16 research outputs found

    El amor es una aventura en el mal: los sonetos de Sor Juana

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    A discussion of Sor Juana's love poems from a triple postructuralist perspective re-accented from Gilles Deleuze and M. Bakhtin: nomadism, a rizomatic writing of multiplicities and heterogeneities, and the grotesque, represented by a periferal Baroque verbal garb. Such a re-reading enables the narrative subject to be unstable and to constantly change the role and the voice, multiplying the narrative selves which come into textual existence through rarified ambiguities. The many faceted nature of the "female subject" in these erotic sonnets displays what is known as "beyond the pleasure principie", and they question what Lacan calls desire and the paradoxes of pleasure.Lectura de los sonetos amorosos de Sor Juana desde la triple perspectiva de una serie de conceptualizaciones posestructuralistas de GilIes Deleuze y de M. BajtĂ­n: el nomadismo, la escritura rizomĂĄtica de multiplicidades y heterogeneidades, y lo grotesco, que en ella adquiere el signo de una lengua barroca perifĂ©rica. Tal relectura hace inestable al sujeto hablante que se multiplica en voces, y el gĂ©nero sexual del yo poĂ©tico se representa en mezclas en imbricaciones de ambigĂŒedades rarificadas. La naturaleza multifacĂ©tica del "sujeto femenino" despliega en estos sonetos erĂłticos eso que se conoce como "mĂĄs allĂĄ del principio del placer", y cuestionan lo que Lacan llama el deseo y las paradojas del goce

    Writing About Violence in a Secular Age: Conrad’s Solution

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    The paper discusses binary opposition, one of the most explored concepts in post-colonial criticism, as used in The White Tiger (2008) – Aravind Adiga’s debut novel placed, due to its topic as well as the issues it raises, in the tradition of post-colonial literature. Since the binary theory was first used by the movement of structuralism, and later developed by the famous post-structuralist and post-colonial theorist Jacques Derrida, the aim of this paper will be to implement the structuralist concept of binary opposites, as well as Derida’s binary theory, on the novel. The paper explores the mediation as the means of overcoming the polarities, indicated by the structuralist theorist Claude LĂ©vi-Strauss, as well as the deconstruction of the hierarchy created by the system of opposites, suggested by Derrida’s theory. In addition to analyzing the primary binary concept, it also explores the parallel secondary analogies which serve to reinforce and further contrast the polarities, as well as their role in the novel. The findings will reveal that the exploration of binary oppositions in literature can benefit in deciphering messages which may sometimes appear too abstract to apprehend: since contexts usually generate their own semantic systems, we can tremendously benefit from interpreting the system of oppositions and demystifying their semantic value

    Les nouveaux mĂ©dias, ou, L’ùre du labyrinthe intermĂ©dial

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    Avec l’émergence des nouveaux mĂ©dias, une nouvelle façon de raconter les histoires s’impose. Les structures connues de l’esthĂ©tisme classique semblent dĂ©suĂštes par rapport aux dispositions des nouvelles plateformes de diffusion. Mieux encore, ces plateformes propulsent le rĂ©cit, lui permettent de sortir de la rigiditĂ© de la ligne narrative : elles intĂšgrent la technique au logos. L’intermĂ©dialitĂ© devient omniprĂ©sente; la diversitĂ© des types mĂ©diatiques employĂ©s dans une Ɠuvre sont rendus visibles et sont articulĂ©s par la mise en rĂ©cit. MĂ©choulan dira que dans l’« ĂȘtre-entre », dans l’espace reliant chacune des unitĂ©s sĂ©mantiques, que l’évĂ©nement de la pensĂ©e advient; pour Rodowick c’est le « figural ». Une figure particuliĂšre s’impose : le labyrinthe. Multipliant les possibilitĂ©s narratives spĂ©cifiques aux nouveaux mĂ©dias, le labyrinthe fait converger les composantes intermĂ©diales. Bleeding Through : Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, une Ɠuvre dirigĂ©e par Norman Klein, pose le labyrinthe comme Ă©lĂ©ment structurel en y tissant un rĂ©seau oĂč s’inscrit une pratique intermĂ©diale. On y adresse le temps comme une opĂ©ration fragmentaire, qui se sectionne, se rĂ©organise en rompant avec la linĂ©aritĂ© classique. Il nous faudra alors voir comment le labyrinthe rĂ©flĂ©chit dans l’étude du temps certains Ă©lĂ©ments de la mythologie grecque. Les rĂ©flexions de Gervais sur le labyrinthe permettront d’étayer pareille hypothĂšse. Nous analyserons Bleeding Through Ă  la lumiĂšre de ces thĂ©ories pour ainsi dĂ©gager l’essence de cette figure qui a infiltrĂ©e la narration contemporaine. En somme, le labyrinthe se prĂ©sente dans l’écologie mĂ©diatique actuelle comme une figure inhĂ©rente Ă  la mise en rĂ©cit.With the emergence of new media, a new way of storytelling becomes necessary. The known structures of classic estheticism become obsolete when confronted with the dispositions of the new broadcasted platforms. These so called platforms propel the plot structure, allowing an expansion of the rigid narrative line : they integrate technology into the logos. Intermediality becomes omnipresent ; the diverse media summoned in the different projects are made visible and articulated through narrative work. MĂ©choulan would talk about the « ĂȘtre-entre », the virtual space linking semantic units, that the occurrence of thoughts convene ; Rodowick would refer to this same spatial concept as « figural ». A particular figure then appears and seems to illustrate the workings of intermediality: the labyrinth. In multiplying the narrative possibilities specific to new media, the labyrinth interrelates the intermedial components. Bleeding Through : Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, directed by Norman Klein, establishes the labyrinth as a narrative backdrop to the intermedial practice. Herein, time is addressed as a fragmented function that can be segmented, reorganized, thus breaking with classic linearity. Subsequently, elements of Greek mythology tied to the labyrinth’s imaginary are highlighted, particularly through Gervais’s reflexions on memory and forgetting. To question the essence of the labyrinth’s figure, which infiltrates contemporary narration, Bleeding Through is analyzed under the scope of these theories. In short, the labyrinth is presented as an inherent figure to storytelling within the current media ecology

    Tangible interaction in museums and temporary exhibitions: embedding and embodying the intangible values of cultural heritage

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    [EN] Moving from a design perspective, the paper explores the potential of tangible interaction in giving shape to intangible contents in museums and temporary exhibitions. Going beyond tangibility intended in the strict sense of touching assets we use here a wider interpretation of tangibility that considers touch in the sense of embodied experience. In this way we consider as tangible all those experiences that foster a strong involvement of the body when interacting with digital content. This includes objects-based and gesturesbased interactions. Tangible interaction is interpreted as a practice able to multiply the levels of the narrative, to make the visit experience memorable and to give materiality to intangible values. This approach uses tangible interaction as a way to let the audience experience practices and rituals linked to the contents and representative of the intangible values embedded in the assets. The potential of tangible interaction to foster the intangible values of cultural heritage is discussed starting from a provisional classification of tangible interaction case studies. In particular four different categories are identified that are: smart replicas/originals, symbolic objects, codified gestures and performing gestures. In conclusion, two possible design strategies that employ tangible interaction for enabling the experience of intangible values of cultural heritage are highlighted. These are: Embedding meaning: it consists in creating sensorised objects that embed in themselves meanings related to intangible values of cultural heritage, and that communicate explicitly this meaning in their physicality; Embodying meaning: it consists in integrating a meaning related to intangible values in gestures, so that intangible values are communicated implicitly in the action performed by the visitor.Duranti, D.; Spallazzo, D.; Trocchianesi, R. (2016). Tangible interaction in museums and temporary exhibitions: embedding and embodying the intangible values of cultural heritage. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 160-171. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3322OCS16017

    Narrating Deliverance: The Literary Double in the Writing of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Bharati Mukherjee

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    This dissertation studies the literary double in contemporary fiction by three Bengali American writers: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Bharati Mukherjee. The main focus is on examining what is expressed by the double, and in finding reasons for its recurrence in this fictional genre that mainly explores the migrant experience in the United States. The dominant idea of an individualized selfhood is largely a Western construction and has been increasingly contested by diffused and decentered subjectivities. The literary double blurs boundaries between individual subjectivity and the community, expressing more than a singular ‘I’ could, and thus forges new forms of selfhood. These non-unitary subjectivities often emerge in the writing of nondominant or marginalized subjects such as women and ethnic minorities. In literary history, the double has often been reduced to an evil foil to the protagonist, but this dissertation broadens the concept of the double from a mere trope to a literary device reflective of its era, performing cultural work. The texts studied in this dissertation are Sister of My Heart (1999) and The Vine of Desire (2002) by Divakaruni, “Hema and Kaushik” (a novella in the short story collection Unaccustomed Earth, 2008) and The Lowland (2013) by Lahiri, and Desirable Daughters (2002), The Tree Bride (2004), and Miss New India (2011) by Mukherjee. These works were published at the turn of the new millennium, paralleled by a theoretical reorientation from a socio-realist critique of postcolonial and world literatures toward a more aesthetically focused approach. The dissertation argues that in the primary texts listed above, the literary double challenges the concept of individual subjectivity with a dual or non-unitary subjectivity, informed by the postcolonial context. Second, its frequent occurrence is connected to the bi-cultural identity of the Bengali American writers and their characters. Finally, it gives voice to that which has been silenced, functioning as a narrative vehicle for deliverance from the past – from individual, familial, or colonial trauma.-- VĂ€itöskirja kĂ€sittelee kaunokirjallista kaksoisolentoa Chitra Banerjee Divakarunin, Jhumpa Lahirin ja Bharati Mukherjeen 2000-luvun teoksissa. Tutkimuksen pÀÀtarkoitus on selvittÀÀ, mitĂ€ kaksoisolennolla ilmaistaan kyseisissĂ€ teoksissa, sekĂ€ löytÀÀ syitĂ€ sen esiintyvyydelle kaunokirjallisuudessa, jossa pÀÀsÀÀntöisesti kuvataan bengalilais-amerikkalaisten elĂ€mÀÀ Yhdysvalloissa. Vallalla oleva kĂ€sitys yksilösubjektiviteetista on ennen kaikkea lĂ€nsimainen konstruktio, jota jaettu tai jakautunut subjektiviteetti yhĂ€ yleisemmin haastaa. Kaunokirjallinen kaksoisolento hĂ€mĂ€rtÀÀ rajoja yksilön ja yhteisön vĂ€lillĂ€ ilmaisten enemmĂ€n kuin mihin erillinen ”minĂ€â€ pystyy, luoden minuuden uusia muotoja. Jaetun subjektiviteetin kuvauksia esiintyy tyypillisesti valta-asemien ulkopuolisten ja marginalisoitujen yksilöiden kuten naisten tai etniseen vĂ€hemmistöön kuuluvien teksteissĂ€. Kirjallisuushistoriassa kaksoisolento on usein typistetty yksiulotteiseksi pÀÀhenkilön piilotetun pahuuden ruumiillistumaksi. VĂ€itöskirja laajentaa nĂ€kemyksen kaksoisolennosta kaunokirjallisesta troopista kohti kulttuurista konstruktiota, joka heijastaa aikansa ilmiöitĂ€ ja arvoja. VĂ€itöskirjan ensisijainen tutkimusaineisto koostuu seuraavista teoksista: Divakarunin Sister of My Heart (1999) ja The Vine of Desire (2002), Lahirin “Hema and Kaushik”, episodimainen pienoisromaani novellikokelmassa Unaccustomed Earth (2008; suomeksi Tuore maa) ja The Lowland (2013; suomeksi Tulvaniitty), sekĂ€ Mukherjeen Desirable Daughters (2002), The Tree Bride (2004) ja Miss New India (2011). Teokset ovat ilmestyneet vuosituhannen vaihteessa, jolloin jĂ€lkikolo-niaalisessa kaunokirjallisuudentutkimuksessa siirryttiin sosiorealistisesta tulkinnasta kohti teosten muotoa ja estetiikkaa huomioivampaa suuntaa. YllĂ€ mainituissa teoksissa kaunokirjallinen kaksoisolento haastaa yksilösubjektiviteetin jaetun subjektiviteetin kĂ€sitteellĂ€, jonka syntyprosessissa jĂ€lkikoloniaalisella kontekstilla on merkittĂ€vĂ€ rooli. Kaksoisolennon tiheĂ€ esiintyvyys tĂ€ssĂ€ kirjallisuudenlajissa myös heijastaa bengalilais-yhdysvaltalaisten kirjailijoiden ja heidĂ€n henkilöhahmojensa kaksikulttuurista identiteettiĂ€. Kaksoisolento kerronnallisena vĂ€lineenĂ€ antaa ÀÀnen vaiennetulle, vapauttaen ja eheyttĂ€en yksilön henkilökohtaisesta, yhteisöllisestĂ€ tai koloniaalisesta traumasta