855 research outputs found

    Application of Computational Chemical Shift Prediction Techniques to the Cereoanhydride Structure Problem-Carboxylate Complications.

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    Despite the vast array of techniques available to modern-day chemists, structural misassignments still occur. These misassignments are often only realized upon attempted synthesis, when the spectra of synthesized products do not match previously reported spectra. This was the case with marine natural product cereoanhydride. The originally proposed 7-membered ring anhydride (1) was shown to be incorrect, although a likely precursor to the correct structure (2) in both its laboratory synthesis and biosynthesis. Herein, in addition to showing how NMR computations could have been used to arrive at the correct structure, we show that the conversion of 1 to 2 is indeed energetically viable, and we highlight complications in predicting NMR chemical shifts for molecules with acidic protons

    The application of tailor-made force fields and molecular dynamics for NMR crystallography: a case study of free base cocaine

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    Motional averaging has been proven to be significant in predicting the chemical shifts in ab initio solid-state NMR calculations, and the applicability of motional averaging with molecular dynamics has been shown to depend on the accuracy of the molecular mechanical force field. The performance of a fully automatically generated tailor-made force field (TMFF) for the dynamic aspects of NMR crystallography is evaluated and compared with existing benchmarks, including static dispersion-corrected density functional theory calculations and the COMPASS force field. The crystal structure of free base cocaine is used as an example. The results reveal that, even though the TMFF outperforms the COMPASS force field for representing the energies and conformations of predicted structures, it does not give significant improvement in the accuracy of NMR calculations. Further studies should direct more attention to anisotropic chemical shifts and development of the method of solid-state NMR calculations

    Theoretical studies of 31P NMR spectral properties of phosphanes and related compounds in solution

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    Selected theoretical methods, basis sets and solvation models have been tested in their ability to predict 31P NMR chemical shifts of large phosphorous-containing molecular systems in solution. The most efficient strategy was found to involve NMR shift calculations at the GIAO-MPW1K/6-311++G(2d,2p)//MPW1K/6-31G(d) level in combination with a dual solvation model including the explicit consideration of single solvent molecules and a continuum (PCM) solvation model. For larger systems it has also been established that reliable 31P shift predictions require Boltzmann averaging over all accessible conformations in solution

    {\it Ab initio} 27Al^{27}Al NMR chemical shifts and quadrupolar parameters for Al2O3Al_2O_3 phases and their precursors

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    The Gauge-Including Projector Augmented Wave (GIPAW) method, within the Density Functional Theory (DFT) Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) framework, is applied to compute solid state NMR parameters for 27Al^{27}Al in the α\alpha, θ\theta, and κ\kappa aluminium oxide phases and their gibbsite and boehmite precursors. The results for well-established crystalline phases compare very well with available experimental data and provide confidence in the accuracy of the method. For γ\gamma-alumina, four structural models proposed in the literature are discussed in terms of their ability to reproduce the experimental spectra also reported in the literature. Among the considered models, the Fd3ˉmFd\bar{3}m structure proposed by Paglia {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 71}, 224115 (2005)] shows the best agreement. We attempt to link the theoretical NMR parameters to the local geometry. Chemical shifts depend on coordination number but no further correlation is found with geometrical parameters. Instead our calculations reveal that, within a given coordination number, a linear correlation exists between chemical shifts and Born effective charges

    Phonon effects on x-ray absorption and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies

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    In material sciences, spectroscopic approaches combining ab initio calculations with experiments are commonly used to accurately analyze the experimental spectral data. Most state-of-the-art first-principle calculations are usually performed assuming an equilibrium static lattice. Yet, nuclear motion affects spectra even when reduced to the zero-point motion at 0 K. We propose a framework based on Density-Functional Theory that includes quantum thermal fluctuations in theoretical X- ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) and solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopies and allows to well describe temperature effects observed experimentally. Within the Born-Oppenheimer and quasi-harmonic approximations, we incorporate the nuclear motion by generating several non-equilibrium configurations from the dynamical matrix. The averaged calculated XANES and NMR spectral data have been compared to experiments in MgO, proof-of-principle compound. The good agreement obtained between experiments and calculations validates the developed approach, which suggests that calculating the XANES spectra at finite temperature by averaging individual non-equilibrium configurations is a suitable approximation. This study high- lights the relevance of phonon renormalization and the relative contributions of thermal expansion and nuclear dynamics on NMR and XANES spectra on a wide range of temperatures.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 1 appendi

    First Principles NMR Study of Fluorapatite under Pressure

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    NMR is the technique of election to probe the local properties of materials. Herein we present the results of density functional theory (DFT) \textit{ab initio} calculations of the NMR parameters for fluorapatite (FAp), a calcium orthophosphate mineral belonging to the apatite family, by using the GIPAW method [Pickard and Mauri, 2001]. Understanding the local effects of pressure on apatites is particularly relevant because of their important role in many solid state and biomedical applications. Apatites are open structures, which can undergo complex anisotropic deformations, and the response of NMR can elucidate the microscopic changes induced by an applied pressure. The computed NMR parameters proved to be in good agreement with the available experimental data. The structural evaluation of the material behavior under hydrostatic pressure (from --5 to +100 kbar) indicated a shrinkage of the diameter of the apatitic channel, and a strong correlation between NMR shielding and pressure, proving the sensitivity of this technique to even small changes in the chemical environment around the nuclei. This theoretical approach allows the exploration of all the different nuclei composing the material, thus providing a very useful guidance in the interpretation of experimental results, particularly valuable for the more challenging nuclei such as 43^{43}Ca and 17^{17}O.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Theoretical view on the origin and implications of structural distortions in polyoxometalates

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    Structural features of polyoxometalates (POMs) —versatile inorganic clusters of academic and technological interest— are discussed in the present article. POMs are, in general, very regular structures presenting a high symmetry in most cases. Distortions are, however, important for some electronic and magnetic properties. We herein discuss some particular geometric features that are crucial for the theoretical treatment and comprehension of well-known experimental phenomena. For instance, we have been able to understand and rationalize the geometrical distortions present in molybdenum POMs. Moreover, we can affirm that these geometrical distortions are caused by a pseudo Jahn Teller effect. In what concerns NMR chemical shifts, we present a discussion on the importance of geometry for the correct description of the signals and the key role played by the interatomic distances. Finally, a study on the adsorption of Keggin clusters on silver surfaces shows how the POM structure looses its regular shape to adapt to that new situation