947 research outputs found

    Assistive trajectories for human-in-the-loop mobile robotic platforms

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    Autonomous and semi-autonomous smoothly interruptible trajectories are developed which are highly suitable for application in tele-operated mobile robots, operator on-board military mobile ground platforms, and other mobility assistance platforms. These trajectories will allow a navigational system to provide assistance to the operator in the loop, for purpose built robots or remotely operated platforms. This will allow the platform to function well beyond the line-of-sight of the operator, enabling remote operation inside a building, surveillance, or advanced observations whilst keeping the operator in a safe location. In addition, on-board operators can be assisted to navigate without collision when distracted, or under-fire, or when physically disabled by injury

    Head-mounted augmented reality for explainable robotic wheelchair assistance

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    Robotic wheelchairs with built-in assistive fea- tures, such as shared control, are an emerging means of providing independent mobility to severely disabled individuals. However, patients often struggle to build a mental model of their wheelchair’s behaviour under different environmental conditions. Motivated by the desire to help users bridge this gap in perception, we propose a novel augmented reality system using a Microsoft Hololens as a head-mounted aid for wheelchair navigation. The system displays visual feedback to the wearer as a way of explaining the underlying dynamics of the wheelchair’s shared controller and its predicted future states. To investigate the influence of different interface design options, a pilot study was also conducted. We evaluated the acceptance rate and learning curve of an immersive wheelchair training regime, revealing preliminary insights into the potential beneficial and adverse nature of different augmented reality cues for assistive navigation. In particular, we demonstrate that care should be taken in the presentation of information, with effort-reducing cues for augmented information acquisition (for example, a rear-view display) being the most appreciated

    Empowering and assisting natural human mobility: The simbiosis walker

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    This paper presents the complete development of the Simbiosis Smart Walker. The device is equipped with a set of sensor subsystems to acquire user-machine interaction forces and the temporal evolution of user's feet during gait. The authors present an adaptive filtering technique used for the identification and separation of different components found on the human-machine interaction forces. This technique allowed isolating the components related with the navigational commands and developing a Fuzzy logic controller to guide the device. The Smart Walker was clinically validated at the Spinal Cord Injury Hospital of Toledo - Spain, presenting great acceptability by spinal chord injury patients and clinical staf

    Towards an intelligent wheelchair system for users with cerebral palsy

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    This paper describes and evaluates an intelligent wheelchair, adapted for users with cognitive disabilities and mobility impairment. The study focuses on patients with cerebral palsy, one of the most common disorders affecting muscle control and coordination, thereby impairing movement. The wheelchair concept is an assistive device that allows the user to select arbitrary local destinations through a tactile screen interface. The device incorporates an automatic navigation system that drives the vehicle, avoiding obstacles even in unknown and dynamic scenarios. It provides the user with a high degree of autonomy, independent from a particular environment, i.e., not restricted to predefined conditions. To evaluate the rehabilitation device, a study was carried out with four subjects with cognitive impairments, between 11 and 16 years of age. They were first trained so as to get acquainted with the tactile interface and then were recruited to drive the wheelchair. Based on the experience with the subjects, an extensive evaluation of the intelligent wheelchair was provided from two perspectives: 1) based on the technical performance of the entire system and its components and 2) based on the behavior of the user (execution analysis, activity analysis, and competence analysis). The results indicated that the intelligent wheelchair effectively provided mobility and autonomy to the target population.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A non-holonomic, highly human-in-the-loop compatible, assistive mobile robotic platform guidance navigation and control strategy

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    The provision of assistive mobile robotics for empowering and providing independence to the infirm, disabled and elderly in society has been the subject of much research. The issue of providing navigation and control assistance to users, enabling them to drive their powered wheelchairs effectively, can be complex and wide-ranging; some users fatigue quickly and can find that they are unable to operate the controls safely, others may have brain injury re-sulting in periodic hand tremors, quadriplegics may use a straw-like switch in their mouth to provide a digital control signal. Advances in autonomous robotics have led to the development of smart wheelchair systems which have attempted to address these issues; however the autonomous approach has, ac-cording to research, not been successful; users reporting that they want to be active drivers and not passengers. Recent methodologies have been to use collaborative or shared control which aims to predict or anticipate the need for the system to take over control when some pre-decided threshold has been met, yet these approaches still take away control from the us-er. This removal of human supervision and control by an autonomous system makes the re-sponsibility for accidents seriously problematic. This thesis introduces a new human-in-the-loop control structure with real-time assistive lev-els. One of these levels offers improved dynamic modelling and three of these levels offer unique and novel real-time solutions for: collision avoidance, localisation and waypoint iden-tification, and assistive trajectory generation. This architecture and these assistive functions always allow the user to remain fully in control of any motion of the powered wheelchair, shown in a series of experiments

    A Dynamic Localized Adjustable Force Field Method for Real-time Assistive Non-holonomic Mobile Robotics

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    Providing an assistive navigation system that augments rather than usurps user control of a powered wheelchair represents a significant technical challenge. This paper evaluates an assistive collision avoidance method for a powered wheelchair that allows the user to navigate safely whilst maintaining their overall governance of the platform motion. The paper shows that by shaping, switching and adjusting localized potential fields we are able to negotiate different obstacles by generating a more intuitively natural trajectory, one that does not deviate significantly from the operator in the loop desired-trajectory. It can also be seen that this method does not suffer from the local minima problem, or narrow corridor and proximity oscillation, which are common problems that occur when using potential fields. Furthermore this localized method enables the robotic platform to pass very close to obstacles, such as when negotiating a narrow passage or doorway

    Report on the Challenges of Air Transportation Experienced by People with Disabilities

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    Boarding an airplane is difficult for persons with mobility impairments and increases the risk of injury to both passengers and employees. Airplane seats are uncomfortable and lack the necessary support for many individuals with disabilities. Additionally, airplane restrooms can be inaccessible to wheelchair users. Potential solutions for these issues include the use of detachable plane seats or personal wheelchairs on board and an airplane redesign to provide additional restroom space. The number of service and emotional support animals being brought on airplanes have also increased substantially over the past few years. Passengers that travel with their service animals must contend with having to follow different rules for different airlines carriers and not having sufficient space for animals to be safe and comfortable