253 research outputs found

    Is Metaverse in education a blessing or a curse: a combined content and bibliometric analysis

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    The Metaverse has been the centre of attraction for educationists for quite some time. This field got renewed interest with the announcement of social media giant Facebook as it rebranding and positioning it as Meta. While several studies conducted literature reviews to summarize the findings related to the Metaverse in general, no study to the best of our knowledge focused on systematically summarizing the finding related to the Metaverse in education. To cover this gap, this study conducts a systematic literature review of the Metaverse in education. It then applies both content and bibliometric analysis to reveal the research trends, focus, and limitations of this research topic. The obtained findings reveal the research gap in lifelogging applications in educational Metaverse. The findings also show that the design of Metaverse in education has evolved over generations, where generation Z is more targeted with artificial intelligence technologies compared to generation X or Y. In terms of learning scenarios, there have been very few studies focusing on mobile learning, hybrid learning, and micro learning. Additionally, no study focused on using the Metaverse in education for students with disabilities. The findings of this study provide a roadmap of future research directions to be taken into consideration and investigated to enhance the adoption of the Metaverse in education worldwide, as well as to enhance the learning and teaching experiences in the Metaverse

    The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Metaverse

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    This paper explores the intersection of synthetic intelligence and human-computer interplay within the context of the metaverse. The metaverse, a digital international in which customers can interact with each other and with PC-generated environments, gives precise opportunities for the combination of AI technology to decorate personal studies and allow new types of collaboration. Use the following assets if suitable. Avoid plagiarizing the source without delay. For example, artificial intelligence can push the human barriers of a layout team to consist of human-pc co-creativity. In the metaverse, AI can play a transformative function in facilitating human-computer co-creativity within layout groups, expanding the boundaries of what's feasible in phrases of collaborative design methods. AI can empower layout groups inside the metaverse to enhance creativity and innovation via automated duties, new layout generation, and real-time user comments analysis. AI-powered algorithms can analyze user conduct and preferences, imparting precious insights for growing customized and immersive experiences in the metaverse. Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, Challenges, gaming, entertainment. DOI: 10.7176/ADS/110-03 Publication date: April 30th 202

    A Universal Language Translator: Is This the Future or the Doom of Language Learning?

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    Artificial Intelligence-based universal language translation system allows users in the Metaverse to better communicate with each other. Meta points to construct an all-inclusive dialect interpretation framework to permit clients to relate to others within the Metaverse without stressing almost dialect obstructions. Zuckerberg uncovered that Meta is working on building an AI-powered "all-inclusive discourse interpreter" for the Metaverse that will work for everybody within the advanced world. This venture points to streamline clients intelligent who speak distinctive dialects within the computerised universe with the assistance of AI. This paper will consider how virtual realities can affect and affect language learning. On the one hand, virtual realities could benefit people trying to learn second languages by providing virtual experiences that we could share with people who speak other languages. We could learn from other people, and they could learn from us, by "total immersion" in such shared experiences. On the other hand, virtual realities could remove the motivation from many people to learn second languages at all by providing nearly simultaneous. These two views will be argued further

    Individuals with intellectual disabilities and second language acquisition: a framework for approaching inclusive foreign language instruction

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    Master of ArtsDepartment of Modern LanguagesMary T. CoppleSpecial education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is aimed at providing each eligible child with an appropriate education tailored to their needs in order to be successful in life. Agreeing on what those needs are can be difficult for educators and parents. For some children the goal can be going to college or finding employment; for others, it is independent living. Even though inclusion and learning in the least restrictive environment is currently the norm in the American public-school system, where second language education is concerned, children with an Intellectual Disability (ID) do not receive the same opportunities as their typically developing peers. Instead of integrating children with an ID in existing world language classes, providing differentiated instruction, or offering different ways to obtain world language credit, language waivers are often automatically provided in order to ensure graduation. If parents express a wish to maintain a home language other than the main instructional language, they are generally discouraged by both the medical community and educational professionals, and the heritage language is not integrated in instruction. However, those recommendations are not always grounded in scientific research, but rather on assumptions, a lack of resources, or a failure to understand the need for world language education. This report synthesizes relevant research on the effects of learning a second language and explores the potential benefits for individuals with an ID. In addition, current teaching techniques are reviewed, and suggestions are provided for how teachers may want to adapt these techniques for language instruction with children with an ID

    A Cybersecurity Model for a Roblox-based Metaverse Architecture Framework

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    The adoption of virtual reality VR and augmented reality AR headsets in futuristic and science fiction has made it possible for the Metaverse to exist as a single universal immersive virtual universe By extending technology outside of our physical reality the Metaverse alters the human experience The four categories we use to categorize metaverse definitions are environment interface interaction and social value Currently it is unclear what the metaverse s structure and elements are A cybersecurity framework for these devices is necessary as the world grows more interconnected and immersive technologies are increasingly widely used in business government and consumer markets Used was a literature revie

    Metaverse magic: Unveiling the pedagogical potential and transformative effects on intercultural communication in English language teaching

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    The emergence of Metaverse, a three-dimensional virtual space that enables users to interact in computer-generated environments, has opened up new possibilities for language learning and instruction. This study explored the pedagogical potential and transformative effects of incorporating Metaverse environments in English language teaching, with a specific focus on intercultural communication. Drawing on theories such as social constructivism, intercultural communication, and autonomous language learning, this research investigated the impact of Metaverse on language acquisition, intercultural competence, and learner autonomy. The study employed a qualitative approach, including interviews with experts in Metaverse development and English language instructors. The findings revealed several pedagogical implications, including the promotion of immersive language learning experiences, enhanced interaction and collaboration, personalized learning opportunities, and increased motivation. Additionally, the study uncovered the positive impacts of Metaverse environments on intercultural communication and cultural understanding in English language learning. The research contributed to the understanding of how Metaverse could support language education and provides valuable insights for language teachers and students to optimize their language learning experience in virtual environments

    Emerging spaces for language learning: AI bots, ambient intelligence, and the metaverse

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    Looking at human communication from the perspective of semiotics extends our view beyond verbal language to consider other sign systems and meaning-making resources. Those include gestures, body language, images, and sounds. From this perspective, the communicative process expands from individual mental processes of verbalizing to include features of the environment, the place and space in which the communication occurs. It may be—and it is increasingly the case today—that language is mediated through digital networks. Online communication has become multimodal in virtually all platforms. At the same time, mobile devices have become indispensable digital companions, extending our perceptive and cognitive abilities. Advances in artificial intelligence are enabling tools that have considerable potential for language learning, as well as creating more complexity in the relationship between humans and the material world. In this column, we will be looking at changing perspectives on the role of place and space in language learning, as mobile, embedded, virtual, and reality-augmenting technologies play an ever-increasing role in our lives. Understanding that dynamic is aided by theories and frameworks such as 4E cognition and sociomaterialism, which posit closer connections between human cognition/language and the world around us

    The use of metaverse in maritime sector – a combination of social communication, hands on experiencing and digital twins

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    COVID-19 has caused challenges in traveling, sales activities, and teleconferencing is at the moment the main communication tool in industry. Various technologies have been introduced during the last a couple of years to increase the immersion of remote presence. Technologies, that can be called as a virtual reality social platform (VRSP) such as Glue, MootUp, Breakroom, LearnBrite, Virtway Events, Engage, AltspaceVR, and VirBELA are robust solutions for a small group of people to participate in the same event. In July 2021, both Microsoft CEO and Facebook CEO published their visions for remote presence, teleconferencing, and much more. Microsoft plans to build an enterprise metaverse (combining technologies such as AltspaceVR, Mesh, Teams, and HoloLens). Facebook in turn intends to transit their business from social media platform to metaverse provider. In February 2021, much before the metaverse enhancement of the big tech giants, Turku University of Applied Sciences started the development of its own metaverse technology. According to Nevelsteen (2018) metaverse is a virtual universe shared amongst its users allowing them to interact with each other within the boundaries of the platform. For TUAS the metaverse concept is a combination of social communication, hands on experiencing and digital twin integration. None of the mentioned VRSP technologies include all these three features neither Microsoft or Facebook have this type of vision. Moreover existing VRSP technologies typically have challenges such as update management, number of simultaneous users, usability, user experience, license policies, customization but also limited user interaction and user data gathering. In this paper, we will introduce our own metaverse technology. Research conducted at TUAS tested existing VRSPs, compared Unity and Unreal game engines in metaverse development and based on industry trend analysis revealed that Epic Games intends to focus on metaverse software development tools. On the other hand the use of Unreal limits user groups for VR and PC users. This research approach presented in this paper provides metaverse experiences to be used with various ways from VR/AR/XR to PCs and mobile phones. This way, users who have limited resources available are able to participate in metaverse applications where the user experience will vary based the available device. This paper introduces the TUAS metaverse technology, the first experiences of developing it and how the first prototype version of this technology has been used in various maritime sector projects. To demonstrate the technology a harbor area has been selected as a test environment. In the first test, AltspaceVR technology was used to develop the environment itself with features needed in virtual exhibition called Match XR. This will be followed by an experiment where the harbor environment with same functionalities will be moved to the TUAS metaverse technology. Finally, the paper reports how multiplayer concepts such as MarISOT command bridge training scenarios can be developed utilizing the TUAS metaverse technology

    Exploring students’ acceptance and continuance intention in using immersive virtual reality and metaverse integrated learning environments: The case of an Italian university course

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    Immersive virtual reality (IVR) and Metaverse applications are gaining attention in the educational field, showing potentials in transforming traditional learning methods by supporting active and experiential forms of learning. Our study, conducted within the context of an Italian university course, employs the Extended Expectation-Confirmation Model (EECM) as a theoretical framework to explore the key aspects of students' acceptance and continued intention to use IVR and Metaverse integrated learning environments in educational settings. The EECM, which bridges the gap between pre-adoption expectations and post-adoption experiences, provides a comprehensive perspective for exploring technology adoption in education. Students' attitudes were assessed before and after they completed an elective course offered by the university that delved into IVR and Metaverse applications. During the course, students explored the theoretical and practical applications of these technologies, engaging in a variety of experiences, from immersive relaxation exercises to immersive educational platforms in the emerging Metaverse. Contrary to common assumptions, pre-adoption factors like performance and effort expectancy had limited impact on expectancy confirmation. However, when students' initial expectations matched their experiences, their perceptions of the technology's usefulness, satisfaction, and confidence in its use were positively enhanced, influencing their continued intention to integrate these tools in education

    Metaverse in Education: Vision, Opportunities, and Challenges

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    Traditional education has been updated with the development of information technology in human history. Within big data and cyber-physical systems, the Metaverse has generated strong interest in various applications (e.g., entertainment, business, and cultural travel) over the last decade. As a novel social work idea, the Metaverse consists of many kinds of technologies, e.g., big data, interaction, artificial intelligence, game design, Internet computing, Internet of Things, and blockchain. It is foreseeable that the usage of Metaverse will contribute to educational development. However, the architectures of the Metaverse in education are not yet mature enough. There are many questions we should address for the Metaverse in education. To this end, this paper aims to provide a systematic literature review of Metaverse in education. This paper is a comprehensive survey of the Metaverse in education, with a focus on current technologies, challenges, opportunities, and future directions. First, we present a brief overview of the Metaverse in education, as well as the motivation behind its integration. Then, we survey some important characteristics for the Metaverse in education, including the personal teaching environment and the personal learning environment. Next, we envisage what variations of this combination will bring to education in the future and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. We also review the state-of-the-art case studies (including technical companies and educational institutions) for Metaverse in education. Finally, we point out several challenges and issues in this promising area.Comment: IEEE BigData 2022. 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 table