53 research outputs found

    Graph-based Data Modeling and Analysis for Data Fusion in Remote Sensing

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    Hyperspectral imaging provides the capability of increased sensitivity and discrimination over traditional imaging methods by combining standard digital imaging with spectroscopic methods. For each individual pixel in a hyperspectral image (HSI), a continuous spectrum is sampled as the spectral reflectance/radiance signature to facilitate identification of ground cover and surface material. The abundant spectrum knowledge allows all available information from the data to be mined. The superior qualities within hyperspectral imaging allow wide applications such as mineral exploration, agriculture monitoring, and ecological surveillance, etc. The processing of massive high-dimensional HSI datasets is a challenge since many data processing techniques have a computational complexity that grows exponentially with the dimension. Besides, a HSI dataset may contain a limited number of degrees of freedom due to the high correlations between data points and among the spectra. On the other hand, merely taking advantage of the sampled spectrum of individual HSI data point may produce inaccurate results due to the mixed nature of raw HSI data, such as mixed pixels, optical interferences and etc. Fusion strategies are widely adopted in data processing to achieve better performance, especially in the field of classification and clustering. There are mainly three types of fusion strategies, namely low-level data fusion, intermediate-level feature fusion, and high-level decision fusion. Low-level data fusion combines multi-source data that is expected to be complementary or cooperative. Intermediate-level feature fusion aims at selection and combination of features to remove redundant information. Decision level fusion exploits a set of classifiers to provide more accurate results. The fusion strategies have wide applications including HSI data processing. With the fast development of multiple remote sensing modalities, e.g. Very High Resolution (VHR) optical sensors, LiDAR, etc., fusion of multi-source data can in principal produce more detailed information than each single source. On the other hand, besides the abundant spectral information contained in HSI data, features such as texture and shape may be employed to represent data points from a spatial perspective. Furthermore, feature fusion also includes the strategy of removing redundant and noisy features in the dataset. One of the major problems in machine learning and pattern recognition is to develop appropriate representations for complex nonlinear data. In HSI processing, a particular data point is usually described as a vector with coordinates corresponding to the intensities measured in the spectral bands. This vector representation permits the application of linear and nonlinear transformations with linear algebra to find an alternative representation of the data. More generally, HSI is multi-dimensional in nature and the vector representation may lose the contextual correlations. Tensor representation provides a more sophisticated modeling technique and a higher-order generalization to linear subspace analysis. In graph theory, data points can be generalized as nodes with connectivities measured from the proximity of a local neighborhood. The graph-based framework efficiently characterizes the relationships among the data and allows for convenient mathematical manipulation in many applications, such as data clustering, feature extraction, feature selection and data alignment. In this thesis, graph-based approaches applied in the field of multi-source feature and data fusion in remote sensing area are explored. We will mainly investigate the fusion of spatial, spectral and LiDAR information with linear and multilinear algebra under graph-based framework for data clustering and classification problems

    Principal Component Analysis

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    This book is aimed at raising awareness of researchers, scientists and engineers on the benefits of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in data analysis. In this book, the reader will find the applications of PCA in fields such as image processing, biometric, face recognition and speech processing. It also includes the core concepts and the state-of-the-art methods in data analysis and feature extraction

    Exploring sparsity, self-similarity, and low rank approximation in action recognition, motion retrieval, and action spotting

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    This thesis consists of 4 major parts. In the first part (Chapters 1-2), we introduce the overview, motivation, and contribution of our works, and extensively survey the current literature for 6 related topics. In the second part (Chapters 3-7), we explore the concept of Self-Similarity in two challenging scenarios, namely, the Action Recognition and the Motion Retrieval. We build three-dimensional volume representations for both scenarios, and devise effective techniques that can produce compact representations encoding the internal dynamics of data. In the third part (Chapter 8), we explore the challenging action spotting problem, and propose a feature-independent unsupervised framework that is effective in spotting action under various real situations, even under heavily perturbed conditions. The final part (Chapters 9) is dedicated to conclusions and future works. For action recognition, we introduce a generic method that does not depend on one particular type of input feature vector. We make three main contributions: (i) We introduce the concept of Joint Self-Similarity Volume (Joint SSV) for modeling dynamical systems, and show that by using a new optimized rank-1 tensor approximation of Joint SSV one can obtain compact low-dimensional descriptors that very accurately preserve the dynamics of the original system, e.g. an action video sequence; (ii) The descriptor vectors derived from the optimized rank-1 approximation make it possible to recognize actions without explicitly aligning the action sequences of varying speed of execution or difference frame rates; (iii) The method is generic and can be applied using different low-level features such as silhouettes, histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), etc. Hence, it does not necessarily require explicit tracking of features in the space-time volume. Our experimental results on five public datasets demonstrate that our method produces very good results and outperforms many baseline methods. For action recognition for incomplete videos, we determine whether incomplete videos that are often discarded carry useful information for action recognition, and if so, how one can represent such mixed collection of video data (complete versus incomplete, and labeled versus unlabeled) in a unified manner. We propose a novel framework to handle incomplete videos in action classification, and make three main contributions: (i) We cast the action classification problem for a mixture of complete and incomplete data as a semi-supervised learning problem of labeled and unlabeled data. (ii) We introduce a two-step approach to convert the input mixed data into a uniform compact representation. (iii) Exhaustively scrutinizing 280 configurations, we experimentally show on our two created benchmarks that, even when the videos are extremely sparse and incomplete, it is still possible to recover useful information from them, and classify unknown actions by a graph based semi-supervised learning framework. For motion retrieval, we present a framework that allows for a flexible and an efficient retrieval of motion capture data in huge databases. The method first converts an action sequence into a self-similarity matrix (SSM), which is based on the notion of self-similarity. This conversion of the motion sequences into compact and low-rank subspace representations greatly reduces the spatiotemporal dimensionality of the sequences. The SSMs are then used to construct order-3 tensors, and we propose a low-rank decomposition scheme that allows for converting the motion sequence volumes into compact lower dimensional representations, without losing the nonlinear dynamics of the motion manifold. Thus, unlike existing linear dimensionality reduction methods that distort the motion manifold and lose very critical and discriminative components, the proposed method performs well, even when inter-class differences are small or intra-class differences are large. In addition, the method allows for an efficient retrieval and does not require the time-alignment of the motion sequences. We evaluate the performance of our retrieval framework on the CMU mocap dataset under two experimental settings, both demonstrating very good retrieval rates. For action spotting, our framework does not depend on any specific feature (e.g. HOG/HOF, STIP, silhouette, bag-of-words, etc.), and requires no human localization, segmentation, or framewise tracking. This is achieved by treating the problem holistically as that of extracting the internal dynamics of video cuboids by modeling them in their natural form as multilinear tensors. To extract their internal dynamics, we devised a novel Two-Phase Decomposition (TP-Decomp) of a tensor that generates very compact and discriminative representations that are robust to even heavily perturbed data. Technically, a Rank-based Tensor Core Pyramid (Rank-TCP) descriptor is generated by combining multiple tensor cores under multiple ranks, allowing to represent video cuboids in a hierarchical tensor pyramid. The problem then reduces to a template matching problem, which is solved efficiently by using two boosting strategies: (i) to reduce the search space, we filter the dense trajectory cloud extracted from the target video; (ii) to boost the matching speed, we perform matching in an iterative coarse-to-fine manner. Experiments on 5 benchmarks show that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art under various challenging conditions. We also created a challenging dataset called Heavily Perturbed Video Arrays (HPVA) to validate the robustness of our framework under heavily perturbed situations

    Biometric face recognition using multilinear projection and artificial intelligence

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    PhD ThesisNumerous problems of automatic facial recognition in the linear and multilinear subspace learning have been addressed; nevertheless, many difficulties remain. This work focuses on two key problems for automatic facial recognition and feature extraction: object representation and high dimensionality. To address these problems, a bidirectional two-dimensional neighborhood preserving projection (B2DNPP) approach for human facial recognition has been developed. Compared with 2DNPP, the proposed method operates on 2-D facial images and performs reductions on the directions of both rows and columns of images. Furthermore, it has the ability to reveal variations between these directions. To further improve the performance of the B2DNPP method, a new B2DNPP based on the curvelet decomposition of human facial images is introduced. The curvelet multi- resolution tool enhances the edges representation and other singularities along curves, and thus improves directional features. In this method, an extreme learning machine (ELM) classifier is used which significantly improves classification rate. The proposed C-B2DNPP method decreases error rate from 5.9% to 3.5%, from 3.7% to 2.0% and from 19.7% to 14.2% using ORL, AR, and FERET databases compared with 2DNPP. Therefore, it achieves decreases in error rate more than 40%, 45%, and 27% respectively with the ORL, AR, and FERET databases. Facial images have particular natural structures in the form of two-, three-, or even higher-order tensors. Therefore, a novel method of supervised and unsupervised multilinear neighborhood preserving projection (MNPP) is proposed for face recognition. This allows the natural representation of multidimensional images 2-D, 3-D or higher-order tensors and extracts useful information directly from tensotial data rather than from matrices or vectors. As opposed to a B2DNPP which derives only two subspaces, in the MNPP method multiple interrelated subspaces are obtained over different tensor directions, so that the subspaces are learned iteratively by unfolding the tensor along the different directions. The performance of the MNPP has performed in terms of the two modes of facial recognition biometrics systems of identification and verification. The proposed supervised MNPP method achieved decrease over 50.8%, 75.6%, and 44.6% in error rate using ORL, AR, and FERET databases respectively, compared with 2DNPP. Therefore, the results demonstrate that the MNPP approach obtains the best overall performance in various learning scenarios

    Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis from Unconstrained Visual Data

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    Analyzing human faces from visual data has been one of the most active research areas in the computer vision community. However, it is a very challenging problem in unconstrained environments due to variations in pose, illumination, expression, occlusion and blur between training and testing images. The task becomes even more difficult when only a limited number of images per subject is available for modeling these variations. In this dissertation, different techniques for performing classification of human faces as well as other facial attributes such as expression, age, gender, and head pose in uncontrolled settings are investigated. In the first part of the dissertation, a method for reconstructing the virtual frontal view from a given non-frontal face image using Markov Random Fields (MRFs) and an efficient variant of the Belief Propagation (BP) algorithm is introduced. In the proposed approach, the input face image is divided into a grid of overlapping patches and a globally optimal set of local warps is estimated to synthesize the patches at the frontal view. A set of possible warps for each patch is obtained by aligning it with images from a training database of frontal faces. The alignments are performed efficiently in the Fourier domain using an extension of the Lucas-Kanade (LK) algorithm that can handle illumination variations. The problem of finding the optimal warps is then formulated as a discrete labeling problem using an MRF. The reconstructed frontal face image can then be used with any face recognition technique. The two main advantages of our method are that it does not require manually selected facial landmarks as well as no head pose estimation is needed. In the second part, the task of face recognition in unconstrained settings is formulated as a domain adaptation problem. The domain shift is accounted for by deriving a latent subspace or domain, which jointly characterizes the multifactor variations using appropriate image formation models for each factor. The latent domain is defined as a product of Grassmann manifolds based on the underlying geometry of the tensor space, and recognition is performed across domain shift using statistics consistent with the tensor geometry. More specifically, given a face image from the source or target domain, multiple images of that subject are first synthesized under different illuminations, blur conditions, and 2D perturbations to form a tensor representation of the face. The orthogonal matrices obtained from the decomposition of this tensor, where each matrix corresponds to a factor variation, are used to characterize the subject as a point on a product of Grassmann manifolds. For cases with only one image per subject in the source domain, the identity of target domain faces is estimated using the geodesic distance on product manifolds. When multiple images per subject are available, an extension of kernel discriminant analysis is developed using a novel kernel based on the projection metric on product spaces. Furthermore, a probabilistic approach to the problem of classifying image sets on product manifolds is introduced. Understanding attributes such as expression, age class, and gender from face images has many applications in multimedia processing including content personalization, human-computer interaction, and facial identification. To achieve good performance in these tasks, it is important to be able to extract pertinent visual structures from the input data. In the third part of the dissertation, a fully automatic approach for performing classification of facial attributes based on hierarchical feature learning using sparse coding is presented. The proposed approach is generative in the sense that it does not use label information in the process of feature learning. As a result, the same feature representation can be applied for different tasks such as expression, age, and gender classification. Final classification is performed by linear SVM trained with the corresponding labels for each task. The last part of the dissertation presents an automatic algorithm for determining the head pose from a given face image. The face image is divided into a regular grid and represented by dense SIFT descriptors extracted from the grid points. Random Projection (RP) is then applied to reduce the dimension of the concatenated SIFT descriptor vector. Classification and regression using Support Vector Machine (SVM) are combined in order to obtain an accurate estimate of the head pose. The advantage of the proposed approach is that it does not require facial landmarks such as the eye and mouth corners, the nose tip to be extracted from the input face image as in many other methods

    Tensor-based Hyperspectral Image Processing Methodology and its Applications in Impervious Surface and Land Cover Mapping

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    The emergence of hyperspectral imaging provides a new perspective for Earth observation, in addition to previously available orthophoto and multispectral imagery. This thesis focused on both the new data and new methodology in the field of hyperspectral imaging. First, the application of the future hyperspectral satellite EnMAP in impervious surface area (ISA) mapping was studied. During the search for the appropriate ISA mapping procedure for the new data, the subpixel classification based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) achieved the best success. The simulated EnMAP image shows great potential in urban ISA mapping with over 85% accuracy. Unfortunately, the NMF based on the linear algebra only considers the spectral information and neglects the spatial information in the original image. The recent wide interest of applying the multilinear algebra in computer vision sheds light on this problem and raised the idea of nonnegative tensor factorization (NTF). This thesis found that the NTF has more advantages over the NMF when work with medium- rather than the high-spatial-resolution hyperspectral image. Furthermore, this thesis proposed to equip the NTF-based subpixel classification methods with the variations adopted from the NMF. By adopting the variations from the NMF, the urban ISA mapping results from the NTF were improved by ~2%. Lastly, the problem known as the curse of dimensionality is an obstacle in hyperspectral image applications. The majority of current dimension reduction (DR) methods are restricted to using only the spectral information, when the spatial information is neglected. To overcome this defect, two spectral-spatial methods: patch-based and tensor-patch-based, were thoroughly studied and compared in this thesis. To date, the popularity of the two solutions remains in computer vision studies and their applications in hyperspectral DR are limited. The patch-based and tensor-patch-based variations greatly improved the quality of dimension-reduced hyperspectral images, which then improved the land cover mapping results from them. In addition, this thesis proposed to use an improved method to produce an important intermediate result in the patch-based and tensor-patch-based DR process, which further improved the land cover mapping results
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