9 research outputs found

    Approximation algorithms for solving multi-objective optimization problems

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    This paper tries to cover the main aspects/properties related to scheduling problems, approximation algorithms, and multi-objective combinatorial optimization. Then, we try to describe the main techniques that can be used to solve such problems. In this paper, the reviews results relate to multi-objective optimization problems, exact and approximation search, with the aim of getting all Pareto optimal solutions for some NP-hard problems

    Distance and consensus for preference relations corresponding to ordered partitions

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    Ranking is an important part of several areas of contemporary research, including social sciences, decision theory, data analysis and information retrieval. The goal of this paper is to align developments in quantitative social sciences and decision theory with the current thought in Computer Science, including a few novel results. Specifically, we consider binary preference relations, the so-called weak orders that are in one-to-one correspondence with rankings. We show that the conventional symmetric difference distance between weak orders, considered as sets of ordered pairs, coincides with the celebrated Kemeny distance between the corresponding rankings, despite the seemingly much simpler structure of the former. Based on this, we review several properties of the geometric space of weak orders involving the ternary relation “between”, and contingency tables for cross-partitions. Next, we reformulate the consensus ranking problem as a variant of finding an optimal linear ordering, given a correspondingly defined consensus matrix. The difference is in a subtracted term, the partition concentration, that depends only on the distribution of the objects in the individual parts. We apply our results to the conventional Likert scale to show that the Kemeny consensus rule is rather insensitive to the data under consideration and, therefore, should be supplemented with more sensitive consensus schemes

    Encompassing the Work-Life Balance into Early Career Decision-Making of Future Employees Through the Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    The paper presents the results of ranking of the significance of quality of life determinants by University students that are starting professional activities. Research methodology: literature review; elaboration of an AHP decision-making model; two-stage expert selection; significance rankings by experts and a graphical and descriptive presentation of obtained results. Research sample: 14 experts out of almost 200 University students. Research outcome: a decision-making model that aims at maximizing the life satisfaction of future employees as a function of their individual assessments of significance of particular determinants of quality of life. Research implications: a more accurate adaptation to trends on the labor market and creation of new business models. Research limitation: narrowing the group of experts to University students. Value added of the research: better motivated employees with a satisfactory level of work-life balance will contribute to an increase of societal satisfaction level

    Building a binary outranking relation in uncertain, imprecise and multi-experts contexts: The application of evidence theory

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    AbstractWe consider multicriteria decision problems where the actions are evaluated on a set of ordinal criteria. The evaluation of each alternative with respect to each criterion may be uncertain and/or imprecise and is provided by one or several experts. We model this evaluation as a basic belief assignment (BBA). In order to compare the different pairs of alternatives according to each criterion, the concept of first belief dominance is proposed. Additionally, criteria weights are also expressed by means of a BBA. A model inspired by ELECTRE I is developed and illustrated by a pedagogical example

    A decision rule based on goal programming and one-stage models for uncertain multi-criteria mixed decision making and games against nature

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    This paper is concerned with games against nature and multi-criteria decision making under uncertainty along with scenario planning. We focus on decision problems where a deterministic evaluation of criteria is not possible. The procedure we propose is based on weighted goal programming and may be applied when seeking a mixed strategy. A mixed strategy allows the decision maker to select and perform a weighted combination of several accessible alternatives. The new method takes into consideration the decision maker’s preference structure (importance of particular goals) and nature (pessimistic, moderate or optimistic attitude towards a given problem). It is designed for one-shot decisions made under uncertainty with unknown probabilities (frequencies), i.e. for decision making under complete uncertainty or decision making under strategic uncertainty. The procedure refers to one-stage models, i.e. models considering combinations of scenarios and criteria (scenario-criterion pairs) as distinct meta-attributes, which means that the novel approach can be used in the case of totally independent payoff matrices for particular targets. The algorithm does not require any information about frequencies, which is especially desirable for new decision problems. It can be successfully applied by passive decision makers, as only criteria weights and the coefficient of optimism have to be declared

    Une méthode de tri multicritÚre multi-périodes pour la sélection de projet en contexte d'incertitude

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    RÉSUMÉ: Dans les derniĂšres annĂ©es, le gouvernement du QuĂ©bec a soulignĂ© l'importance de la prise de dĂ©cision dans un contexte de dĂ©veloppement durable et de lutte contre les changements climatiques. L'Ă©valuation des projets dans ce contexte devrait prendre en considĂ©ration l'Ă©quilibre entre les critĂšres Ă©conomiques, sociaux et environnementaux Ă  court, moyen et long terme. De plus, ces Ă©valuations peuvent ĂȘtre imprĂ©cises et tĂąchĂ©es d'incertitude. Les problĂšmes de dĂ©cision dans ce contexte sont complexes et caractĂ©risĂ©s par les trois aspects suivants, Ă  savoir l'aspect multicritĂšre, l'aspect temporel et l'incertitude. Or, la plupart des mĂ©thodes multicritĂšres sont statiques et seules quelques rares mĂ©thodes traitent l'aspect temporel des Ă©valuations. En effet, des recherches rĂ©centes ont dĂ©veloppĂ© des mĂ©thodes multicritĂšres multi-pĂ©riodes de rangement mais au meilleur de notre connaissance, aucune mĂ©thode de tri multicritĂšre multi-pĂ©riodes ne fut dĂ©veloppĂ©e Ă  date. L'objectif de ce mĂ©moire est de proposer une mĂ©thode de tri multicritĂšre multi-pĂ©riodes dans un contexte d'incertitude pour l'Ă©valuation de la durabilitĂ© des projets. La mĂ©thode proposĂ©e est constituĂ©e de deux phases d'agrĂ©gation multicritĂšre et d'agrĂ©gation multi-pĂ©riodes. La premiĂšre phase consiste Ă  conduire les simulations Monte Carlo et Ă  appliquer la mĂ©thode SMAA-Tri pour affecter Ă  chaque pĂ©riode le projet Ă  une des catĂ©gories prĂ©dĂ©finies. Ensuite, la phase d'agrĂ©gation multi-pĂ©riodes propose d'agrĂ©ger les rĂ©sultats obtenus dans chaque pĂ©riode pour arriver Ă  une affectation Ă  la fois multicritĂšre et multi-pĂ©riodes. La mĂ©thode proposĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e dans le contexte d'amĂ©nagement forestier durable. Un projet d'amĂ©nagement spĂ©cifique qui consiste Ă  implanter un plan de protection spĂ©cifique pour l'habitat du caribou a Ă©tĂ© triĂ© selon un ensemble de critĂšres Ă©valuĂ©s sur l'horizon de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration de la forĂȘt de 150 ans. L'incertitude a Ă©tĂ© simulĂ©e par 10000 simulations Monte Carlo Ă  chacune des 30 pĂ©riodes. Les rĂ©sultats de cette application dĂ©montrent que la mĂ©thode proposĂ©e permet de gĂ©nĂ©raliser la mĂ©thode SMAA Tri au contexte multi-pĂ©riodes et aboutit Ă  des rĂ©sultats intĂ©ressants. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en français : SĂ©lection de projet, MĂ©thodes de tri multicritĂšre, Ă©valuations multi-pĂ©riodes, Monte Carlo, incertitude, dĂ©veloppement durable. -- ABSTRACT: In the last years, the government of Quebec emphasized sustainable and robust decision making in the context of climate change. Projects evaluation in this context must take into consideration the balance between economic, social and environmental criteria, over the short, medium and long term. Furthermore, decision criteria may be imprecise or uncertain. Decision-making problems in this context are complex and characterized by multi-criteria, temporal and uncertainty aspects. Yet, the majority of the multi-criteria methods are static and only few methods deal with temporal evaluations. In fact, recent studies proposed multi-criteria multi-period ranking methods but to the best of our knowledge, there is no multi-criteria multi-period sorting method proposed yet. The general objective of this research is to propose a multi-criteria multi-period sorting method in the context of uncertainty to be used for sustainability evaluations of projects. The proposed method is composed of two phases, the multi-criteria aggregation phase, and the multi-period aggregation phase. The aggregation phase consists of conducting the Monte-Carlo Simulations and applying the SMAA-TRI method at each period in order to sort the project in one of the predefined categories. Then, the multi-period aggregation proposes to aggregate the results obtained at each period in order to get a global sorting result. The proposed method is applied in the context of sustainable forest management. A particular project of forest management, that aims to implement a specific protection plan for the caribou habitat, is sorted according to a set of criteria evaluated over the regeneration forest horizon of 150 years. Uncertainty has been simulated with 10 000 Monte-Carlo simulations over 30 periods. The results of this application show that the proposed method generalizes the SMAA-TRI method to the multi-period context and provides interesting results. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en anglais : Project selection, multi-criteria sorting methods, multi-period evaluations, Monte Carlo, uncertainty, sustainable development

    A Decision Rule for Uncertain Multi-Criteria Pure Decision Making and Independent Criteria

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    The paper is concerned with multi-criteria decision-making under uncertainty with scenario planning. This topic has been explored by many researchers since almost all real-world decision problems contain multiple conflicting criteria and a deterministic evaluation of criteria is often impossible. We propose a procedure for uncertain multi-objective optimization which can be applied when seeking a pure strategy. A pure strategy, as opposed to a mixed strategy, allows the decision-maker to select and perform only one accessible alternative. The new approach takes into account the decision-maker’s preference structure (importance of particular goals) and nature (pessimistic, moderate or optimistic attitude towards a given problem). It is designed for one-shot decisions made under uncertainty with unknown probabilities (frequencies), see decision-making under complete uncertainty or decision-making under strategic uncertainty. The novel approach can be used in the case of totally independent payoff matrices for particular targets.This research is financed by the National Science Center in Poland (project registration number: 2014/15/D/HS4/00771)[email protected] of Informatics and Electronic Economy, PoznaƄ University of Economics and BusinessAghdaie M. H., Zolfani S. H., Zavadskas E. 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