7 research outputs found

    AKEM: Aligning Knowledge Base to Queries with Ensemble Model for Entity Recognition and Linking

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    This paper presents a novel approach to address the Entity Recognition and Linking Challenge at NLPCC 2015. The task involves extracting named entity mentions from short search queries and linking them to entities within a reference Chinese knowledge base. To tackle this problem, we first expand the existing knowledge base and utilize external knowledge to identify candidate entities, thereby improving the recall rate. Next, we extract features from the candidate entities and utilize Support Vector Regression and Multiple Additive Regression Tree as scoring functions to filter the results. Additionally, we apply rules to further refine the results and enhance precision. Our method is computationally efficient and achieves an F1 score of 0.535

    "Our city will be the first to hold both summer and winter olympics" : a comparative analysis of how media coverage and public opinion were framed on social media in the lead up to the Beijing 2022 winter Olympic games

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    Beijing is the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Mega sporting events such as the Olympic Games, which attract mass audiences, benefit greatly from social media. This article examines how the news coverage and public opinion about the Beijing 2022 were articulated on social media in the lead up to the Beijing 2022. We employed computational content analysis to examine 9,439 individual posts and 450 official media posts that appeared before the Beijing 2022 Olympics. We also used ROSTCM6 to investigate the sentiment of official media and public opinion toward Beijing 2022. The results of this study reveal that members of public are more inclined to highlight certain aspects of Beijing 2022 based on their individual perspectives. Official media, whose work generally aligns with the government's interests. Through a sentiment analysis of these posts, we found strongly positive attitudes concerning Beijing 2022 among the Chinese public and the media. Our results provide ample evidence of an overall relative convergence of positions between public opinion and news coverage about the Beijing 2022, despite their divergences. This study indicates that social media presents itself as a space for broader public statements, and empowers ordinary people to discuss China's social issues of concern. Meanwhile, official media represents the government's position, strategically framing Beijing 2022 as a landmark event in the new era of China

    An Entropy-Based Method with a New Benchmark Dataset for Chinese Textual Affective Structure Analysis

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    Affective understanding of language is an important research focus in artificial intelligence. The large-scale annotated datasets of Chinese textual affective structure (CTAS) are the foundation for subsequent higher-level analysis of documents. However, there are very few published datasets for CTAS. This paper introduces a new benchmark dataset for the task of CTAS to promote development in this research direction. Specifically, our benchmark is a CTAS dataset with the following advantages: (a) it is Weibo-based, which is the most popular Chinese social media platform used by the public to express their opinions; (b) it includes the most comprehensive affective structure labels at present; and (c) we propose a maximum entropy Markov model that incorporates neural network features and experimentally demonstrate that it outperforms the two baseline models.</jats:p

    A Fair and Comprehensive Comparison of Multimodal Tweet Sentiment Analysis Methods

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    Opinion and sentiment analysis is a vital task to characterize subjective information in social media posts. In this paper, we present a comprehensive experimental evaluation and comparison with six state-of-the-art methods, from which we have re-implemented one of them. In addition, we investigate different textual and visual feature embeddings that cover different aspects of the content, as well as the recently introduced multimodal CLIP embeddings. Experimental results are presented for two different publicly available benchmark datasets of tweets and corresponding images. In contrast to the evaluation methodology of previous work, we introduce a reproducible and fair evaluation scheme to make results comparable. Finally, we conduct an error analysis to outline the limitations of the methods and possibilities for the future work.Comment: Accepted in Workshop on Multi-ModalPre-Training for Multimedia Understanding (MMPT 2021), co-located with ICMR 202

    Liage de données RDF : évaluation d'approches interlingues

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    The Semantic Web extends the Web by publishing structured and interlinked data using RDF.An RDF data set is a graph where resources are nodes labelled in natural languages. One of the key challenges of linked data is to be able to discover links across RDF data sets. Given two data sets, equivalent resources should be identified and linked by owl:sameAs links. This problem is particularly difficult when resources are described in different natural languages.This thesis investigates the effectiveness of linguistic resources for interlinking RDF data sets. For this purpose, we introduce a general framework in which each RDF resource is represented as a virtual document containing text information of neighboring nodes. The context of a resource are the labels of the neighboring nodes. Once virtual documents are created, they are projected in the same space in order to be compared. This can be achieved by using machine translation or multilingual lexical resources. Once documents are in the same space, similarity measures to find identical resources are applied. Similarity between elements of this space is taken for similarity between RDF resources.We performed evaluation of cross-lingual techniques within the proposed framework. We experimentally evaluate different methods for linking RDF data. In particular, two strategies are explored: applying machine translation or using references to multilingual resources. Overall, evaluation shows the effectiveness of cross-lingual string-based approaches for linking RDF resources expressed in different languages. The methods have been evaluated on resources in English, Chinese, French and German. The best performance (over 0.90 F-measure) was obtained by the machine translation approach. This shows that the similarity-based method can be successfully applied on RDF resources independently of their type (named entities or thesauri concepts). The best experimental results involving just a pair of languages demonstrated the usefulness of such techniques for interlinking RDF resources cross-lingually.Le Web des données étend le Web en publiant des données structurées et liées en RDF. Un jeu de données RDF est un graphe orienté où les ressources peuvent être des sommets étiquetées dans des langues naturelles. Un des principaux défis est de découvrir les liens entre jeux de données RDF. Étant donnés deux jeux de données, cela consiste à trouver les ressources équivalentes et les lier avec des liens owl:sameAs. Ce problème est particulièrement difficile lorsque les ressources sont décrites dans différentes langues naturelles.Cette thèse étudie l'efficacité des ressources linguistiques pour le liage des données exprimées dans différentes langues. Chaque ressource RDF est représentée comme un document virtuel contenant les informations textuelles des sommets voisins. Les étiquettes des sommets voisins constituent le contexte d'une ressource. Une fois que les documents sont créés, ils sont projetés dans un même espace afin d'être comparés. Ceci peut être réalisé à l'aide de la traduction automatique ou de ressources lexicales multilingues. Une fois que les documents sont dans le même espace, des mesures de similarité sont appliquées afin de trouver les ressources identiques. La similarité entre les documents est prise pour la similarité entre les ressources RDF.Nous évaluons expérimentalement différentes méthodes pour lier les données RDF. En particulier, deux stratégies sont explorées: l'application de la traduction automatique et l'usage des banques de données terminologiques et lexicales multilingues. Dans l'ensemble, l'évaluation montre l'efficacité de ce type d'approches. Les méthodes ont été évaluées sur les ressources en anglais, chinois, français, et allemand. Les meilleurs résultats (F-mesure > 0.90) ont été obtenus par la traduction automatique. L'évaluation montre que la méthode basée sur la similarité peut être appliquée avec succès sur les ressources RDF indépendamment de leur type (entités nommées ou concepts de dictionnaires)

    Timeout Reached, Session Ends?

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    Die Identifikation von Sessions zum Verständnis des Benutzerverhaltens ist ein Forschungsgebiet des Web Usage Mining. Definitionen und Konzepte werden seit über 20 Jahren diskutiert. Die Forschung zeigt, dass Session-Identifizierung kein willkürlicher Prozess sein sollte. Es gibt eine fragwürdige Tendenz zu vereinfachten mechanischen Sessions anstelle logischer Segmentierungen. Ziel der Dissertation ist es zu beweisen, wie unterschiedliche Session-Ansätze zu abweichenden Ergebnissen und Interpretationen führen. Die übergreifende Forschungsfrage lautet: Werden sich verschiedene Ansätze zur Session-Identifizierung auf Analyseergebnisse und Machine-Learning-Probleme auswirken? Ein methodischer Rahmen für die Durchführung, den Vergleich und die Evaluation von Sessions wird gegeben. Die Dissertation implementiert 135 Session-Ansätze in einem Jahr (2018) Daten einer deutschen Preisvergleichs-E-Commerce-Plattform. Die Umsetzung umfasst mechanische Konzepte, logische Konstrukte und die Kombination mehrerer Mechaniken. Es wird gezeigt, wie logische Sessions durch Embedding-Algorithmen aus Benutzersequenzen konstruiert werden: mit einem neuartigen Ansatz zur Identifizierung logischer Sessions, bei dem die thematische Nähe von Interaktionen anstelle von Suchanfragen allein verwendet wird. Alle Ansätze werden verglichen und quantitativ beschrieben sowie in drei Machine-Learning-Problemen (wie Recommendation) angewendet. Der Hauptbeitrag dieser Dissertation besteht darin, einen umfassenden Vergleich von Session-Identifikationsalgorithmen bereitzustellen. Die Arbeit bietet eine Methodik zum Implementieren, Analysieren und Evaluieren einer Auswahl von Mechaniken, die es ermöglichen, das Benutzerverhalten und die Auswirkungen von Session-Modellierung besser zu verstehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unterschiedlich strukturierte Eingabedaten die Ergebnisse von Algorithmen oder Analysen drastisch verändern können.The identification of sessions as a means of understanding user behaviour is a common research area of web usage mining. Different definitions and concepts have been discussed for over 20 years: Research shows that session identification is not an arbitrary task. There is a tendency towards simplistic mechanical sessions instead of more complex logical segmentations, which is questionable. This dissertation aims to prove how the nature of differing session-identification approaches leads to diverging results and interpretations. The overarching research question asks: will different session-identification approaches impact analysis and machine learning tasks? A comprehensive methodological framework for implementing, comparing and evaluating sessions is given. The dissertation provides implementation guidelines for 135 session-identification approaches utilizing a complete year (2018) of traffic data from a German price-comparison e-commerce platform. The implementation includes mechanical concepts, logical constructs and the combination of multiple methods. It shows how logical sessions were constructed from user sequences by employing embedding algorithms on interaction logs; taking a novel approach to logical session identification by utilizing topical proximity of interactions instead of search queries alone. All approaches are compared and quantitatively described. The application in three machine-learning tasks (such as recommendation) is intended to show that using different sessions as input data has a marked impact on the outcome. The main contribution of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive comparison of session-identification algorithms. The research provides a methodology to implement, analyse and compare a wide variety of mechanics, allowing to better understand user behaviour and the effects of session modelling. The main results show that differently structured input data may drastically change the results of algorithms or analysis