79 research outputs found

    An optimum dynamic priority-based call admission control scheme for universal mobile telecommunications system

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    The dynamism associated with quality of service (QoS) requirement for traffic emanating from smarter end users devices founded on the internet of things (IoTs) drive, places a huge demand on modern telecommunication infrastructure. Most telecom networks, currently utilize robust call admission control (CAC) policies to ameliorate this challenge. However, the need for smarter CAC has becomes imperative owing to the sensitivity of traffic currently being supported. In this work, we developed a prioritized CAC algorithm for third Generation (3G) wireless cellular network. Based on the dynamic priority CAC (DP-CAC) model, we proposed an optimal dynamic priority CAC (ODP-CAC) scheme for Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). We then carried out simulation under heavy traffic load while also exploiting renegotiation among different call traffic classes. Also, we introduced queuing techniques to enhance the new calls success probability while still maintaining a good handoff failure across the network. Results show that ODP-CAC provides an improved performance with regards to the probability of call drop for new calls, network load utilization and grade of service with average percentage value of 15.7%, 5.4% and 0.35% respectively

    Packet level quality of service analysis of multiclass services in a WCDMA mobile network

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    Resource allocation in cellular CDMA systems with cross- layer Optimization

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    Robustness of optimal channel reservation using handover prediction in multiservice wireless networks

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    The aim of our study is to obtain theoretical limits for the gain that can be expected when using handover prediction and to determine the sensitivity of the system performance against different parameters. We apply an average-reward reinforcement learning approach based on afterstates to the design of optimal admission control policies in mobile multimedia cellular networks where predictive information related to the occurrence of future handovers is available. We consider a type of predictor that labels active mobile terminals in the cell neighborhood a fixed amount of time before handovers are predicted to occur, which we call the anticipation time. The admission controller exploits this information to reserve resources efficiently. We show that there exists an optimum value for the anticipation time at which the highest performance gain is obtained. Although the optimum anticipation time depends on system parameters, we find that its value changes very little when the system parameters vary within a reasonable range. We also find that, in terms of system performance, deploying prediction is always advantageous when compared to a system without prediction, even when the system parameters are estimated with poor precision. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012.The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments that helped to improve the quality of the paper. This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and European Comission (30% PGE, 70% FEDER) under projects TIN2008-06739-C04-02 and TIN2010-21378-C02-02 and by Comunidad de Madrid through project S-2009/TIC-1468.Martínez Bauset, J.; Giménez Guzmán, JM.; Pla, V. (2012). Robustness of optimal channel reservation using handover prediction in multiservice wireless networks. Wireless Networks. 18(6):621-633. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-012-0423-6S621633186Ji, S., Chen, W., Ding, X., Chen, Y., Zhao, C., & Hu, C. (2010). Potential benefits of GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO integration in an urban canyon–Hong Kong. Journal of Navigation, 63(4), 681–693.Soh, W., & Kim, H. (2006). A predictive bandwidth reservation scheme using mobile positioning and road topology information. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 14(5), 1078–1091.Kwon, H., Yang, M., Park, A., & Venkatesan, S. (2008). Handover prediction strategy for 3G-WLAN overlay networks. In Proceedings: IEEE network operations and management symposium (NOMS) (pp. 819–822).Huang, C., Shen, H., & Chuang, Y. (2010). An adaptive bandwidth reservation scheme for 4G cellular networks using flexible 2-tier cell structure. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(9), 6414–6420.Wanalertlak, W., Lee, B., Yu, C., Kim, M., Park, S., & Kim, W. (2011). Behavior-based mobility prediction for seamless handoffs in mobile wireless networks. Wireless Networks, 17(3), 645–658.Becvar, Z., Mach, P., & Simak, B. (2011). Improvement of handover prediction in mobile WiMAX by using two thresholds. Computer Networks, 55, 3759–3773.Sgora, A., & Vergados, D. (2009). Handoff prioritization and decision schemes in wireless cellular networks: a survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 11(4), 57–77.Choi, S., & Shin, K. G. (2002). Adaptive bandwidth reservation and admission control in QoS-sensitive cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 13(9), 882–897.Ye, Z., Law, L., Krishnamurthy, S., Xu, Z., Dhirakaosal, S., Tripathi, S., & Molle, M. (2007). Predictive channel reservation for handoff prioritization in wireless cellular networks. Computer Networks, 51(3), 798–822.Abdulova, V., & Aybay, I. (2011). Predictive mobile-oriented channel reservation schemes in wireless cellular networks. Wireless Networks, 17(1), 149–166.Ramjee, R., Nagarajan, R., & Towsley, D. (1997). On optimal call admission control in cellular networks. Wireless Networks, 3(1), 29–41.Bartolini, N. (2001). Handoff and optimal channel assignment in wireless networks. Mobile Networks and Applications, 6(6), 511–524.Bartolini, N., & Chlamtac, I. (2002). Call admission control in wireless multimedia networks. In Proceedings: Personal, indoor and mobile radio communications (PIMRC) (pp. 285–289).Pla, V., & Casares-Giner, V. (2003). Optimal admission control policies in multiservice cellular networks. In Proceedings of the international network optimization conference (INOC) (pp. 466–471).Chu, K., Hung, L., & Lin, F. (2009). Adaptive channel reservation for call admission control to support prioritized soft handoff calls in a cellular CDMA system. Annals of Telecommunications, 64(11), 777–791.El-Alfy, E., & Yao, Y. (2011). Comparing a class of dynamic model-based reinforcement learning schemes for handoff prioritization in mobile communication networks. Expert Systems With Applications, 38(7), 8730–8737.Gimenez-Guzman, J. M., Martinez-Bauset, J., & Pla, V. (2007). A reinforcement learning approach for admission control in mobile multimedia networks with predictive information. IEICE Transactions on Communications , E-90B(7), 1663–1673.Sutton R., Barto A. G. (1998) Reinforcement learning: An introduction. The MIT press, Cambridge, MassachusettsBusoniu, L., Babuska, R., De Schutter, B., & Ernst, D. (2010). Reinforcement learning and dynamic programming using function approximators. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.Watkins, C., & Dayan, P. (1992). Q-learning. Machine learning, 8(3–4), 279–292.Brown, T. (2001). Switch packet arbitration via queue-learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 14, 1337–1344.Proper, S., & Tadepalli, P. (2006). 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    QoS Routing Solutions for Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    Admission control and resource allocation for LTE uplink systems

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    Long Term Evolution (LTE) radio technologies aim not only to increase the capacity of mobile telephone networks, but also to provide high throughput, low latency, an improved end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) and a simple architecture. The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has defined Single Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA) as the access technique for the uplink and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) for the downlink. It is well known that scheduling and admission control play an important role for QoS provisioning, and that they are strongly related. Knowing that we can take full advantage of this property we can design an admission control mechanism that uses the design criterion of the scheduling scheme. In this thesis, we developed two new algorithms for handling single-class resource allocation and two algorithms for handling multi-class resource allocation, as well as a new admission control scheme for handling multi-class Grade of Service (GoS) and QoS in uplink LTE systems. We also present a combined solution that uses the resource allocation and the admission control properties to satisfy the GoS and QoS requirements. System performance is evaluated using simulations. Numerical results show that the proposed scheduling algorithms can handle multi-class QoS in LTE uplink systems with a little increase in complexity, and can be used in conjunction with admission control to meet the LTE requirements. In addition, the proposed admission control algorithm gain for the most sensitive traffic can be increased without sacrificing the overall system capacity. At the same time, guaranteeing GoS and maintaining the basic QoS requirements for all the admitted requests

    An intelligent-agent approach for managing congestion in W-CDMA networks

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    PhDResource Management is a crucial aspect in the next generation cellular networks since the use of W-CDMA technology gives an inherent flexibility in managing the system capacity. The concept of a “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) also plays a very important role as it is the means to guarantee the quality of service provided to the customers in response to the level of service to which they have subscribed. Hence there is a need to introduce effective SLA-based policies as part of the radio resource management. This work proposes the application of intelligent agents in SLA-based control in resource management, especially when congestion occurs. The work demonstrates the ability of intelligent agents in improving and maintaining the quality of service to meet the required SLA as the congestion occurs. A particularly novel aspect of this work is the use of learning (here Case Based Reasoning) to predict the control strategies to be imposed. As the system environment changes, the most suitable policy will be implemented. When congestion occurs, the system either proposes the solution by recalling from experience (if the event is similar to what has been previously solved) or recalculates the solution from its knowledge (if the event is new). With this approach, the system performance will be monitored at all times and a suitable policy can be immediately applied as the system environment changes, resulting in maintaining the system quality of service