5 research outputs found

    Numerical Investigation of Stratified Thermal Storage Tank Applied in Adsorption Heat Pump Cycle

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    With the aid of the TES (Thermal Energy Storage) in the adsorption heat pump cycle, the COP of the system can be improved. Different geometrical variations of the TES with stratification device, have been investigated numerically. Furthermore,The effective thermal conductivity has been analyzed. The simulation results of a reference CFD model have been compared with experimental results. Additionally, the porous medium impact on the mixing process and turbulence has been studied numerically

    Simulación físico-matemática de las turbulencias en los incendios de edificación. Propuesta de una nueva metodología de análisis relativa a la verificación cualitativa de las turbulencias simuladas

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    En la Unión Europea, y más concretamente en España, el análisis prestacional de cualquier edificio frente a la acción del fuego es aún un hecho aislado y poco habitual, a pesar de las ventajas que el mismo comporta. No obstante, incluso en aquellos países donde hace años se estudia el comportamiento estructural en situación accidental de incendio en base a los métodos prestacionales, como es el caso de Estados Unidos, el campo científico de las simulaciones computacionales basadas en la Dinámica de fluidos y en la Termodinámica está aún en lo que podríamos denominar, haciendo un símil con el crecimiento del ser humano, la fase adolescente. Mejorar en la medida de lo posible los criterios relativos a la caracterización de un fenómeno tan importante durante el desarrollo de un fuego como es la turbulencia y disponer de una nueva metodología de análisis relativa a la verificación cualitativa de la misma permitirá avanzar con seguridad a la sociedad a medida que estas simulaciones computacionales en edificación se extiendan al terreno profesionalIn the European Union, and more specifically in Spain, the analysis of the effect of fire on any building remains an isolated and unusual fact, despite the advantages it may involve. However, even in the countries (such as the United States) where the structural behavior under a fire accidental situation has been studied under benefit methods for many years, the scientific field of computational simulations based on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics remains in what could be called, in comparison to human growth, the teenage years. The improvement of the criteria used to characterize the phenomenon of turbulence and the supply of a new analysis methodology focused on its qualitative verification, so important during the development of fire, will improve society’s security, as these computational simulations are extended to the professional field

    Multiscale modeling of incompressible turbulent flows

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    Developing an effective turbulence model is important for engineering applications as well as for fundamental understanding of the flow physics. We present a mathematical derivation of a closure relating the Reynolds stress to the mean strain rate for incompressible flows. A systematic multiscale analysis expresses the Reynolds stress in terms of the solutions of local periodic cell problems. We reveal an asymptotic structure of the Reynolds stress by invoking the frame invariant property of the cell problems and an iterative dynamic homogenization of large- and small-scale solutions. The recovery of the Smagorinsky model for homogeneous turbulence validates our derivation. Another example is the channel flow, where we derive a simplified turbulence model using the asymptotic structure near the wall. Numerical simulations at two Reynolds numbers (Re’s) using our model agrees well with both experiments and Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent channel flow