306 research outputs found

    Multi-objective Network Opportunistic Access for Group Mobility in Mobile Internet

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    The integration of existing and emerging heterogeneous wireless networks in mobile Internet is a combination of diverse but complementary wireless access technologies. Satisfying a set of imperative constrains and optimization objectives, access network selection (ANS) for mobile node (MN) is an inherent procedure in mobility management that needs to be solved in a reasonable manner for the whole system to operate in an optimal fashion. However, ANS remains a significant challenge. Because many MNs with distinctive call characteristics are likely to have correlated mobility and may need to perform mobility management at the same time, this paper, with the goal of investigating group mobility solutions, proposes a network opportunistic access for group mobility (NOA-GM) scheme. By analyzing the directional patterns of moving MNs and introducing the idea of opportunistic access, this scheme first identifies underloaded access networks as candidates. Then, the candidates are evaluated using normalized models of objective and subjective metrics. On this basis, the ANS problem for group mobility can be conducted as a multiobjective combination optimization and then transferred to a signal-objective model by considering the optimization of the performance of the whole system as a global goal while still achieving each MN\u27s performance request. Using an improved genetic algorithm with newly designed evolutionary operators to solve the signal-objective model, an optimal result option for ANS for group mobility is achieved. Simulations conducted on the NS-2 platform show that NOA-GM outperforms the compared schemes in several critical performance metrics

    Using a Multiobjective Approach to Balance Mission and Network Goals within a Delay Tolerant Network Topology

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    This thesis investigates how to incorporate aspects of an Air Tasking Order (ATO), a Communications Tasking Order (CTO), and a Network Tasking Order (NTO) within a cognitive network framework. This was done in an effort to aid the commander and or network operator by providing automation for battlespace management to improve response time and potential inconsistent problem resolution. In particular, autonomous weapon systems such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were the focus of this research This work implemented a simple cognitive process by incorporating aspects of behavior based robotic control principles to solve the multi-objective optimization problem of balancing both network and mission goals. The cognitive process consisted of both a multi-move look ahead component, in which the future outcomes of decisions were estimated, and a subsumption decision making architecture in which these decision-outcome pairs were selected so they co-optimized the dual goals. This was tested within a novel Air force mission scenario consisting of a UAV surveillance mission within a delay tolerant network (DTN) topology. This scenario used a team of small scale UAVs (operating as a team but each running the cognitive process independently) to balance the mission goal of maintaining maximum overall UAV time-on-target and the network goal of minimizing the packet end-to-end delays experienced within the DTN. The testing was accomplished within a MATLAB discrete event simulation. The results indicated that this proposed approach could successfully simultaneously improve both goals as the network goal improved 52% and the mission goal improved by approximately 6%

    Bioinspired Mechanisms in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

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    SCI(E)EIEDITORIAL [email protected]

    Proximity as a Service for the Use Case of Access Enhancement via Cellular Network-Assisted Mobile Device-to-Device test

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    Proximity as a Service for the Use Case of Access Enhancement via Cellular​ Network-Assisted Mobile​Device-to-Device

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    Device-to-Device (D2D) communication is a way to treat the User Equipments (UEs) not as terminals, but as a part of the network (helpers) for service provisioning. We propose a generic framework, namely Proximity as a Service (PaaS), formulate the helper selection problem, and design and prove a heuristic helper selection policy, ContAct based Proximity (CAP), which increases the service connectivity and continuity. Design Of Experiment (DOE) is a statistical methodology that rigorously designs and conducts an experiment, and maximizes the information obtained from that experiment. We apply DOE to explore the relationship (analytic expression) between four inputs (factors) and four metrics (responses). Since different factors have different regression levels, a unified four level full factorial experiment and cubic multiple regression analysis have been carried out. Multiple regression equations are provided to estimate the different contributions and the interactions between factors. Results show that transmission range and user density are dominant and monotonically increasing, but transmission range should be restricted because of interference and energy-efficiency. After obtaining the explicit close form expressions between factors and responses, optimal values of key factors are derived. A methodology (the e-constraint method) to solve the multiple-objective optimization problem has been provided and a Pareto-Optimal set of factors has been found through iteration. The fluctuation of the iterations is small and a specific solution can be chosen based on the particular scenarios (city center or countryside with different user density). The methodology of optimization informs the design rules of the operator, helping to find the optimal networking solution

    Assessing the Performance of a Particle Swarm Optimization Mobility Algorithm in a Hybrid Wi-Fi/LoRa Flying Ad Hoc Network

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    Research on Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs) has increased due to the availability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and the electronic components that control and connect them. Many applications, such as 3D mapping, construction inspection, or emergency response operations could benefit from an application and adaptation of swarm intelligence-based deployments of multiple UAVs. Such groups of cooperating UAVs, through the use of local rules, could be seen as network nodes establishing an ad-hoc network for communication purposes. One FANET application is to provide communication coverage over an area where communication infrastructure is unavailable. A crucial part of a FANET implementation is computing the optimal position of UAVs to provide connectivity with ground nodes while maximizing geographic span. To achieve optimal positioning of FANET nodes, an adaptation of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed. A 3D mobility model is defined by adapting the original PSO algorithm and combining it with a fixed-trajectory initial flight. A Long Range (LoRa) mesh network is used for air-to-air communication, while a Wi-Fi network provides air-to-ground communication to several ground nodes with unknown positions. The optimization problem has two objectives: maximizing coverage to ground nodes and maintaining an end-to-end communication path to a control station, through the UAV mesh. The results show that the hybrid mobility approach performs similarly to the fixed trajectory flight regarding coverage, and outperforms fixed trajectory and PSO-only algorithms in both path maintenance and overall network efficiency, while using fewer UAVs

    Multi-objective performance optimization of a probabilistic similarity/dissimilarity-based broadcasting scheme for mobile ad hoc networks in disaster response scenarios

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    Communications among crewmembers in rescue teams and among victims are crucial to relief the consequences and damages of a disaster situation. A common communication system for establishing real time communications between the elements (victims, crewmem-bers, people living in the vicinity of the disaster scenario, among others) involved in a disaster scenario is required. Ad hoc networks have been envisioned for years as a possible solution. They allow users to establish decentralized communications quickly and using common devices like mobile phones. Broadcasting is the main mechanism used to dissemi-nate information in all-to-all fashion in ad hoc networks. The objective of this paper is to optimize a broadcasting scheme based on similari-ty/dissimilarity coefficient designed for disaster response scenarios through a multi-objective optimization problem in which several per-formance metrics such as reachability, number of retransmissions and delay are optimized simultaneously