43,307 research outputs found

    Technique of pneumatic pest control – analyses and a new device

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    Pest control in organic production of berries, potatoes and vegetables usually employs spreading technique of registered phytopharmaceutical agents. This technique may be supported or even replaced by pneumatic pest control. Pneumatic pest control means suction of pest using a vacuum device similar to a home vacuum cleaner. Up to now there is no evaluation of pneumatic pest control available from an agricultural engineering point of view. This paper concerns the following questions: Which techniques of pneumatic pest control are available and how may these techniques be improved in terms of technical and physical parameters? Based on the answers a new device design is presented

    New developments in prosthetic arm systems

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    Absence of an upper limb leads to severe impairments in everyday life, which can further influence the social and mental state. For these reasons, early developments in cosmetic and body-driven prostheses date some centuries ago, and they have been evolving ever since. Following the end of the Second World War, rapid developments in technology resulted in powered myoelectric hand prosthetics. In the years to come, these devices were common on the market, though they still suffered high user abandonment rates. The reasons for rejection were trifold - insufficient functionality of the hardware, fragile design, and cumbersome control. In the last decade, both academia and industry have reached major improvements concerning technical features of upper limb prosthetics and methods for their interfacing and control. Advanced robotic hands are offered by several vendors and research groups, with a variety of active and passive wrist options that can be articulated across several degrees of freedom. Nowadays, elbow joint designs include active solutions with different weight and power options. Control features are getting progressively more sophisticated, offering options for multiple sensor integration and multi-joint articulation. Latest developments in socket designs are capable of facilitating implantable and multiple surface electromyography sensors in both traditional and osseointegration-based systems. Novel surgical techniques in combination with modern, sophisticated hardware are enabling restoration of dexterous upper limb functionality. This article is aimed at reviewing the latest state of the upper limb prosthetic market, offering insights on the accompanying technologies and techniques. We also examine the capabilities and features of some of academia’s flagship solutions and methods

    NASA contributions to fluidic systems: A survey

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    A state-of-the art review of fluidic technology is presented. It is oriented towards systems applications rather than theory or design. It draws heavily upon work performed or sponsored by NASA in support of the space program and aeronautical research and development (R&D). Applications are emphasized in this survey because it is hoped that the examples described and the criteria presented for evaluating the suitability of fluidics to new applications will be of value to potential users of fluidic systems. This survey of the fluidics industry suggests some of the means whereby a company may use a fluidic system effectively either to manufacture a product or as part of the end product

    Electronic equipment, systems, and techniques: A compilation

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    Electronic circuits with specialized computer applications and control circuits are presented. Patent information is included

    Fasteners and fastening techniques: A compilation

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    Technology on fasteners and fastening devices is presented, as part of NASA's TU program to provide technical information on devices, methods, and techniques resulting from aerospace research. The material is divided into two sections which include: (1) data concerning a selected group of fasteners and concept for fasteners such as locking devices, couplings, and connect and release mechanisms; and (2) discussions on a number of fastening techniques such as those for mounting panel lamps, clamping flange bolts, stretching fasteners, and transferring fuel from a tanker to another vehicle

    NASA Contributions to Development of Special-Purpose Thermocouples. A Survey

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    The thermocouple has been used for measuring temperatures for more than a century, but new materials, probe designs, and techniques are continually being developed. Numerous contributions have been made by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its contractors in the aerospace program. These contributions have been collected by Midwest Research Institute and reported in this publication to enable American industrial engineers to study them and adapt them to their own problem areas. Potential applications are suggested to stimulate ideas on how these contributions can be used

    A Characterization of Actuation Techniques for Generating Movement in Shape-Changing Interfaces

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    Abstract This article characterizes actuation techniques for generating movement in shape-changing displays with physically reconfigurable geometry. To date, few works in Human Computer Interaction literature provide detailed and reflective descriptions of the implementation techniques used in shape-changing displays. This hinders the rapid development of novel interactions as researchers must initially spend time understanding technologies before prototyping new interactions and applications. To bridge this knowledge gap, we propose a taxonomy that classifies actuator characteristics and simplifies the process for designers to select appropriate technologies that match their requirements for developing shape-displays. We scope our investigation to linear actuators that are used in grid configurations. The taxonomy is validated by (a) examining current implementation techniques of motorized, pneumatic, hydraulic, magnetic, and shape-memory actuators in the literature, (b) constructing prototypes to address limited technical details and explore actuator capabilities in depth, (c) describing a use-case scenario through a case study that details the construction of a 10 ? 10 actuator shape-display, and (d) a set of guidelines to aid researchers in selecting actuation techniques for shape-changing applications. The significance of our taxonomy is twofold. First, we provide an original contribution that enables HCI researchers to appropriately select actuation techniques and build shape-changing applications. This is situated amongst other past works that have investigated broader application scenarios such as a shape-changing vocabulary, a framework for shape transformations, material properties, and technical characteristics of various actuators. Second, we carry out in-depth investigations to validate our taxonomy and expand the knowledge of vertical actuation in shape-changing applications to enable rapid development

    Soft Pneumatic Actuators for Rehabilitation

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    Pneumatic artificial muscles are pneumatic devices with practical and various applications as common actuators. They, as human muscles, work in agonistic-antagonistic way, giving a traction force only when supplied by compressed air. The state of the art of soft pneumatic actuators is here analyzed: different models of pneumatic muscles are considered and evolution lines are presented. Then, the use of Pneumatic Muscles (PAM) in rehabilitation apparatus is described and the general characteristics required in different applications are considered, analyzing the use of proper soft actuators with various technical properties. Therefore, research activity carried out in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the field of soft and textile actuators is presented here. In particular, pneumatic textile muscles useful for active suits design are described. These components are made of a tubular structure, with an inner layer of latex coated with a deformable outer fabric sewn along the edge. In order to increase pneumatic muscles forces and contractions Braided Pneumatic Muscles are studied. In this paper, new prototypes are presented, based on a fabric construction and various kinds of geometry. Pressure-force-deformation tests results are carried out and analyzed. These actuators are useful for rehabilitation applications. In order to reproduce the whole upper limb movements, new kind of soft actuators are studied, based on the same principle of planar membranes deformation. As an example, the bellows muscle model and worm muscle model are developed and described. In both cases, wide deformations are expected. Another issue for soft actuators is the pressure therapy. Some textile sleeve prototypes developed for massage therapy on patients suffering of lymph edema are analyzed. Different types of fabric and assembly techniques have been tested. In general, these Pressure Soft Actuators are useful for upper/lower limbs treatments, according to medical requirements. In particular devices useful for arms massage treatments are considered. Finally some applications are considered

    Geometry-based customization of bending modalities for 3D-printed soft pneumatic actuators

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    In this work, we propose a novel type of 3D-printed soft pneumatic actuator that allows geometry-based customization of bending modalities. While motion in the 3D-space has been achieved for several types of soft actuators, only 2D-bending has been previously modelled and characterized within the scope of 3D-printed soft pneumatic actuators. We developed the first type of 3D-printed soft pneumatic actuator which, by means of the unique feature of customizable cubes at an angle with the longitudinal axis of the structure, is capable of helical motion. Thus, we characterize its mechanical behavior and formulate mathematical and FEA models to validate the experimental results. Variation to the pattern of the inclination angle along the actuator is then demonstrated to allow for complex 3D-bending modalities and the main applications in the fields of object manipulation and wearable robotics are finally discussed
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