234 research outputs found

    Mining Behavior of Citizen Sensor Communities to Improve Cooperation with Organizational Actors

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    Web 2.0 (social media) provides a natural platform for dynamic emergence of citizen (as) sensor communities, where the citizens generate content for sharing information and engaging in discussions. Such a citizen sensor community (CSC) has stated or implied goals that are helpful in the work of formal organizations, such as an emergency management unit, for prioritizing their response needs. This research addresses questions related to design of a cooperative system of organizations and citizens in CSC. Prior research by social scientists in a limited offline and online environment has provided a foundation for research on cooperative behavior challenges, including \u27articulation\u27 and \u27awareness\u27, but Web 2.0 supported CSC offers new challenges as well as opportunities. A CSC presents information overload for the organizational actors, especially in finding reliable information providers (for awareness), and finding actionable information from the data generated by citizens (for articulation). Also, we note three data level challenges: ambiguity in interpreting unconstrained natural language text, sparsity of user behaviors, and diversity of user demographics. Interdisciplinary research involving social and computer sciences is essential to address these socio-technical issues. I present a novel web information-processing framework, called the Identify-Match- Engage (IME) framework. IME allows operationalizing computation in design problems of awareness and articulation of the cooperative system between citizens and organizations, by addressing data problems of group engagement modeling and intent mining. The IME framework includes: a.) Identification of cooperation-assistive intent (seeking-offering) from short, unstructured messages using a classification model with declarative, social and contrast pattern knowledge, b.) Facilitation of coordination modeling using bipartite matching of complementary intent (seeking-offering), and c.) Identification of user groups to prioritize for engagement by defining a content-driven measure of \u27group discussion divergence\u27. The use of prior knowledge and interplay of features of users, content, and network structures efficiently captures context for computing cooperation-assistive behavior (intent and engagement) from unstructured social data in the online socio-technical systems. Our evaluation of a use-case of the crisis response domain shows improvement in performance for both intent classification and group engagement prioritization. Real world applications of this work include use of the engagement interface tool during various recent crises including the 2014 Jammu and Kashmir floods, and intent classification as a service integrated by the crisis mapping pioneer Ushahidi\u27s CrisisNET project for broader impact

    Rethinking Class Relations: Absolute-relative Supervised and Unsupervised Few-shot Learning

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    The majority of existing few-shot learning methods describe image relations with binary labels. However, such binary relations are insufficient to teach the network complicated real-world relations, due to the lack of decision smoothness. Furthermore, current few-shot learning models capture only the similarity via relation labels, but they are not exposed to class concepts associated with objects, which is likely detrimental to the classification performance due to underutilization of the available class labels. To paraphrase, children learn the concept of tiger from a few of actual examples as well as from comparisons of tiger to other animals. Thus, we hypothesize that in fact both similarity and class concept learning must be occurring simultaneously. With these observations at hand, we study the fundamental problem of simplistic class modeling in current few-shot learning methods. We rethink the relations between class concepts, and propose a novel Absolute-relative Learning paradigm to fully take advantage of label information to refine the image representations and correct the relation understanding in both supervised and unsupervised scenarios. Our proposed paradigm improves the performance of several the state-of-the-art models on publicly available datasets.Comment: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 202

    Classifier Calibration: A survey on how to assess and improve predicted class probabilities

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    This paper provides both an introduction to and a detailed overview of the principles and practice of classifier calibration. A well-calibrated classifier correctly quantifies the level of uncertainty or confidence associated with its instance-wise predictions. This is essential for critical applications, optimal decision making, cost-sensitive classification, and for some types of context change. Calibration research has a rich history which predates the birth of machine learning as an academic field by decades. However, a recent increase in the interest on calibration has led to new methods and the extension from binary to the multiclass setting. The space of options and issues to consider is large, and navigating it requires the right set of concepts and tools. We provide both introductory material and up-to-date technical details of the main concepts and methods, including proper scoring rules and other evaluation metrics, visualisation approaches, a comprehensive account of post-hoc calibration methods for binary and multiclass classification, and several advanced topics

    Face Image and Video Analysis in Biometrics and Health Applications

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    Computer Vision (CV) enables computers and systems to derive meaningful information from acquired visual inputs, such as images and videos, and make decisions based on the extracted information. Its goal is to acquire, process, analyze, and understand the information by developing a theoretical and algorithmic model. Biometrics are distinctive and measurable human characteristics used to label or describe individuals by combining computer vision with knowledge of human physiology (e.g., face, iris, fingerprint) and behavior (e.g., gait, gaze, voice). Face is one of the most informative biometric traits. Many studies have investigated the human face from the perspectives of various different disciplines, ranging from computer vision, deep learning, to neuroscience and biometrics. In this work, we analyze the face characteristics from digital images and videos in the areas of morphing attack and defense, and autism diagnosis. For face morphing attacks generation, we proposed a transformer based generative adversarial network to generate more visually realistic morphing attacks by combining different losses, such as face matching distance, facial landmark based loss, perceptual loss and pixel-wise mean square error. In face morphing attack detection study, we designed a fusion-based few-shot learning (FSL) method to learn discriminative features from face images for few-shot morphing attack detection (FS-MAD), and extend the current binary detection into multiclass classification, namely, few-shot morphing attack fingerprinting (FS-MAF). In the autism diagnosis study, we developed a discriminative few shot learning method to analyze hour-long video data and explored the fusion of facial dynamics for facial trait classification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in three severity levels. The results show outstanding performance of the proposed fusion-based few-shot framework on the dataset. Besides, we further explored the possibility of performing face micro- expression spotting and feature analysis on autism video data to classify ASD and control groups. The results indicate the effectiveness of subtle facial expression changes on autism diagnosis

    Multiple Object Tracking in Urban Traffic Scenes

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    RÉSUMÉ:Le suivi multiobjets (MOT) est un domaine très étudié qui a évolué et changé beaucoup durant les années grâce à ses plusieurs applications potentielles pour améliorer notre qualité de vie. Dans notre projet de recherche, spécifiquement, nous sommes intéressés par le MOT dans les scènes de trafic urbain pour extraire précisément les trajectoires des usagers de la route, afin d’améliorer les systèmes de circulation routière desquels nous bénéficions tous.Notre première contribution est l’introduction d’informations sur les étiquettes de classe dans l’ensemble des caractéristiques qui décrivent les objets pour les associer sur différents trames, afin de bien capturer leur mouvement sous forme de trajectoires dans un environnement réel.Nous capitalisons sur les informations provenant d’un détecteur basé sur l’apprentissage profond qui est utilisé pour l’extraction des objets d’intérêt avant la procédure de suivi, carnous avons été intrigués par leurs popularités croissantes et les bonnes performances qu’ils obtiennent. Cependant, malgré leur potentiel prometteur dans la littérature, nous avons constaté que les résultats étaient décevants dans nos expériences. La qualité des détections,telle que postulée, affecte grandement la qualité des trajectoires finales. Néanmoins, nous avons observé que les informations des étiquettes de classe, ainsi que son score de confiance, sont très utiles pour notre application, où il y a un nombre élevé de variabilité pour les types d’usagers de la route.Ensuite, nous avons concentré nos efforts sur la fusion des entrées de deux sources différentes afin d’obtenir un ensemble d’objets en entrée avec un niveau de précision satisfaisant pour procéder à l’étape de suivi. À ce stade, nous avons travaillé sur l’intégration des boîtes englobantes à partir d’un détecteur multi-classes par apprentissage et d’une méthode basée sur la soustraction d’arrière-plan pour résoudre les problèmes tels que la fragmentation et les représentations redondantes du même objet.---------- ABSTRACT:Multiple object tracking (MOT) is an intensively researched area that have evolved and undergone much innovation throughout the years due to its potential in a lot of applications to improve our quality of life. In our research project, specifically, we are interested in applying MOT in urban traffic scenes to portray an accurate representation of the road user trajectories for the eventual improvements of road traffic systems that affect people from all walks of life. Our first contribution is the introduction of class label information as part of the features that describe the targets and for associating them across frames to capture their motion into trajectories in real environment. We capitalize on that information from a deep learning detector that is used for extraction of objects of interest prior to the tracking procedure, since we were intrigued by their growing popularity and reported good performances. However,despite their promising potential in the literature, we found that the results were disappointing in our experiments. The quality of extracted input, as postulated, critically affects the quality of the final trajectories obtained as tracking output. Nevertheless, we observed that the class label information, along with its confidence score, is invaluable for our application of urban traffic settings where there are a high number of variability in terms of types of road users. Next, we focused our effort on fusing inputs from two different sources in order to obtain a set of objects with a satisfactory level of accuracy to proceed with the tracking stage. At this point, we worked on the integration of the bounding boxes from a learned multi-class object detector and a background subtraction-based method to resolve issues, such as fragmentation and redundant representations of the same object

    Recipe popularity prediction in Finnish social media by machine learning models

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    Abstract. In recent times, the internet has emerged as a primary source of cooking inspiration, eating experiences and food social gathering with a majority of individuals turning to online recipes, surpassing the usage of traditional cookbooks. However, there is a growing concern about the healthiness of online recipes. This thesis focuses on unraveling the determinants of online recipe popularity by analyzing a dataset comprising more than 5000 recipes from Valio, one of Finland’s leading corporations. Valio’s website serves as a representation of diverse cooking preferences among users in Finland. Through examination of recipe attributes such as nutritional content (energy, fat, salt, etc.), food preparation complexity (cooking time, number of steps, required ingredients, etc.), and user engagement (the number of comments, ratings, sentiment of comments, etc.), we aim to pinpoint the critical elements influencing the popularity of online recipes. Our predictive model-Logistic Regression (classification accuracy and F1 score are 0.93 and 0.9 respectively)- substantiates the existence of pertinent recipe characteristics that significantly influence their rates. The dataset we employ is notably influenced by user engagement features, particularly the number of received ratings and comments. In other words, recipes that garner more attention in terms of comments and ratings tend to have higher rates values (i.e., more popular). Additionally, our findings reveal that a substantial portion of Valio’s recipes falls within the medium health Food Standards Agency (FSA) score range, and intriguingly, recipes deemed less healthy tend to receive higher average ratings from users. This study advances our comprehension of the factors contributing to the popularity of online recipes, providing valuable insights into contemporary cooking preferences in Finland as well as guiding future dietary policy shift.Reseptin suosion ennustaminen suomalaisessa sosiaalisessa mediassa koneoppimismalleilla. Tiivistelmä. Internet on viime aikoina noussut ensisijaiseksi inspiraation lähteeksi ruoanlaitossa, ja suurin osa ihmisistä on siirtynyt käyttämään verkkoreseptejä perinteisten keittokirjojen sijaan. Huoli verkkoreseptien terveellisyydestä on kuitenkin kasvava. Tämä opinnäytetyö keskittyy verkkoreseptien suosioon vaikuttavien tekijöiden selvittämiseen analysoimalla yli 5000 reseptistä koostuvaa aineistoa Suomen johtavalta maitotuoteyritykseltä, Valiolta. Valion verkkosivujen reseptit edustavat monipuolisesti suomalaisten käyttäjien ruoanlaittotottumuksia. Tarkastelemalla reseptin ominaisuuksia, kuten ravintoarvoa (energia, rasva, suola, jne.), valmistuksen monimutkaisuutta (keittoaika, vaiheiden määrä, tarvittavat ainesosat, jne.) ja käyttäjien sitoutumista (kommenttien määrä, arviot, kommenttien mieliala, jne.), pyrimme paikantamaan kriittiset tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat verkkoreseptien suosioon. Ennustava mallimme — Logistic Regression (luokituksen tarkkuus 0,93 ja F1-pisteet 0,9 ) — osoitti merkitsevien reseptiominaisuuksien olemassaolon. Ne vaikuttivat merkittävästi reseptien suosioon. Käyttämiimme tietojoukkoihin vaikuttivat merkittävästi käyttäjien sitoutumisominaisuudet, erityisesti vastaanotettujen arvioiden ja kommenttien määrä. Toisin sanoen reseptit, jotka saivat enemmän huomiota kommenteissa ja arvioissa, olivat yleensä suositumpia. Lisäksi selvisi, että huomattava osa Valion resepteistä kuuluu keskitason terveyspisteiden alueelle (arvioituna FSA Scorella), ja mielenkiintoisesti, vähemmän terveellisiksi katsotut reseptit saavat käyttäjiltä yleensä korkeamman keskiarvon. Tämä tutkimus edistää ymmärrystämme verkkoreseptien suosioon vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja tarjoaa arvokasta näkemystä nykypäivän ruoanlaittotottumuksista Suomessa

    Learning with Multiple Similarities

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    The notion of similarities between data points is central to many classification and clustering algorithms. We often encounter situations when there are more than one set of pairwise similarity graphs between objects, either arising from different measures of similarity between objects or from a single similarity measure defined on multiple data representations, or a combination of these. Such examples can be found in various applications in computer vision, natural language processing and computational biology. Combining information from these multiple sources is often beneficial in learning meaningful concepts from data. This dissertation proposes novel methods to effectively fuse information from these multiple similarity graphs, targeted towards two fundamental tasks in machine learning - classification and clustering. In particular, I propose two models for learning spectral embedding from multiple similarity graphs using ideas from co-training and co-regularization. Further, I propose a novel approach to the problem of multiple kernel learning (MKL), converting it to a more familiar problem of binary classification in a transformed space. The proposed MKL approach learns a ``good'' linear combination of base kernels by optimizing a quality criterion that is justified both empirically and theoretically. The ideas of the proposed MKL method are also extended to learning nonlinear combinations of kernels, in particular, polynomial kernel combination and more general nonlinear kernel combination using random forests


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    The ability to predict conflicts prior to their occurrence can help deter the outbreak of collective violence and avoid human suffering. Existing approaches use statistical and machine learning models, and even social network analysis techniques; however, they are generally confined to long-range predictions in specific regions and are based on only a few languages. Understanding collective violence from signals in multiple or mixed languages in social media remains understudied. In this work, we construct a multilingual language model (MLLM) that can accept input from any language in social media, a model that is language-agnostic in nature. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it aims to collect a multilingual violence corpus from archived Twitter data using a proposed set of heuristics that account for spatial-temporal features around past and future violent events. And second, it attempts to compare the performance of traditional machine learning classifiers against deep learning MLLMs for predicting message classes linked to past and future occurrences of violent events. Our findings suggest that MLLMs substantially outperform traditional ML models in predictive accuracy. One major contribution of our work is that military commands now have a tool to evaluate and learn the language of violence across all human languages. Finally, we made the data, code, and models publicly available.Outstanding ThesisCommander, Ecuadorian NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Web Page Classification and Hierarchy Adaptation

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