90 research outputs found

    Minimalistic control of biped walking in rough terrain

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    Toward our comprehensive understanding of legged locomotion in animals and machines, the compass gait model has been intensively studied for a systematic investigation of complex biped locomotion dynamics. While most of the previous studies focused only on the locomotion on flat surfaces, in this article, we tackle with the problem of bipedal locomotion in rough terrains by using a minimalistic control architecture for the compass gait walking model. This controller utilizes an open-loop sinusoidal oscillation of hip motor, which induces basic walking stability without sensory feedback. A set of simulation analyses show that the underlying mechanism lies in the "phase locking” mechanism that compensates phase delays between mechanical dynamics and the open-loop motor oscillation resulting in a relatively large basin of attraction in dynamic bipedal walking. By exploiting this mechanism, we also explain how the basin of attraction can be controlled by manipulating the parameters of oscillator not only on a flat terrain but also in various inclined slopes. Based on the simulation analysis, the proposed controller is implemented in a real-world robotic platform to confirm the plausibility of the approach. In addition, by using these basic principles of self-stability and gait variability, we demonstrate how the proposed controller can be extended with a simple sensory feedback such that the robot is able to control gait patterns autonomously for traversing a rough terrai

    Effect of the Dynamics of a Horizontally Wobbling Mass on Biped Walking Performance

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    We have developed biped robots with a passive dynamic walking mechanism. This study proposes a compass model with a wobbling mass connected to the upper body and oscillating in the horizontal direction to clarify the influence of the horizontal dynamics of the upper body on bipedal walking. The limit cycles of the model were numerically searched, and their stability and energy efficiency was investigated. Several qualitatively different limit cycles were obtained depending mainly on the spring constant that supports the wobbling mass. Specific types of solutions decreased the stability while reducing the risk of accidental falling and improving the energy efficiency. The obtained results were attributed to the wobbling mass moving in the opposite direction to the upper body, thereby preventing large changes in acceleration and deceleration while walking. The relationship between the locomotion of the proposed model and the actual biped robot and human gaits was investigated.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023

    Muscle‐Like Compliance in Knee Articulations Improves Biped Robot Walkings

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    This chapter focuses on the compliance effect of dynamic humanoid robot walking. This compliance is generated with an articular muscle emulator system, which is designed using two neural networks (NNs). One NN models a muscle and a second learns to tune the proportional integral derivative (PID) of the articulation DC motor, allowing it to behave analogously to the muscle model. Muscle emulators are implemented in the knees of a three‐dimensional (3D) simulated biped robot. The simulation results show that the muscle emulator creates compliance in articulations and that the dynamic walk, even in walk‐halt‐stop transitions, improves. If an external thrust unbalances the biped during the walk, the muscle emulator improves the control and prevents the robot from falling. The total power consumption is significantly reduced, and the articular trajectories approach human trajectories

    Autonomous Optimization of Swimming Gait in a Fish Robot With Multiple Onboard Sensors

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    Autonomous gait optimization is an essential survival ability for mobile robots. However, it remains a challenging task for underwater robots. This paper addresses this problem for the locomotion of a bio-inspired robotic fish and aims at identifying fast swimming gait autonomously by the robot. Our approach for learning locomotion controllers mainly uses three components: 1) a biological concept of central pattern generator to obtain specific gaits; 2) an onboard sensory processing center to discover the environment and to evaluate the swimming gait; and 3) an evolutionary algorithm referred to as particle swarm optimization. A key aspect of our approach is the swimming gait of the robot is optimized autonomously, equivalent to that the robot is able to navigate and evaluate its swimming gait in the environment by the onboard sensors, and simultaneously run a built-in evolutionary algorithm to optimize its locomotion all by itself. Forward speed optimization experiments conducted on the robotic fish demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed autonomous optimization system. The latest results show that our robotic fish attained a maximum swimming speed of 1.011 BL/s (40.42 cm/s) through autonomous gait optimization, faster than any of the robot's previously recorded speeds

    Applied optimal control for dynamically stable legged locomotion

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-84).Online learning and controller adaptation will be an essential component for legged robots in the next few years as they begin to leave the laboratory setting and join our world. I present the first example of a learning system which is able to quickly and reliably acquire a robust feedback control policy for 3D dynamic bipedal walking from a blank slate using only trials implemented on the physical robot. The robot begins walking within a minute and learning converges in approximately 20 minutes. The learning works quickly enough that the robot is able to continually adapt to the terrain as it walks. This success can be attributed in part to the mechanics of our robot, which is capable of stable walking down a small ramp even when the computer is turned off. In this thesis, I analyze the dynamics of passive dynamic walking, starting with reduced planar models and working up to experiments on our real robot. I describe, in detail, the actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm that is implemented on the return map dynamics of the biped. Finally, I address issues of scaling and controller augmentation using tools from optimal control theory and a simulation of a planar one-leg hopping robot. These learning results provide a starting point for the production of robust and energy efficient walking and running robots that work well initially, and continue to improve with experience.by Russell L. Tedrake.Ph.D

    Kinematic and dynamic analysis for biped robots design

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    En esta tesis un nuevo método para encontrar sistemas dinámicamente equivalentes es propuesto. El objetivo es el de crear una herramienta para el análisis de robots bípedos. La herramienta consiste en modelos simplificados obtenidos del principio de equivalencia dinámica, que dice que si dos sistemas poseen la misma masa, el mismo centro de masa y el mismo momento de inercia, entonces son dinámicamente equivalentes. Este concepto no es nuevo y es comúnmente utilizado en el diseño de máquinas alternativas, o para encontrar el sweet spot de objetos esbeltos tales como bates o espadas. Con la aplicación del principio de equivalencia dinámica se encuentra el centro de percusión. La aportación en esta tesis es la aplicación de este concepto al análisis de robots bípedos, y la extensión del centro de percusión a cadenas cinemáticas. La herramienta fundamental para la obtención de resultados de investigación en esta tesis hace uso del lenguaje de simulación Modelica®. Las simulaciones son altamente detalladas gracias a la librería estándar Multibody incluida en las especificaciones del mismo. Como consecuencia de los trabajos desarrollados se crearon nuevas clases para extender la capacidad de la librería y aplicarla a m´aquinas caminantes. El desarrollo de esta tesis está centrado en el desarrollo de dos modelos. El primero es un péndulo invertido equivalente, con la característica que posee las mismas propiedades dinámicas del robot que modela. Dichas propiedades son la masas total, el centro de masa y el momento de inercia. Este modelo es luego utilizado para generar el caminar de un bípedo simple. El bípedo es simulado con un volante de inercia como cuerpo, y pies de contacto puntual. Posee rodillas y está totalmente actuado. Los eslabones del robot poseen propiedades de sólido rígido y ninguna simplificación ha sido considerada. El segundo modelo tiene el objetivo de imitar la topología del bípedo que representa, por lo tanto tiene un grado mayor de complejidad que el anterior. Este modelo es construido al dividir al robot en tres grupos: Las dos piernas, y otro grupo compuesto por la cabeza, los brazos y el torso (Denominado HAT por sus siglas en inglés). Este modelo es denominado modelo de cuatro masas puntuales. Este modelo es posteriormente validado utilizándolo para desacoplar la dinámica del sistema, la única información utilizada para llevar a cabo esta tarea es proporcionada por dicho modelo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this thesis a method to find dynamically equivalent systems is proposed. The objective is to provide a tool to analyze biped robots by simplifying their dynamics to simpler models. The equivalent models are obtained with the concept of dynamic equivalence that states that if two systems share the same total mass, the same center of mass, and the same moment of inertia then they are considered to be dynamically equivalent. This concept is not new and it is used in the design of alternative machines, or to find the sweet spot of long object like swords or bats. The result of the application of the dynamic equivalence principle is the point known as the center of percussion. The novelty in this thesis is to apply this concept to the analysis of biped robots, and the extension of the center of percussion to kinematic chains. The work in this thesis developed with the help of the simulation language Modelica®. The simulations are very detailed by implementing elaborated rigid body dynamics provided by the multibody standard library included in the language specifications. New classes were created in order to be able to simulate walking machines. Those classes introduce contact objects at ground foot interactions and mechanical stops for knee joints. The development of this thesis is centered around the proposal of two models. The first model is an equivalent inverted pendulum with the characteristic that it has the same dynamic properties, i.e., total mass, center of mass and moment of inertia, of the biped that models. This model is later used to synthesize gait in a simple, but realistic biped. The biped is simulated with a flywheel body, and point feet. It has knees and it is fully actuated. Also all the links have complete rigid body properties and no simplifications were done. The second model has the objective to resemble the topology of the biped it represents, therefore it is slightly more complex than the equivalent inverted pendulum. This model is constructed by grouping the components of the robot in three groups: Two legs and the HAT group (HAT stands for head, arms and trunk). This model is denominated four point masses model. The model is later validated by decoupling the dynamics of the system only with the information provided by the four point masses model

    Humanoid Robot Soccer Locomotion and Kick Dynamics: Open Loop Walking, Kicking and Morphing into Special Motions on the Nao Robot

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    Striker speed and accuracy in the RoboCup (SPL) international robot soccer league is becoming increasingly important as the level of play rises. Competition around the ball is now decided in a matter of seconds. Therefore, eliminating any wasted actions or motions is crucial when attempting to kick the ball. It is common to see a discontinuity between walking and kicking where a robot will return to an initial pose in preparation for the kick action. In this thesis we explore the removal of this behaviour by developing a transition gait that morphs the walk directly into the kick back swing pose. The solution presented here is targeted towards the use of the Aldebaran walk for the Nao robot. The solution we develop involves the design of a central pattern generator to allow for controlled steps with realtime accuracy, and a phase locked loop method to synchronise with the Aldebaran walk so that precise step length control can be activated when required. An open loop trajectory mapping approach is taken to the walk that is stabilized statically through the use of a phase varying joint holding torque technique. We also examine the basic princples of open loop walking, focussing on the commonly overlooked frontal plane motion. The act of kicking itself is explored both analytically and empirically, and solutions are provided that are versatile and powerful. Included as an appendix, the broader matter of striker behaviour (process of goal scoring) is reviewed and we present a velocity control algorithm that is very accurate and efficient in terms of speed of execution

    Dynamics of the Inertia Coupled Rimless Wheel with Frictional Losses and Actuation

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    The Inertia Coupled Rimless (ICR) wheel is a mechanically simple walking device capable of energy efficient motion. Typically, walking robots that are capable of level ground transport are extremely energy inefficient. To address this performance issue, the ICR wheel was examined while considering real-world frictional losses. The ICR wheel has been previously shown to be capable of collisionless, periodic motion, but until now, the ICR wheel had only been examined as an ideal, theoretical model. The inertia device within the system was tested to determine both the magnitude of energy loss due to damping and a suitable model for its motion. Fitting friction models to the experimental results showed that the a visciously damped model most accurately represented the system\u27s motion. Simulations revealed that the ICR wheel with friction would be capable of walking passively on a ramp with half stable, periodic walking, but the collisionless motion was lost. An actuation scheme was designed in simulation to allow an ICR wheel with damping to achieve collisionless motion on level ground. Experimental testing of a passive ICR wheel on a 3o3^o ramp showed that a cost of transport of at least 0.052 is possible with this system. Simulations suggest that, with the inclusion of an actuation scheme, the cost of transport for the same system on level ground could be as low as 0.024. Understanding how to overcome frictional losses lays the foundation for the creation of a walking robot capable of level ground transport with significantly less energy use than current models are capable of achieving