378 research outputs found

    Robust Motion Segmentation from Pairwise Matches

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    In this paper we address a classification problem that has not been considered before, namely motion segmentation given pairwise matches only. Our contribution to this unexplored task is a novel formulation of motion segmentation as a two-step process. First, motion segmentation is performed on image pairs independently. Secondly, we combine independent pairwise segmentation results in a robust way into the final globally consistent segmentation. Our approach is inspired by the success of averaging methods. We demonstrate in simulated as well as in real experiments that our method is very effective in reducing the errors in the pairwise motion segmentation and can cope with large number of mismatches

    Depth Estimation Using 2D RGB Images

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    Single image depth estimation is an ill-posed problem. That is, it is not mathematically possible to uniquely estimate the 3rd dimension (or depth) from a single 2D image. Hence, additional constraints need to be incorporated in order to regulate the solution space. As a result, in the first part of this dissertation, the idea of constraining the model for more accurate depth estimation by taking advantage of the similarity between the RGB image and the corresponding depth map at the geometric edges of the 3D scene is explored. Although deep learning based methods are very successful in computer vision and handle noise very well, they suffer from poor generalization when the test and train distributions are not close. While, the geometric methods do not have the generalization problem since they benefit from temporal information in an unsupervised manner. They are sensitive to noise, though. At the same time, explicitly modeling of a dynamic scenes as well as flexible objects in traditional computer vision methods is a big challenge. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, a hybrid method, which benefits from both, is proposed here by extending traditional geometric models’ abilities to handle flexible and dynamic objects in the scene. This is made possible by relaxing geometric computer vision rules from one motion model for some areas of the scene into one for every pixel in the scene. This enables the model to detect even small, flexible, floating debris in a dynamic scene. However, it makes the optimization under-constrained. To change the optimization from under-constrained to over-constrained while maintaining the model’s flexibility, ”moving object detection loss” and ”synchrony loss” are designed. The algorithm is trained in an unsupervised fashion. The primary results are in no way comparable to the current state of the art. Because the training process is so slow, it is difficult to compare it to the current state of the art. Also, the algorithm lacks stability. In addition, the optical flow model is extremely noisy and naive. At the end, some solutions are suggested to address these issues

    Multiframe Motion Segmentation via Penalized MAP Estimation and Linear Programming

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    Motion segmentation is an important topic in computer vision. In this paper, we study the problem of multi-body motion segmentation under the affine camera model. We use a mixture of subspace model to describe the multi-body motions. Then the motion segmentation problem is formulated as an MAP estimation problem with model complexity penalty. With several candidate motion models, the problem can be naturally converted into a linear programming problem, which guarantees a global optimality. The main advantages of our algorithm include: It needs no priori on the number of motions and it has comparable high segmentation accuracy with the best of motion-number-known algorithms. Experiments on benchmark data sets illustrate these points

    Multiple structure recovery with maximum coverage

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    We present a general framework for geometric model fitting based on a set coverage formulation that caters for intersecting structures and outliers in a simple and principled manner. The multi-model fitting problem is formulated in terms of the optimization of a consensus-based global cost function, which allows to sidestep the pitfalls of preference approaches based on clustering and to avoid the difficult trade-off between data fidelity and complexity of other optimization formulations. Two especially appealing characteristics of this method are the ease with which it can be implemented and its modularity with respect to the solver and to the sampling strategy. Few intelligible parameters need to be set and tuned, namely the inlier threshold and the number of desired models. The summary of the experiments is that our method compares favourably with its competitors overall, and it is always either the best performer or almost on par with the best performer in specific scenarios

    Quantum Multi-Model Fitting

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    Geometric model fitting is a challenging but fundamental computer vision problem. Recently, quantum optimization has been shown to enhance robust fitting for the case of a single model, while leaving the question of multi-model fitting open. In response to this challenge, this paper shows that the latter case can significantly benefit from quantum hardware and proposes the first quantum approach to multi-model fitting (MMF). We formulate MMF as a problem that can be efficiently sampled by modern adiabatic quantum computers without the relaxation of the objective function. We also propose an iterative and decomposed version of our method, which supports real-world-sized problems. The experimental evaluation demonstrates promising results on a variety of datasets. The source code is available at: https://github.com/FarinaMatteo/qmmf.Comment: In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023; Highligh

    Visuelle Detektion unabhängig bewegter Objekte durch einen bewegten monokularen Beobachter

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    The development of a driver assistant system supporting drivers in complex intersection situations would be a major achievement for traffic safety, since many traffic accidents happen in such situations. While this is a highly complex task, which is still not accomplished, this thesis focused on one important and obligatory aspect of such systems: The visual detection of independently moving objects. Information about moving objects can, for example, be used in an attention guidance system, which is a central component of any complete intersection assistant system. The decision to base such a system on visual input had two reasons: (i) Humans gather their information to a large extent visually and (ii) cameras are inexpensive and already widely used in luxury and professional vehicles for specific applications. Mimicking the articulated human head and eyes, agile camera systems are desirable. To avoid heavy and sensitive stereo rigs, a small and lightweight monocular camera system mounted on a pan-tilt unit has been chosen as input device. In this thesis information about moving objects has been used to develop a prototype of an attention guidance system. It is based on the analysis of sequences from a single freely moving camera and on measurements from inertial sensors rigidly coupled with the camera system.Die Entwicklung eines Fahrerassistenzsystems, welches den Fahrer in komplexen Kreuzungssituationen unterstützt, wäre ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Verkehrssicherheit, da sehr viele Unfälle in solchen Situationen passieren. Dies ist eine hochgradig komplexe Aufgabe und daher liegt der Fokus dieser Arbeit auf einen wichtigen und notwendigen Aspekt solcher Systeme: Die visuelle Detektion unabhängig bewegter Objekte. Informationen über bewegte Objekte können z.B. für ein System zur Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung verwendet werden. Solch ein System ist ein integraler Bestandteil eines jeden kompletten Kreuzungsassistenzssystems. Zwei Gründe haben zu der Entscheidung geführt, das System auf visuellen Daten zu stützen: (i) Der Mensch sammelt seine Informationen zum Großteil visuell und (ii) Kameras sind zum Einen günstig und zum Anderen bereits jetzt in vielen Fahrzeugen verfügbar. Agile Kamerasysteme sind nötig um den beweglichen menschlichen Kopf zu imitieren. Die Wahl einer kleinen und leichten monokularen Kamera, die auf einer Schwenk-Neige-Einheit montiert ist, vermeidet die Verwendung von schweren und empfindlichen Stereokamerasystemen. Mit den Informationen über bewegte Objekte ist in dieser Arbeit der Prototyp eines Fahrerassistenzsystems Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung entwickelt worden. Das System basiert auf der Analyse von Bildsequenzen einer frei bewegten Kamera und auf Messungen von der mit der Kamera starr gekoppelten Inertialsensorik

    Advances in Intelligent Vehicle Control

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Advances in Intelligent Vehicle Control that was published in the journal Sensors. It presents a collection of eleven papers that covers a range of topics, such as the development of intelligent control algorithms for active safety systems, smart sensors, and intelligent and efficient driving. The contributions presented in these papers can serve as useful tools for researchers who are interested in new vehicle technology and in the improvement of vehicle control systems

    NASA Tech Briefs, May 2011

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    Topics covered include: 1) Method to Estimate the Dissolved Air Content in Hydraulic Fluid; 2) Method for Measuring Collimator-Pointing Sensitivity to Temperature Changes; 3) High-Temperature Thermometer Using Cr-Doped GdAlO3 Broadband Luminescence; 4)Metrology Arrangement for Measuring the Positions of Mirrors of a Submillimeter Telescope; 5) On-Wafer S-Parameter Measurements in the 325-508-GHz Band; 6) Reconfigurable Microwave Phase Delay Element for Frequency Reference and Phase-Shifter Applications; 7) High-Speed Isolation Board for Flight Hardware Testing; 8) High-Throughput, Adaptive FFT Architecture for FPGA-Based Spaceborne Data Processors; 9) 3D Orbit Visualization for Earth-Observing Missions; 10) MaROS: Web Visualization of Mars Orbiting and Landed Assets; 11) RAPID: Collaborative Commanding and Monitoring of Lunar Assets; 12) Image Segmentation, Registration, Compression, and Matching; 13) Image Calibration; 14) Rapid ISS Power Availability Simulator; 15) A Method of Strengthening Composite/Metal Joints; 16) Pre-Finishing of SiC for Optical Applications; 17) Optimization of Indium Bump Morphology for Improved Flip Chip Devices; 18) Measuring Moisture Levels in Graphite Epoxy Composite Sandwich Structures; 19) Marshall Convergent Spray Formulation Improvement for High Temperatures; 20) Real-Time Deposition Monitor for Ultrathin Conductive Films; 21) Optimized Li-Ion Electrolytes Containing Triphenyl Phosphate as a Flame-Retardant Additive; 22) Radiation-Resistant Hybrid Lotus Effect for Achieving Photoelectrocatalytic Self-Cleaning Anticontamination Coatings; 23) Improved, Low-Stress Economical Submerged Pipeline; 24) Optical Fiber Array Assemblies for Space Flight on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter; 25) Local Leak Detection and Health Monitoring of Pressurized Tanks; 26) Dielectric Covered Planar Antennas at Submillimeter Wavelengths for Terahertz Imaging; 27) Automated Cryocooler Monitor and Control System; 28) Broadband Achromatic Phase Shifter for a Nulling Interferometer; 29) Super Dwarf Wheat for Growth in Confined Spaces; 30) Fine Guidance Sensing for Coronagraphic Observatories; 31) Single-Antenna Temperature- and Humidity-Sounding Microwave Receiver; 32) Multi-Wavelength, Multi-Beam, and Polarization-Sensitive Laser Transmitter for Surface Mapping; 33) Optical Communications Link to Airborne Transceiver; 34) Ascent Heating Thermal Analysis on Spacecraft Adaptor Fairings; 35) Entanglement in Self-Supervised Dynamics; 36) Prioritized LT Codes; 37) Fast Image Texture Classification Using Decision Trees; 38) Constraint Embedding Technique for Multibody System Dynamics; 39) Improved Systematic Pointing Error Model for the DSN Antennas; 40) Observability and Estimation of Distributed Space Systems via Local Information-Exchange Networks; 41) More-Accurate Model of Flows in Rocket Injectors; 42) In-Orbit Instrument-Pointing Calibration Using the Moon as a Target; 43) Reliability of Ceramic Column Grid Array Interconnect Packages Under Extreme Temperatures; 44) Six Degrees-of-Freedom Ascent Control for Small-Body Touch and Go; and 45) Optical-Path-Difference Linear Mechanism for the Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer

    Energy Based Multi-Model Fitting and Matching Problems

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    Feature matching and model fitting are fundamental problems in multi-view geometry. They are chicken-&-egg problems: if models are known it is easier to find matches and vice versa. Standard multi-view geometry techniques sequentially solve feature matching and model fitting as two independent problems after making fairly restrictive assumptions. For example, matching methods rely on strong discriminative power of feature descriptors, which fail for stereo images with repetitive textures or wide baseline. Also, model fitting methods assume given feature matches, which are not known a priori. Moreover, when data supports multiple models the fitting problem becomes challenging even with known matches and current methods commonly use heuristics. One of the main contributions of this thesis is a joint formulation of fitting and matching problems. We are first to introduce an objective function combining both matching and multi-model estimation. We also propose an approximation algorithm for the corresponding NP-hard optimization problem using block-coordinate descent with respect to matching and model fitting variables. For fixed models, our method uses min-cost-max-flow based algorithm to solve a generalization of a linear assignment problem with label cost (sparsity constraint). Fixed matching case reduces to multi-model fitting subproblem, which is interesting in its own right. In contrast to standard heuristic approaches, we introduce global objective functions for multi-model fitting using various forms of regularization (spatial smoothness and sparsity) and propose a graph-cut based optimization algorithm, PEaRL. Experimental results show that our proposed mathematical formulations and optimization algorithms improve the accuracy and robustness of model estimation over the state-of-the-art in computer vision
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