23 research outputs found

    A Convolutional Neural Network for the Automatic Diagnosis of Collagen VI related Muscular Dystrophies

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    The development of machine learning systems for the diagnosis of rare diseases is challenging mainly due the lack of data to study them. Despite this challenge, this paper proposes a system for the Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of low-prevalence, congenital muscular dystrophies from confocal microscopy images. The proposed CAD system relies on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which performs an independent classification for non-overlapping patches tiling the input image, and generates an overall decision summarizing the individual decisions for the patches on the query image. This decision scheme points to the possibly problematic areas in the input images and provides a global quantitative evaluation of the state of the patients, which is fundamental for diagnosis and to monitor the efficiency of therapies.Comment: Submitted for review to Expert Systems With Application

    A Convolutional Neural Network for the Automatic Diagnosis of Collagen VI related Muscular Dystrophies

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    The development of machine learning systems for the diagnosis of rare diseases is challenging mainly due the lack of data to study them. Despite this challenge, this paper proposes a system for the Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of low-prevalence, congenital muscular dystrophies from confocal microscopy images. The proposed CAD system relies on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which performs an independent classification for non-overlapping patches tiling the input image, and generates an overall decision summarizing the individual decisions for the patches on the query image. This decision scheme points to the possibly problematic areas in the input images and provides a global quantitative evaluation of the state of the patients, which is fundamental for diagnosis and to monitor the efficiency of therapies.Comment: Submitted for review to Expert Systems With Application

    Breast Cancer classification by adaptive weighted average ensemble of previously trained models

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    Breast cancer is a serious disease that inflicts millions of people each year, and the number of cases is increasing. Early detection is the best way to reduce the impact of the disease. Researchers have developed many techniques to detect breast cancer, including the use of histopathology images in CAD systems. This research proposes a technique that combine already fully trained model using adaptive average ensemble, this is different from the literature which uses average ensemble before training and the average ensemble is trained simultaneously. Our approach is different because it used adaptive average ensemble after training which has increased the performance of evaluation metrics. It averages the outputs of every trained model, and every model will have weight according to its accuracy. The accuracy in the adaptive weighted ensemble model has achieved 98% where the accuracy has increased by 1 percent which is better than the best participating model in the ensemble which was 97%. Also, it decreased the numbers of false positive and false negative and enhanced the performance metrics.Comment: 12 pages articl

    A new deep convolutional neural network model for classifying breast cancer histopathological images and the hyperparameter optimisation of the proposed model

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    Deep learning algorithms have yielded remarkable results in medical diagnosis and image analysis, besides their contribution to improvements in a number of fields such as drug discovery, time-series modelling and optimisation methods. With regard to the analysis of histopathologic breast cancer images, the similarity of those images and the presence of healthy and tumourous tissues in different areas complicate the detection and classification of tumours on whole slide images. An accurate diagnosis in a short time is a need for full treatment in breast cancer. A successful classification on breast cancer histopathological images will overcome the burden on the pathologist and reduce the subjectivity of diagnosis. In this study, we propose a deep convolutional neural network model. The model uses various algorithms (i.e., stochastic gradient descent, Nesterov accelerated gradient, adaptive gradient, RMSprop, AdaDelta and Adam) to compute the initial weight of the network and update the model parameters for faster backpropagation learning. In order to train the model with less hardware in a short time, we used the parallel computing architecture with Cuda-enabled graphics processing unit. The results indicate that the deep convolutional neural network model is an effective classification model with a high performance up to 99.05% accuracy value. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    RecPOID: POI Recommendation with Friendship Aware and Deep CNN

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    In location-based social networks (LBSNs), exploit several key features of points-of-interest (POIs) and users on precise POI recommendation be significant. In this work, a novel POI recommenda-tion pipeline based on the convolutional neural network named RecPOID is proposed, which can recommend an accurate sequence of top-k POIs and considers only the effect of the most similar pattern friendship rather than all user’s friendship. We use the fuzzy c-mean clustering method to find the similarity. Temporal and spatial features of similar friends are fed to our Deep CNN model. The 10-layer convolutional neural network can predict longitude and latitude and the Id of the next proper locations; after that, based on the shortest time distance from a similar pattern’s friendship, select the smallest distance locations. The proposed structure uses six features, includ-ing user’s ID, month, day, hour, minute, and second of visiting time by each user as inputs. RecPOID based on two accessible LBSNs datasets is evaluated. Experimental outcomes illustrate considering most similar friendship could improve the accuracy of recommendations and the proposed RecPOID for POI recommendation outperforms state-of-the-art approaches