3,656 research outputs found

    An integrated search-based approach for automatic testing from extended finite state machine (EFSM) models

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    This is the post-print version of the Article - Copyright @ 2011 ElsevierThe extended finite state machine (EFSM) is a modelling approach that has been used to represent a wide range of systems. When testing from an EFSM, it is normal to use a test criterion such as transition coverage. Such test criteria are often expressed in terms of transition paths (TPs) through an EFSM. Despite the popularity of EFSMs, testing from an EFSM is difficult for two main reasons: path feasibility and path input sequence generation. The path feasibility problem concerns generating paths that are feasible whereas the path input sequence generation problem is to find an input sequence that can traverse a feasible path. While search-based approaches have been used in test automation, there has been relatively little work that uses them when testing from an EFSM. In this paper, we propose an integrated search-based approach to automate testing from an EFSM. The approach has two phases, the aim of the first phase being to produce a feasible TP (FTP) while the second phase searches for an input sequence to trigger this TP. The first phase uses a Genetic Algorithm whose fitness function is a TP feasibility metric based on dataflow dependence. The second phase uses a Genetic Algorithm whose fitness function is based on a combination of a branch distance function and approach level. Experimental results using five EFSMs found the first phase to be effective in generating FTPs with a success rate of approximately 96.6%. Furthermore, the proposed input sequence generator could trigger all the generated feasible TPs (success rate = 100%). The results derived from the experiment demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective in automating testing from an EFSM

    Search Based Software Engineering in Membrane Computing

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    This paper presents a testing approach for kernel P Systems (kP systems), based on test data generation for a given scenario. This method uses Genetic Algorithms to generate the input sets needed to trigger the given computation steps

    Complete Model-Based Testing Applied to the Railway Domain

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    Testing is the most important verification technique to assert the correctness of an embedded system. Model-based testing (MBT) is a popular approach that generates test cases from models automatically. For the verification of safety-critical systems, complete MBT strategies are most promising. Complete testing strategies can guarantee that all errors of a certain kind are revealed by the generated test suite, given that the system-under-test fulfils several hypotheses. This work presents a complete testing strategy which is based on equivalence class abstraction. Using this approach, reactive systems, with a potentially infinite input domain but finitely many internal states, can be abstracted to finite-state machines. This allows for the generation of finite test suites providing completeness. However, for a system-under-test, it is hard to prove the validity of the hypotheses which justify the completeness of the applied testing strategy. Therefore, we experimentally evaluate the fault-detection capabilities of our equivalence class testing strategy in this work. We use a novel mutation-analysis strategy which introduces artificial errors to a SystemC model to mimic typical HW/SW integration errors. We provide experimental results that show the adequacy of our approach considering case studies from the railway domain (i.e., a speed-monitoring function and an interlocking-system controller) and from the automotive domain (i.e., an airbag controller). Furthermore, we present extensions to the equivalence class testing strategy. We show that a combination with randomisation and boundary-value selection is able to significantly increase the probability to detect HW/SW integration errors

    Improve Model Testing by Integrating Bounded Model Checking and Coverage Guided Fuzzing

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    The control logic models built by Simulink or Ptolemy have been widely used in industry scenes. It is an urgent need to ensure the safety and security of the control logic models. Test case generation technologies are widely used to ensure the safety and security. State-of-the-art model testing tools employ model checking techniques or search-based methods to generate test cases. Traditional search based techniques based on Simulink simulation are plagued by problems such as low speed and high overhead. Traditional model checking techniques such as symbolic execution have limited performance when dealing with nonlinear elements and complex loops. Recently, coverage guided fuzzing technologies are known to be effective for test case generation, due to their high efficiency and impressive effects over complex branches of loops. In this paper, we apply fuzzing methods to improve model testing and demonstrate the effectiveness. The fuzzing methods aim to cover more program branches by mutating valuable seeds. Inspired by this feature, we propose a novel integration technology SPsCGF, which leverages bounded model checking for symbolic execution to generate test cases as initial seeds and then conduct fuzzing based upon these worthy seeds. In this manner, our work combines the advantages of the model checking methods and fuzzing techniques in a novel way. Since the control logic models always receive signal inputs, we specifically design novel mutation operators for signals to improve the existing fuzzing method in model testing. Over the evaluated benchmarks which consist of industrial cases, SPsCGF could achieve 8% to 38% higher model coverage and 3x-10x time efficiency compared with the state-of-the-art works.Comment: 10 page

    Inferring Computational State Machine Models from Program Executions

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    The challenge of inferring state machines from log data or execution traces is well-established, and has led to the development of several powerful techniques. Current approaches tend to focus on the inference of conventional finite state machines or, in few cases, state machines with guards. However, these machines are ultimately only partial, because they fail to model how any underlying variables are computed during the course of an execution, they are not computational. In this paper we introduce a technique based upon Genetic Programming to infer these data transformation functions, which in turn render inferred automata fully computational. Instead of merely determining whether or not a sequence is possible, they can be simulated, and be used to compute the variable values throughout the course of an execution. We demonstrate the approach by using a Cross-Validation study to reverse-engineer complete (computational) EFSMs from traces of established implementations
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