58,452 research outputs found

    Creation of virtual laboratories used in distance learning

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    The present article presents the modality of creation, administration and utilization of the virtual laboratories, showing many illustrative examples. The WinkPortable application is presented, which gathers close together films made in Flash aiming to create a complete and interactive laboratory. The virtual laboratories are inserted in the platform of distance learning where there are two sections: for creation and administration (the teachers’ module), and for utilization and visualization (the students’ module).virtual laboratory, WinkPortable, multimedia film


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    Penelitian dengan judul “Rancang Bangun Virtual Laboratory Experimentation Fisika Dalam Pokok Bahasan Induksi Magnet dan Elektromagnet” ini diawali dengan keterbatasan laboratorium di sekolah ketika dihadapkan dengan percobaan yang penuh dengan konsep dan bersifat abstrak, juga fasilitas laboratorium sains di sekolah tidak seluruhnya merata di indonesia karena berbagai aspek yang melatarbelakanginya. Penelitian dengan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis simulasi dalam pelajaran fisika dengan materi induksi magnet dan elektromagnet. Langkah – langkah penelitian yang diterapkan menggunakan alur yang dimulai dari analisis, desain/perancangan, pengembangan, pengujian dan penilaian. Analisis awal mendapatkan data dari hasil wawancara dengan dosen pembimbing dan guru mata pelajaran fisika di kelas XII- IPA, kemudian didapat pula dari angket survey lapangan yang diberikan kepada 63 siswa di kelas XII-IPA 2 dan XII-IPA 3 SMA Negeri 6 Cimahi. Angket validasi ahli multimedia dan pakar inovasi pendidikan yang diberikan kepada dosen-dosen dan guru, dan angket penilaian siswa terhadap aplikasi VLE. Dari hasil angket penilaian tersebut didapatkan bahwa aplikasi VLE yang dikembangkan dinilai sangat baik dengan rata-rata persentasi kelayakan 85,77 % oleh ahli multimedia pendidikan dan dinilai baik oleh ahli materi dengan persentase kelayakan 76,24%. Kemudian dilakukan penilaian berdasarkan hasil prestasi siswa dengan membandingkan nilai hasil tes soal sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan VLE terdapat kemajuan yang signifikan dan diuji dengan normalisasi gain. Dengan demikian multimedia pembelajaran berbasis simulasi atau VLE yang dikembangkan layak untuk diimplementasikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Kata kunci : Elektromagnet, Fisika, Induksi Magnet, Multimedia Pembelajaran, Simulasi, Virtual Laboratory Experimentation, N-Gain. Research entitled “Development of Virtual Laboratory Experimentation in Physic Topic Magnet and Electromagnetic Induction” started with the limited ability of laboratory at school when faces with conceptual theory and abstract characteristic, and also sains laboratory fasilities isn’t ready at every schools in indonesia causes of variety reasons. The research method is Research and development (R&D) aimed at developing multimedia simulation-based learning in physics with magnetic and electromagnetic induction material. The measures applied research using the flow which starts from analisys, design, development, examination and rating. Obtain premilinary analysis of data from interviews with lecturers and teachers of physic at XII-IPA, and also obtained from field survey questionnaire given to 63 students at XII-IPA 2 and XII-IPA 3 as respondents in SMA 6 Cimahi. Questionnaire validation multimedia experts and innovation expert education given to lecturers and teachers, and students to the assessment questionnaire virtual laboratory experimentation (VLE) applications.From the results of the assessment questionnaire found that the application of the developed VLE rated excellent with an average percentage of 85,77% viability by multimedia expert education and assessed either by a material with a percentage of 76,24% eligibility. Then assessed by comparing the results of student achievement test scores matter before and after using the VLE there is significant progress and tested with normalized gain. Thus multimedia-based learning simulations or VLE developed feasible to be implementer in the learning process. Keyword: Electromagnetic, Physic, Magnetic Induction, Multimedia Learning, Simulation, Virtual Laboratory Experimentation, N-Gain

    Effectiveness of multimedia courseware design : Towards quality learning in ODL

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    The paper investigates the provision of a virtual laboratory situation in the form of multimedia courseware (on CD-ROMs) to help learners understand basic techniques and laboratory safety

    Pengembangan Virtual Laboratory Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif pada Penanaman dan Pengecatan Bakteri di SMA

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    This research aims to produce Virtual Laboratory as interactive multimedia on sub material the cultivation and staining of bacteria, knowing about adisability of Virtual Laboratory, and knowing about student responses grade X SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak whom get be taught with Virtual Laboratory. The research method that used is a Development Research. This method includes two stages: a preliminary (the preparation and design) and formative evaluation (self-evaluation, expert reviews, small group, and test fields). The study subject is 37 students. Be based on result of validation by validator of media and matter, Virtual Laboratory get catagorized as valid with the RTVTK is 3,55. Meanwhile the percentage of student responses at 84.15%. So it can be concluded that the Virtual Laboratory is fit for use as a media of learning

    A Multimedia Manual On The World Wide Web For Telecommunications Equipment

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    An interactive multimedia educational manual on the Internet through the World Wide Web for commercial optical fiber telecommunications equipment is described. The Telecommunications Laboratory Manual is a vehicle for enhancing engineering education with realistic laboratory or virtual laboratory experience. The manual provides a brief system tutorial, operating instructions, on-line help, and multimedia experimental demonstrations. It incorporates block diagrams, photographic images, and hypertext links that are mouse clickable, allowing users to access documents or links describing components or processes in any order. An experimental section guides students through laboratory experiences, demonstrates selected equipment characteristics, and provides for direct instructor contact through e-mail. Other remote resources on the Internet are linked to create a global multimedia library. This paper describes the manual, its multimedia design, its use in the curriculum, and its further potential. © 1996 IEEE


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Virtual Laboratory berbasis multimedia interaktif pada sub materi penanaman dan pengecatan bakteri, mengetahui kelayakan media tersebut, dan mengetahui respon siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan Virtual Laboratory. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Development Research (penelitian pengembangan). Development Research terdiri atas dua tahapan yaitu preliminary (persiapan dan desain) dan formative evaluation (self evaluation, expert reviews, small group, dan fields test). Subjek penelitian ini adalah 37 orang siswa. Berdasarkan hasil validasi oleh validator ahli media dan materi, Virtual Laboratory dikategorikan valid dengan RTVTK 3,55. Sedangkan persentase respon positif siswa sebesar 84,15%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Virtual Laboratory layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran.   Kata Kunci: Virtual Laboratory, Multimedia Interaktif, Respon   Abstract: This research aims to produce Virtual Laboratory as interactive multimedia on sub material the cultivation and staining of bacteria, knowing about adisability of Virtual Laboratory, and knowing about student responses grade X SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak whom get be taught with Virtual Laboratory. The research method that used is a Development Research. This method  includes two stages: a preliminary (the preparation and design) and formative evaluation (self-evaluation, expert reviews, small group, and test fields). The study subject is 37 students. Be based on result of validation by validator of media and matter, Virtual Laboratory get catagorized as valid with the RTVTK is 3,55. Meanwhile the percentage of student responses at 84.15%. So it can be concluded that the Virtual Laboratory is fit for use as a media of learning.   Keywords: Virtual Laboratory, Interactive Multimedia, Responses


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    This study aims to determine the barriers to carrying out practical activities and find alternative solutions that can overcome them through a literature review. The method used is the survey method and literature review. Laboratory survey results, student opinions, and teacher opinions show that obstacles in carrying out practical activities include the lack of laboratory facilities, the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure, the absence of laboratory assistants, insufficient time allocation. An alternative solution that teachers can do is to use a virtual laboratory. Virtual practicum is a series of laboratory tools in the form of interactive multimedia-based computer software, which is operated by a computer and can simulate activities in the laboratory as if the user were in a real laboratory. Therefore, virtual practicum as a product of technological progress can be an alternative solution to overcome these obstacles.   &nbsp

    The Development of virtual LAB for chemistry (acid,base and salt) based on constructivism-cognitiveness-contextual approach

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    This paper addresses about designing virtual laboratory for chemistry subject, acid, base and salt. Discussion involved on theoretical framework modelling where it divided into three parts that is analysis, design and, development and evaluation. For the second objective, researcher will view on constructivism-cognitive ness-contextual lifecycle model where it will be used for virtual laboratory for the chemistry subject ( VLab-CHEM ). This model will define about education media, how to measure content, authoring program and systematic instructional design. Others objective are defining Instructional Design (ID) model ( VLab-CHEM ) where it include virtual laboratory modules. ID model focused on learning and teaching aspects and science education, education process and by using multimedia interactive module. While designing the development of VLab-CHEM, researcher has used approach in learning theory such as constructivism-cognitive-contextual. Concept through learning-bydoing, contextual education, simulation, 3D animation and real time animation to create 3D virtual based on reality, will be added in the VLab-CHEM

    A web-based learning environment exploiting 3D virtual worlds

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    There is no doubt that during the last few years the learning process has been greatly affected by the rapidly evolving era of information and technological development. The continuously increasing pace in computer power advancement in conjunction with new Internet technologies have led to the extensive usage of multimedia and 3D graphics, resulting to new forms of visualization, distribution and presentation of training material. The objectives of this work are to present an integrated view of interactive 3D virtual worlds used in the implementation of learning activities through the web and to analyze and design an e-learning system based on the exploitation of multimedia technologies, the Internet and 3D virtual worlds. The proposed system provides learners with an interactive 3D virtual learning environment thus enabling them to participate virtually in studying and performing simulated lab experiments for a course in Computer Graphics. Some of the aforementioned system’s highlights include the increased management and security capabilities of the virtual environment along with additional features offering simulation of various laboratory exercises

    Development of Virtual Laboratory Through Hand Motion Detector in Order to Improve Psychomotor Skills Student of Vocational High School

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    Abstract: The students interact directly in virtual laboratory with a simulator or remote equipment, and it is desirable that the experience will be similar to a real lab. There are many ways by which a student could attain this experience -through real experimental activities or through computer human interactions. These computer based multimedia environment and cohesive with hardware. These environments offer students a means to explore, experience, express themselves, and train psychomotoric. In a Digital Electronics virtual environment, the students can posit hypotheses about a engineering concept, conduct as many experiments as they want. In this paper the virtual laboratory design based on macromedia flash (software) and hand movement detection (hardware). Have implemented a virtual lab for the user especially vocational students (SMK), making practices more interesting and interactive through user interaction with computer using a periferal with hand movement detection that provides flexibility in operating. Combination of real and virtual lab which is integrated into the course material, can enrich the learning process, increase student’s interest and curiosity, enhance the ability of psychomotor with hands-on
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