6,542 research outputs found

    A multi-criteria fuzzy method for selecting the location of a solid waste disposal facility

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    Facility location is a multicriteria decision process that has important operational and economic impacts and that typically involves uncertainty and vagueness of evaluations. A fuzzy-based method supporting preliminary decision-making about siting solid waste incinerators is proposed building on a structured classification of criteria for location selection developed from the existing literature. The application to a case study revealed the advantages of the methodology. The work intends to provide a general and comprehensive taxonomy of decision criteria that may be adapted to various facility location problems together with a fuzzy inference process that is useful for companies and public administration institutions looking for rigorous but relatively simple decision-making tools in uncertain environments. Future research will compare the developed method with the most common tools for making location decisions. The approach will be then extended to different kinds of facilitie

    An Integrated Multicriteria and Fuzzy Logic Approach for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Siting

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    Landfill site selection should take into account a wide range of alternative and evaluation criteria in order to reduce negative impacts on the environment. This study presents a geographic information systems-based multicriteria site selection of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill in Ariana Region, Tunisia. The multicriteria decision integrates constraints and factors to select MSW landfill suitability. The methodology is used for ranking the best suitable landfill sites by the integration of fuzzy logic and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The fuzzy set theory is used to standardize criteria using different fuzzy membership functions while the AHP is used to establish the relative importance of the criteria. The AHP makes pairwise comparisons of relative importance between hierarchy elements assembled by environmental and socio-economic decision criteria. The landfill suitability is accomplished by applying weighted linear combination (WLC) that uses a comparison matrix to aggregate different importance scenarios associated with environmental and socio-economic objectives. Data were assorted into five suitability classes within the study area, i.e., high, suitable, moderate, low and very low suitability areas, which represented 5.4, 0.5, 12.5, 3.9 and 2.5%, of the study area, respectively. Additionally, 75.2% was considered to be completely unsuitable for a landfill site. As a result, two candidate landfill sites are suggested

    The Design of a Portable Municipal Waste Incinerator with Fuzzy Logic Based Support for Emission Estimation

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    A fuzzy logic interface system to estimate oxygen requirement for complete combustion as well as the level of pollution from incinerator gas flue in order to manage solid waste from domestic, institutional, medical and industrial sources was designed. The designed incinerator is double chambered operating with a maximum temperature of 760 °C in the lower chamber and 1000°C in the upper chamber. The insulating wall is made up of a refractory brick of 55mm in thickness having a 2mm thickness low carbon steel as the outer wall. Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) and Nitrous oxides (NO)x are the gases was used to demonstrate the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) model. The FIS was built with five input variables (Food, PVC, Polythene, Paper and Textile) and three input variables with two membership functions. The FIS was developed to estimation the degree of possibility distribution of pollution that should be expected when a certain composition of waste is incinerated. The plots of composition of waste high in food against oxygen require for combustion gives a possibility distribution of about 0.9 which is high according to the fuzzy set definition while the plot of waste composition high in PVC against HCL shows linearity

    A Review on Solid Waste Site, Landfill Site Allocation Using GIS, Multi Criteria Decision Analysis

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    Increasing use of GIS in various research fields is become a new trend to researchers, and its reason is also appreciable, It is find that GIS and other techniques combine together unexpectedly helps to researchers for doing critical investigations of huge amount of spatial and nonspatial data easily. The main aim of this paper is to review the use of GIS techniques used in sitting solid waste sites and landfills. Sitting solid waste site and landfill site is a very hard and complicated task. It involves various issues which are very sensitive to environment and human life. It is an attempt to find and group together the various researchers’ research thoughts for further study, which will be a guide way for new researchers and solid waste management decision makers. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15082

    A Fuzzy-Analytical Hierarchy Model for Solid Waste Management Location in South-West Nigeria

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    Rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to the generation of considerable quantities of municipal and industrial wastes. These often result in spread of diseases, contaminations of water body and pollution of soil, thus the selection of a good landfill location is a multiple criteria problem. This work developed fuzzy analytical hierarchical model as a decision support system. The fuzzy based hierarchical model first converted the perception into triangular fuzzy numbers and used the concept of extent value analysis to obtain the significance of each of the criterion, sub criterion and the decision alternative. The developed model was applied to a landfill location problem of Ibadan, Oyo state. Five main criteria, sixteen sub criteria and three decision alternatives were considered via; Eleyele, Moniya and Iyana Ofa. The performances of Eleyele, Moniya, and Iyana Ofa through fuzzy based hierarchical model are 0.314, 0.324 and 0.385 respectively. The decision making technique indicates that, Iyana Ofa which has the highest performance should be selected for landfill location in Ibadan. Fuzzy analytic hierarchic process as a decision making technique is robust and can reduce imprecision in the mapping of perceptions of decision makers into numerical evaluation, thus making fuzzy based hierarchical model accurate, stable and reliable. Keywords: China insurance industry, Foreign fund, Challeng


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    The evaluation of transport projects has become increasingly complex. Different aspects have to be taken into account and the consequences of the problems are usually far reaching and the different policy alternatives are numerous and difficult to predict. Several pressure or action groups have also emerged causing an even more complex decision making process. The use of multi criteria analysis for the evaluation of transport projects has increased due to this increasing complexity of the problem situation. At the same time, the importance of stakeholders within this evaluation process should have been recognized. Researches on transport projects are generally carried out to provide information to policymakers that have to operate within restrictive parameters (political, economical, social, etc…). Researchers should therefore take greater account of the different priorities of stakeholders such as policymakers, private enterprises and households. These stakeholders should be incorporated explicitly in the evaluation process. The Analytic Hierarchy Process is one of the Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making methods. It can be applied in a very broad range of applications of decision problems. Logistics, urban planning, public politics, marketing, finance, education, economics are a part of this wide application area. In transport subjects it can be used for the evaluation of transport policy measures or decision making problems. Due to its wide range application area, it has been an exciting research subject for many different field researchers. The aim of this paper is to introduce AHP method and to offer how to benefit it for the preference of urban planners in transport problems. This paper is composed of two main parts. First part consists of the literature survey regarding with the AHP and its application areas. The advantage of methods had been mentioned. Second part focuses on a sample application of AHP technique. The study uses AHP technique to determine the selection criteria in the transhipment port selection decision-making process. Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Multi criteria analysis, Transshipment port selection.

    Site Suitability Analysis for Landfill in an Industrial Area in Nigeria

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    This study was set against the background of identifying management strategies to combat the menace associated with poor solid waste management in urban areas of Nigeria. Therefore, it becomes highly necessary to determine suitable sites for landfill. Using remote sensing and geographic information tools and technologies the study identified the scenes of present dump sites; evaluated the conditions for selecting landfill sites; and determined suitable landfills in Ajaokuta, Nigeria. Data for the study were sourced from Sentinel-2A, 2021. Integrated GIS-based analysis using multi-criteria evaluation method was employed to scrutinise the appropriateness of the existing dumpsites for siting landfills. However, with reference to Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) guidelines, results of buffering and proximity analyses indicated that none of the existing dumpsites could be converted to landfill sites. Moreover, a fuzzy overlay of all the criteria considered was employed to identify and propose the most suitable areas for solid waste disposal sites in the study area. Based on the official stipulated distance, new sites were proposed for landfills. The study emphasised the increasing mounds and improper disposal of municipal solid wastes in Nigerian urban centres which have become too agonising and repulsive to sights. Nevertheless, if the recommendations of this study are taken with utmost seriousness, any unexpected outbreak of epidemic and environmental pollution will be greatly avoided in the study area
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