34 research outputs found

    OpenBMLParser: An Open Source BML Parser/Analyzer

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    van Welbergen H. OpenBMLParser: An Open Source BML Parser/Analyzer. In: Aylett R, Krenn B, Pelachaud C, Shimodaira H, eds. Intelligent Virtual Agents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 8108. Springer; 2013: 432-433

    AsapRealizer 2.0: The Next Steps in Fluent Behavior Realization for ECAs

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    van Welbergen H, Yaghoubzadeh R, Kopp S. AsapRealizer 2.0: The Next Steps in Fluent Behavior Realization for ECAs. In: Bickmore T, Marsella S, Sidner C, eds. Intelligent Virtual Agents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 8637. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2014: 449-462.Natural human interaction is highly dynamic and responsive: interlocutors produce utterances incrementally, smoothly switch speaking turns with virtually no delay, make use of on-the-fly adaptation and (self) interruptions, execute movement in tight synchrony, etc. We present the conglomeration of our research efforts in enabling the realization of such fluent interactions for Embodied Conversational Agents in the behavior realizer ‘AsapRealizer 2.0’ and show how it provides fluent realization capabilities that go beyond the state-of-the-art

    Agents united:An open platform for multi-agent conversational systems

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    The development of applications with intelligent virtual agents (IVA) often comes with integration of multiple complex components. In this article we present the Agents United Platform: an open source platform that researchers and developers can use as a starting point to setup their own multi-IVA applications. The new platform provides developers with a set of integrated components in a sense-remember-think-act architecture. Integrated components are a sensor framework, memory component, Topic Selection Engine, interaction manager (Flipper), two dialogue execution engines, and two behaviour realisers (ASAP and GRETA) of which the agents can seamlessly interact with each other. This article discusses the platform and its individual components. It also highlights some of the novelties that arise from the integration of components and elaborates on directions for future work

    Agents for educational games and simulations

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    This book consists mainly of revised papers that were presented at the Agents for Educational Games and Simulation (AEGS) workshop held on May 2, 2011, as part of the Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS) conference in Taipei, Taiwan. The 12 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The papers are organized topical sections on middleware applications, dialogues and learning, adaption and convergence, and agent applications

    Novas soluções para a interação entre operador e passageiro nos transportes públicos

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    Environmental awareness has been increasing over the years. Since the transportation sector is one of the great contributors of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it is necessary to motivate people to leave their car at home and use public transport. However, service providers must meet passengers' needs in a more personalized way and improve the quality of the service they offer. This project aims to provide a tool that positively impacts the required shift towards sustainability, and it relies on the exchange of passenger information to achieve this goal. The challenge proposed by the company, OPT, is based on the creation of new solutions for the interaction between operator and passenger through the Smartphone. Given that OPT is headquartered in Porto, its area of intervention par excellence is focused on the Metropolitan Area of Porto (MAP). The project focused on the acquisition of passenger data from this same area to characterize it in terms of urban mobility. The study has the MAP as a starting point however, the goal is to create a solution that is scalable to any city. The project began by characterizing the current situation regarding passenger information in the metropolitan area of Porto and a passenger survey was conducted to understand their perception towards information in public transports. Despite the available app offer, there are opportunities for improvement in the context of the integration of essential app functionalities and user experience. In addition, a bilateral interaction between the two stakeholders is needed in order to generate relevant information from user feedback. In this way, a new mobile application concept for public transport was designed to co-create value and improve the quality of service and allow seamless mobility across the travel network. Taking into account the commercial potential of this project, the strategies of innovation and business are based on the optimization of resources and value for the clientAo longo dos anos, a consciencialização das populações relativamente ao meio ambiente tem vindo a aumentar. O setor dos transportes, nomeadamente o de passageiros, tem um grande impacto na emissão de gases poluentes e, por isso, a utilização do veículo próprio como meio de transporte de eleição tem de ser reduzida. Para isto, é necessário que o transporte público se torne apelativo e sirva as necessidades das pessoas de forma personalizada e com qualidade. Este projeto é desenvolvido de acordo com a premissa de melhoria da qualidade dos transportes públicos e baseia-se na troca de informação para atingir este objetivo. O desafio lançado pela OPT assenta na criação de novas soluções para a interação entre operador e passageiro. Tendo em conta que a OPT está sediada no Porto, a sua área de intervenção por excelência foca-se na Área Metropolitana do Porto (AMP) e, por isso, o projeto focou-se na aquisição de dados desta mesma área para a caracterizar em termos de mobilidade. O estudo tem a AMP como ponto de partida, no entanto, o objetivo é criar uma solução que seja escalável para qualquer cidade. Para analisar o estado da informação ao público na área metropolitana do Porto, procedeu-se ao levantamento da oferta e à realização de um inquérito aos passageiros. Apesar de existir alguma oferta relativamente a aplicações móveis que disponibilizam informação, existem oportunidades de melhoria no contexto da integração de funcionalidades essenciais e user experience. Além disso, a evolução indica uma interação entre os intervenientes de forma a que se possa gerar informação relevante a partir do feedback do utilizador. Desta forma, foi concetualizado um novo modelo de aplicação móvel para os transportes públicos. O objetivo é baseado na co-criação de valor para melhorar a qualidade do serviço e permitir uma mobilidade contínua, motivando assim para a utilização dos transportes coletivos. Tendo em conta o potencial comercial deste projeto, reflete-se sobre as estratégias de inovação e negócio tendo por base a otimização dos recursos e o valor para o clienteMestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    THERAPIST: Towards an Autonomous Socially Interactive Robot for Motor and Neurorehabilitation Therapies for Children

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    Neurorehabilitation therapies exploiting the use-dependent plasticity of our neuromuscular system are devised to help patients who suffer from injuries or diseases of this system. These therapies take advantage of the fact that the motor activity alters the properties of our neurons and muscles, including the pattern of their connectivity, and thus their functionality. Hence, a sensor-motor treatment where patients makes certain movements will help them (re)learn how to move the affected body parts. But these traditional rehabilitation processes are usually repetitive and lengthy, reducing motivation and adherence to the treatment, and thus limiting the benefits for the patients

    SiAM-dp : an open development platform for massively multimodal dialogue systems in cyber-physical environments

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    Cyber-physical environments enhance natural environments of daily life such as homes, factories, offices, and cars by connecting the cybernetic world of computers and communication with the real physical world. While under the keyword of Industrie 4.0, cyber-physical environments will take a relevant role in the next industrial revolution, and they will also appear in homes, offices, workshops, and numerous other areas. In this new world, classical interaction concepts where users exclusively interact with a single stationary device, PC or smartphone become less dominant and make room for new occurrences of interaction between humans and the environment itself. Furthermore, new technologies and a rising spectrum of applicable modalities broaden the possibilities for interaction designers to include more natural and intuitive non-verbal and verbal communication. The dynamic characteristic of a cyber-physical environment and the mobility of users confronts developers with the challenge of developing systems that are flexible concerning the connected and used devices and modalities. This implies new opportunities for cross-modal interaction that go beyond dual modalities interaction as is well known nowadays. This thesis addresses the support of application developers with a platform for the declarative and model based development of multimodal dialogue applications, with a focus on distributed input and output devices in cyber-physical environments. The main contributions can be divided into three parts: - Design of models and strategies for the specification of dialogue applications in a declarative development approach. This includes models for the definition of project resources, dialogue behaviour, speech recognition grammars, and graphical user interfaces and mapping rules, which convert the device specific representation of input and output description to a common representation language. - The implementation of a runtime platform that provides a flexible and extendable architecture for the easy integration of new devices and components. The platform realises concepts and strategies of multimodal human-computer interaction and is the basis for full-fledged multimodal dialogue applications for arbitrary device setups, domains, and scenarios. - A software development toolkit that is integrated in the Eclipse rich client platform and provides wizards and editors for creating and editing new multimodal dialogue applications.Cyber-physische Umgebungen (CPEs) erweitern natürliche Alltagsumgebungen wie Heim, Fabrik, Büro und Auto durch Verbindung der kybernetischen Welt der Computer und Kommunikation mit der realen, physischen Welt. Die möglichen Anwendungsgebiete hierbei sind weitreichend. Während unter dem Stichwort Industrie 4.0 cyber-physische Umgebungen eine bedeutende Rolle für die nächste industrielle Revolution spielen werden, erhalten sie ebenfalls Einzug in Heim, Büro, Werkstatt und zahlreiche weitere Bereiche. In solch einer neuen Welt geraten klassische Interaktionskonzepte, in denen Benutzer ausschließlich mit einem einzigen Gerät, PC oder Smartphone interagieren, immer weiter in den Hintergrund und machen Platz für eine neue Ausprägung der Interaktion zwischen dem Menschen und der Umgebung selbst. Darüber hinaus sorgen neue Technologien und ein wachsendes Spektrum an einsetzbaren Modalitäten dafür, dass sich im Interaktionsdesign neue Möglichkeiten für eine natürlichere und intuitivere verbale und nonverbale Kommunikation auftun. Die dynamische Natur von cyber-physischen Umgebungen und die Mobilität der Benutzer darin stellt Anwendungsentwickler vor die Herausforderung, Systeme zu entwickeln, die flexibel bezüglich der verbundenen und verwendeten Geräte und Modalitäten sind. Dies impliziert auch neue Möglichkeiten in der modalitätsübergreifenden Kommunikation, die über duale Interaktionskonzepte, wie sie heutzutage bereits üblich sind, hinausgehen. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Unterstützung von Anwendungsentwicklern mit Hilfe einer Plattform zur deklarativen und modellbasierten Entwicklung von multimodalen Dialogapplikationen mit einem Fokus auf verteilte Ein- und Ausgabegeräte in cyber-physischen Umgebungen. Die bearbeiteten Aufgaben können grundlegend in drei Teile gegliedert werden: - Die Konzeption von Modellen und Strategien für die Spezifikation von Dialoganwendungen in einem deklarativen Entwicklungsansatz. Dies beinhaltet Modelle für das Definieren von Projektressourcen, Dialogverhalten, Spracherkennergrammatiken, graphischen Benutzerschnittstellen und Abbildungsregeln, die die gerätespezifische Darstellung von Ein- und Ausgabegeräten in eine gemeinsame Repräsentationssprache transformieren. - Die Implementierung einer Laufzeitumgebung, die eine flexible und erweiterbare Architektur für die einfache Integration neuer Geräte und Komponenten bietet. Die Plattform realisiert Konzepte und Strategien der multimodalen Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion und ist die Basis vollwertiger multimodaler Dialoganwendungen für beliebige Domänen, Szenarien und Gerätekonfigurationen. - Eine Softwareentwicklungsumgebung, die in die Eclipse Rich Client Plattform integriert ist und Entwicklern Assistenten und Editoren an die Hand gibt, die das Erstellen und Editieren von neuen multimodalen Dialoganwendungen unterstützen

    Human-Robot Interaction architecture for interactive and lively social robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorLa sociedad está experimentando un proceso de envejecimiento que puede provocar un desequilibrio entre la población en edad de trabajar y aquella fuera del mercado de trabajo. Una de las soluciones a este problema que se están considerando hoy en día es la introducción de robots en multiples sectores, incluyendo el de servicios. Sin embargo, para que esto sea una solución viable, estos robots necesitan ser capaces de interactuar con personas de manera satisfactoria, entre otras habilidades. En el contexto de la aplicación de robots sociales al cuidado de mayores, esta tesis busca proporcionar a un robot social las habilidades necesarias para crear interacciones entre humanos y robots que sean naturales. En concreto, esta tesis se centra en tres problemas que deben ser solucionados: (i) el modelado de interacciones entre humanos y robots; (ii) equipar a un robot social con las capacidades expresivas necesarias para una comunicación satisfactoria; y (iii) darle al robot una apariencia vivaz. La solución al problema de modelado de diálogos presentada en esta tesis propone diseñar estos diálogos como una secuencia de elementos atómicos llamados Actos Comunicativos (CAs, por sus siglas en inglés). Se pueden parametrizar en tiempo de ejecución para completar diferentes objetivos comunicativos, y están equipados con mecanismos para manejar algunas de las imprecisiones que pueden aparecer durante interacciones. Estos CAs han sido identificados a partir de la combinación de dos dimensiones: iniciativa (si la tiene el robot o el usuario) e intención (si se pretende obtener o proporcionar información). Estos CAs pueden ser combinados siguiendo una estructura jerárquica para crear estructuras mas complejas que sean reutilizables. Esto simplifica el proceso para crear nuevas interacciones, permitiendo a los desarrolladores centrarse exclusivamente en diseñar el flujo del diálogo, sin tener que preocuparse de reimplementar otras funcionalidades que tienen que estar presentes en todas las interacciones (como el manejo de errores, por ejemplo). La expresividad del robot está basada en el uso de una librería de gestos, o expresiones, multimodales predefinidos, modelados como estructuras similares a máquinas de estados. El módulo que controla la expresividad recibe peticiones para realizar dichas expresiones, planifica su ejecución para evitar cualquier conflicto que pueda aparecer, las carga, y comprueba que su ejecución se complete sin problemas. El sistema es capaz también de generar estas expresiones en tiempo de ejecución a partir de una lista de acciones unimodales (como decir una frase, o mover una articulación). Una de las características más importantes de la arquitectura de expresividad propuesta es la integración de una serie de métodos de modulación que pueden ser usados para modificar los gestos del robot en tiempo de ejecución. Esto permite al robot adaptar estas expresiones en base a circunstancias particulares (aumentando al mismo tiempo la variabilidad de la expresividad del robot), y usar un número limitado de gestos para mostrar diferentes estados internos (como el estado emocional). Teniendo en cuenta que ser reconocido como un ser vivo es un requisito para poder participar en interacciones sociales, que un robot social muestre una apariencia de vivacidad es un factor clave en interacciones entre humanos y robots. Para ello, esta tesis propone dos soluciones. El primer método genera acciones a través de las diferentes interfaces del robot a intervalos. La frecuencia e intensidad de estas acciones están definidas en base a una señal que representa el pulso del robot. Dicha señal puede adaptarse al contexto de la interacción o al estado interno del robot. El segundo método enriquece las interacciones verbales entre el robot y el usuario prediciendo los gestos no verbales más apropiados en base al contenido del diálogo y a la intención comunicativa del robot. Un modelo basado en aprendizaje automático recibe la transcripción del mensaje verbal del robot, predice los gestos que deberían acompañarlo, y los sincroniza para que cada gesto empiece en el momento preciso. Este modelo se ha desarrollado usando una combinación de un encoder diseñado con una red neuronal Long-Short Term Memory, y un Conditional Random Field para predecir la secuencia de gestos que deben acompañar a la frase del robot. Todos los elementos presentados conforman el núcleo de una arquitectura de interacción humano-robot modular que ha sido integrada en múltiples plataformas, y probada bajo diferentes condiciones. El objetivo central de esta tesis es contribuir al área de interacción humano-robot con una nueva solución que es modular e independiente de la plataforma robótica, y que se centra en proporcionar a los desarrolladores las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar aplicaciones que requieran interacciones con personas.Society is experiencing a series of demographic changes that can result in an unbalance between the active working and non-working age populations. One of the solutions considered to mitigate this problem is the inclusion of robots in multiple sectors, including the service sector. But for this to be a viable solution, among other features, robots need to be able to interact with humans successfully. This thesis seeks to endow a social robot with the abilities required for a natural human-robot interactions. The main objective is to contribute to the body of knowledge on the area of Human-Robot Interaction with a new, platform-independent, modular approach that focuses on giving roboticists the tools required to develop applications that involve interactions with humans. In particular, this thesis focuses on three problems that need to be addressed: (i) modelling interactions between a robot and an user; (ii) endow the robot with the expressive capabilities required for a successful communication; and (iii) endow the robot with a lively appearance. The approach to dialogue modelling presented in this thesis proposes to model dialogues as a sequence of atomic interaction units, called Communicative Acts, or CAs. They can be parametrized in runtime to achieve different communicative goals, and are endowed with mechanisms oriented to solve some of the uncertainties related to interaction. Two dimensions have been used to identify the required CAs: initiative (the robot or the user), and intention (either retrieve information or to convey it). These basic CAs can be combined in a hierarchical manner to create more re-usable complex structures. This approach simplifies the creation of new interactions, by allowing developers to focus exclusively on designing the flow of the dialogue, without having to re-implement functionalities that are common to all dialogues (like error handling, for example). The expressiveness of the robot is based on the use of a library of predefined multimodal gestures, or expressions, modelled as state machines. The module managing the expressiveness receives requests for performing gestures, schedules their execution in order to avoid any possible conflict that might arise, loads them, and ensures that their execution goes without problems. The proposed approach is also able to generate expressions in runtime based on a list of unimodal actions (an utterance, the motion of a limb, etc...). One of the key features of the proposed expressiveness management approach is the integration of a series of modulation techniques that can be used to modify the robot’s expressions in runtime. This would allow the robot to adapt them to the particularities of a given situation (which would also increase the variability of the robot expressiveness), and to display different internal states with the same expressions. Considering that being recognized as a living being is a requirement for engaging in social encounters, the perception of a social robot as a living entity is a key requirement to foster human-robot interactions. In this dissertation, two approaches have been proposed. The first method generates actions for the different interfaces of the robot at certain intervals. The frequency and intensity of these actions are defined by a signal that represents the pulse of the robot, which can be adapted to the context of the interaction or the internal state of the robot. The second method enhances the robot’s utterance by predicting the appropriate non-verbal expressions that should accompany them, according to the content of the robot’s message, as well as its communicative intention. A deep learning model receives the transcription of the robot’s utterances, predicts which expressions should accompany it, and synchronizes them, so each gesture selected starts at the appropriate time. The model has been developed using a combination of a Long-Short Term Memory network-based encoder and a Conditional Random Field for generating a sequence of gestures that are combined with the robot’s utterance. All the elements presented above conform the core of a modular Human-Robot Interaction architecture that has been integrated in multiple platforms, and tested under different conditions.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Fernando Torres Medina.- Secretario: Concepción Alicia Monje Micharet.- Vocal: Amirabdollahian Farshi

    Ubiquitous Computing

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    The aim of this book is to give a treatment of the actively developed domain of Ubiquitous computing. Originally proposed by Mark D. Weiser, the concept of Ubiquitous computing enables a real-time global sensing, context-aware informational retrieval, multi-modal interaction with the user and enhanced visualization capabilities. In effect, Ubiquitous computing environments give extremely new and futuristic abilities to look at and interact with our habitat at any time and from anywhere. In that domain, researchers are confronted with many foundational, technological and engineering issues which were not known before. Detailed cross-disciplinary coverage of these issues is really needed today for further progress and widening of application range. This book collects twelve original works of researchers from eleven countries, which are clustered into four sections: Foundations, Security and Privacy, Integration and Middleware, Practical Applications