16 research outputs found

    Automatic painting with economized strokes

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    Journal ArticleWe present a method that takes a raster image as input and produces a painting-like image composed of strokes rather than pixels. Unlike previous automatic painting methods, we attempt to use very few brush-strokes. This is accomplished by first segmenting the image into features, finding the medial axes points of these features, converting the medial axes points into ordered lists of image tokens, and finally rendering these lists as brush strokes. Our process creates images reminiscent of modern realist painters who often want an abstract or sketchy quality in their work

    Wavelets in computer graphics

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    Artistic vision: painterly rendering using computer vision techniques

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    Journal ArticleWe present a method that takes a raster image as input and produces a painting-like image composed of strokes rather than pixels. Unlike previous automatic painting methods, we attempt to keep the number of brush-stroke small. This is accomplished by first segmenting the image into features, finding the medial axes points of these features, converting the medial axes points into ordered lists of image tokens, and finally rendering these lists as brush strokes. Our process creates images reminiscent of modern realist painters who often want an abstract or sketchy quality in their work

    Wavelets y sus aplicaciones

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    Se presenta una introducci贸n a la teorfa de wavelets. Ademas, se da una revisi贸n hist贸rica de c贸mo fueron introducidas las wavelets para la representaci贸n de funciones. Se efect煤a una comparaci贸n entre la transformada wavelet y la transformada de Fourier. Por 煤ltimo, se presentan tambi茅n algunas de los m煤ltiples aplicaciones de esta nueva herramienta de an谩lisis arm贸nico.Eje: Procesamiento de se帽alesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Wavelets y sus aplicaciones

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    Se presenta una introducci贸n a la teorfa de wavelets. Ademas, se da una revisi贸n hist贸rica de c贸mo fueron introducidas las wavelets para la representaci贸n de funciones. Se efect煤a una comparaci贸n entre la transformada wavelet y la transformada de Fourier. Por 煤ltimo, se presentan tambi茅n algunas de los m煤ltiples aplicaciones de esta nueva herramienta de an谩lisis arm贸nico.Eje: Procesamiento de se帽alesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    ZIPMAPS: Zoom-in-bestimmte-Bereiche Texturen

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    In this technical report, we propose a method for rendering highly detailed close-up views of arbitrary textured surfaces. To augment the texture map locally with high-resolution information, we describe how to automatically, seamlessly merge unregistered images of different scales. Our hierarchical texture representation can easily be rendered in real-time, enabling zooming into specific texture regions to almost arbitrary magnification. Our method is useful wherever close-up renderings of specific regions shall be possible, without the need for excessively large texture maps.Wir pr盲sentieren eine neue Methode um sehr detailierte Ansichten von beliebig texturierten Oberfl盲chen zu generieren. Wir beschreiben wie man automatisch und ohne sichtbare N盲hte unregistrierte Bilder unterschiedlicher Skalen miteinander kombiniert um lokal hochaufgel枚ste Detailinformationen hinzuzuf眉gen. Unsere hierarchische Texturrepr盲sentation kann sehr einfach und in Echtzeit gerendert werden und erlaubt somit den Zoom in bestimmte Textureregionen mit nahezu beliebiger Vergr枚脽erung. Unsere Methode ist immer dann sinnvoll, wenn Vergr枚脽erungen entsprechender Bereiche notwendig sind, ohne dass man entsprechend gro脽e Texturen speichern m枚chte

    Systems and Methods for Graphical Rendering.

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    A method of rendering a graphical scene includes determining a plurality of functions that contribute to a light transport model of the scene, projecting each function of the plurality of functions into the wavelet domain, encoding basis coefficients of each function in a wavelet tree, each function being encoded in at least one wavelet tree such that the plurality of functions are represented in the wavelet domain by a plurality of wavelet trees, traversing direct paths through the plurality of wavelet trees, along which direct paths an integral coefficient may be nonzero, to determine the radiance of a point in the scene, and rendering the scene

    Systems and Methods for Graphical Rendering.

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    A computer readable medium configured to approximate the integral of the product of a plurality of functions includes logic configured to factor the plurality of functions into a set of fixed functions and one varying function, logic configured to determine a first vector that represents the product of the fixed functions in the wavelet domain, logic configured to determine a second vector that represents the one varying function in the wavelet domain, and logic configured to determine an inner product of the first vector and the second vector

    Systems and Methods for Graphical Rendering

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    A computer readable medium configured to determine the integral of the product of a plurality of functions. The computer readable medium includes logic configured to project each function of the plurality of functions into the wavelet domain, logic configured to encode basis coefficients of each function in a wavelet tree, each function being encoded in at least one wavelet tree such that the plurality of functions are represented in the wavelet domain by a plurality of wavelet trees, and logic configured to traverse direct paths through the plurality of wavelet trees to determine the integral of the product of the function represented by the wavelet trees, along which direct paths an integral coefficient may be nonzero

    Wavelets In Real-time Rendering

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    Interactively simulating visual appearance of natural objects under natural illumination is a fundamental problem in computer graphics. 3D computer games, geometry modeling, training and simulation, electronic commerce, visualization, lighting design, digital libraries, geographical information systems, economic and medical image processing are typical candidate applications. Recent advances in graphics hardware have enabled real-time rasterization of complex scenes under artificial lighting environment. Meanwhile, pre-computation based soft shadow algorithms are proven effective under low-frequency lighting environment. Under the most practical yet popular all-frequency natural lighting environment, however, real-time rendering of dynamic scenes still remains a challenging problem. In this dissertation, we propose a systematic approach to render dynamic glossy objects under the general all-frequency lighting environment. In our framework, lighting integration is reduced to two rather basic mathematical operations, efficiently computing multi-function product and product integral. The main contribution of our work is a novel mathematical representation and analysis of multi-function product and product integral in the wavelet domain. We show that, multi-function product integral in the primal is equivalent to summation of the product of basis coefficients and integral coefficients. In the dissertation, we give a novel Generalized Haar Integral Coefficient Theorem. We also present a set of efficient algorithms to compute multi-function product and product integral. In the dissertation, we demonstrate practical applications of these algorithms in the interactive rendering of dynamic glossy objects under distant time-variant all-frequency environment lighting with arbitrary view conditions. At each vertex, the shading integral is formulated as the product integral of multiple operand functions. By approximating operand functions in the wavelet domain, we demonstrate rendering dynamic glossy scenes interactively, which is orders of magnitude faster than previous work. As an important enhancement to the popular Pre-computation Based Radiance Transfer (PRT) approach, we present a novel Just-in-time Radiance Transfer (JRT) technique, and demonstrate its application in real-time realistic rendering of dynamic all-frequency shadows under general lighting environment. Our work is a significant step towards real-time rendering of arbitrary scenes under general lighting environment. It is also of great importance to general numerical analysis and signal processing