92 research outputs found

    Optimal Proxy Cache Allocation for Efficient Streaming Media Distribution

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    In this paper, we address the problem of efficiently streaming a set of heterogeneous videos from a remote server through a proxy to multiple asynchronous clients so that they can experience playback with low startup delays. We develop a technique to analytically determine the optimal proxy prefix cache allocation to the videos that minimizes the aggregate network bandwidth cost. We integrate proxy caching with traditional serverbased reactive transmission schemes such as batching, patching and stream merging to develop a set of proxy-assisted delivery schemes. We quantitatively explore the impact of the choice of transmission scheme, cache allocation policy, proxy cache size, and availability of unicast versus multicast capability, on the resultant transmission cost. Our evaluations show that even a relatively small prefix cache (10%-20% of the video repository) is sufficient to realize substantial savings in transmission cost. We find that carefully designed proxy-assisted reactive transmission schemes can produce significant cost savings even in predominantly unicast environments such as the Internet

    Building Internet caching systems for streaming media delivery

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    The proxy has been widely and successfully used to cache the static Web objects fetched by a client so that the subsequent clients requesting the same Web objects can be served directly from the proxy instead of other sources faraway, thus reducing the server\u27s load, the network traffic and the client response time. However, with the dramatic increase of streaming media objects emerging on the Internet, the existing proxy cannot efficiently deliver them due to their large sizes and client real time requirements.;In this dissertation, we design, implement, and evaluate cost-effective and high performance proxy-based Internet caching systems for streaming media delivery. Addressing the conflicting performance objectives for streaming media delivery, we first propose an efficient segment-based streaming media proxy system model. This model has guided us to design a practical streaming proxy, called Hyper-Proxy, aiming at delivering the streaming media data to clients with minimum playback jitter and a small startup latency, while achieving high caching performance. Second, we have implemented Hyper-Proxy by leveraging the existing Internet infrastructure. Hyper-Proxy enables the streaming service on the common Web servers. The evaluation of Hyper-Proxy on the global Internet environment and the local network environment shows it can provide satisfying streaming performance to clients while maintaining a good cache performance. Finally, to further improve the streaming delivery efficiency, we propose a group of the Shared Running Buffers (SRB) based proxy caching techniques to effectively utilize proxy\u27s memory. SRB algorithms can significantly reduce the media server/proxy\u27s load and network traffic and relieve the bottlenecks of the disk bandwidth and the network bandwidth.;The contributions of this dissertation are threefold: (1) we have studied several critical performance trade-offs and provided insights into Internet media content caching and delivery. Our understanding further leads us to establish an effective streaming system optimization model; (2) we have designed and evaluated several efficient algorithms to support Internet streaming content delivery, including segment caching, segment prefetching, and memory locality exploitation for streaming; (3) having addressed several system challenges, we have successfully implemented a real streaming proxy system and deployed it in a large industrial enterprise

    Cache as a service:leveraging SDN to efficiently and transparently support Video-on-Demand on the last mile

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    High quality online video streaming, both live and on-demand, has become an essential part of consumers’ every-day lives. The popularity of video streaming as placed a heavy burden on the network infrastructure that now has to transfer an enormous amount of data very quickly to the end-user. To further exacerbate the situation, the Video-on-Demand (VoD) distribution paradigm uses a unicast independent flow for each user request. This results in multiple duplicate flows carrying the same video assets many times end-to-end. We present OpenCache: a highly configurable, efficient and transparent in-network caching service that aims to improve the VoD distribution efficiency by caching video assets as close to the end-user as possible. OpenCache leverages Software Defined Networking to benefit last mile environments by improving network utilisation and increasing the Quality of Experience for the end-user. Our evaluation on a pan-European OpenFlow testbed uses adaptive video streaming and demonstrates that with the use of OpenCache, the external link utilisation is reduced by 100%. Furthermore the streaming application receives better quality video and observes higher throughput, lower latency and shorter start up and buffering times

    Optimizing on-demand resource deployment for peer-assisted content delivery

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    Increasingly, content delivery solutions leverage client resources in exchange for services in a pee-to-peer (P2P) fashion. Such peer-assisted service paradigm promises significant infrastructure cost reduction, but suffers from the unpredictability associated with client resources, which is often exhibited as an imbalance between the contribution and consumption of resources by clients. This imbalance hinders the ability to guarantee a minimum service fidelity of these services to clients especially for real-time applications where content can not be cached. In this thesis, we propose a novel architectural service model that enables the establishment of higher fidelity services through (1) coordinating the content delivery to efficiently utilize the available resources, and (2) leasing the least additional cloud resources, available through special nodes (angels) that join the service on-demand, and only if needed, to complement the scarce resources available through clients. While the proposed service model can be deployed in many settings, this thesis focuses on peer-assisted content delivery applications, in which the scarce resource is typically the upstream capacity of clients. We target three applications that require the delivery of real-time as opposed to stale content. The first application is bulk-synchronous transfer, in which the goal of the system is to minimize the maximum distribution time - the time it takes to deliver the content to all clients in a group. The second application is live video streaming, in which the goal of the system is to maintain a given streaming quality. The third application is Tor, the anonymous onion routing network, in which the goal of the system is to boost performance (increase throughput and reduce latency) throughout the network, and especially for clients running bandwidth-intensive applications. For each of the above applications, we develop analytical models that efficiently allocate the already available resources. They also efficiently allocate additional on-demand resource to achieve a certain level of service. Our analytical models and efficient constructions depend on some simplifying, yet impractical, assumptions. Thus, inspired by our models and constructions, we develop practical techniques that we incorporate into prototypical peer-assisted angel-enabled cloud services. We evaluate these techniques through simulation and/or implementation

    Optimizing on-demand resource deployment for peer-assisted content delivery (PhD thesis)

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    Increasingly, content delivery solutions leverage client resources in exchange for service in a peer-to-peer (P2P) fashion. Such peer-assisted service paradigms promise significant infrastructure cost reduction, but suffer from the unpredictability associated with client resources, which is often exhibited as an imbalance between the contribution and consumption of resources by clients. This imbalance hinders the ability to guarantee a minimum service fidelity of these services to the clients. In this thesis, we propose a novel architectural service model that enables the establishment of higher fidelity services through (1) coordinating the content delivery to optimally utilize the available resources, and (2) leasing the least additional cloud resources, available through special nodes (angels) that join the service on-demand, and only if needed, to complement the scarce resources available through clients. While the proposed service model can be deployed in many settings, this thesis focuses on peer-assisted content delivery applications, in which the scarce resource is typically the uplink capacity of clients. We target three applications that require the delivery of fresh as opposed to stale content. The first application is bulk-synchronous transfer, in which the goal of the system is to minimize the maximum distribution time -- the time it takes to deliver the content to all clients in a group. The second application is live streaming, in which the goal of the system is to maintain a given streaming quality. The third application is Tor, the anonymous onion routing network, in which the goal of the system is to boost performance (increase throughput and reduce latency) throughout the network, and especially for bandwidth-intensive applications. For each of the above applications, we develop mathematical models that optimally allocate the already available resources. They also optimally allocate additional on-demand resource to achieve a certain level of service. Our analytical models and efficient constructions depend on some simplifying, yet impractical, assumptions. Thus, inspired by our models and constructions, we develop practical techniques that we incorporate into prototypical peer-assisted angel-enabled cloud services. We evaluate those techniques through simulation and/or implementation. (Major Advisor: Azer Bestavros

    Proactive Mechanisms for Video-on-Demand Content Delivery

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    Video delivery over the Internet is the dominant source of network load all over the world. Especially VoD streaming services such as YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Video have propelled the proliferation of VoD in many peoples' everyday life. VoD allows watching video from a large quantity of content at any time and on a multitude of devices, including smart TVs, laptops, and smartphones. Studies show that many people under the age of 32 grew up with VoD services and have never subscribed to a traditional cable TV service. This shift in video consumption behavior is continuing with an ever-growing number of users. satisfy this large demand, VoD service providers usually rely on CDN, which make VoD streaming scalable by operating a geographically distributed network of several hundreds of thousands of servers. Thereby, they deliver content from locations close to the users, which keeps traffic local and enables a fast playback start. CDN experience heavy utilization during the day and are usually reactive to the user demand, which is not optimal as it leads to expensive over-provisioning, to cope with traffic peaks, and overreacting content eviction that decreases the CDN's performance. However, to sustain future VoD streaming projections with hundreds of millions of users, new approaches are required to increase the content delivery efficiency. To this end, this thesis identifies three key research areas that have the potential to address the future demand for VoD content. Our first contribution is the design of vFetch, a privacy-preserving prefetching mechanism for mobile devices. It focuses explicitly on OTT VoD providers such as YouTube. vFetch learns the user interest towards different content channels and uses these insights to prefetch content on a user terminal. To do so, it continually monitors the user behavior and the device's mobile connectivity pattern, to allow for resource-efficient download scheduling. Thereby, vFetch illustrates how personalized prefetching can reduce the mobile data volume and alleviate mobile networks by offloading peak-hour traffic. Our second contribution focuses on proactive in-network caching. To this end, we present the design of the ProCache mechanism that divides the available cache storage concerning separate content categories. Thus, the available storage is allocated to these divisions based on their contribution to the overall cache efficiency. We propose a general work-flow that emphasizes multiple categories of a mixed content workload in addition to a work-flow tailored for music video content, the dominant traffic source on YouTube. Thereby, ProCache shows how content-awareness can contribute to efficient in-network caching. Our third contribution targets the application of multicast for VoD scenarios. Many users request popular VoD content with only small differences in their playback start time which offers a potential for multicast. Therefore, we present the design of the VoDCast mechanism that leverages this potential to multicast parts of popular VoD content. Thereby, VoDCast illustrates how ISP can collaborate with CDN to coordinate on content that should be delivered by ISP-internal multicast

    Optimized algorithms for multimedia streaming

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    Scalable download protocols

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    Scalable on-demand content delivery systems, designed to effectively handle increasing request rates, typically use service aggregation or content replication techniques. Service aggregation relies on one-to-many communication techniques, such as multicast, to efficiently deliver content from a single sender to multiple receivers. With replication, multiple geographically distributed replicas of the service or content share the load of processing client requests and enable delivery from a nearby server.Previous scalable protocols for downloading large, popular files from a single server include batching and cyclic multicast. Analytic lower bounds developed in this thesis show that neither of these protocols consistently yields performance close to optimal. New hybrid protocols are proposed that achieve within 20% of the optimal delay in homogeneous systems, as well as within 25% of the optimal maximum client delay in all heterogeneous scenarios considered.In systems utilizing both service aggregation and replication, well-designed policies determining which replica serves each request must balance the objectives of achieving high locality of service, and high efficiency of service aggregation. By comparing classes of policies, using both analysis and simulations, this thesis shows that there are significant performance advantages in using current system state information (rather than only proximities and average loads) and in deferring selection decisions when possible. Most of these performance gains can be achieved using only “local” (rather than global) request information.Finally, this thesis proposes adaptations of already proposed peer-assisted download techniques to support a streaming (rather than download) service, enabling playback to begin well before the entire media file is received. These protocols split each file into pieces, which can be downloaded from multiple sources, including other clients downloading the same file. Using simulations, a candidate protocol is presented and evaluated. The protocol includes both a piece selection technique that effectively mediates the conflict between achieving high piece diversity and the in-order requirements of media file playback, as well as a simple on-line rule for deciding when playback can safely commence

    An active protocol architecture for collaborative media distribution

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-114).This thesis embarks on distributing the distribution for real-time media, by developing a decentralized programmable protocol architecture. The core of the architecture is an adaptive application-level protocol which allows collaborative multicasting of real-time streams. The protocol provides transparent semantics for loosely coupled multipoint interactions. It allows aggregation and interleaving of data fetched simultaneously from diverse machines and supports the location and coordination of named data among peer nodes without additional knowledge of network topology. The dynamic stream aggregation scheme employed by the protocol solves the problem of network asymmetry that plagues residential broadband networks. In addition, the stateless nature of the protocol allows for fast fail-over and adaptation to departure of source nodes from the network, mitigating the reliability problems of end-user machines. We present and evaluate the algorithms employed by our protocol architecture and propose an economic model that can be used in real-world applications of peer-to-peer media distribution. With the combination of an adaptive collaborative protocol core and a reasonable economic model, we deliver an architecture that enables flexible and scalable real-time media distribution in a completely decentralized, serverless fashion.by Dimitrios Christos Vyzovitis.S.M

    OpenCache:a content delivery platform for the modern internet

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    Since its inception, the World Wide Web has revolutionised the way we share information, keep in touch with each other and consume content. In the latter case, it is now used by thousands of simultaneous users to consume video, surpassing physical media as the primary means of distribution. With the rise of on-demand services and more recently, high-definition media, this popularity has not waned. To support this consumption, the underlying infrastructure has been forced to evolve at a rapid pace. This includes the technology and mechanisms to facilitate the transmission of video, which are now offered at varying levels of quality and resolution. Content delivery networks are often deployed in order to scale the distribution provision. These vary in nature and design; from third-party providers running entirely as a service to others, to in-house solutions owned by the content service providers themselves. However, recent innovations in networking and virtualisation, namely Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualisation, have paved the way for new content delivery infrastructure designs. In this thesis, we discuss the motivation behind OpenCache, a next-generation content delivery platform. We examine how we can leverage these emerging technologies to provide a more flexible and scalable solution to content delivery. This includes analysing the feasibility of novel redirection techniques, and how these compare to existing means. We also investigate the creation of a unified interface from which a platform can be precisely controlled, allowing new applications to be created that operate in harmony with the infrastructure provision. Developments in distributed virtualisation platforms also enables functionality to be spread throughout a network, influencing the design of OpenCache. Through a prototype implementation, we evaluate each of these facets in a number of different scenarios, made possible through deployment on large-scale testbeds