159 research outputs found

    Binary Patterns Encoded Convolutional Neural Networks for Texture Recognition and Remote Sensing Scene Classification

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    Designing discriminative powerful texture features robust to realistic imaging conditions is a challenging computer vision problem with many applications, including material recognition and analysis of satellite or aerial imagery. In the past, most texture description approaches were based on dense orderless statistical distribution of local features. However, most recent approaches to texture recognition and remote sensing scene classification are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The d facto practice when learning these CNN models is to use RGB patches as input with training performed on large amounts of labeled data (ImageNet). In this paper, we show that Binary Patterns encoded CNN models, codenamed TEX-Nets, trained using mapped coded images with explicit texture information provide complementary information to the standard RGB deep models. Additionally, two deep architectures, namely early and late fusion, are investigated to combine the texture and color information. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate Binary Patterns encoded CNNs and different deep network fusion architectures for texture recognition and remote sensing scene classification. We perform comprehensive experiments on four texture recognition datasets and four remote sensing scene classification benchmarks: UC-Merced with 21 scene categories, WHU-RS19 with 19 scene classes, RSSCN7 with 7 categories and the recently introduced large scale aerial image dataset (AID) with 30 aerial scene types. We demonstrate that TEX-Nets provide complementary information to standard RGB deep model of the same network architecture. Our late fusion TEX-Net architecture always improves the overall performance compared to the standard RGB network on both recognition problems. Our final combination outperforms the state-of-the-art without employing fine-tuning or ensemble of RGB network architectures.Comment: To appear in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensin

    Classification of sporting activities using smartphone accelerometers

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    In this paper we present a framework that allows for the automatic identification of sporting activities using commonly available smartphones. We extract discriminative informational features from smartphone accelerometers using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Despite the poor quality of their accelerometers, smartphones were used as capture devices due to their prevalence in today’s society. Successful classification on this basis potentially makes the technology accessible to both elite and non-elite athletes. Extracted features are used to train different categories of classifiers. No one classifier family has a reportable direct advantage in activity classification problems to date; thus we examine classifiers from each of the most widely used classifier families. We investigate three classification approaches; a commonly used SVM-based approach, an optimized classification model and a fusion of classifiers. We also investigate the effect of changing several of the DWT input parameters, including mother wavelets, window lengths and DWT decomposition levels. During the course of this work we created a challenging sports activity analysis dataset, comprised of soccer and field-hockey activities. The average maximum F-measure accuracy of 87% was achieved using a fusion of classifiers, which was 6% better than a single classifier model and 23% better than a standard SVM approach

    Two-stream Multi-level Dynamic Point Transformer for Two-person Interaction Recognition

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    As a fundamental aspect of human life, two-person interactions contain meaningful information about people's activities, relationships, and social settings. Human action recognition serves as the foundation for many smart applications, with a strong focus on personal privacy. However, recognizing two-person interactions poses more challenges due to increased body occlusion and overlap compared to single-person actions. In this paper, we propose a point cloud-based network named Two-stream Multi-level Dynamic Point Transformer for two-person interaction recognition. Our model addresses the challenge of recognizing two-person interactions by incorporating local-region spatial information, appearance information, and motion information. To achieve this, we introduce a designed frame selection method named Interval Frame Sampling (IFS), which efficiently samples frames from videos, capturing more discriminative information in a relatively short processing time. Subsequently, a frame features learning module and a two-stream multi-level feature aggregation module extract global and partial features from the sampled frames, effectively representing the local-region spatial information, appearance information, and motion information related to the interactions. Finally, we apply a transformer to perform self-attention on the learned features for the final classification. Extensive experiments are conducted on two large-scale datasets, the interaction subsets of NTU RGB+D 60 and NTU RGB+D 120. The results show that our network outperforms state-of-the-art approaches across all standard evaluation settings

    An Enhanced Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Classifying Indian Classical Dance Forms

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    Indian classical dance (ICD) classification is an interesting subject because of its complex body posture. It provides a stage to experiment with various computer vision and deep learning concepts. With a change in learning styles, automated teaching solutions have become inevitable in every field, from traditional to online platforms. Additionally, ICD forms an essential part of a rich cultural and intangible heritage, which at all costs must be modernized and preserved. In this paper, we have attempted an exhaustive classification of dance forms into eight categories. For classification, we have proposed a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) model using ResNet50, which outperforms various state-of-the-art approaches.Additionally, to our surprise, the proposed model also surpassed a few recently published works in terms of performance evaluation. The input to the proposed network is initially pre-processed using image thresholding and sampling. Next, a truncated DCNN based on ResNet50 is applied to the pre-processed samples. The proposed model gives an accuracy score of 0.911

    Advances in Emotion Recognition: Link to Depressive Disorder

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    Emotion recognition enables real-time analysis, tagging, and inference of cognitive affective states from human facial expression, speech and tone, body posture and physiological signal, as well as social text on social network platform. Recognition of emotion pattern based on explicit and implicit features extracted through wearable and other devices could be decoded through computational modeling. Meanwhile, emotion recognition and computation are critical to detection and diagnosis of potential patients of mood disorder. The chapter aims to summarize the main findings in the area of affective recognition and its applications in major depressive disorder (MDD), which have made rapid progress in the last decade

    Deep Networks Based Energy Models for Object Recognition from Multimodality Images

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    Object recognition has been extensively investigated in computer vision area, since it is a fundamental and essential technique in many important applications, such as robotics, auto-driving, automated manufacturing, and security surveillance. According to the selection criteria, object recognition mechanisms can be broadly categorized into object proposal and classification, eye fixation prediction and saliency object detection. Object proposal tends to capture all potential objects from natural images, and then classify them into predefined groups for image description and interpretation. For a given natural image, human perception is normally attracted to the most visually important regions/objects. Therefore, eye fixation prediction attempts to localize some interesting points or small regions according to human visual system (HVS). Based on these interesting points and small regions, saliency object detection algorithms propagate the important extracted information to achieve a refined segmentation of the whole salient objects. In addition to natural images, object recognition also plays a critical role in clinical practice. The informative insights of anatomy and function of human body obtained from multimodality biomedical images such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) facilitate the precision medicine. Automated object recognition from biomedical images empowers the non-invasive diagnosis and treatments via automated tissue segmentation, tumor detection and cancer staging. The conventional recognition methods normally utilize handcrafted features (such as oriented gradients, curvature, Haar features, Haralick texture features, Laws energy features, etc.) depending on the image modalities and object characteristics. It is challenging to have a general model for object recognition. Superior to handcrafted features, deep neural networks (DNN) can extract self-adaptive features corresponding with specific task, hence can be employed for general object recognition models. These DNN-features are adjusted semantically and cognitively by over tens of millions parameters corresponding to the mechanism of human brain, therefore leads to more accurate and robust results. Motivated by it, in this thesis, we proposed DNN-based energy models to recognize object on multimodality images. For the aim of object recognition, the major contributions of this thesis can be summarized below: 1. We firstly proposed a new comprehensive autoencoder model to recognize the position and shape of prostate from magnetic resonance images. Different from the most autoencoder-based methods, we focused on positive samples to train the model in which the extracted features all come from prostate. After that, an image energy minimization scheme was applied to further improve the recognition accuracy. The proposed model was compared with three classic classifiers (i.e. support vector machine with radial basis function kernel, random forest, and naive Bayes), and demonstrated significant superiority for prostate recognition on magnetic resonance images. We further extended the proposed autoencoder model for saliency object detection on natural images, and the experimental validation proved the accurate and robust saliency object detection results of our model. 2. A general multi-contexts combined deep neural networks (MCDN) model was then proposed for object recognition from natural images and biomedical images. Under one uniform framework, our model was performed in multi-scale manner. Our model was applied for saliency object detection from natural images as well as prostate recognition from magnetic resonance images. Our experimental validation demonstrated that the proposed model was competitive to current state-of-the-art methods. 3. We designed a novel saliency image energy to finely segment salient objects on basis of our MCDN model. The region priors were taken into account in the energy function to avoid trivial errors. Our method outperformed state-of-the-art algorithms on five benchmarking datasets. In the experiments, we also demonstrated that our proposed saliency image energy can boost the results of other conventional saliency detection methods

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Using Machine Learning Techniques to Increase the Effectiveness of Cybersecurity

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    In today's world, a great number of organizations generate and accumulate large amounts of information, which is of great value to owners, and is also considered by attackers as a valuable resource for enrichment. Any data storage system has vulnerabilities that will be exploited during cyberattacks. The inability to build a system secure enough against unauthorized access to data, forces companies to respond on an ongoing basis to evolving technologies of misappropriation of information by developing more effective methods of identifying and combating cyberattacks. This article examines the features of the use of machine learning methods to identify illegal access by third parties to the information of individuals and legal entities with economic and reputational damage. The study considers methods of processing various types of data (numerical values, textual information, video and audio content, images) that can be used to build an effective cybersecurity system. Obtaining a high level of identification of unauthorized access to data and combating their theft is possible through the implementation of modern machine learning approaches, which are constantly improving by creating innovative data processing algorithms and the use of powerful cloud computing services, acting as an element to counter rapidly evolving technologies