3,177 research outputs found

    The city as a socio-technical system a spatial reformulation

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    Interactive semantic mapping: Experimental evaluation

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    Robots that are launched in the consumer market need to provide more effective human robot interaction, and, in particular, spoken language interfaces. However, in order to support the execution of high level commands as they are specified in natural language, a semantic map is required. Such a map is a representation that enables the robot to ground the commands into the actual places and objects located in the environment. In this paper, we present the experimental evaluation of a system specifically designed to build semantically rich maps, through the interaction with the user. The results of the experiments not only provide the basis for a discussion of the features of the proposed approach, but also highlight the manifold issues that arise in the evaluation of semantic mapping

    Decision Making for Rapid Information Acquisition in the Reconnaissance of Random Fields

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    Research into several aspects of robot-enabled reconnaissance of random fields is reported. The work has two major components: the underlying theory of information acquisition in the exploration of unknown fields and the results of experiments on how humans use sensor-equipped robots to perform a simulated reconnaissance exercise. The theoretical framework reported herein extends work on robotic exploration that has been reported by ourselves and others. Several new figures of merit for evaluating exploration strategies are proposed and compared. Using concepts from differential topology and information theory, we develop the theoretical foundation of search strategies aimed at rapid discovery of topological features (locations of critical points and critical level sets) of a priori unknown differentiable random fields. The theory enables study of efficient reconnaissance strategies in which the tradeoff between speed and accuracy can be understood. The proposed approach to rapid discovery of topological features has led in a natural way to to the creation of parsimonious reconnaissance routines that do not rely on any prior knowledge of the environment. The design of topology-guided search protocols uses a mathematical framework that quantifies the relationship between what is discovered and what remains to be discovered. The quantification rests on an information theory inspired model whose properties allow us to treat search as a problem in optimal information acquisition. A central theme in this approach is that "conservative" and "aggressive" search strategies can be precisely defined, and search decisions regarding "exploration" vs. "exploitation" choices are informed by the rate at which the information metric is changing.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figure

    Universal Memory Architectures for Autonomous Machines

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    We propose a self-organizing memory architecture (UMA) for perceptual experience provably capable of supporting autonomous learning and goal-directed problem solving in the absence of any prior information about the agent’s environment. The architecture is simple enough to ensure (1) a quadratic bound (in the number of available sensors) on space requirements, and (2) a quadratic bound on the time-complexity of the update-execute cycle. At the same time, it is sufficiently complex to provide the agent with an internal representation which is (3) minimal among all representations which account for every sensory equivalence class consistent with the agent’s belief state; (4) capable, in principle, of recovering a topological model of the problem space; and (5) learnable with arbitrary precision through a random application of the available actions. These provable properties — both the trainability and the operational efficacy of an effectively trained memory structure — exploit a duality between weak poc sets — a symbolic (discrete) representation of subset nesting relations — and non-positively curved cubical complexes, whose rich convexity theory underlies the planning cycle of the proposed architecture

    Learning cognitive maps: Finding useful structure in an uncertain world

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    In this chapter we will describe the central mechanisms that influence how people learn about large-scale space. We will focus particularly on how these mechanisms enable people to effectively cope with both the uncertainty inherent in a constantly changing world and also with the high information content of natural environments. The major lessons are that humans get by with a less is more approach to building structure, and that they are able to quickly adapt to environmental changes thanks to a range of general purpose mechanisms. By looking at abstract principles, instead of concrete implementation details, it is shown that the study of human learning can provide valuable lessons for robotics. Finally, these issues are discussed in the context of an implementation on a mobile robot. © 2007 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    A survey on active simultaneous localization and mapping: state of the art and new frontiers

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    Active simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the problem of planning and controlling the motion of a robot to build the most accurate and complete model of the surrounding environment. Since the first foundational work in active perception appeared, more than three decades ago, this field has received increasing attention across different scientific communities. This has brought about many different approaches and formulations, and makes a review of the current trends necessary and extremely valuable for both new and experienced researchers. In this article, we survey the state of the art in active SLAM and take an in-depth look at the open challenges that still require attention to meet the needs of modern applications. After providing a historical perspective, we present a unified problem formulation and review the well-established modular solution scheme, which decouples the problem into three stages that identify, select, and execute potential navigation actions. We then analyze alternative approaches, including belief-space planning and deep reinforcement learning techniques, and review related work on multirobot coordination. This article concludes with a discussion of new research directions, addressing reproducible research, active spatial perception, and practical applications, among other topics

    Probabilistic Hybrid Action Models for Predicting Concurrent Percept-driven Robot Behavior

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    This article develops Probabilistic Hybrid Action Models (PHAMs), a realistic causal model for predicting the behavior generated by modern percept-driven robot plans. PHAMs represent aspects of robot behavior that cannot be represented by most action models used in AI planning: the temporal structure of continuous control processes, their non-deterministic effects, several modes of their interferences, and the achievement of triggering conditions in closed-loop robot plans. The main contributions of this article are: (1) PHAMs, a model of concurrent percept-driven behavior, its formalization, and proofs that the model generates probably, qualitatively accurate predictions; and (2) a resource-efficient inference method for PHAMs based on sampling projections from probabilistic action models and state descriptions. We show how PHAMs can be applied to planning the course of action of an autonomous robot office courier based on analytical and experimental results

    Exploration autonome et efficiente de chantiers miniers souterrains inconnus avec un drone filaire

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    Abstract: Underground mining stopes are often mapped using a sensor located at the end of a pole that the operator introduces into the stope from a secure area. The sensor emits laser beams that provide the distance to a detected wall, thus creating a 3D map. This produces shadow zones and a low point density on the distant walls. To address these challenges, a research team from the Université de Sherbrooke is designing a tethered drone equipped with a rotating LiDAR for this mission, thus benefiting from several points of view. The wired transmission allows for unlimited flight time, shared computing, and real-time communication. For compatibility with the movement of the drone after tether entanglements, the excess length is integrated into an onboard spool, contributing to the drone payload. During manual piloting, the human factor causes problems in the perception and comprehension of a virtual 3D environment, as well as the execution of an optimal mission. This thesis focuses on autonomous navigation in two aspects: path planning and exploration. The system must compute a trajectory that maps the entire environment, minimizing the mission time and respecting the maximum onboard tether length. Path planning using a Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) quickly finds a feasible path, but the optimization is computationally expensive and the performance is variable and unpredictable. Exploration by the frontier method is representative of the space to be explored and the path can be optimized by solving a Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) but existing techniques for a tethered drone only consider the 2D case and do not optimize the global path. To meet these challenges, this thesis presents two new algorithms. The first one, RRT-Rope, produces an equal or shorter path than existing algorithms in a significantly shorter computation time, up to 70% faster than the next best algorithm in a representative environment. A modified version of RRT-connect computes a feasible path, shortened with a deterministic technique that takes advantage of previously added intermediate nodes. The second algorithm, TAPE, is the first 3D cavity exploration method that focuses on minimizing mission time and unwound tether length. On average, the overall path is 4% longer than the method that solves the TSP, but the tether remains under the allowed length in 100% of the simulated cases, compared to 53% with the initial method. The approach uses a 2-level hierarchical architecture: global planning solves a TSP after frontier extraction, and local planning minimizes the path cost and tether length via a decision function. The integration of these two tools in the NetherDrone produces an intelligent system for autonomous exploration, with semi-autonomous features for operator interaction. This work opens the door to new navigation approaches in the field of inspection, mapping, and Search and Rescue missions.La cartographie des chantiers miniers souterrains est souvent réalisée à l’aide d’un capteur situé au bout d’une perche que l’opérateur introduit dans le chantier, depuis une zone sécurisée. Le capteur émet des faisceaux laser qui fournissent la distance à un mur détecté, créant ainsi une carte en 3D. Ceci produit des zones d’ombres et une faible densité de points sur les parois éloignées. Pour relever ces défis, une équipe de recherche de l’Université de Sherbrooke conçoit un drone filaire équipé d’un LiDAR rotatif pour cette mission, bénéficiant ainsi de plusieurs points de vue. La transmission filaire permet un temps de vol illimité, un partage de calcul et une communication en temps réel. Pour une compatibilité avec le mouvement du drone lors des coincements du fil, la longueur excédante est intégrée dans une bobine embarquée, qui contribue à la charge utile du drone. Lors d’un pilotage manuel, le facteur humain entraîne des problèmes de perception et compréhension d’un environnement 3D virtuel, et d’exécution d’une mission optimale. Cette thèse se concentre sur la navigation autonome sous deux aspects : la planification de trajectoire et l’exploration. Le système doit calculer une trajectoire qui cartographie l’environnement complet, en minimisant le temps de mission et en respectant la longueur maximale de fil embarquée. La planification de trajectoire à l’aide d’un Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) trouve rapidement un chemin réalisable, mais l’optimisation est coûteuse en calcul et la performance est variable et imprévisible. L’exploration par la méthode des frontières est représentative de l’espace à explorer et le chemin peut être optimisé en résolvant un Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), mais les techniques existantes pour un drone filaire ne considèrent que le cas 2D et n’optimisent pas le chemin global. Pour relever ces défis, cette thèse présente deux nouveaux algorithmes. Le premier, RRT-Rope, produit un chemin égal ou plus court que les algorithmes existants en un temps de calcul jusqu’à 70% plus court que le deuxième meilleur algorithme dans un environnement représentatif. Une version modifiée de RRT-connect calcule un chemin réalisable, raccourci avec une technique déterministe qui tire profit des noeuds intermédiaires préalablement ajoutés. Le deuxième algorithme, TAPE, est la première méthode d’exploration de cavités en 3D qui minimise le temps de mission et la longueur du fil déroulé. En moyenne, le trajet global est 4% plus long que la méthode qui résout le TSP, mais le fil reste sous la longueur autorisée dans 100% des cas simulés, contre 53% avec la méthode initiale. L’approche utilise une architecture hiérarchique à 2 niveaux : la planification globale résout un TSP après extraction des frontières, et la planification locale minimise le coût du chemin et la longueur de fil via une fonction de décision. L’intégration de ces deux outils dans le NetherDrone produit un système intelligent pour l’exploration autonome, doté de fonctionnalités semi-autonomes pour une interaction avec l’opérateur. Les travaux réalisés ouvrent la porte à de nouvelles approches de navigation dans le domaine des missions d’inspection, de cartographie et de recherche et sauvetage
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