646 research outputs found

    Specific requirements of MRFs for the expression of muscle specific microRNAs, miR-1, miR-206 and miR-133

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    The expression of three microRNAs, miR-1, miR-206 and miR-133 is restricted to skeletal myoblasts and cardiac tissue during embryo development and muscle cell differentiation, which suggests a regulation by muscle regulatory factors (MRFs). Here we show that inhibition of C2C12 muscle cell differentiation by FGFs, which interferes with the activity of MRFs, suppressed the expression of miR-1, miR-206 and miR-133. To further investigate the role of myogenic regulators (MRFs), Myf5, MyoD, Myogenin and MRF4 in the regulation of muscle specific microRNAs we performed gain and loss-of-function experiments in vivo, in chicken and mouse embryos. We found that directed expression of MRFs in the neural tube of chicken embryos induced ectopic expression of miR-1 and miR-206. Conversely, the lack of Myf5 but not of MyoD resulted in a loss of miR-1 and miR-206 expression. Taken together our results demonstrate differential requirements of distinct MRFs for the induction of microRNA gene expression during skeletal myogenesis

    Skeletal muscle phenotypes initiated by ectopic MyoD in transgenic mouse heart

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    Forced expression of the myogenic regulatory gene MyoD in many types of cultured cells initiates their conversion into skeletal muscle. It is not known, however, if MyoD expression serves to activate all or part of the skeletal muscle program in vivo during animal development, nor is it known how limiting the influences of cellular environment may be on the regulatory effects of MyoD. To begin to address these issues, we have produced transgenic mice which express MyoD in developing heart, where neither MyoD nor its three close relativesβ€”myogenin, Myf-5, and MRF4/herculin/Myf-6β€”are normally expressed. The resulting gross phenotype in offspring from multiple, independent transgenic founders includes abnormal heart morphology and ultimately leads to death. At the molecular level, affected hearts exhibit activation of skeletal muscle-specific regulatory as well as structural genes. We conclude that MyoD is able to initiate the program that leads to skeletal muscle differentiation during mouse development, even in the presence of the ongoing cardiac differentiation program. Thus, targeted misexpression of this tissue-specific regulator during mammalian embryogenesis can activate, either directly or indirectly, a diverse set of genes normally restricted to a different cell lineage and a different cellular environment

    Hes6 acts in a positive feedback loop with the neurogenins to promote neuronal differentiation

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    During the development of the vertebrate nervous system, neurogenesis is promoted by proneural bHLH proteins such as the neurogenins, which act as potent transcriptional activators of neuronal differentiation genes. The pattern by which these proteins promote neuronal differentiation is thought to be governed by inhibitors, including a class of transcriptional repressors called the WRPW-bHLH proteins, which are similar to Drosophila proteins encoded by hairy and genes in the enhancer of split complex (E-(SPL)-C). Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of Hes6, which encodes a novel WRPW-bHLH protein expressed during neurogenesis in mouse and Xenopus embryos. We show that Hes6 expression follows that of neurogenins but precedes that of the neuronal differentiation genes. We provide several lines of evidence to show that Hes6 expression occurs in developing neurons and is induced by the proneural bHLH proteins but not by the Notch pathway. When ectopically expressed in Xenopus embryos, Hes6 promotes neurogenesis. The properties of Hes6 distinguish it from other members of the WRPW-bHLH family in vertebrates, and suggest that it acts in a positive-feedback loop with the proneural bHLH proteins to promote neuronal differentiation

    Skeletal muscle cells lacking the retinoblastoma protein display defects in muscle gene expression and accumulate in S and G2 phases of the cell cycle.

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    Viral oncoproteins that inactivate the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (pRb) family both block skeletal muscle differentiation and promote cell cycle progression. To clarify the dependence of terminal differentiation on the presence of the different pRb-related proteins, we have studied myogenesis using isogenic primary fibroblasts derived from mouse embryos individually deficient for pRb, p107, or p130. When ectopically expressed in fibroblasts lacking pRb, MyoD induces an aberrant skeletal muscle differentiation program characterized by normal expression of early differentiation markers such as myogenin and p21, but attenuated expression of late differentiation markers such as myosin heavy chain (MHC). Similar defects in MHC expression were not observed in cells lacking either p107 or p130, indicating that the defect is specific to the loss of pRb. In contrast to wild-type, p107-deficient, or p130-deficient differentiated myocytes that are permanently withdrawn from the cell cycle, differentiated myocytes lacking pRb accumulate in S and G2 phases and express extremely high levels of cyclins A and B, cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk2), and Cdc2, but fail to readily proceed to mitosis. Administration of caffeine, an agent that removes inhibitory phosphorylations on inactive Cdc2/cyclin B complexes, specifically induced mitotic catastrophe in pRb-deficient myocytes, consistent with the observation that the majority of pRb-deficient myocytes arrest in S and G2. Together, these findings indicate that pRb is required for the expression of late skeletal muscle differentiation markers and for the inhibition of DNA synthesis, but that a pRb-independent mechanism restricts entry of differentiated myocytes into mitosis

    The emergence of <i>Pax7</i>-expressing muscle stem cells during vertebrate head muscle development

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    Pax7 expressing muscle stem cells accompany all skeletal muscles in the body and in healthy individuals, efficiently repair muscle after injury. Currently, the in vitro manipulation and culture of these cells is still in its infancy, yet muscle stem cells may be the most promising route towards the therapy of muscle diseases such as muscular dystrophies.It is often overlooked that muscular dystrophies affect head and body skeletal muscle differently. Moreover, these muscles develop differently. Specifically, head muscle and its stem cells develop from the non-somitic head mesoderm which also has cardiac competence. To which extent head muscle stem cells retain properties of the early head mesoderm and might even be able to switch between a skeletal muscle and cardiac fate is not known. This is due to the fact that the timing and mechanisms underlying head muscle stem cell development are still obscure. Consequently, it is not clear at which time point one should compare the properties of head mesodermal cells and head muscle stem cells.To shed light on this, we traced the emergence of head muscle stem cells in the key vertebrate models for myogenesis, chicken, mouse, frog and zebrafish, using Pax7 as key marker. Our study reveals a common theme of head muscle stem cell development that is quite different from the trunk. Unlike trunk muscle stem cells, head muscle stem cells do not have a previous history of Pax7 expression, instead Pax7 expression emerges de-novo. The cells develop late, and well after the head mesoderm has committed to myogenesis. We propose that this unique mechanism of muscle stem cell development is a legacy of the evolutionary history of the chordate head mesoderm

    Lbx2 regulates formation of myofibrils

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Skeletal muscle differentiation requires assembly of contractile proteins into organized myofibrils. The <it>Drosophila ladybird homeobox </it>gene (<it>lad</it>) functions in founder cells of the segmental border muscle to promote myoblast fusion and muscle shaping. Tetrapods have two homologous genes (<it>Lbx</it>). Lbx1 functions in migration and/or proliferation of hypaxial myoblasts, whereas the function of Lbx2 is poorly understood.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To elucidate the role of Lbx in vertebrate myogenesis, we examined Lbx function in zebrafish. Zebrafish <it>lbx2 </it>transcripts appear in newly formed paraxial mesoderm and become restricted to adaxial cells, precursors of slow muscle. Slow muscles lose <it>lbx2 </it>expression as they differentiate, while a subset of differentiating fast muscle cells transiently expresses <it>lbx2</it>. Fin and hyoid muscle express <it>lbx2 </it>later. In contrast, <it>lbx1b </it>expression first appears lateral to the somites at late segmentation stages and is later restricted to fin muscle. Morpholino knockdown of Lbx1b and Lbx2 suppresses hypaxial muscle development. Moreover, knockdown of Lbx2 results in malformation of muscle fibers and reduced fusion of fast precursors, although no obvious effects on induction or specification are observed. Expression of myofilament genes, including <it>actin </it>and <it>myosin</it>, requires the engrailed repressor domain of Lbx2.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results elucidate a new function of Lbx2 as a regulator of myofibril formation.</p

    The myogenic regulatory factors: critical determinants of muscle identity in development, growth and regeneration

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    The book β€˜Skeletal Muscle – From Myogenesis to Clinical Relations’ offers a wide range of topics related to the skeletal muscle morphology and function. Chapters deal with the process of myogenesis and the regeneration of skeletal muscle as well as the morphological and functional changes on the effect of exercise or disuse. Implementation of molecular biology techniques in the investigations reveals new perspective in the understanding of skeletal muscle disorders. The deeper exploration of the neuromuscular signal transduction and modification offers more stable basis for clinical interventions. The section β€˜Clinical relations’ highlights the background of altered muscle function in some types of myopathies and diabetes mellitus. The book is recommended to scientists, clinicians and students in the field of medical and health sciences as well as the readers who are interested in the proliferation and differentiation processes

    ZEB1 imposes a temporary stage-dependent inhibition of muscle gene expression and differentiation via CtBP-mediated transcriptional repression

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    Skeletal muscle development is orchestrated by the myogenic regulatory factor MyoD, whose activity is blocked in myoblasts by proteins preventing its nuclear translocation and/or binding to G/C-centered E-boxes in target genes. Recent evidence indicates that muscle gene expression is also regulated at the cis level by differential affinity for DNA between MyoD and other E-box binding proteins during myogenesis. MyoD binds to G/C-centered E-boxes, enriched in muscle differentiation genes, in myotubes but not in myoblasts. Here, we used cell-based and in vivo Drosophila, Xenopus laevis, and mouse models to show that ZEB1, a G/C-centered E-box binding transcriptional repressor, imposes a temporary stage-dependent inhibition of muscle gene expression and differentiation via CtBP-mediated transcriptional repression. We found that, contrary to MyoD, ZEB1 binds to G/C-centered E-boxes in muscle differentiation genes at the myoblast stage but not in myotubes. Its knockdown results in precocious expression of muscle differentiation genes and acceleration of myotube formation. Inhibition of muscle genes by ZEB1 occurs via transcriptional repression and involves recruitment of the CtBP corepressor. Lastly, we show that the pattern of gene expression associated with muscle differentiation is accelerated in ZEB1(βˆ’/βˆ’) mouse embryos. These results set ZEB1 as an important regulator of the temporal pattern of gene expression controlling muscle differentiation
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