26,663 research outputs found

    Is spatial intelligibility critical to the design of largescale virtual environments?

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    This paper discusses the concept of 'intelligibility', a concept usually attributed to the design of real-world environments and suggests how it might be applied to the construction of virtual environments. In order to illustrate this concept, a 3d, online, collaborative environment, AlphaWorld, is analyzed in a manner analogous to spatial analysis techniques applied to cities in the real world. The outcome of this form of spatial analysis is that AlphaWorld appears to be highly 'intelligible' at the small-scale, 'local neighborhood' level, and yet is completely 'unintelligible' at a global level. This paper concludes with a discussion of the relevance of this finding to virtual environment design plus future research applications

    Modelling virtual urban environments

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    In this paper, we explore the way in which virtual reality (VR) systems are being broadened to encompass a wide array of virtual worlds, many of which have immediate applicability to understanding urban issues through geocomputation. Wesketch distinctions between immersive, semi-immersive and remote environments in which single and multiple users interact in a variety of ways. We show how suchenvironments might be modelled in terms of ways of navigating within, processes of decision-making which link users to one another, analytic functions that users have to make sense of the environment, and functions through which users can manipulate, change, or design their world. We illustrate these ideas using four exemplars that we have under construction: a multi-user internet GIS for Londonwith extensive links to 3-d, video, text and related media, an exploration of optimal retail location using a semi-immersive visualisation in which experts can explore such problems, a virtual urban world in which remote users as avatars can manipulate urban designs, and an approach to simulating such virtual worlds through morphological modelling based on the digital record of the entire decision-making process through which such worlds are built

    Exploring the Use of Virtual Worlds as a Scientific Research Platform: The Meta-Institute for Computational Astrophysics (MICA)

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    We describe the Meta-Institute for Computational Astrophysics (MICA), the first professional scientific organization based exclusively in virtual worlds (VWs). The goals of MICA are to explore the utility of the emerging VR and VWs technologies for scientific and scholarly work in general, and to facilitate and accelerate their adoption by the scientific research community. MICA itself is an experiment in academic and scientific practices enabled by the immersive VR technologies. We describe the current and planned activities and research directions of MICA, and offer some thoughts as to what the future developments in this arena may be.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in the refereed proceedings of "Facets of Virtual Environments" (FaVE 2009), eds. F. Lehmann-Grube, J. Sablating, et al., ICST Lecture Notes Ser., Berlin: Springer Verlag (2009); version with full resolution color figures is available at http://www.mica-vw.org/wiki/index.php/Publication

    Through a glass darkly: a case for the study of virtual space

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    This paper begins to examine the similarities and differences between virtual space and real space, as taken from anarchitectural (as opposed to a biological, psychological, geographic, philosophical or information theoretic)standpoint. It continues by introducing a number of criteria, suggested by the authors as being necessary for virtualspace to be used in a manner consistent with our experience of real space. Finally, it concludes by suggesting apedagogical framework for the benefits and associated learning outcomes of the study and examination of thisrelationship. This is accompanied by examples of recent student work, which set out to investigate this relationship

    Through a glass darkly: a case for the study of virtual space

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    This paper begins to examine the similarities and differences between virtual space and real space, as taken from anarchitectural (as opposed to a biological, psychological, geographic, philosophical or information theoretic)standpoint. It continues by introducing a number of criteria, suggested by the authors as being necessary for virtualspace to be used in a manner consistent with our experience of real space. Finally, it concludes by suggesting apedagogical framework for the benefits and associated learning outcomes of the study and examination of thisrelationship. This is accompanied by examples of recent student work, which set out to investigate this relationship

    Agent Behaviour Simulator (ABS):a platform for urban behaviour development

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    Computer Graphics have become important for many applicationsand the quality of the produced images have greatly improved. Oneof the interesting remaining problems is the representation of densedynamic environments such as populated cities. Although recentlywe saw some successfulwork on the rendering such environments,the real?time simulation of virtual cities populated by thousands ofintelligent animated agents is still very challenging.In this paperwe describe a platformthat aims to accelerate the developmentof agent behaviours. The platform makes it easy to enterlocal rules and callbacks which govern the individual behaviours.It automatically performs the routine tasks such as collision detectionallowing the user to concentrate on defining the more involvedtasks. The platform is based on a 2D-grid with a four-layered structure.The two first layers are used to compute the collision detectionagainst the environment and other agents and the last two are usedfor more complex behaviours.A set of visualisation tools is incorporated that allows the testingof the real?time simulation. The choices made for the visualisationallow the user to better understand the way agents move inside theworld and how they take decisions, so that the user can evaluate ifit simulates the expected behaviour.Experimentation with the system has shown that behaviours inenvironments with thousands of agents can be developed and visualisedin effortlessly

    Two-Timescale Learning Using Idiotypic Behaviour Mediation For A Navigating Mobile Robot

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    A combined Short-Term Learning (STL) and Long-Term Learning (LTL) approach to solving mobile-robot navigation problems is presented and tested in both the real and virtual domains. The LTL phase consists of rapid simulations that use a Genetic Algorithm to derive diverse sets of behaviours, encoded as variable sets of attributes, and the STL phase is an idiotypic Artificial Immune System. Results from the LTL phase show that sets of behaviours develop very rapidly, and significantly greater diversity is obtained when multiple autonomous populations are used, rather than a single one. The architecture is assessed under various scenarios, including removal of the LTL phase and switching off the idiotypic mechanism in the STL phase. The comparisons provide substantial evidence that the best option is the inclusion of both the LTL phase and the idiotypic system. In addition, this paper shows that structurally different environments can be used for the two phases without compromising transferability.Comment: 40 pages, 12 tables, Journal of Applied Soft Computin

    Generating trails automatically, to aid navigation when you revisit an environment

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    A new method for generating trails from a person’s movement through a virtual environment (VE) is described. The method is entirely automatic (no user input is needed), and uses string-matching to identify similar sequences of movement and derive the person’s primary trail. The method was evaluated in a virtual building, and generated trails that substantially reduced the distance participants traveled when they searched for target objects in the building 5-8 weeks after a set of familiarization sessions. Only a modest amount of data (typically five traversals of the building) was required to generate trails that were both effective and stable, and the method was not affected by the order in which objects were visited. The trail generation method models an environment as a graph and, therefore, may be applied to aiding navigation in the real world and information spaces, as well as VEs