503 research outputs found

    Support for flexible and transparent distributed computing

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    Modern distributed computing developed from the traditional supercomputing community rooted firmly in the culture of batch management. Therefore, the field has been dominated by queuing-based resource managers and work flow based job submission environments where static resource demands needed be determined and reserved prior to launching executions. This has made it difficult to support resource environments (e.g. Grid, Cloud) where the available resources as well as the resource requirements of applications may be both dynamic and unpredictable. This thesis introduces a flexible execution model where the compute capacity can be adapted to fit the needs of applications as they change during execution. Resource provision in this model is based on a fine-grained, self-service approach instead of the traditional one-time, system-level model. The thesis introduces a middleware based Application Agent (AA) that provides a platform for the applications to dynamically interact and negotiate resources with the underlying resource infrastructure. We also consider the issue of transparency, i.e., hiding the provision and management of the distributed environment. This is the key to attracting public to use the technology. The AA not only replaces user-controlled process of preparing and executing an application with a transparent software-controlled process, it also hides the complexity of selecting right resources to ensure execution QoS. This service is provided by an On-line Feedback-based Automatic Resource Configuration (OAC) mechanism cooperating with the flexible execution model. The AA constantly monitors utility-based feedbacks from the application during execution and thus is able to learn its behaviour and resource characteristics. This allows it to automatically compose the most efficient execution environment on the fly and satisfy any execution requirements defined by users. Two policies are introduced to supervise the information learning and resource tuning in the OAC. The Utility Classification policy classifies hosts according to their historical performance contributions to the application. According to this classification, the AA chooses high utility hosts and withdraws low utility hosts to configure an optimum environment. The Desired Processing Power Estimation (DPPE) policy dynamically configures the execution environment according to the estimated desired total processing power needed to satisfy users’ execution requirements. Through the introducing of flexibility and transparency, a user is able to run a dynamic/normal distributed application anywhere with optimised execution performance, without managing distributed resources. Based on the standalone model, the thesis further introduces a federated resource negotiation framework as a step forward towards an autonomous multi-user distributed computing world

    Nucleation and grain refinement of tin alloys: the role of nucleant particles and solute

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    This thesis develops the understanding of heterogeneous nucleation and grain refinement during the solidification of Pb-free solder alloys, and explores the potential of grain refining ball grid array (BGA)-scale solder joints by catalysing nucleation during solidification in the reflow process. A review of the literature revealed that numerous past studies have identified dilute alloying additions to Sn-Ag-Cu solders that suppress the nucleation undercooling, but no past study has explored in detail whether these additions can be used to grain refine solder alloys. Of the additions that suppress undercooling, the mechanisms of nucleation catalysis have been proved in past work only for Co, Pd and Pt alloying. In this thesis, the mechanisms of βSn heterogeneous nucleation in alloys containing Zn and Ti are explored. Zn additions are shown to introduce a variety of phases by reaction of the Zn with impurities such as Cu, Fe and the atmosphere. A lattice matching analysis shows that there is a reasonable lattice match between βSn and ZnO and it is suggested that ZnO is the heterogeneous nucleant in Zn-microalloyed solders. In Ti-microalloyed SAC305 solder, past research has found that Ti-microalloying introduces the Ti2Sn3 IMC (Intermetallic Compound) phase but, in this thesis, it has been shown that Ti-microalloying introduces two IMC phases: Ti2Sn3 with the V2GaSn2-structure type and (Ti,Cu,Fe)Sn2 with Mg2Ni-structure type, where the Fe is present as an impurity in commercial purity SAC305. Reproducible orientation relationships (ORs) have been measured between βSn and both primary Ti2Sn3 and (Ti,Cu,Fe)Sn2, although it is unclear whether these ORs are due to nucleation or particle pushing and engulfment. The potential of grain refining solder alloys by combining nucleant particles with solute is then explored in both large (60g) samples and 500μm solder balls. For large samples, Sn-based solders were grain refined effectively with this approach. Solute played a strong role in grain refinement and the grain size was approximately inversely proportional to the growth restriction factor, similar to past work on Mg-, Al-, and Ti-based casting alloys. For 500μm BGA balls, the key factors affecting the number of nucleation events during solidification are shown to be: (i) the addition of nucleant particles such as PtSn4 or αCoSn3, (ii) the addition of solute that generates a high growth restriction factor, and (iii) a high cooling rate. The most nucleation events were triggered when combining (i), (ii) and (iii) and up to ~12 independent βSn orientations formed in 500μm BGA balls compared with 1 independent grain in typical solder alloys. Thus, the approaches used in this thesis can grain refine solder balls, however, even if these approaches are further optimised and better nucleants are develop. At this stage it appears they are unlikely to be able to generate the hundreds of different βSn orientations in a BGA solder ball that would be required to give a near-isotropic joint.Open Acces

    Raster Time Series: Learning and Processing

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    As the amount of remote sensing data is increasing at a high rate, due to great improvements in sensor technology, efficient processing capabilities are of utmost importance. Remote sensing data from satellites is crucial in many scientific domains, like biodiversity and climate research. Because weather and climate are of particular interest for almost all living organisms on earth, the efficient classification of clouds is one of the most important problems. Geostationary satellites such as Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) offer the only possibility to generate long-term cloud data sets with high spatial and temporal resolution. This work, therefore, addresses research problems on efficient and parallel processing of MSG data to enable new applications and insights. First, we address the lack of a suitable processing chain to generate a long-term Fog and Low Stratus (FLS) time series. We present an efficient MSG data processing chain that processes multiple tasks simultaneously, and raster data in parallel using the Open Computing Language (OpenCL). The processing chain delivers a uniform FLS classification that combines day and night approaches in a single method. As a result, it is possible to calculate a year of FLS rasters quite easy. The second topic presents the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for cloud classification. Conventional approaches to cloud detection often only classify single pixels and ignore the fact that clouds are highly dynamic and spatially continuous entities. Therefore, we propose a new method based on deep learning. Using a CNN image segmentation architecture, the presented Cloud Segmentation CNN (CS-CNN) classifies all pixels of a scene simultaneously. We show that CS-CNN is capable of processing multispectral satellite data to identify continuous phenomena such as highly dynamic clouds. The proposed approach provides excellent results on MSG satellite data in terms of quality, robustness, and runtime, in comparison to Random Forest (RF), another widely used machine learning method. Finally, we present the processing of raster time series with a system for Visualization, Transformation, and Analysis (VAT) of spatio-temporal data. It enables data-driven research with explorative workflows and uses time as an integral dimension. The combination of various raster and vector data time series enables new applications and insights. We present an application that combines weather information and aircraft trajectories to identify patterns in bad weather situations

    Proof-of-concept of a single-point Time-of-Flight LiDAR system and guidelines towards integrated high-accuracy timing, advanced polarization sensing and scanning with a MEMS micromirror

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Física (área de especialização em Dispositivos, Microssistemas e Nanotecnologias)The core focus of the work reported herein is the fulfillment of a functional Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor to validate the direct Time-of-Flight (ToF) ranging concept and the acquisition of critical knowledge regarding pivotal aspects jeopardizing the sensor’s performance, for forthcoming improvements aiming a realistic sensor targeted towards automotive applications. Hereupon, the ToF LiDAR system is implemented through an architecture encompassing both optical and electronical functions and is subsequently characterized under a sequence of test procedures usually applied in benchmarking of LiDAR sensors. The design employs a hybrid edge-emitting laser diode (pulsed at 6kHz, 46ns temporal FWHM, 7ns rise-time; 919nm wavelength with 5nm FWHM), a PIN photodiode to detect the back-reflected radiation, a transamplification stage and two Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs), with leading-edge discrimination electronics to mark the transit time between emission and detection events. Furthermore, a flexible modular design is adopted using two separate Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), comprising the transmitter (TX) and the receiver (RX), i.e. detection and signal processing. The overall output beam divergence is 0.4º×1º and an optical peak power of 60W (87% overall throughput) is realized. The sensor is tested indoors from 0.56 to 4.42 meters, and the distance is directly estimated from the pulses transit time. The precision within these working distances ranges from 4cm to 7cm, reflected in a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) between 12dB and 18dB. The design requires a calibration procedure to correct systematic errors in the range measurements, induced by two sources: the timing offset due to architecture-inherent differences in the optoelectronic paths and a supplementary bias resulting from the design, which renders an intensity dependence and is denoted time-walk. The calibrated system achieves a mean accuracy of 1cm. Two distinct target materials are used for characterization and performance evaluation: a metallic automotive paint and a diffuse material. This selection is representative of two extremes of actual LiDAR applications. The optical and electronic characterization is thoroughly detailed, including the recognition of a good agreement between empirical observations and simulations in ZEMAX, for optical design, and in a SPICE software, for the electrical subsystem. The foremost meaningful limitation of the implemented design is identified as an outcome of the leading-edge discrimination. A proposal for a Constant Fraction Discriminator addressing sub-millimetric accuracy is provided to replace the previous signal processing element. This modification is mandatory to virtually eliminate the aforementioned systematic bias in range sensing due to the intensity dependency. A further crucial addition is a scanning mechanism to supply the required Field-of-View (FOV) for automotive usage. The opto-electromechanical guidelines to interface a MEMS micromirror scanner, achieving a 46º×17º FOV, with the LiDAR sensor are furnished. Ultimately, a proof-of-principle to the use of polarization in material classification for advanced processing is carried out, aiming to complement the ToF measurements. The original design is modified to include a variable wave retarder, allowing the simultaneous detection of orthogonal linear polarization states using a single detector. The material classification with polarization sensing is tested with the previously referred materials culminating in an 87% and 11% degree of linear polarization retention from the metallic paint and the diffuse material, respectively, computed by Stokes parameters calculus. The procedure was independently validated under the same conditions with a micro-polarizer camera (92% and 13% polarization retention).O intuito primordial do trabalho reportado no presente documento é o desenvolvimento de um sensor LiDAR funcional, que permita validar o conceito de medição direta do tempo de voo de pulsos óticos para a estimativa de distância, e a aquisição de conhecimento crítico respeitante a aspetos fundamentais que prejudicam a performance do sensor, ambicionando melhorias futuras para um sensor endereçado para aplicações automóveis. Destarte, o sistema LiDAR é implementado através de uma arquitetura que engloba tanto funções óticas como eletrónicas, sendo posteriormente caracterizado através de uma sequência de testes experimentais comumente aplicáveis em benchmarking de sensores LiDAR. O design tira partido de um díodo de laser híbrido (pulsado a 6kHz, largura temporal de 46ns; comprimento de onda de pico de 919nm e largura espetral de 5nm), um fotodíodo PIN para detetar a radiação refletida, um andar de transamplificação e dois conversores tempo-digital, com discriminação temporal com threshold constante para marcar o tempo de trânsito entre emissão e receção. Ademais, um design modular flexível é adotado através de duas PCBs independentes, compondo o transmissor e o recetor (deteção e processamento de sinal). A divergência global do feixe emitido para o ambiente circundante é 0.4º×1º, apresentando uma potência ótica de pico de 60W (eficiência de 87% na transmissão). O sensor é testado em ambiente fechado, entre 0.56 e 4.42 metros. A precisão dentro das distâncias de trabalho varia entre 4cm e 7cm, o que se reflete numa razão sinal-ruído entre 12dB e 18dB. O design requer calibração para corrigir erros sistemáticos nas distâncias adquiridas devido a duas fontes: o desvio no ToF devido a diferenças nos percursos optoeletrónicos, inerentes à arquitetura, e uma dependência adicional da intensidade do sinal refletido, induzida pela técnica de discriminação implementada e denotada time-walk. A exatidão do sistema pós-calibração perfaz um valor médio de 1cm. Dois alvos distintos são utilizados durante a fase de caraterização e avaliação performativa: uma tinta metálica aplicada em revestimentos de automóveis e um material difusor. Esta seleção é representativa de dois cenários extremos em aplicações reais do LiDAR. A caraterização dos subsistemas ótico e eletrónico é minuciosamente detalhada, incluindo a constatação de uma boa concordância entre observações empíricas e simulações óticas em ZEMAX e elétricas num software SPICE. O principal elemento limitante do design implementado é identificado como sendo a técnica de discriminação adotada. Por conseguinte, é proposta a substituição do anterior bloco por uma técnica de discriminação a uma fração constante do pulso de retorno, com exatidões da ordem sub-milimétrica. Esta modificação é imperativa para eliminar o offset sistemático nas medidas de distância, decorrente da dependência da intensidade do sinal. Uma outra inclusão de extrema relevância é um mecanismo de varrimento que assegura o cumprimento dos requisitos de campo de visão para aplicações automóveis. As diretrizes para a integração de um micro-espelho no sensor concebido são providenciadas, permitindo atingir um campo de visão de 46º×17º. Conclusivamente, é feita uma prova de princípio para a utilização da polarização como complemento das medições do tempo de voo, de modo a suportar a classificação de materiais em processamento avançado. A arquitetura original é modificada para incluir uma lâmina de atraso variável, permitindo a deteção de estados de polarização ortogonais com um único fotodetetor. A classificação de materiais através da aferição do estado de polarização da luz refletida é testada para os materiais supramencionados, culminando numa retenção de polarização de 87% (tinta metálica) e 11% (difusor), calculados através dos parâmetros de Stokes. O procedimento é independentemente validado com uma câmara polarimétrica nas mesmas condições (retenção de 92% e 13%)

    Solid polymer electrolyte water electrolysis system development

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    Solid polymer electrolyte technology used in a water electrolysis system (WES) to generate oxygen and hydrogen for manned space station applications was investigated. A four-man rated, low pressure breadboard water electrolysis system with the necessary instrumentation and controls was fabricated and tested. A six man rated, high pressure, high temperature, advanced preprototype WES was developed. This configuration included the design and development of an advanced water electrolysis module, capable of operation at 400 psig and 200 F, and a dynamic phase separator/pump in place of a passive phase separator design. Evaluation of this system demonstrated the goal of safe, unattended automated operation at high pressure and high temperature with an accumulated gas generation time of over 1000 hours

    Accelerating Thermochemical Energy Storage by Doping

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    Laboratory investigations of the thermal and non-thermal processing of condensed aromatic hydrocarbons in the interstellar medium

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    The thermal and non-thermal desorption of C6H6 has been investigated as a model for the behaviour of other aromatic hydrocarbons existing in the condensed phase in the interstellar medium. An interstellar dust grain mimic based on amorphous SiO2, to represent the interstellar silicate grain population, has been developed for use as a substrate in these experiments. Temperature programmed desorption experiments reveal a broad distribution of binding sites on this surface, with C6H6 desorbing thermally over a wide temperature range. The desorption from compact amorphous solid water displays simpler desorption kinetics with evidence for the formation of C6H6 islands on the water surface, demonstrating the importance of using realistic interstellar grain mimics in experiments probing surface sensitive interstellar processes. Kinetic parameters have been obtained for these systems, along with those for thicker multilayer films of ice. Photon irradiation of C6H6 / H2O layered ice systems at 250 nm results in the desorption of both species as observed using time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The molecules desorb with high translational energies which would represent a significant energy injection into the cold interstellar gas phase. Three desorption processes, desorption via direct adsorbate-, indirect adsorbate- and substrate-mediated desorption, are proposed for the observed desorption profiles. The desorption of H2O relies on energy transfer following photon absorption by a C6H6 molecule bound to a surface (H2O)n cluster, which results in the unimolecular decomposition of the complex. Kinetic simulations indicate that such processes may lead to an enhancement of photon-induced desorption at the edges of dense interstellar clouds. Experiments have also been performed to study the electron-stimulated desorption of molecules from C6H6 adsorbed on top of a water ice film. A highly efficient desorption channel with a cross-section in excess of 10-15 cm2 is in operation for low coverages of C6H6 and is attributed to the migration of excitons formed within the bulk of the H2O ice to the vacuum interface. A slower desorption component was also observed, which is attributed to a diffusion limited desorption step. These observations imply that electron stimulated desorption is likely to be an important non-thermal desorption process within dense clouds. No evidence for any chemical reaction products was observed through IR spectroscopy