additional problems having potential remote sensing solutions, and (5) apply the existing and developing technology for specific users and document and transfer that technology to the remote sensing community

    Water resources, chapter 2, part B

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    Various applications and projected applications of active microwave instruments for studying water resources. Most applications involve use of an imaging system operating primarily at wavelengths of less than 30 cm (i.e., K-, X-, and L-bands). Discussion is also included concerning longer wavelength nonimaging systems for use in sounding polar glaciers and icecaps (e.g., Greenland and the Antarctic). The section is divided into six topics: (1) stream runoff, drainage basin analysis, and floods, (2) lake detection and fluctuating levels, (3) coastal processes and wetlands, (4) seasonally and permanently frozen (permafrost) ground, (5) solid water resources (snow, ice, and glaciers), and (6) water pollution


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    Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering(Environmental Science and Engineering)North Korea is very vulnerable to natural disasters such as floods and landslides due to institutional, technological, and other various reasons. Recently, the damage has been more severe and vulnerability is also increased because of continued deforestation. However, due to political constraints, such disasters and forest degradation have not been properly monitored. Therefore, using remote sensing based satellite imagery for forest related research of North Korea is regarded as currently the only and most effective method. Especially, machine learning has been widely used in various classification studies as a useful technique for classification and analysis using satellite images. The aim of this study was to improve the accuracy of forest cover classification in the North Korea, which cannot be accessed by using random forest model. Indeed, another goal of this study was to analyze the change pattern of denuded forest land in various ways. The study area is Musan-gun, which is known to have abundant forests in North Korea, with mountainous areas accounting for more than 90%. However, the area has experienced serious environmental problems due to the recent rapid deforestation. For example, experts say that the damage caused by floods in September 2016 has become more serious because denuded forest land has increased sharply in there and such pattern appeared even in the high altitude areas. And this led the mountain could not function properly in the flood event. This study was carried out by selecting two study periods, the base year and the test year. To understand the pattern of change in the denuded forest land, the time difference between the two periods was set at about 10 years. For the base year, Landsat 5 imageries were applied, and Landsat 8 and RapidEye imageries were applied in the test year. Then the random forest machine learning was carried out using randomly extracted sample points from the study area and various input variables derived from the used satellite imageries. Finally, the land cover classification map for each period was generated through this random forest model. In addition, the distribution of forest changing area to cropland, grassland, and bare-soil were estimated to the denuded forest land. According to the study results, this method showed high accuracy in forest classification, also the method has been effective in analyzing the change detection of denuded forest land in North Korea for about 10 years.ope

    Temporal variability corrections for Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E (AMSR-E) surface soil moisture: case study in Little River Region, Georgia, U. S.

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    Statistical correction methods, the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) matching technique and Regional Statistics Method (RSM) are applied to adjust the limited temporal variability of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E (AMSR-E) data using the Common Land Model (CLM). The temporal variability adjustment between CLM and AMSR-E data was conducted for annual and seasonal periods for 2003 in the Little River region, GA. The results showed that the statistical correction techniques improved AMSR-E\u27s limited temporal variability as compared to ground-based measurements. The regression slope and intercept improved from 0.210 and 0.112 up to 0.971 and -0.005 for the non-growing season. The R-2 values also modestly improved. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Leaf Area Index (LAI) products were able to identify periods having an attenuated microwave brightness signal that are not likely to benefit from these statistical correction techniques

    Forest cover estimation in Ireland using radar remote sensing: a comparative analysis of forest cover assessment methodologies

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    Quantification of spatial and temporal changes in forest cover is an essential component of forest monitoring programs. Due to its cloud free capability, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an ideal source of information on forest dynamics in countries with near-constant cloud-cover. However, few studies have investigated the use of SAR for forest cover estimation in landscapes with highly sparse and fragmented forest cover. In this study, the potential use of L-band SAR for forest cover estimation in two regions (Longford and Sligo) in Ireland is investigated and compared to forest cover estimates derived from three national (Forestry2010, Prime2, National Forest Inventory), one pan-European (Forest Map 2006) and one global forest cover (Global Forest Change) product. Two machine-learning approaches (Random Forests and Extremely Randomised Trees) are evaluated. Both Random Forests and Extremely Randomised Trees classification accuracies were high (98.1–98.5%), with differences between the two classifiers being minimal (<0.5%). Increasing levels of post classification filtering led to a decrease in estimated forest area and an increase in overall accuracy of SAR-derived forest cover maps. All forest cover products were evaluated using an independent validation dataset. For the Longford region, the highest overall accuracy was recorded with the Forestry2010 dataset (97.42%) whereas in Sligo, highest overall accuracy was obtained for the Prime2 dataset (97.43%), although accuracies of SAR-derived forest maps were comparable. Our findings indicate that spaceborne radar could aid inventories in regions with low levels of forest cover in fragmented landscapes. The reduced accuracies observed for the global and pan-continental forest cover maps in comparison to national and SAR-derived forest maps indicate that caution should be exercised when applying these datasets for national reporting