9 research outputs found

    Multiple Schemes for Mobile Payment Authentication Using QR Code and Visual Cryptography

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    Application System for Checking Halal Product Status Using QR-Code Based on Android and Web

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    This paper presents the design of an application system to quickly determine the halal product status circulating in Indonesian society by checking certification ID from LPPOM MUI. This is conducted to overcome the anxiety of the Muslim community in Indonesia on halal-labelled products that are sold in supermarkets and traditional markets. The system consists of two parts. Part one of the system uses PHP programming to record the halal certification of products and generate QR codes. Part two of the system uses an android application to scan the product's halal certification status from the QR codes. The information displayed on android is the product's name, the product manufacturer, the status of the product's halal certification, and other information. The results show that the application successfully scans the QR code and displays information on the halal certification status of the product. The smallest size of QR code version 1 that can be scanned is 0.6 x 06cm. The longest distance was 13cm.This paper presents the design of an application system to quickly determine the halal product status circulating in Indonesian society by checking certification ID from LPPOM MUI. This is conducted to overcome the anxiety of the Muslim community in Indonesia on halal-labelled products that are sold in supermarkets and traditional markets. The system consists of two parts. Part one of the system uses PHP programming to record the halal certification of products and generate QR codes. Part two of the system uses an android application to scan the product's halal certification status from the QR codes. The information displayed on android is the product's name, the product manufacturer, the status of the product's halal certification, and other information. The results show that the application successfully scans the QR code and displays information on the halal certification status of the product. The smallest size of QR code version 1 that can be scanned is 0.6 x 06cm. The longest distance was 13cm

    Face Recognition for Payment and Information Sharing

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    We have seen the emergence of various payment and information sharing methods with the rapid digitization of such services. Payment methods like NFC, Credit/Debit card, and QR code-based have become very common. These methods were intended to provide secure, safe and faster transactions. Although these have succeeded in their intentions up to some extent, there are various factors that are posing problems like confusion, time consumption, security threat, fraud, and theft. When it comes to sharing contact information and social media handles, visiting cards are still preferred but this is not the most reliable method as one either tends to lose these cards or has to store this information manually on their phone. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the various available methods for making mobile payments and sending contact details as well as the challenges faced. Furthermore, we discuss and compare alternative available technologies like face recognition that can be implemented


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    Food safety is a core concern of the European Union in terms of the related legal provisions and of the importance that is given to it. While the food labeling system is already standardized to a large extent, there are areas that still need improvement. In this article, we will present the existing labeling standards, highlight the issues that these standards are facing, identify the possibilities of improvement for the food labeling system and propose a concrete way of using Information Technology to benefit the ethics of food safety. Starting off from the current technological capabilities and from the need to improve the labeling system, we will integrate the Quick Response code technology into a new software architecture able to resolve some of the issues identified. The software architecture relies on a relational data model and on web services that are integrated into an Android application, so that consumers may benefit from additional useful information when they must make a buying decision concerning food products. Our architectural proposal also involves smart information integration with health insurance systems in order to increase the usefulness of the data displayed on food labels

    Desain Layanan E-Surat untuk Desa Waru Barat, Pamekasan, Madura menggunakan QR-Code

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    Pelayanan dokumen resmi melalui media internet atau e-surat mulai diadopsi pemerintah karena lebih sederhana, cepat, murah dan aman. Penerapan e-surat ini akan sangat berguna terutama bagi Desa Waru Barat, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Madura yang sebagian warganya berdomisili di luar kota atau bahkan di luar negeri. Para warga desa ini seringkali membutuhkan pelayanan surat untuk berbagai keperluan administrasi tanpa terkendala perbedaan waktu dan jarak. Sementara itu, Pemerintah Desa juga ingin meningkatkan pelayanan surat menyurat kepada warganya secara efisien namun tetap menjaga keamanan dan keabsahan dokumen. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan merancang dan membangun aplikasi e-surat untuk Desa Waru Barat dengan menggunakan QR Code. Hasil evaluasi fungsionalitas menunjukkan bahawa aplikasi berhasil membuat dokumen surat dengan QR Code yang unik untuk menjaga keamanan dan keabsahan setiap surat. Sementara itu hasil user acceptance testing dengan melibatkan perangkat desa dan warga masyarakat sebagai pengguna utama menunjukkan tingkat dayaguna dan penerimaan sangat tinggi masing-masing 97,2% dan 95,6%. Dari hasil di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan aplikasi e-surat ini terbukti sangat berguna bagi pemerintah dan warga desa terutama yang berdomisili di luar desa. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi flowmap menunjukan bahwa implementasi e-surat terbukti dapat membuat proses administrasi surat menyurat lebih sederhana, cepat, menghilangkan kendala jarak dan menghemat sumber daya (biaya, waktu dan utilitas) dibandingkan dengan proses sebelum adanya aplikasi ini. Selain implikasi praktis di atas, kontribusi penelitian ini khsusnya dalam bidang TI, yang dapat diadopsi penelitian masa depan, adalah arsitektur sistem dan aplikasi e-Surat dengan algoritma yang mampu membangkitkan QR Code yang unik untuk menjaga keamanan dan keabsahan dokumen.AbstractThe process of providing certificates using internet to the citizens, known as e-certificate has increased. This is because e-certificate offers streamlined and faster process yet secure. Therefore, e-certificate seems to be useful especially for Waru Barat Village authority, Pamekasan District, Madura, whose people mostly work outside or even overseas. Eventually, they often need to obtain certificates from the authority for various purposes. On the other hand, the authority is keen to speeding up the delivery of the document but still pay attention to the validity and security. Therefore, this research attempted to design and develop e-certificate for Waru Barat Village using QR Code. The functionality testing showed the application successfully generated e-certificate along with the unique QR Code to secure and maintain the validity of the document. The user acceptance testing involving village staffs and people as the primary users indicated the overall score are 97.2% and 95.6% respectively. This implies that the application proofed to be useful and usable according to the staffs and especially to those who live outside the village. Another flow-map evaluation also showed that the implementation of e-certificate was able to make the administrative process more streamlined, faster, remove geographical barrier, save the resources (cost, time and utility). Despite these practical implication, the contribution of this research, especially to the IT discipline which could be adopted in the future study, is the system architecture and e-certificate application along with the algorithm for generating unique QR Code to ensure the security and validity of the document.          

    Efficient QR code authentication mechanism based on Sudoku

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    Abstract(#br)QR code is an important means for delivering information which has been widely used in our daily life. As an ISO international standard, the QR code encoding and decoding process are disclosed publicly, thus it is easy to decode a QR code then forge a new QR code with the same QR code public message. It can lead to the problems of information forgery and ease the spreading of fake news. To overcome this weakness, we propose a simple and efficient QR code authentication mechanism to embed the authentication information in the padding region of QR code based on the characteristics of Sudoku and Reed-Solomon code. Different from the previous scheme, the proposed scheme embeds the authentication information without consuming the QR code error correction capacity and is able to..

    Impacto de la Covid-19 en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor: especial referencia a la elección del canal de compras y los métodos de pago

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    La pandemia ocasionada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 ha causado una crisis global sin precedentes. Debido a la alta incertidumbre de cómo reaccionar ante esta situación, la OMS realizó una serie de recomendaciones para evitar una exposición prolongada al virus. En este contexto, fueron los Estados los que decidieron tomar medidas específicas de mitigación y prevención del coronavirus, entre las que se pueden mencionar restricciones de movilidad, cierre de empresas que ofrecían servicios no esenciales o de colegios y distancia social de seguridad.Por tanto, a medida que aparecía un nuevo escenario, los patrones tradicionales de los consumidores a la hora de realizar sus transacciones también se verían alterados. Por un lado, los consumidores empezaron a utilizar cada vez más un canal de compras electrónico. Por otro lado, el dinero en efectivo se vería relegado a un segundo plano al constituir una fuente infecciosa importante, en tanto que el virus podía quedar impregnado en su superficie.Así, en este trabajo se ha pretendido analizar cada uno de los impactos que ha tenido el SARS-CoV-2 tanto en el canal de compras como en los métodos de pago, no solo en un momento inmediato, sino el impacto real y efectivo que ha tenido y sigue teniendo en la actualidad

    Impacto de la COVID-19 en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor: especial referencia a la elección del canal de compras y los métodos de pago

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    La pandemia ocasionada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 ha causado una crisis global sin precedentes. Debido a la alta incertidumbre de cómo reaccionar ante esta situación, la OMS realizó una serie de recomendaciones para evitar una exposición prolongada al virus. En este contexto, fueron los Estados los que decidieron tomar medidas específicas de mitigación y prevención del coronavirus, entre las que se pueden mencionar restricciones de movilidad, cierre de empresas que ofrecían servicios no esenciales o de colegios y distancia social de seguridad. Por tanto, a medida que aparecía un nuevo escenario, los patrones tradicionales de los consumidores a la hora de realizar sus transacciones también se verían alterados. Por un lado, los consumidores empezaron a utilizar cada vez más un canal de compras electrónico. Por otro lado, el dinero en efectivo se vería relegado a un segundo plano al constituir una fuente infecciosa importante, en tanto que el virus podía quedar impregnado en su superficie. Así, en este trabajo se ha pretendido analizar cada uno de los impactos que ha tenido el SARS-CoV-2 tanto en el canal de compras como en los métodos de pago, no solo en un momento inmediato, sino el impacto real y efectivo que ha tenido y sigue teniendo en la actualidad.The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused an unprecedented global crisis. Due to the high uncertainty of how to react to this situation, the WHO made a series of recommendations to avoid prolonged exposure to the virus. In this context, it was states that decided to take specific mitigation and prevention measures for the coronavirus, including mobility restrictions, closure of businesses offering non-essential services or schools, and social distance from security. Thus, as a new scenario emerged, consumers' traditional transaction patterns would also be altered. On the one hand, consumers increasingly started to use an electronic shopping channel. On the other hand, cash would be relegated to the background as an important infectious source, as the virus could be impregnated on its surface. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyse each of the impacts that SARS-CoV-2 has had on both the shopping channel and payment methods, not only at an immediate moment, but also the real and effective impact that it has had and continues to have today

    Multiple Schemes for Mobile Payment Authentication Using QR Code and Visual Cryptography

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    QR code (quick response code) is used due to its beneficial properties, especially in the mobile payment field. However, there exists an inevitable risk in the transaction process. It is not easily perceived that the attacker tampers with or replaces the QR code that contains merchant’s beneficiary account. Thus, it is of great urgency to conduct authentication of QR code. In this study, we propose a novel mechanism based on visual cryptography scheme (VCS) and aesthetic QR code, which contains three primary schemes for different concealment levels. The main steps of these schemes are as follows. Firstly, one original QR code is split into two shadows using VC multiple rules; secondly, the two shadows are embedded into the same background image, respectively, and the embedded results are fused with the same carrier QR code, respectively, using XOR mechanism of RS and QR code error correction mechanism. Finally, the two aesthetic QR codes can be stacked precisely and the original QR code is restored according to the defined VCS. Experiments corresponding to three proposed schemes are conducted and demonstrate the feasibility and security of the mobile payment authentication, the significant improvement of the concealment for the shadows in QR code, and the diversity of mobile payment authentication